I was living in Libya in 1967. Your mention of this date was very personal and pertinent for me. Perhaps my early exposure to other countries is why I remain firmly rooted in skepticism about the one in which I now live. If the last 3 years have proved anything at all, it is that we must question, we must keep our eyes & minds open to recognize the propaganda we are being fed, and most importantly, we must resist! #DoNotComply

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I must recommend you watch 2149: The Aftermath. It's a sci fi movie. I think it matches a lot of your points as themes. I'd really like to know what you think of the end.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I will

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Birthday blessings Karen. Thank you for your powerful, inspiring & informative article. I believe our Creator lives in the Truth & the Light of Truth will come to pass. It is people such as yourself who see behind the curtain & continue to speak TRUTH to tyranny - thank you & GOD bless ...

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Thank you ❤️

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"...Beautiful words, wonderful words,

Wonderful words of life..." P.P. Bliss

When you get the time (!) could you post a list of your published works somewhere so we could find them. I know some are out of print, and some just being released, but...

I did find a fine copy of The Little Princess after you posted a copy of the cover in a recent essay to add to my library collection for future generations to hold and read. Seems important to me.

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Thank you! I will make a list within the next couple of days.

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KAREN! Many more, and each more challenging and fulfilling.

Thank you for sharing your care. The books of your stories are in my library as it seems your themes are mine as well:

--On Child Abuse/Neglect, if you have not already, I invite you to study Lloyd deMause’s Psychohistory where he convincingly shows how “The Origins of War [and all Human violence is] In Child Abuse [& neglect]”, here for many free articles and Lloyd’s books: https://psychohistory.com/

“The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only recently begun to awaken. The further back in history one goes, the lower the level of child care. The source of most human violence and suffering has been a hidden children's holocaust throughout history, whereby billions of innocent human beings have been routinely murdered, bound, starved, raped, mutilated, battered, and tortured by their parents and other caregivers, so that they grow up as emotionally crippled adults and become vengeful time bombs who periodically restage their early traumas in sacrificial rites called wars. Culture evolves through the increase of love and freedom for children. Can we afford not to teach parenting? What more important task can we devote our resources to? History is now a race between too slowly improving childrearing and too fast evolving destructive technology. The crucial task of future generations will be to raise loved children who grow up to be peaceful, rather than walking time bombs. Self-mastery must replace the mastery of others. Global suicide must not continue to be our goal.” Lloyd deMause

--On Responsibly Free, Non-Obedient Parenting which I teach as Parent Effectiveness Training (P.E.T.) https://www.parenteffectivenesstrainingnewzealand.com/

“Instead of viewing obedience to authority as a virtue, I believe we should see it as a malady that has become commonplace in our society. We are creating future citizens who believe they should unquestioningly do what they are told to do. Children's inherent reluctance to challenge adult authority and the very real possibility of retaliation may also contribute to the sexually abused child's ambivalence about reporting what has happened. As a society we must urgently adopt the goal of finding and teaching effective alternatives to authority and power in dealing with other persons—children or adults—alternatives that will produce human beings with sufficient courage, autonomy, and self-discipline to resist being controlled by authority when obedience to that authority would contradict their own sense of what is right and what is wrong.” Thomas Gordon

--On Individual Sovereignty and Freedom from the BioSecurity State: “I urge us all to become ‘uncontrollable’.” Yes, me three. As a Voluntaryist (www.voluntaryist.com):

“No one rules if no one obeys.”

--On Homeschooling and becoming a responsible-for-your-freedom genuine adult at the earliest age, my Responsibly Free School https://www.responsiblyfreeschool.com/

“I have come to feel that the fact of being a “child,” of being wholly subservient and dependent, of being seen by older people as a mixture of expensive nuisance, slave and superpet, sooner or later does most young people more harm than good. I propose instead that the rights, privileges, duties, responsibilities of adult citizens be made available to any young person, of whatever age, who wants to make use of them. Most people who believe in the institution of childhood as we know it see it as a kind of walled garden in which children, being small and weak, are protected from the harshness of the world outside until they become strong and clever enough to cope with it. Some children experience childhood in just that way. I do not want to destroy their garden or kick them out of it. If they like it, by all means let them stay in it. But I believe that most young people, and at earlier and earlier ages, begin to experience childhood not as a garden but as a prison. What I want to do is put a gate, or gates, into the wall of the garden, so that those who find it no longer protective or helpful, but instead confining and humiliating, can move out of it and for a while try living in a larger space. To trust children we must first learn to trust ourselves; and most of us were taught as children that we could not be trusted.” John Holt

I look forward to reading more of you in your now new year, one year older and perhaps, wiser?

Stay safe and free.

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Thank you for the birthday wishes and the excellent links. We are on the same wavelength! I quote de Mause in A Battle for Children's Minds.


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Happy Birthday! Thank you for all of your insightful pieces of writing!

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Thank you!

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Jun 8, 2023
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Thank you!

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