Excellent article. Thank you. The real problem is learning what lifestyles are "healthy." But you're right that compensating for unhealthy lifestyles with artificial pharmaceuticals is usually unnecessary and often detrimental. The real problem is the doctors we rely on to advise us are the least qualified to do so. We really need to reform the medical industry.

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Wow, just excellent work here!

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Another fine piece Karen! Thank you

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Pharma is a $1.3 trillion industry. They spend more on lobbying than any other industry by far and have committed fraud countless times.

Pharma broke its yearly record for legalized bribery in 2020 spending $315 million and broke that record in 2021 spending $357 million.

There are currently 1,587 Pharma lobbyists swirling around the DC cesspool and 57% of them are former government employees.

Pfizer alone bought off politicians to the tune of $10.8 million in 2019, also $10.8 M in 2020, $10.1 M in 2021 and $6.1 million in the first half of 2022.

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We’ll said, and the very reason I intend to take my last breath on zero medication! We have traded common sense lifestyle habits for the “quick-fix pills” being handed out like candy. I attributed it to a certain laziness that lulled many to “sheepishly” march to Big Pharma’s promise of “health”; it is the exact opposite! The Great Reset has been underway since pharmaceuticals shamed true health providers into the dark corners of medicine. Natural, healthy foods and herbs and supplements don’t bring in the profits for Big Pharma. Preventative care is making a comeback but most have been brainwashed to believe it’s all quackery. Quite the opposite. The Rothchilds and Rockefellers knew in the 1800’s the ticket to global dominance; control the food, control the “medicine”, control the money (banks). We’re living their ultimate game plan and they fund any side, legal or criminal, both sides of wars, cartels and colleges; whatever promotes their plan. We are disposable pawns in the game. Take your lives back; take responsibility for your health. It’s quite empowering and with the renewed strength of true health perhaps we can take back our world!

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The trillion dollar statement: "Natural, healthy foods and herbs and supplements don’t bring in the profits for Big Pharma."

Healthy eating and living is the last thing they'll allow.

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"Who knows, maybe those who reject the drugs will become a new army, fighting against these weapons of mass destruction. Maybe, just maybe, we can win."

Hope springs eternal with you, doesn't it, Dear Karen. :-) Well, I'm with ya' to the bitter end, but I'm pretty sure we're just going to go down fighting. I'm good with that.

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Yes, I am prepared for this. I always want to give some hope, but the reality isn't very hopeful.

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Hope basically means despair... And when one hopes one doesn't CHANGE and so the Future is the Present.

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There is no other way... Unfortunately.

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I am living proof that Covid 'Vaccines' were not only not needed but unsafe. At 77 I have not taken 1 dose. Unfortunately I am on some meds I will probably not be able to stop.

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There are some medications that are necessary. Good to stay as free of meds as possible--at any age!

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And, you have a beautiful name!

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As usual, Karen, you articles leave me reeling with despair over the state of the world. No doubt that state has reached an apex of misery and degeneracy, but I think it's nothing new. The difference is that more of us are aware because of the upside of technology. If a person is not awake in 2022, it's because they choose ignorance.

I have reached the point that I think I need to question everything I've been told as truth since I was old enough to be aware. Every day I discover another gargantuan lie being pushed as truth in our history books and in the media. Sadly, most prefer to hold on to those delusions rather than face the truth

Thanks, Karen, for being a truth teller in a world of lies.You'll never run out of subject matter.

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I volunteer in a oncology/infusion clinic. Is it wrong for me to wonder if any of what they are doing(nurses and docs) is actually making it worse? It’s such a nagging feeling while I’m there. But we all take solace in knowing we are “helping” heal patients. I sometimes feel like I have to be a zombie/robot in this crazy world.

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In my experience, doctors rarely heal. They put band aids on geysers. The infusion clinic is pumping people full of poison hoping to kill cancer. That , I believe, rarely happens. The best result is usually remission, with a return of the cancer later in life. Undoubtedly, there may be a cure, but where's the profit in that?

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It's not wrong. You decide if it is making it worse.

Let us know what you see. You're no robot.

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Excellent and informative, Karen. Oatly....who knew? I see it on the vegan shelf every week. The more we delve into the evil practices of depraved men and women the more I wish to leave this world. "Big, Bold, Beautiful" reminded me of the tv series "Dallas".....look where it got them.... Nothing but corruption and chasing power.

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It may seem as if the choice is between fear, pain & loss... or unconsciousness & death.

But the more we align in inspiration, to pass through, undo or transcend seemingly impenetrable obstacles, the more consciously integrated our perspective.

Meanwhile, many 'solutions' or protections persist a problem we are in some way set in masking over or evasion, just as with an addiction to any externally displaced means to boost the mask to buy time for the rituals of unconsciousness to be acted out in symbolic attempts to invoke lost love, power or meaning.

Mind capture is to symbols set in story, to self-imaged and conflicted.

But story can be used also to wake, so call it a Prodigal mis-taken inheritance that fears illegitimacy so must mask in robes of self-justification set in mimicry of life now seen as threat.

Bottoming out, is the grace of no longer being able to maintain the burden of fear, pain and loss that was actually compounded by the very attempts to deny, escape, heal or manage. Because any attempt to escape an unreal situation have first made it real and then sought to escape in its frame. This is why Jesus says "Resist ye not evil!" - lest you make IT the source of our identity as guilted fear and hate seeking light as its destroyer.

Seeking first what is First is the light of existence itself. Simply be still and open to receive from your being - not from thinking set in its own spin.

As long as we seek to rescue or bolster a false and conflicted foundation, we protect from or block healing. But unless we let light in, we cannot see, and so, such as we see, we can choose not to invest in our own 'thinking' so as to be free to look at it and evaluate if it indeed serves who we are now, or holds us to repeating futility from an unconsciousness of our condition.

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"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society.

Furthermore, childhood adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

Aware Parenting website:



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article 👇🏼




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:



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Thank you, Karen, for referencing this article. Excellent, of course! I recognize that most of what we’ve been led to believe is actually myth. And drugs make the most money and as you point out, always have. I grew up in the 1980’s in South Florida, when ‘square grouper’ was replaced by cocaine. Yet another time period when people made money and then became respectable.

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Very well-researched. Thank you for the effort.

I was pleased to see you included mention of the manipulation of research data by pharmaceutical companies, followed by the publicizing of phony explanations for diseases, such as the grift of the theory of depression being caused by chemical imbalance, specifically serotonin. I would really like to see criminal prosecutions for data that is intentionally manipulated or misrepresented, because while the industry will absolutely throw a few under the bus and keep on going, it might, just maybe, make a dent in the number of people willing to go along with such schemes in the future.

I also think it's imperitive that the US Congress act to return us to the company of every other country in the world save one or two, and outlaw direct-to-consumer drug advertising. That really changed the landscape of pharma in the country, for example in helping to make Prozac the most popular drug in the country shortly after the advertising laws were changed in the 90s. Deceptive marketing to prescribers must also carry real penalties, not just a fine that the pharma companies write off as the cost of doing business.

I would love to see us reach a point where a drug company that is caught acting blatantly unethically could see their drugs pushed to the bottom tier of insurance coverage, and off routine formularies, such that all alternatives from other companies would be used before those from the offending company. Unfortunately, that would hurt patients, and we already have enough trouble preventing nation- or world-wide drug shortages. But, I think to temper this we need to find a way to hit them in the pocketbook, hard.

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Let me come in with some Reality...

"Maybe, just maybe, we can win."

With ~8,000,000,000 uman animals running around on this Planet and with ~99% of them being active supporters and defenders of the Owners and their MAIN SYSTEM (the Monetary System) the ONLY way "we" (the ~1%, funny the inversion right?!) can win is if, and only if, the majority of the ~99% are culled like baby seals (with jabs, drugs ("legal" & "illegal"), poverty, hunger, wars, regional conflicts and so on). But even when this massive culling happens the "we" must be ready to terminate the Owners & Friends & jesters and those small groups of modern moron slaves that will persist in defending them with their lives (even after all that culling!)

So I can only say that achieving this is at the same level as achieving a "green" and sustainable transition to renewable energy. Both events require massive levels of culling in order to be successful.

There you go... Now you(we) can carry on with the delusion of "freedom" and the rest of it!

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I really do hope your comment is an attempt at humor and sarcasm, because if it's not, you are in definite need of Jesus.

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Funny you mention that Jesus guy... Didn't worked out for him either!

Moving beyond that religious boring stuff, my comment is just a simple portrait of what we, degenerate uman animals, are. Nothing more, nothing less.

I can't even imagine what your doubts actually are!!!

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It didn't work out for Him? Wow.

I have no doubt that you that you need Him. God does not make 'degenerate umans.'

Our choices in life do sometimes. God is never boring. I pray that you come to know your Creator soon. We are running low on time I fear. Have a blessed day.

God loves you.

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Uman Thought invented gods... They are so many that I lost count. Just another way to deflect our Responsibility, and in many times to do what we Love best... wars! As long as these are done in their name(s) all is awesome.

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Bigger fish to fry than vegan milk scams - two words: Gary Webb!

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