I was told by a gynecologist I had “all the markings of uterine cancer” and she recommended I have a biopsy. I then proceeded to go to two other Drs. to get two second opinions. These two recommended I get a biopsy also. I was also given a hysterectomy pamphlet. I had a very strong feeling about the biopsy. I kept sensing/seeing that the biopsy would somehow release and spread the cancer if I did indeed have cancer. I know this probably makes no sense and may sound a bit woo woo, but I’ve always listened to my intuition and it has always served me well. Anyway, I sat in stillness for a few days and heard, “wait 6 mo”. So I did and during the 6 months, I made some life changes. I have always taken very good care of myself with exercise and a clean diet and take zero medications. I don’t have a primary Dr. I’ve always relied on acupuncture and getting my blood checked every year by a holistic practitioner. I did make and drink some herbal infusions every day. I also had lymphatic massage 1/every two weeks and when I wasn’t working, took very longs walks, along with being in stillness. After 6 months I was checked again. My gynecologist literally came in scratching her head and said all the markings were gone. She said she had never seen anything like it before. She never even asked if I changed anything. Not curious one bit! I realize this is my experience and am certainly not discouraging anyone from ignoring their Dr’s recommendation. I have spent over 25 years studying/learning about heath. If I ever face a cancer diagnosis, I will never choose chemotherapy. Thank you Karen for another great article. So appreciate your work!

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Wow, a great example of how important it can be to follow your instincts.

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Very interesting and useful. I would say that if you had got a biopsy then the lab would have called it cancer regardless. It is a way of generating profit via the poisonous chemo drugs.

I had my own experience in 2020 with cancer and as only one lab gave the diagnosis I am highly suspicious. Oncologists were ignorant fools in any event as they and the other doctors, G.P.s etc. never asked about my diet. I had been poisoned by sodium nitrite (E250) in bacon I ate.


Chemo and immunotherapy should be avoided like the plague like vaccines and pharmaceuticals in general.

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Baldmichael, I agree. I’m sorry for your diagnosis and hope you are well and thriving. Thank you for sharing your article link and what you are actively doing to inform us all. I do read labels, but even that I don’t trust, as the corrupt have a way of either not labeling or hiding behind using different ingredient names. You shared a lot of info I was not aware of. I remember reading the late Dr. Bernard Jensen’s work. Many years ago, he had a holistic farm in San Diego, Ca where the sick would go to get well. I remember learning from him about B17 curing cancer. He said apricot pitts was a good source. I buy raw organic apricot seed/kernel butter and put it on my toast with fresh raspberries and it’s delicious. It’s expensive, but I’m worth it 😉 I’ve also been following Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s work for many years. I’ve learned so much from her about vaccines, glyphosate and statins. I did not get the poison shots and never will. Lost many clients, friends and family over this decision. Best decision I ever made.

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Organic apricot seed/kernel butter sounds fascinating. I would think that almond butter was an alternative if not perhaps so effective. Many nuts have the tiny amounts of cyanide to counter the nitrogen ion effects.

Stephanie Seneff is useful to know, thank you. I had a quick look at Wikipedia entry. Usual bias of course. I note it says Steven Novella has criticised her on "correlation is causation" assumptions.

This is the usual nonsense hypocrisy as big pharma and its minions use exactly the same justifications to try and make out that vaccines cause any benefits!

I see that Steven Paul Novella has a top single word anagram of ‘unpleasant’ in his name. I think this may be significant!

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They're GIVIN' us (we regular humans) cancer--I don't think it develops much in normal healthy folks that used ta live 'til old age, but we've been "poisoned" with manufactured pollution, chemi-culls an' chemtrails an' plastics an' nano in our food supply for--from all I gather, near-bout 40+ years. Like ya said, they taught folks a myth that their immune systems were not enuf an' thereby arty-fish-all-ee! weakened 'em with vaxxines an' all the other stuff. So no WONDER there's so many folks with cancer an' other chronic illnesses now--most folks under 40 don't even remember a thinner healthier america, fewer 'member the old generations that never got ANY jabs an' did much better (for a time longevity increased). I don't think folks gettin' cancers is natural.

Dr. Ana jus' wrote about the contamination we're takin' in an' how it's in EVERYTHING an' showin' up in blood testin' :


The elite die too but many live creepily to 100 or there'bouts--Soros, The Queen (I think Sonny Boy had her offed cuz she wouldn't die an' he wanted ta be Kingy), Kissinger, David Rockefeller, even Bush Sr. They all look / looked like death warmed over but there's a reason they didn't get the Big C. "Zey haf" a cure for Cancer. Haf haddit fer deck-aids. It's in the The Day Tapes...



Brave. New. World. (But yer illustration is warm an' lovely an' shows us the real world an' real apples too!--not the mock--that made us human...yet make us human while it lasts! An' of course bless the mice an' all the animals an' may they be spared from fElon Musk's horrors....no hero that'un, no sirree...)

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Yes, poisoned in so many ways.

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Cancer is a racket. Since the 70s, they have been obsessed with a genetic connection to cancer which they intended to use genetics to cure.

They're way off into lala land.

Terrain theory has a better explanation of what cancer is.

When the body cannot eliminate a certain toxin, it walls it off with what gets called cancer cells. (We see that with the covid shots, likely the LNPs which clog up the liver and spleen, slowing detox pathways, end up building up in other places in the body.)

The problem with medicine today is that they keep focusing on the result of disease and ignore the cause.

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Yep. They aren't interested in preventing illness. They want people sick.

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Karen a lot to unpack here and if I were to of read this 5 years ago I would have said “this woman is out of her mind!” But now I follow along and nod my head in agreement, as we see these things happening before our very eyes. Thank you again for all you do and all the time you put into researching and writing these amazing essays. Two things: first let us know how we can help you get your essays into a book! Secondly, please make sure you’re getting some sleep!! Prayers and support go out to you.

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Oh, and if anyone had told me I'd be writing stuff like this 5 years ago I would have told them they were crazy! Life is certainly full of surprises!

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Thank you for your concern! I do get exhausted sometimes. It would truly be a dream come true to get my essays into a book. I would need a publisher. Any suggestions?

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We will start working on it! Your art work, essays, and stories are to important not to share!

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My first choice would be TrineDay. Second maybe Children’s Health Defense. With your permission I could contact them, not that I have any pull. I would basically just share your website with an email. You let me know the best way to attack it. Maybe if a bunch of your followers send emails to these publishers?

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I think that's a fantastic idea. I will make a post, hopefully tomorrow, and ask my subscribers to do this. Thank you!

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What’s interesting now is the tie-in with depopulation goals. The unspoken agenda. The vax was clearly to kill short as well as long term through different channels. Heart, blood, cancer etc.. The goal is to shorten existing lives and prevent new ones. Cancer treatments/cures will never be available to the general public. Too much $ in the treatments as well as trying to reduce population. Cancer will only grow over the next decade and longer. Avg life expectancy continues to drop as well as birth rates. This stuff isn’t rocket science yet roughly 80% of the population will continue to do what the TV tells them to do. I suppose death is deserving for the unwilling to see.

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Thank you for writing about the hard stuff.

Humanity needs to know the truth about all those elites or social media personalities.

Wake up, wake up, wake up everyone!

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the rockefellers and those in their employ have been working overtime to suppress viable cancer cures for more than a century.

Brucha Weisberger has been doing herculean work sharing many of those treatment protocols, for example https://truth613.substack.com/p/hidden-cancer-treatments-part-2


Also see monica hughes' research on coley's toxins https://themariachiyears.substack.com/p/coleys-toxins-how-the-most-effective

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I could write a book about the medical industry from my own personal experiences. I'm only alive because I'm either lucky or God thought my work isn't finished. Now I'm helping my daughter deal with metastatic breast cancer. They failed her 6 years ago and she's done. She doesn't think two months of dealing with them is a worthy trade off. The real conundrum is finding help to improve the quality of her life, while the industry is only interested in the established protocols and how to make her agree.They are losing.

Thanks, Karen, for this excellent article which I will share with my daughter and others. It is profound in its scope of what the industry has in store for those willing to participate. We realize they are driven by fear. Truthfully, fear is a great motivator. But I have more fear of how the industry can destroy my health rather than enhance or prolong life. Thanks.

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God bless you and your daughter. It makes it all worthwhile to know my writing is shared with others and perhaps brings insight or encouragement, even if sometimes the subject matter is difficult. 🙏

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I'll go with "God thought my work isn't finished".

In case I haven't said before this explains some of what I went through and the initial cause of my diagnosis of cancer in 2020.


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Such a good piece. I am reading it a third time.

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If anybody has been persecuted in the world of science and academia it is Bret Weinstein. The Evergreen debacle was like whipped up evil unleashed on Bret for being ridiculously accused of racism. And he was basically ignored for telling the truth about the widespread use of faulty mice in scientific research. If he’s not a fan of Christianity, that is funny because he exudes the true spirit of Christianity. Bret is far from being a transhumanist and if he found himself in the company of elitists it would probably bore him to death. I don’t think his father is, or, was a powerful patent attorney. I recommend the Darkhorse podcast to anybody interested in current events or to just learn how to think clearly. When I listen to it I sometimes go to my settings and turn it up one notch faster because it can tend to drag a little because Bret and his wife Heather can sometimes be tediously methodological in their conversations. Tediousness is probably a trait enhanced by the natural study of evolutionary biology. Here is a link where Bret Weinstein explains his findings about telomeres.

Bret Weinstein tolemers Joe Rogan

June 18, 2020


Who in the world would want to live forever in and intelligent world, devoid of a heart and guided by AI and ethics. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, It sounds like the address to hell. (AI does not and cannot comprehend common sense and it has no heart).

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I've always been impressed with what he's had to say. It's always interesting to see how things are connected.

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Thanks for another fascinating deep dive, Karen. Laugh about telemeters is especially interesting. I know someone involved in medical research and I never heard anything about the downside of telomeres and telomerase until now.

The NeuroLink stuff is absolutely horrifying. we can and should protest the inhumane treatment of lab animals, but they will just shif to inhumane treatment of human lab rats, as you say.

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Another EXCELLENT piece of work, Karen. I remember thinking how peculiar it was that the current “president” (lower case intentional) said that he was going to cure cancer. Now I have a clearer idea why he said it.

I have long believed that the globalists (nothing elite about them) believe they are gods and therefore must eradicate the competition and any who do not hold that same mindset by any means necessary. That is why Christians are to be “re-educated” or “removed”. The truly interesting thing, how will they decide who gets to be their “god”? And who/whom will need to then be eradicated amongst them.

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So true. I have thought about what to call them and in the end I go with elites because in this world, that is what they are. They live high above everyone else and in ways that are so foreign to how the other 99.9% live that we cannot even fathom what it must be like. I had some interaction with these people and they truly are disconnected from normal life and look on ordinary people as something beneath them. Even though many would be horrified to hear that and would never think that they are like that.

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I like to use THEY (The Hierarchy Exploiting You). I dislike the word elite because it denotes value and worth where there isn't any. (I learned the term from the book, 180° - Unlearn the Lies You've Been Taught to Believe. )

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The cultivation and use of terror threat is 'the power of nightmares' against which can be set the will to power (as 'powerful' solutions that reinforce or glorify the problem that begat them).

When I was a boy cancer was often not said out loud - as in "Voldemorte' (Harry Potter's shadow).

Name magic set in fear of invocation became fear of social exclusion for speaking openly.

The application of 'The Science' to life as biological machines set in battlefields has both a bent and bought aspect. Seeking fame & status to set a career sets intense competition - as in seeking the Nobel to prove radiation caused mutations proved the theory of Evolution (false claimed, later retracted but then shifted to 'causing cancer' as part of the genetic hijack of life by physical determinism. The Science is always socio-politically framed, and philanthropathic resources masked for the buying of The Science through networks of influence set systemically or behind the scenes, in the framing or focus and selections that deliver the answers that serve its sense of self-interest as the means and the will to power via masking as benefactors.

The use of The Science to discover or define officially/legally accepted facts, is in modelling risks set in frameworks of hidden manipulation. Such risk is then propagated via Media to capture and focus public attention and even demand for marketing 'solutions', investor & tax funding and more insidiously regulatory capture.

Protected or securitised narratives are then set as definers of the distribution of rights and immunities to reasoned or lawful accountability by the power of nightmares weaponised by 'morally' dictated solutions, to gaslighting or social guilting compliance as the parameters of official acceptance. Cancer is a securitised narrative. Whatever cancers are or do in biological function is overlaid by deeply set fears compounded by deeply toxic 'treatments' dictated and protected as 'standard of care' – such as to compound mortal fear as set in a battle with an 'attacker' cast in shifting shadows backed by (fed by) a trillion dollar industrial war on life defined as a closed system under attack (Life=War).

Psychic-emotional(or Spiritual) expression to physical tangibility is ruled out by a closed system of physically defined or caused life & world. In fact such an influx is associated directly or indirectly with deep Separation trauma - that a mindset of control is invoked to mask over and make safe from (in terms of direct awareness of). So our true creative impulse is demonised by the judgements and filters of the mind - that is to a very large degree conditioned or operating without conscious awareness in such a framed set of personal and social meanings projecting as our surface appearances to which we then adapt or align and accept as physicalised or given conditions, rather than conditionings that serve or served us in our past.

This effects a bubble 'reality' defended against greater fear that runs beneath the terror symbols that operate as guardians for who or what we accepted our life and world to be. Such is a 'personal and collective control mindset' that is easy to see and judge in 'Them' or Others and less evident in a self-justified assumption of ongoing normalised self-interest.

No one can pop or rip open another's bubble or mind to force acceptance of what they are as yet unready or unwilling to see, or know, and so regardless - they will 'see' something 'else' in terms of mitigating or substituting for deeper self-attack or self-denial to a dissociating displacement or encapsulated sense of saving a fragment from a lost or broken wholeness of being.

The replication of the 'solution' of dissociating, displacement is fragmentation leading through persistent unhealed crises to unconsciousness & death in life - as a 'saviour' from powerlessness, rage, grief and pain given welcome and function us guide & protector of broken love or love set in war.

Joy in being - as enthusiasm of endeavour is felt presence of connection to qualities that are timeless and therefore deathless - yet forever or by definition behond the grasp of a mind to possess and control - taking in vain.

The Eternally 'Immune' or Holiness of a light unstained runs within the mask of time and place, as a giving & receiving in true with-ness and worth-ship - not as the result of a self and world set for getting.

Who would save his life shall lose it.

"& those who earnestly are lost, are lost and lost again" - The Guests L. Cohen.

Thanks for the 'text box' of comment to the theme!

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Thank you for your insightful comment. I hesitated to even put the word "cancer" in my title as it has such strong associations for people.

This is what people forget in the fear and paranoia and the manipulation of such, as you say: "Joy in being - as enthusiasm of endeavour is felt presence of connection to qualities that are timeless and therefore deathless - yet forever or by definition behond the grasp of a mind to possess and control - taking in vain."

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Dear Karen

I really appreciate your thoroughly researched essays but I wondered if your suggestion regarding Bret Weinstein’s patent missed the part about his loud open concern that pharma use those lab mice to test drugs and therefore their results will be clearly incorrect when transferred to humans… but perhaps I misunderstood your point?

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Hi Halina. I don't think I missed the point since I carefully stated before I got into the patent "My point in drawing attention to this patent is not to make a sweeping judgment of it. My point is to show how so many of these experiments are born of the same obsession—the quest for immortality." The patent would never be needed in the first place without this push toward extending life long enough, not to help humanity but to help the elites extend their lives long enough to find the answers they really want, to immortality. There are many, many paths they are exploring, this is just one small.example. but because it is small, that's why I chose it. The other point I make is how we are the lab rats now and I compare that to the lab rats in the experiment. Most often, the results don't transfer correctly to humans, but they still experiment on humans anyway. I talk about how we are losing our immune systems and can no longer live in the "wild". These are the comparisons that I am making. We see with the COVID vaccines how even though they do not work, they simply keep moving forward with more and more vaccines. And they do not even experiment on animals anymore with these vaccines. It's straight to humans. I'm not trying to saying anything against Bret Weinstein with this example. Just using the patent to illustrate these points.

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Thank you Karen for your swift clarification. I think I’m just overwhelmed by how dark the world is and I’m trying to hold onto the few ‘good’ people I’ve found 🙁

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I know how you feel. Yes, there are good people, however, the best way forward is not to hold onto anyone except those you know, who you trust in your personal life. And choose those people carefully. As I write in my latest piece, "Courageous Voices while Fires Rage" confusion and chaos will only get a lot worse, sadly https://khmezek.substack.com/p/courageous-voices-while-fires-rage . In that piece, I mention some courageous people but that doesn't mean they don't have their ambitions and their faults. People are so polarized now, and so touchy, I can lose subscribers if I mention one name and not another and at this point, I just keep writing what is on my heart because I really do believe we are running out of time. We are all human, after all--much as some would like to think they are little gods. I do thank you for pointing out your confusion on this matter since it lets me know that perhaps I could have been clearer in what I wrote. If I ever get my essays published in book form (I pray I will!), I will work with a trusted editor and such observations from my readers will be important.

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Thank you very much Karen, greatly appreciated.

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Re Harari, can't look at him. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3tgjHtml4M Russell Brand With His Cuddle Buddy And "Beautiful Person" Yuval Noah Harari Also haven't been able to look at Brand for a few years now...eouwww.

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