As a Brit, the social suicide of mentioning that you hope Trump wins, or even that you quite like some of his policies, hasn't gone away. It's just been overshadowed by a whole year of screaming rent-a-mobs on our streets (pro-Hamas, anti-women's-rights).
I'm the only person I know who listened to that infamous "pussy" recording all the way through. It wasn't an Alpha male locker-room brag - far from it. It was a BETA male story of how he'd fancied some woman and she'd completely flipped him off. The reference to being famous and women "letting you do anything, even grab them by the..." was about the kind of groupies who hang around rich men, and to pretend that doesn't happen is just silly. The story was about FAILING to get off with a woman, because she had more sense, not DOING anything to her. Never for one moment have I believed DT has treated women badly. I've never said this before publicly, because of the stigma, but as I've already been Cancelled, I don't care
My Brit friends tell me they only hear propaganda in Britain, there is not one positive word about Trump, or anything conservative, in the press. My friend who lives in Scotland says everyone believes the media, they don't bother to question it. It's hard for us in the US to imagine what it must be like to live in Britain now. But we should pay attention, since we are not far behind if we aren't careful.
Wow. No one has once provided the entire story behind that quote, which does give one a different impression. Trump is often mischaracterized on the media, despite their very job being to provide us objective information to increase our understanding.
The entire recording was widely available at the time, I'm sure if you dig far enough with search engines you can still find it. I always go to source, never MSM.
Many of us over here got rid of our tv and the BBC licence fee years ago (in my case 19 years and counting). I don't have a Smartphone either, so don't get any stupid government propaganda alerts! I was a freelance journalist years ago, so I get my news from a wide range of outlets.
Thank-you for this. It is fun to listen to someone from L.A. I remember too, how the world was transformed as soon as you entered the 25-cent parking lot (where Ca Adventure is now as you know)... my grandparents did not take the FWY because they were used to Sepulveda! I am praying that DJT wins all 50! God Bless.
No kidding, completely changed. When we drove to Disneyland in the early 60's, the first kid to see the Matterhorn won a quarter. Now you cannot see it behind the buildings! West L.A. is so sad, I miss *uncrowded* Venice Beach and am so sad for those whose homes have been torn-down. Also lived in the Valley (Northridge) decades ago and would take Topanga Canyon to PCH. Thanks for sharing about your amazing parents and your adventures. We lived in the same place and are the same age, however, you had a stronger Christian upbringing. I love the red light district story. I got lost there too when I was 18... the lights in the window I saw were blue! Guess they had blue light specials?
Brainwashed indeed. It is very sad. We know it is drilled and indoctrinated here in the US, but ""ding ding"" it is also in Europe. "Trump is Hitler and he lies"
You know the people who lived and survived the rule of Hitler and WW2 are not alive anymore, so there is that.
Hitler and Trump are so alike.... ??? no really ???
I am glad you went on an adventure and a fun one. I am glad your adventure had some good laughs and kind people. It was a blast and I am relieved your dear friend Jackie did not go into labor and have a baby on the road.
Your father was a gem, he loved your family so much. Funny that adventure into Amsterdam.
There is a lot of "offensive" stuff around the world. yuckk
It’s very sad. I always tell people to pass their stories down to their children and grandchildren, but not enough people do. They watch TV instead. But I can see how some of it was too horrific for people to want to talk about it. The Vietnam War was responsible for starting a whole generation on the path of drug addiction. So much evil there.
Like Karen, I have lived in many many various places all over the world, and two of the most absolutely DROP-DEAD BORING places of all time are...waitforit........Las Vegas and Disneyland.
I guess Jackie got back home without going into labor and without Karen having to pull over on the side of the road, open up the OB kit, don the gloves and prepare to assist in delivering the precious new little one!!! Cutting the cord, cleaning and dressing him or her up and giving him or her over to mom Jackie to nurse with big brother to meet and greet!! Sounds like such an occurrence would have fit in well with your past adventures, Karen
That would have been the highlight of the Las Vegas trip for everyone involved. From how she looked in the foto, I would surely have taken along a OB kit!! Just saying.
I was born to do road trips!! Let someone else have a turn at being born during one, I'm all in! Lol. Like life itself, you never know what's going to happen around the corner
Love the AI pic at the end. Except Elon would never be in a Brooks Brother suit with a red tie, and RFK Jr's suit is not tight enough and his tie is not skinny black.
So glad we're not at the point AI gets things right, and so glad we haven't bought into the craziness yet. Who knows what the future holds, but maybe, just maybe, God willing, we'll have a few more years of reality.
My husband went to Vegas the same day. He also checked in to the same hotel that night. It was a horrible experience in his words. Checking in to a kiosk is the most unwelcoming thing a hotel can do to its guests. Glad you made it home safe!
Trump will NOT MAKE BABYLON AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. It has a terminal sin sickness unto death. Dont be fooled!!
BOBBY KENNEDY: his CHD was all about opposing the Quackzeens. Now he's joined up with the self proclaimed GODFATHER of the Quackzeen himself. Hypocritical or just Pliable?
ELON MUSK: No words need to be spoken here. His actions and activities speak for themselves to anybody who has the ears to hear and the eyes to see what he's actually into: Love that surveillance and the exploding cars and the Satanic Costuming....
...Oh yes, and Be the first kid on your (cell) block to get his NEUROLINK Brain implant!!
He's just what Team Trump needs to MAKE BABYLON AMERICA SOMETHING OR OTHER......what a guy, right?
What a said commentary on the times. Welcome to the Trump Show. Where are the Roman gladiators? Does it now take a second rate Hollywood-type production to be elected president? Thanks, for nothing, Barry Bathhouse Obama. Oh well, maybe if Trump gets elected he will put a brake on the downhill runaway train that is America. In case nobody noticed, the Republic of America is taking it's last breathes. Is the condition fatal? Only we, the people, can rectify this. Who is on board?
Ya, Vegas not my cup of tea either these days, too busy paying attention to what’s coming next after the election.
Karen, if you’d like to watch Trump rallies, which are awesome, tune into Real America’s Voice TV as they carry them all. RAV tv & Newsmax tv, are the only truth stations in tv news, and both focus on current events & all things Trump. If you happen to have a newer model of Samsung tv, you get free Samsung Plus tv with the tv, and they carry both RAV & Newsmax.
I remember my mom telling me ‘Christians don’t gamble!’ And I’ve really always disliked Vegas ever since. I also remember your dad telling us about some of his smuggling Bible adventures!
A well known commentator I follow, made that decision to visit a Trump rally years ago, despite admonitions on every hand as to the kind of people he would find. His curiosity won out and he found himself among the most friendly, diverse, accepting bunch he could imagine. He posted experience went viral and he left his party, never looking back. It's people waking up, asking questions, seeing past the mainstream narrative and changing their course. Sorry the town was less than hospitable, Karen. Thanks for your post!
The only way to be a paid subscriber on Substack is if you decide to be. You are also welcome to stop being a subscriber, either free or paid, at any time. It is up to you, nobody else. But I am sure you know that.
What, no White Hoods or Swastikas??? Amazing!
Crazy, I know!
As a Brit, the social suicide of mentioning that you hope Trump wins, or even that you quite like some of his policies, hasn't gone away. It's just been overshadowed by a whole year of screaming rent-a-mobs on our streets (pro-Hamas, anti-women's-rights).
I'm the only person I know who listened to that infamous "pussy" recording all the way through. It wasn't an Alpha male locker-room brag - far from it. It was a BETA male story of how he'd fancied some woman and she'd completely flipped him off. The reference to being famous and women "letting you do anything, even grab them by the..." was about the kind of groupies who hang around rich men, and to pretend that doesn't happen is just silly. The story was about FAILING to get off with a woman, because she had more sense, not DOING anything to her. Never for one moment have I believed DT has treated women badly. I've never said this before publicly, because of the stigma, but as I've already been Cancelled, I don't care
any more!
My Brit friends tell me they only hear propaganda in Britain, there is not one positive word about Trump, or anything conservative, in the press. My friend who lives in Scotland says everyone believes the media, they don't bother to question it. It's hard for us in the US to imagine what it must be like to live in Britain now. But we should pay attention, since we are not far behind if we aren't careful.
Wow. No one has once provided the entire story behind that quote, which does give one a different impression. Trump is often mischaracterized on the media, despite their very job being to provide us objective information to increase our understanding.
The entire recording was widely available at the time, I'm sure if you dig far enough with search engines you can still find it. I always go to source, never MSM.
Many of us over here got rid of our tv and the BBC licence fee years ago (in my case 19 years and counting). I don't have a Smartphone either, so don't get any stupid government propaganda alerts! I was a freelance journalist years ago, so I get my news from a wide range of outlets.
Thank-you for this. It is fun to listen to someone from L.A. I remember too, how the world was transformed as soon as you entered the 25-cent parking lot (where Ca Adventure is now as you know)... my grandparents did not take the FWY because they were used to Sepulveda! I am praying that DJT wins all 50! God Bless.
It's wild out here!
No kidding, completely changed. When we drove to Disneyland in the early 60's, the first kid to see the Matterhorn won a quarter. Now you cannot see it behind the buildings! West L.A. is so sad, I miss *uncrowded* Venice Beach and am so sad for those whose homes have been torn-down. Also lived in the Valley (Northridge) decades ago and would take Topanga Canyon to PCH. Thanks for sharing about your amazing parents and your adventures. We lived in the same place and are the same age, however, you had a stronger Christian upbringing. I love the red light district story. I got lost there too when I was 18... the lights in the window I saw were blue! Guess they had blue light specials?
We also had a contest to see who spotted the Matterhorn first 😀
As for the different lights, I heard that red lights are now for "cisgender" and blue lights are for "transgender". 🙄
In '74 when I was there, we didn't speak that language! It was simpler. I am glad that we grew-up in those days.
Brainwashed indeed. It is very sad. We know it is drilled and indoctrinated here in the US, but ""ding ding"" it is also in Europe. "Trump is Hitler and he lies"
You know the people who lived and survived the rule of Hitler and WW2 are not alive anymore, so there is that.
Hitler and Trump are so alike.... ??? no really ???
I am glad you went on an adventure and a fun one. I am glad your adventure had some good laughs and kind people. It was a blast and I am relieved your dear friend Jackie did not go into labor and have a baby on the road.
Your father was a gem, he loved your family so much. Funny that adventure into Amsterdam.
There is a lot of "offensive" stuff around the world. yuckk
Happy Wednesday, I am gonna go rake!!
I love raking leaves! Now they have all those blowers that make noise, stink and spread dust everywhere!
They are sadly almost all gone. Like veterans of World War II. They are leaving an empty space that's being filled with lies.
It’s very sad. I always tell people to pass their stories down to their children and grandchildren, but not enough people do. They watch TV instead. But I can see how some of it was too horrific for people to want to talk about it. The Vietnam War was responsible for starting a whole generation on the path of drug addiction. So much evil there.
Like Karen, I have lived in many many various places all over the world, and two of the most absolutely DROP-DEAD BORING places of all time are...waitforit........Las Vegas and Disneyland.
I guess Jackie got back home without going into labor and without Karen having to pull over on the side of the road, open up the OB kit, don the gloves and prepare to assist in delivering the precious new little one!!! Cutting the cord, cleaning and dressing him or her up and giving him or her over to mom Jackie to nurse with big brother to meet and greet!! Sounds like such an occurrence would have fit in well with your past adventures, Karen
That would have been the highlight of the Las Vegas trip for everyone involved. From how she looked in the foto, I would surely have taken along a OB kit!! Just saying.
🤣🤣🤣 God spared me--and Jackie--that adventure!
I could have done that. really. I am good for road trips for that reason only
I was born to do road trips!! Let someone else have a turn at being born during one, I'm all in! Lol. Like life itself, you never know what's going to happen around the corner
Love nothing more than getting in the car and taking off!
Love the AI pic at the end. Except Elon would never be in a Brooks Brother suit with a red tie, and RFK Jr's suit is not tight enough and his tie is not skinny black.
So glad we're not at the point AI gets things right, and so glad we haven't bought into the craziness yet. Who knows what the future holds, but maybe, just maybe, God willing, we'll have a few more years of reality.
Thank you, enjoyed the road trip!
Haha, so true about the suits. AI lacks nuance. As you say, let's keep it that way.
My husband went to Vegas the same day. He also checked in to the same hotel that night. It was a horrible experience in his words. Checking in to a kiosk is the most unwelcoming thing a hotel can do to its guests. Glad you made it home safe!
That's so crazy! I kept looking at all the people and thinking why are they staying at this place?
Trump will NOT MAKE BABYLON AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. It has a terminal sin sickness unto death. Dont be fooled!!
BOBBY KENNEDY: his CHD was all about opposing the Quackzeens. Now he's joined up with the self proclaimed GODFATHER of the Quackzeen himself. Hypocritical or just Pliable?
ELON MUSK: No words need to be spoken here. His actions and activities speak for themselves to anybody who has the ears to hear and the eyes to see what he's actually into: Love that surveillance and the exploding cars and the Satanic Costuming....
...Oh yes, and Be the first kid on your (cell) block to get his NEUROLINK Brain implant!!
He's just what Team Trump needs to MAKE BABYLON AMERICA SOMETHING OR OTHER......what a guy, right?
Now he
Yeah, I don’t put my hope in man, but in Jesus.
“Will Trump “Make America Great Again”? - golly gee, I sure as hell hope so !
What a said commentary on the times. Welcome to the Trump Show. Where are the Roman gladiators? Does it now take a second rate Hollywood-type production to be elected president? Thanks, for nothing, Barry Bathhouse Obama. Oh well, maybe if Trump gets elected he will put a brake on the downhill runaway train that is America. In case nobody noticed, the Republic of America is taking it's last breathes. Is the condition fatal? Only we, the people, can rectify this. Who is on board?
P.S.: Never been to Sin City. Don't care to go.
Ya, Vegas not my cup of tea either these days, too busy paying attention to what’s coming next after the election.
Karen, if you’d like to watch Trump rallies, which are awesome, tune into Real America’s Voice TV as they carry them all. RAV tv & Newsmax tv, are the only truth stations in tv news, and both focus on current events & all things Trump. If you happen to have a newer model of Samsung tv, you get free Samsung Plus tv with the tv, and they carry both RAV & Newsmax.
Thanks for the info. I can only watch so much, since I have a million things I need to research, but it certainly has been fun to see the rallies.
I remember my mom telling me ‘Christians don’t gamble!’ And I’ve really always disliked Vegas ever since. I also remember your dad telling us about some of his smuggling Bible adventures!
Ah, you heard his stories! I’ve written about it in How To Become a Domestic Terrorist
Thanks I’ll definitely read this.
Thank you for your absolutely wonderful essay, your writing is always inspiring.
A well known commentator I follow, made that decision to visit a Trump rally years ago, despite admonitions on every hand as to the kind of people he would find. His curiosity won out and he found himself among the most friendly, diverse, accepting bunch he could imagine. He posted experience went viral and he left his party, never looking back. It's people waking up, asking questions, seeing past the mainstream narrative and changing their course. Sorry the town was less than hospitable, Karen. Thanks for your post!
Iam not a paid subscriber to you. IF somehow you are taking money from my a count please desist
The only way to be a paid subscriber on Substack is if you decide to be. You are also welcome to stop being a subscriber, either free or paid, at any time. It is up to you, nobody else. But I am sure you know that.
Circus Circus is like Hotel 6, cheap and old. Sorry the trip wasn’t great. Thanks for sharing
It was horrible. I know there are plenty of fabulous hotels there. Still not a fan. It was a fun trip, though haha!