Thanks for the Robert Plant video - who knew?

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Life is full of surprises, right?

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Grace…oh grace… that beautiful truth…full and free…but at a terrible price…of our Saviors blood!

Knowing that Heaven is my home…and the Lord is with me…I have no excuse for not singing in the darkest hours! After all…I’m just a passing through! This to will pass!

Death…the last enemy… cannot defeat the Child of God…for life eternal…exists… for all who trust in Jesus!😊

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Thank you so much for this story today. Sapir, thank you G-d for saving her and the others. Shantaram's story made me think his life has been very similar to Paul's story.

And WHO KNEW Robert Plant loved to sing gospel songs!!! G-d is truly amazing!

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Beautiful post, Karen!

Sapir is a beautiful woman and a testament to having faith or practicing faith, as in my case.

I did read Shantaram. It was a great book. I moved many times and I gave it to the library.

The song at the end was beautiful love the harmony. I didn’t expect this from Robert Plant. ♥️

Thank you. And good night-safe travels.

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Thank you 🙏

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Thank you Karen.You just brightened up my day.

I'll read Shantaram as soon as I can get a hand on a book version !

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Perfect! Just what we need in this chill. Thank you!

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Yes, it is!

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Karen, I shared this with a priest whom I highly respect. I know that he will love it.

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Thanks for this, Karen. Yes, having faith is so important and it is good to be reminded of this by such distressing but also uplifting stories.

By the way, Robert Plant went to the same grammar school in the U.K. where I attended in the 60s. I did not know him while I was a pupil there but I always remember the words of my old headmaster who just could not figure him out and told him when he left “You are a wretched youth and will never come to anything”!

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These stories are such an inspiration for all of humanity to stay in their hearts and know this is how we are overcoming the narrative!

I so love hearing this Gospel Song! Thank You for sharing stories of strength & love!

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You bring such honesty and loving spirit to the table 🙏

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Sitting in front of you on the kitchen counter are all the ingredients to make a beautiful, tasty cake. What you use, how much and how you combine them determines how your cake will come out. But, if you do nothing, you will have no cake. Life is like the cake, what ingredients you put into it will decide how your life comes out. God bless Sapir.

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Beautiful. I love your music suggestions. My kids and I still have Jelly Roll on repeat in our car thanks to you!!!

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I just re-read twice. Brilliant article and thank-you again.

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