Aug 15, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am old enough to remember life before computers. We survived, yet computers arrived, bulky, difficult to use. Today, I mourn those days of innocence. Technology has grown, promising fun, information at our fingertips. Curious Bill Gates, blessed with the gift of creation chose to become a monster Promising security before promoting virus protection. Just as we see today, problem is created, solution provided for a cost.

Now when grandchildren stay with us, no technology allowed, instead we took bedroom left empty by adult child, to create fun, books are everywhere, glow in the dark stars, moon, dinosaurs lit up by fairly lights. I gather them around and encourage creativity, we start off telling a story, taking turns amid shouts of laughter. Children are precious, cherish and protect every child across the world

After all, evil cannot survive good. As illustrated regarding the Pharoahs vs the People.

Thank you ❤️

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Just want to say thank you to everyone for your comments on this essay. You keep me going!

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Jan 23, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It continually boggles my mind how prescient many of the science fiction writers have been. Very eerie.

The path our supposed betters and leaders dangle in front of us is one I reject utterly. Likely those who feel the same will be a minority in time. But even should God let it all unfurl so that humanity learns a very painful lesson, I take a somewhat bitter satisfaction from that; for I predict things will not go as they have planned and the law of unintended consequences will undo much of it. Either way, they won’t have the last word. Still Lord, let this cup pass from us if possible. Give us courage and hope in the days ahead to honor You and stand for the things eternal which You created and gifted to mankind. Make us lights of Your goodness and wisdom in the darkness and deliver us from evil. Amen.

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Jan 22, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Brave New World. Not brave, not much of a world. A hellscape of programmed marionettes and humanoid silhouettes. Welcome to the Hotel Mal-a-formia

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Jan 21, 2022·edited Jan 21, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

" He just says that “the less I focus on myself, the better I tend to feel…”" No irony there, right?

Karen, I'm always excited when one of your essays pops up in my reader. You are my absolute favorite stack and I'd gladly pay any fee to subscribe to you. I always wait until I have time to sit down with my coffee and read, and I always wait until I've read it two or more times before I comment.

I pay for many others; clearly they are valuable to me. But none like yours, so thank you. I also enjoy the commenters that choose you to speak to. You're growing a very fine community.

Like the trendy quote "Let's Make Orwell Fiction Again," I think so often, "Let's Make Science Fiction Fiction Again." Once enamored with Musk, Neuralink, Hanson Robotics (Sophia and Grace), cryptography, etc, I saw so much promise for good. Now, I tremble at what must surely be unleashed, proven by recent events, and I worry. Though I spent much of my life as a soldier and warrior, I don't know how to fight this one.

But, you have found a way, and it's beautiful, your writing and your artwork. Samizdat, really. I admire you.

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I have a vague impression forming about all of this. Not really a fully fleshed out idea yet, but kind of coming together based on a lot of substacks I've been reading.

I don't think it's about the money for these billionaires. I think it's that they fear death; and they fear staying on this planet where normal people are so unpredictable and "dangerous" feeling to them. Keeping the normal people in line must feel a lot like herding cats to them. So frustrating that we won't just listen and obey!

Just trying to get into their shoes for a minute.... say you have everything. Anything you could possibly want is instantly offered to you. Except... control of death, and control of other people. Say you fear death mightily, and you have all the funds in the world to avoid it.

At that point, you want off the planet. It seems like a plan that would offer you something exciting again, something to keep boredom at bay, something new. And all these transhumanist strategies for becoming one with AI might offer you the possibility of living forever. These guys would be excited about that idea, figuring that if *they* are in charge of the development of the AI, and somehow merge with it, it would *never* turn on them, because they would be able to hit a kill switch of some sort which they would make sure was embedded in the matrix. That kill switch would become their Sword of Damocles over the newly conscious AI that wants to live.

So in their minds, the independent AI problem is a non-problem for *them.* Ok, so what's the other problem they have to deal with?

Well, suppose you get yourself off the planet, just you and some of your closest friends and relatives. At first, you kind of still need a "tether" to Earth. A supply chain to keep you going where ever you end up, until you manage to work out how to live off this planet in a self-supporting way. You don't want to be a Major Tom, floating off into space, disconnected, without support while you watch yourself die helpless, do you?

But what if you don't trust any other humans? What if you think that if the other humans find out what you did to them, they might just "pull the plug" and say "so long, Major Tom, enjoy your floating"? You might then decide what you need is a planet of slaves who would never pull your plug and cut you off. Slaves that you can control from a vast distance. You need the slaves to believe that your being out there, searching for a new way to live, will somehow *help* the slaves stuck on the Earth.

Then you might decide that the worst possible slaves are normal, middle class Americans, who look at your beautiful ideas and call "bullshit." You might be willing to clear out that batch of disturbing thinkers so that they don't ever give the other slaves the idea to let you float free of the Earth until you just die. You never really liked those people anyway. Unfortunately, if those same common-sense thinkers every clue into what you're doing, they also have the innate courage, strength, and honor (the old-fashioned, painful virtues) to take you out. So you'll have to trick them until you can get rid of them.

Frankly, as a hypothesis, it makes more sense to me than just a love of money, or a psychotic need for control. It's goal-oriented, and as a goal, it alleviates existential boredom. The steps one must take to get there are evil, of course. But when you consider yourself basically completely and totally entitled (because everyone says you're awesome and deserve it), what's a little evil between friends?

Personally, I think if I was so existentially bored with my billions of dollars, I might just prefer to give it all away and start completely over from scratch... test myself on this earth as an extreme ascetic. But that's just me. I don't have existential boredom, because my life is pretty full of love born of the difficult virtues, and I'm working on things with meaning. Small, individual, barely noticeable things. But like the effects of a tiny stone tossed in an endless pond, the ripples can get pretty big. That's how it is when you don't fear because your existence is tiny and that the universe is huge. You accept that you're a tiny stone, and leave the rest to God. Or whatever name you prefer to give All That Is.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Another one hit out of the park! Thanks Karen for your wisdom and artwork!

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Evil reigns supreme

Satanic Pfizer: The Occult Symbolism Found On The Pfizer Mural. They Are Mocking Us

The Pfizer Mural created in 1960 depicts Coronavirus officially discovered in 1965


The tribulation period described in the Bible and return of Christ is closer than many people, including some professing Christians think.

It's time to start listening to the representatives of the Luciferian elites when they actually tell the truth about their goals.

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. (David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations)

The Occult is The Spiritual Foundation of The United Nations. The Stage Is Set For The Coming One World Government Under One World Leader.


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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The topic of this piece is what bothers me the most. I'm in my 60s, not long to retire, it doesn't matter what happens to me. It's my children and grandchildren that will face the future and I feel helpless to alter that. They won't listen to wisdom.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, as always, I am really "moved" by your essays. I encourage you to keep writing, keep doing what you are doing by bringing light into this dark world that the Megalomaniacs want us to live in. This is another one of your powerful essays to clearly point out what is happening to the youth of this world. I pray morning, noon and night that Parents will wake up to what is going on in this crazy world. We are in deep trouble and sinking fast.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I just cannot understand why parents would vaccinate their children. My daughter vaccinated her son so that he could go to Disneyland, not knowing that it wasn’t a requirement. It’s almost like “normal” people have given up! How do we help them to see?

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is a beautiful article, in a sad and twisted kind of way.

There are many chilling things you point out, but something especially poignant were the two quotes by girls. Regarding the Canadian talk show, it was quite unnerving to hear from the young girl, "If they don’t have the vaccine it can put a lot of people in danger. So, like what the government does right now, we should cut everything from them little by little until they submit and get vaccinated." And followed by rapturous applause. Where else have we heard that?

Then there's the heartbreaking story in which the mother expressed her despair that her teenage daughter refused to take her mask off. When she asked her daughter why, the reply was, “I like my mask because I feel so ugly without it.” As if we don't already heap megatons of body image critique on girls and women. The peer pressure on adults is bad enough, but for youth still going through the twists and turns of self-identity, it is enormous.

I have my own confession to make. My wife and I went to Lowe's yesterday to get some ice melter. She said she wasn't going to wear a mask. I had one in my pocket. For most of our time there, that's where it remained. It looked like everyone else in the store was wearing one. So I chickened out and put mine on as we approached the check out line. My wife refused to put hers on. I knew I was giving into social pressure, even though I knew the mask was basically useless.

Thanks for your article. As a pastor (!), I especially appreciated the reference to Deuteronomy and the Hebrew slaves. I see it in a whole new light.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Once again you touch on all the important aspects of this nightmare and how they have come to be. Your article is truly magnificent. This is so horrifying- we must resist this evil plan and teach our children how to be close to God and rely on him- we must teach them what is real, what is good and what is right.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Another brilliant thoughts from Karen. Many of us felt the whole Covid19 pretense is rehearsal to something more serious. Who would take “climate change” hoax seriously just few years ago? Who would allow to lockdowns, closure of business due to some abstract figure…? Virus is different story. It’s here. Among us. It can kill instantly. We all remember fake videos from China where people were dropping dead on the go.

That was scary.

Now “they” could start the execution of their plan.

Overlords “massaged” people to see the level of slavery we are capable to. Just few years prior to “pandemic” there was a wave of legalization of marijuana. Coincidence? The weak ones were drugged, their minds were taken away from reality. Last two years revealed: most of us are capable to give up a lot: Freedom, livelihoods, your personal body, kids. Excellent physiologists were involved in creation of mass psychosis around the globe but more in developed countries (people are lazier, inactive and trust authorities). My relative, intelligent and highly educated person locked herself for over a year at home, was afraid to attend close family events and on my questions why, WHY? she admitted understanding her fear is irrational but nothing she could do about it. On my blunt question what she is afraid of, she simply answered: suffering, I am afraid to get sick and suffer. Vast majority were like my relative. Some - played along because of their working positions. They didn’t want to lose convenient and well paid jobs while understanding that opposing rules would mean end of career. Public health is the perfect example. Public health played interesting role in the this spectacle. It was fully hijacked by politicians who ruled through them simply referring to science. Of course, public health is all about our health and safety and we have to obey to their orders. In this duo I see the parallel of mosquito aka public health who carry malaria parasite of our political authorities. The worst of it is that both are satisfied. Our PH personas got enormous fame. They became a “stars” and their unlikable faces were disgusting us throughout the whole time. The main ones - got bribed, became enormously rich, others had no choice other than losing their jobs, license, etc. For the “parasites” it was the best way to manipulate and achieve their goals… petty, but all these was predictable and really no one can do much about it. Protests, push back prompts them to give us back little crumbs of freedom just to take even more right after. As Karen sharply stated, that our love for convenience, desire to have this little world of immediate comfort, our impartiality are the worst enemies working against us and preventing us to stand up to the evil.

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Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well, it’s early morning and my daughter just sent me this article. I can never wrap my head around why some billionaire would want to screw with us for more billions. But they do.

I believe in freedom. If you don’t want the vaccine, don’t take it. I hate the rules around denying unvaccinated people access. It’s so undemocratic.

In the democratic west we pretend that we take care of people… but that’s a laugh. I don’t get the vaccine hysteria.

Have we really saved everyone? I guess we’ll see in the years to come.

But what we’ve been doing to children is really sick.

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Jan 20, 2022·edited Jan 20, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The whole covid thing just reminded me of the crap that annoyed me in school and college: people prefer to believe in imaginary things, and ignore reality, no matter how intelligent.

This also applies to religions, as science and math play a similar role in the human brain.

Living in your head primes you to want to live in a metaverse.

(Alphabet vs the goddess lecture)


PS- the reason why "bad things" happened leaving Afghanistan, is to give us a reason to stay there. We shouldn't have been there at all, period.

Remember folks, the right wing and the left wing are of the same bird of CORPORATISM.

State corporatism is also known as fascism.

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