Islam is not a true religion, but rather a death cult. No true religion has a holy book which instructs its followers to kill people who follow another religion. That is simply an insane ideology. The entire world of non Muslims must unite in defense against Islamic hegemony.

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Yes, I repeat this often, that Islam is a death cult.

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Yes, The Cult of islam is never to be considered a religion.

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I didn’t even know about these men. Thank you for posting. I am a Christian and I know they are all in heaven.

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My uncle tried to post this to Facebook. Here’s what happened: “We removed your content

Why this happened

The content may contain symbols, glorification or support of people and organizations we define as dangerous.

Samuel Felcher

Feb 19, 2025

https://open.substack.com/pub/ khmezek/p/the-21-coptic-martyrs? r=2f9cva&utm_medium=ios

You shared this on your profile

This goes against our Community Standards on dangerous organizations and individuals.”

He can no longer post to groups or create ads (on top of his many other punishments)

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The same thing happened to me on Facebook. I disputed it and they reversed it. I think they take it down because of the imagery. When they reinstated it, they blacked out the image and you have to click on it to see it.

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If you are a Facebook fan/user, you can expect to be chastised for going against their "Community Standards". The 1st Amendment of our Constitution is not a part of their

ground rules.

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This story is both HUGELY upsettin' an' somehow bracing, showin' these brave Christians did not abandon their faith an' faith in God no matter whut... Us chews have also died fer not convertin'--it really GALLS the Muslims... an' (sad ta say) in times past the Christians too...(CLEARLY not all Christians care one bit ta impose this on "da joos")... Sure, there are those that DO convert (understandable but no mark of "pride" fer 'em I'm sure...), also some "conversos" still practiced judaism secretly after forced conversions (time fer that Inquisition! no trustin' the converts WUZ a thing...), today I've met some that just up an' dumped the faith, too skeered about the patently real "fairy tale" of anti-semitism.... The film is sensitively done tho! Bravo ta the filmmakers (Karen is that "your" Hunt fambly thanked on the credits? Methinks so! :-)

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I didn't see that thank you. I don't know how it could be my family, my parents are long gone, sadly, but maybe?

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"Hunt" relations? Cousins? if not it's just some kinda cosmic connection that some with yer same last name were donors :-)

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Glad to be alerted to this film, as Revelation 20:4 is coming closer and closer each day.

But realize that “Isis” was created by the CIA. The usual suspects want the world population to fear Islam, when there are higher level entities orchestrating — and sometimes faking — these events. We in the West have been subject to conditioning through visual imagery to “fear Islam” (e.g., the Daniel Pearl incident, the Nicolas Berg incident) but some of those occurrences might not have even taken place.

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What higher entities are you talking about. If its spiritual warfare then yes. Somehow, I have a feeling you are not a fan of Israel.

If you are a Christian or a Jew, then you know that Islam and hatred of Jews and Christians has been around long before the CIA and ISIS. In fact, all the way back to Isaac and Ishmael.

Can you tell me which events you think never took place? And who are you refering to when you say “We in the West have been subjected to fake imagery.”

Personally, I have been subjected to reality. As a subscriber, if you've read my essays you know my family experienced the hatred Arab Muslims have for Israel and for America when we escaped out of Egypt days before the 6 Day War. You also know I lived in Luxor for 3 years, where I helped a woman escape a mob of violent men. I can neber go back as I would no doubt be killed.

There are very good reasons to fear Islam. If you were faced with the reality you would realize how foolish your thinking is. Although, rather than fear it, I pray I have courage to stand up against it.

The goal in Islam to establish the Caliphate wasn't created by the CIA. It's the heart of the Quran, the heart of Islam, going back to Mohammed. You do realize that, right?

The fact that the United States has used certain world events or has sought to gain control over countries all over the world in order to further its own agenda is another matter.

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To answer your central question, here is a summary posted in 2023 by the group “Truth Justice Freedom for Children”:


“Albert Pike 33 degree mason, created the 33 degree of the Scottish Rite, co-created the KKK (K=11th letter, 11x3=33) & remains a revered figure in global Masonry.

In 1891, Pike’s funeral was held in the Washington Freemasonic Temple at midnight, the room draped entirely in black. This is a man who wore a wristband through which he claimed to maintain constant communication with Lucifer.

On Aug 15th, 1871 Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Mazzini, outlining three world wars to bring about one world government.

The two world wars were precisely as Pike planned decades prior. The third eerily resembles the current world political situation.

WW3 will continue Tavistock’s ‘War on Terror’ theme & justification. This time, Muslims will ‘attack’ zionist governments. Then further false flag revolutionaries destroy all, so the Luciferian New Age may come to the ‘rescue’.

The true spiritual conflict remains hidden, God’s & God’s children vs the cults in power & the principalities of evil that puppet them.”


I’m sorry for the persecution of your family members. I expect to be persecuted per the terms of Revelation 20:4. If Muslims are used to man the guillotines (or swords, or axes), I’ll know that another group is just using the Muslims to perform those executions.

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Something really annoying happening in this app now. In my email if it shows a comment and I click kn it, it takes me to the essay, not to the comment, so I have to scroll through all the comments to find the one I am looking for. This is very time consuming. It used to take me directly to the comment. I don't know what happened 😕

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Which group is using the Muslims.

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er... let's take an educated guess! jews... or at least "zionists"--y'know the source of every evil on Earth includin' the ingrown toenail (whomever is so afflicted). 'Course I cain't speak fer others but I'm used ta seein' it daily--ho hum, wink wink we KNOW who dunnit... ALWAYS EVERY TIME...

"We" curious readers are always told that da joos also "created" Isis an' Hamas AND ALL "Radical Islam" as "false flags" to gain sympathy fer the chewish people. Behind every Gee-Haw'd is an evil jew attemptin' ta sacrifice "their own" ta achieve their evil globalist world-rule ends.... y' know that kinda thing... bizness as usual... Right.

I'm eyes wide open on false flags an' lord knows the world has a lott've 'em. Israel no more created or funded Isis than they did snow. Israel indeed stoopidly funded Hamas (did not create it) fer a few years, long 'fore it wuz terrorist, a BAD tactic ta break up the "palestinian" front, admittedly, but they that stopped as they realized 'twas a dumb arse move (nation states ALL do dumb stuff the US too....) FWIW the US "may have" had a hand in selectively Isis when "convenient" but that wuz more neocon/globalist maneuverin' fer middle eastern power/oil/ etc. an' notta jooish movement (fwiw a small group of truly rotten neocons include some rotten joos but that doesn't "define us" any more than the non-jooish neocons define all christians or all americans...)

I could be wrong... but generally I'm right 'bout this stuff as it's put out there daily like the empty milk bottles my granny once put out on the front stoop fer the milk man...

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