Every evil totalitarian ideology is focused on remaking Man in its own image. They are trying to supplant God and place themselves in His place. Whether we are talking about the worst if the Roman Emperors, the Soviets the Nazis, or the WEF totalitarian wannabes, they have a psychopathic desire to become God and remake the world in their own image.

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It seems to me that all man's plans and 'devices' in his hubris and obsession to survive and live for ever, have in one way or another either enslaved or killed him. Resettlement on Mars will be no exception.

Your excellent article mentions the ongoing interest among some scientists to prove the existence of extra-terrestrials and research the claims of some that they have been abducted.

Something which may not be widely known, which has come to light through the 'testimonies' of those who claim to have been abducted, is the pronouncement from extra-terrestrials that a day will come when 'they' will cause the earth to be 'cleansed' and remove all those who live contrary to their great Plan to unite the world in brotherhood, light and harmony. So when a certain 'undesirable, intolerable' part of the world population suddenly vanishes, (1 Thessalonians 4:17) this will be the 'scientific' explanation, and the final deception will be assured.

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Yes, really interesting stuff and something deserving of more in-depth discussion.

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Dark matter. When you do not understand what the universe is, then you go into a belief system. Dark matter. It’s a joke, because everything we believe is still based on gravitation. How stupid we do not evolve. Science is not science, it’s a standstill in the middle of all the dogmas we created because science couldn’t understand a thing. Go looking for the Electric Universe written by Wallace Thornhill, and then their is that very good youtube channel Thunderbolts.

Deep state has all the possibilities to travel in space at far above light speed. Aliens are everywhere on our planet. That’s why we are so aggressive. Normally we should be a species in Love, Harmony, Joy and Health. But we aren’t. We are suppressed. What we experience now, at this moment, is the attempt to finally suppress all of humanity by means of a investigation on the human brain and the fact the aliens on our planet are really became afraid, since 2013. The so called vaccines are a bio weapon made by the DOD to connect us to a quantum computer and totally enslave us.

The great awakening is what we are experiencing now, and the more they want to suppress us, the more we will become awake and we will have our earth back.

You know the story of the hundredth monkey. We are all ready with a lot more.

Why go to the stars when everything we need on earth in our passage to higher realms is right before us. We will see it the moment we are free again.

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I think what you are saying is possibly quite true. The enigma is that we simply do not know. At least, that is the position I take, in my desire to be as honest as possible.

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Karen, it’s a good thing to be honest to yourself and to others.

And yes, the enigma.

But isn’t it great.

We can not know, we can feel, but five senses is very difficult to know the truth. But we have a sixth one; intuition.

The ones who oppress us put fluoride in our toothpaste. So the pineal gland could not function as mentioned.

I am reading a book by Anton Styger, a Swiss architect who has the ability to see and talk to lost souls and entities of the astral field. He saves them. And most of those lost souls are clergy.

It’s all true, we are here to grow in experience, that experience of love.

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I got this in my email today, Karen.

I believe God will step in at some point and stop man from this mad desire to be god. I hope it’s soon.

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I pray this, too.

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Fabulous essay Karen as always. I am definitely not falling off the edge, I haven't come this far to fall off the edge, I am ready to soar into outer space 🌌

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Ok so this article would have been fascinating and maybe even enlightening before I came to know Jesus personally ( Read John Chapter 3) in August of 1991 but now it just hurts to read ( nothing personal Karen) because we know Satan has been deceiving mankind since Genesis Chapter 3 and he is really good at it! Satan is also the master counterfeiter! Man doesn't want to acknowledge what Jesus Christ did at Calvary because that would mean acknowledging a God he is accountable to and the Bible says men prefer darkness to the light! Anyway look around and ask yourself as we careen towards the cliff of the end of the world.....wow yeah could we really put the brakes on and come together around the campfire and sing Kumbaya??? And turn this world into a paradise??? If you do believe that it takes more faith to believe that than my faith in the Risen Saviour Jesus Christ there is an empty tomb in Jerusalem! Grace and peace everyone!!

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Hoping to reach a few people who haven't considered the implications of what's happening from this angle before. I had not heard of the Great Filter before I looked into this topic. I always like arming myself with more knowledge, so it was an interesting topic for me.

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Indeed and thank you for your thoroughness!! Grace and peace Karen!

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The "elites" have been making the rules for centuries. All the destruction of our earth can be laid squarely at their feet, but we stupidity expect them to change? How long would it take for them to destroy another planet? I think one way tickets are in order.

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They will never be allowed to really explore the universe. They are ridiculous.

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Guess I'm secretly hoping they will try; rooting for then to self destruct.

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I would love to read your thoughts on infertility and the push for “assisted reproductive technologies”.

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That would be a good topic to explore. As I say in this piece, they always preface their experiments with assuring the public that it's for their "health and safety." But the real reason is for their own advancement towards transcending humanity and the ability to travel in space. The idea that they could achieve this before destroying everything and everyone is a long shot at best.

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It's all evolution. And evolution is part of creation. God is allowing us to filter ourselves out of his creation if we insist. Some predatory mutants would like to accept that offer. Like with Sodom etc, the rest of us would have to counteract that, and like Abraham plead with God to refrain from once more cleaning the slate. If we care enough, we will act like Abraham and if we care, but only if we care, we will prevail over the fallen technocrats. Only if we care enough. Otherwise evolution will have its way, triggered by those erroneously trying to arrogate themselves evolutionary powers.

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Jan 11, 2023
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All true. My comparison in this essay is about something else. But to your point, like the internet, the Gutenberg Press took away the power of the elites at the time to control information. For the first time, the common people had access to knowledge and could make decisions for themselves. This gave rise to childhood as I talk about in my essay, The War for Children's Minds, https://khmezek.substack.com/p/a-battle-for-the-minds-of-children:

"It was the invention of the printing press and its subsequent development in relation to the dissemination of information in the 1600s that first brought about the idea of a separation between children and adults. Suddenly, information was available to all. But not everyone could read it. As literacy expanded, the question was raised, at what age should certain information be allowed? And so, the idea emerged that children should be protected from certain information. From there, grew the concept of childhood innocence and that it needed to be protected. But it would take a long time for this idea to fully develop."

The internet took childhood innocence away again. Now, everything is accessible to children, and no one is really addressing this--parents think the streets are dangerous and therefore their children are safer inside on their tech devices. Not so. However, the powers-that-be again find access to certain information dangerous to their control of the populace and so they seek to censor what information is available to the masses.

Neil Postman's The Disappearance of Childhood is an excellent book on this topic.

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Jan 11, 2023
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Thank you!

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