“CIA’s venture capital firm…” Well that about sums up almost all of our problems in a nutshell.

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AI to me represents the horrific Automation of Evil--even if some folks claim "their" use of the thing is anodyne-- it's kinda like a snake charmer with a cobra--AI is the cobra, never really kin be tamed, always able to git out an' kill--never not deadly. Why folks welcome a cobra inta their minds is beyond me (then again I lean luddite!) All Ed Snowden said is worth hearin'! (I will say Snowden has some spooky connections--why didn't they "do" him like Assange? sure, he had ta git outta Dodge, qwik but who an' what keeps 'im safe?--some think he's doin' some gate keepin'--like SO MANY others but if he shares good stuff within that gate I'll take whut I kin git). Anywhoo--he's right. The revolvin' doors round DARPA/DOD & big tech are both busy an' chilling. We ARE the enemy, it's come to that... but so few see it (durn it!)

Meantimes yer right about distractin' the masses with advertisin'--as a kiddo in the seventies I member every show was sponsored by some toy company or junk food--Hot Wheels, Barbie, Tony the Tiger (okay Paul Winchell is one'a my fave voice actors but still...). Thankfully we couldn't afford most of it an' my gran'parents that raised me had the good sense ta only git me the kinda toys like legos & tinker toys & paints 'n clay that were more timeless an' open-ended. I ended up with Barbies tho (long story but I had a generous great uncle)--refused ta git 'em for my girls since they became "sexy bimbo dolls"--even back a long ways. But put yerself in any store an' hear the kids YOWL for their toys--an' oh lordy--jus' watch when "mommy" or "daddy" takes away the toddler's phone or tablet or whatever they gaze into like they wuz hypnotized---by the AI cobras!

I'm not fully against tech--I liked my electric IBM Selectric typewriter better 'n the ol' manual Royal an' I wish ta god I kept the thing ('puters are a dang distraction). But this AI stuff, the smart phones--I'll have none've it b/c I think it's far more dangerous than electrics which ain't the same as "electronics"--I do believe all that nintendo, pacman, etc. was a lure an' too many young'uns bit! Now they're literally---hooked. (Kin we unhook-em? okay it's not only the young now--I know ADULTS that are sucked inta them worlds...skeery stuff indeed!)

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Yes, interesting about how Snowden escaped. Did you read his book? I was really fascinated by it. I'm not a fan of AI but there's some good to be said for technology. I love writing on my computer. I like being able to watch movies and time I want. All things in moderation.

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Didn't git ta read his book, thx fer recommendin' it-I gotta copy of Citizenfour I 'been meanin' ta wartch--so MUCH to see an' learn, cain't keep up (it's fun tryin' tho').

Yes, newISH technology ta some degree IS good -- but not AI, not anythin' automated--heck I even turn off spellcheck--it's wrong more 'n right! (An' writin' in the vernacular it'd be flaggin' every third word lol!)

But it's always a debate here'bouts -- a debate many I know don't ever have. They should! So yer idea of usin' moderation is a good rule-of-thumb--I hear ya--it's just many folks don't use any moderation--an' that's the devil!

My poor ma (already jab-damaged in her 80's now) lives in a house with smart meters, Alexa (yes, we told her it was spyin' on her), Ring Doorbell, medic alerts on her AN' my wicked step-vater, smart teevees, smart wireless 'puters, smart kawfee pot, oven, an' some kinda suck-urity system where there's cameras (wireless) 24/7. It's insane an' I'd like ta say abnormal but nope.... Seniors livin' in the matrix!

The other thing is the newest tech all fails--it's like planned obsolescence--my ol' Dualit toaster from 1991 is still goin' strong--there's much ta say for 20th C tech, imho, less so fer what we got now that's all plastic parts an' "chips."

But yup, YAY to seein' movies (the old ones I like best) on a 'puter--that IS one perk tho' I feel that'll "go" too--an' some say (not ta git creepy here) that they're re-editin' the versions of some films that end up online... see that's the thing with digital--it's handy but it's waaaaay easier to monkey with than celluloid. Then again, if we didn't have 'puters an' digital we'd never know we were shown deep fakes... so yup, there are some advantages... in moderation (which used to apply to desserts!)

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Seems pretty clear to me that AI is the Beast prophesied of in Revelation. And the Antichrist- person or empire or whomever- is behind it all. And everyone is worshipping the Beast, bowing down to it, praising it, taking the mark of the Beast. Until it devours them. To those who have ears to hear, resist. Stand firm.

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It's horrible.

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I kinda thought it was bad but not this depth of evil.

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I know. Sorry to have to reveal all of that dark stuff. 😢

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Turn off the TV and radio.

Go ad free AMAP.

Don’t use Google.

AI is the god of the godless.

Those who created it have a future appointment with the Creator.

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There are some serious question marks around Edward Snowdon. If you watch the two documentaries ‘Citizen Eight’ and ‘The Internet’s Own Boy’ right after each other (maybe with a day break), you will find that the two films depict a similar challenge to our time - access to data, use age of data etc - and yet two entirely different people, with completely different energy and behaviour/engagement and apparently a different level ‘threat’ to the powers that be.

Aaron Swartz, the internet’s own boy, was a computer prodigy who carried his heart and soul on his sleeve. He is now dead, supposedly committed suicide (or was he suicided?) after the law came down on him with the bruntest of force for a ‘crime’ that compared to Snowdon’s is peanuts.

Snowdon, somehow managed to just ‘download’ data, escape to Hongkong (?), contact Greenwald who strangely became a celebrity journalist after the doc for the progressive left, and fled to Russia where even more strangely the Russian authorities have NEVER considered him to be a threat or spy, whilst they just locked up Wall Street journalist Evan Gershkovich for…16 years…?

Everything about Edward Snowdon stinks to high heaven. The supposedly secret data he revealed was already in the public domain albeit not in the concentrated form he presented it. I have never seen a whistleblower in fear of their own life calmly combing their own hair and then just pottering about their computers as he did in the HK hotel. The scenes in the doc are bizarre.

It’s a great article Karen, just when it comes to ES I am always wondering about different levels…

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Ursula von der Leyen has been quoted as saying that the ChatGPT answers will be curated to prevent "misinformation." In other words, ChatGPT is censorship on steroids. It is useful only if you want to know what the government wants you to think.

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