Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for this piece. I shall try to forward it to my 26 yr old son. Perhaps he will even read it. Your words are powerful and hit the heart! God is good. I have faith and will not worry. Thinking of the plight of others living in a horror show reminds me how utterly blessed that I am to have been born in the USA!

Never give up!


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I hope he reads it. I feel such sadness for our youth who do not know what those long gone days were like. I know the elderly always say things were better in the old days, but this is really true. Everything changed with technology.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I absolutely agree!

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Not only do I consider myself to be utterly blessed to have been born an American citizen (even though born and raised overseas), I am doubly blessed to have been born when I was, in the 50’s. I grew up believing the best of our country and will have lived the great majority of my life believing that. I’m in my 70’s now and like many of us, have realized the lies we have been fed for decades. I am thankful every single day that my parents never had to see their beloved country in this state, but I’m old and I’m tough and I know what we once stood for…and I will NEVER GIVE UP…


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Amen. Passing on our stories to the next generation is so important. Even if they pay no attention now, you never know what might come back to them in their hour of need, perhaps years from now. God bless.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I was born in 1960 in Texas. Life has always been good here. We have “lost” Austin but East Texas where I live is somewhat insulated from the zany goings on elsewhere.

Bad things are still happening and the world has changed. I am so thankful we got out of DFW in 2022. It is overrun with new arrivals of all kinds. The traffic snarls and makes it difficult to get in or esp. out of the city snarl once you get in!

The illegal immigrant inflow has recently moved north up close to the suburb where I once lived. Mosques are common as churches. Some of that Venezuela mob are there causing trouble and bringing crime. In the city where I live (pop. 110,000) a man driving a stolen truck led police on a chase and was ultimately shot/killed. No additional info was available.

My parents gave me a loving happy childhood. I was free to roam the neighborhood as a child—something my 2 could never do when youngsters in Dallas. We had a fence with gate around our home so that they could go in our backyard to play and swing. I always left the door to the garage open. We were worried about child abduction after the Amber Hagimen kidnapping and murder in Arlington. That was the impetus for the Amber Alerts. She was just my daughter’s age. This was a couple of years after my own brother was kidnapped from his home and murdered in 1991.

I was so frightened for years. And that combined with other circumstances made me feel like I was living my own personal hell. Now I have a granddaughter living in Manhattan and 2 step grandchildren living in Dallas. They are the ones I pray for daily—that they get the opportunity to grow up without tragedy. God will keep them.

I hope the younger generations wake up and begin to look around to see that things are going downhill. Our 5 children seem oblivious!

Karen’s writing is a way to try to enlighten them!

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I'm so sorry about your brother. So many tragedies. I remember as a teenager walking with my sister to the store and a van pulling up with two guys in it who said they were photographers, and we looked like models, and we should get in the van and go with them. I mean, really? Who would believe that? But I guess girls did and still do.

We got as far away from them as we could. I don't think we realized the danger. We laughed about it. I don't laugh now. But as you say, in those days, kids went outside and played all day, and nobody checked on you. Bored was a dirty word. Nobody cared if you were bored. You had to use your imagination to create games. It was great. Even my daughter, born in the early 80s and my sons born in the early 90s were raised the same way. Outside playing with friends. They are the last generation that knows what it's like to live without constant surveillance from technology or without being constantly hooked up to machines.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I remember an Andy Rooney spot on 60 Minutes years ago showing a plane taking off in NY...then landing safely at Heathrow. Point made! 😂

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He was a funny guy!

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

☀️ Thank you sister,

Grace and Peace to you.....

.....one day at a time.

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Yes... 🙏

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Whatta beautiful interview-what struck home the MOST is what she said about the young'uns of today left with...NOTHING! How sad! So they fill it with ANYTHING they kin grasp (poorly I'd say havin' been raised on shiftin' sands)...be it SJWizms or pro-Hamas or pro-TrannyTakeover an' the make themselfs a "part of" these bigger movements (not at all suspect many are con-games gamblin' on them doin' just that). She handled the entire interview deftly--an' with charm, grace, an' confidence!

As fer the tablets--now THAT is fascinatin'! I'd heard about other (much later) example of folks imaginin' the worst but yes, mebbe fear has been weaponized against us for SO long we're still tuck in Ancient Babylon! Fear kills the soul... (in fact there's a beautiful Fassbinder film 'bout that--how a couple of odd ducks in love are nearly killed, souls 'n all, by fears their communities impose upon 'em Ali Fear Eats His Soul is the name...)... It's hard in the face of SO many negative things goin' on but we must somehow ferget fear... even knowin' it's real, validated--the hostages bein' a good example... No answers here but yes, FAITH or as ya call it the "Word of God" is one remedy fer the fear...more than I ever knew!

Last thing--the hangin' gardens fascinated me too--the stuff of dreams! I had a couple old books from my gran' with beautiful illustrations an' I'd stare at 'em over an' over again--my mind goin' ta far away places an' "seein' "stories -- that leisure time of childhood--"perchance to dream" was so vital (I think too many kids today miss out on it too..) I feel SO lucky ta have been born when books meant everything ta most of us--gotta carry this forward 'best we can--without FEAR!

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I was looking for your comment about something you've written? I wanted to read it. If you know what I'm talking about can you post it here again.

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my pleasure Karen--here ya go! (this is re the "trauma programmin'" they are usin' ta manipulate us by takin' advantage of our connections with our pets...


ps in it I share some references to some ol' children's books that perhaps were favorites of yours too? (Ping & Millions of Cats!--both with mahvelous illustrations too!)

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I so agree! I'm sure we would have been best friends if we'd grown up down the steeet form one another-- although you're much younger than me 😆

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Shucks Karen--me too! ❤️ (btw--mebbe Im a bit younger but I joke 'bout bein' quite long in the tooth myself -- the older ya git as an actress the more slim the pickin's! -- we also started our fambly later than most so I'm I'm regularly around moms born a lot later--born in the diggy-tail age an' lack the same frames of reference that provided such a solid foundation in the "real").

Thankfully we both were lucky to have enjoyed the simpler "golden days!" (hours readin', drawin', climbin' trees!)

Now this gits me wonderin' what happened ta those old books with the fantastic illustrations?!--I think I'd value 'em just the same now--my Ma's memory is bad now (jabs bad caused it) so she wouldn't remember BUT they might yet be lurkin' in her basement in a forgotten box.... (I hope so!)

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I've kept a few. But sadly, when my dad stopped being businessman with a successful job and became a writer, and we started traveling the world, we lost our house, everything so all of that is gone. He did eventually become very successful as a writer but that was many years later.

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Aw that's sad--but I git it--nowhere to store / keep those things... something similar happened when my granparents were "forced" ta move outta their "forever house" -- I was away at college an' so much they had saved includin' their "library" got cleared out an' given away-- they didn't even want to move--long story--but my Ma saved some good books. Too many were lost in that move tho' and cannot be replaced (along with a lotta other stuff of importance...). I'm sure it's a bit bittersweet that yer dad's success came too late to have been able to keep all the books in storage... I still frequent the library "sales" an' every so often there's a lovely old book with great illustrations that doesn't have a high price on it! I've started to rebuild a bit much to the chagrin of my hubby (lol) who's no fan of book stacks!

The worst thing--when my gran' moved she threw out ALL of the fambly negatives--some from the turn of the 20th C because... wait fer it--"they're all upside down--who's gonna need these?!"-- Not bein' the photo-taker she really did NOT pay attention to how photos were printed or reproduced-- Then over time ALL the fambly photos got stored in PVC (non archival) scrap books an' either faded to nothin', crumbled, or the color ones turned all red and look awful--THAT is how I found out my dear dear grandma tossed ALL the fambly negatives--when I requested one old album, saw the shape it was in, an' figgered I could reprint but nope.... (I've yet ta tackle what's left of the photo albums to save what I can...I'll need gloves as the stuff is toxic-pthalates!--an' offgasses too) Sigh.

MEANWHILE--this actually mebbe worse--dear dear gran'ma got rid of all her mother's saved correspondence--many boxes of letters--that started in the early 20thC--because "nobody read Russian any more" (her fam was from Lithuania an' nearby parts of Russia but they all spoke Russian) -- Sadly nearly all these people were killed in WWII (95% of the joos in Lithuania were eliminated) so now we don't have the names (sigh) If they hadn't moved it all would'a been kept--they had a basement then an' the move to a tiny apt. made triage essential an' bein' away I had no idar. My great gran's first cousin an' dear friend was an early PM of Israel (I don't wanna out m'self but his Israeli initials were MS) an' he & my great gran' had written each other often--in Russian--up until WWII--MS had left Ukraine early for Palestine so was safe an' long ensconced there. ALL those letters were tossed too--never occurred ta my grannie, bless 'er, to save 'em or ta git 'em translated. Ironically once I wuz settled in my first NY Apt, my dear neighbor spoke fluent Russian an' could'a translated anything I wanted for free! (she wuz up in years an' had worked fer Educational Alliance for over 40 years--her bread 'n butter was translation to help newcomers from USSR to the US understand their paperwork, find education, pediatricians, git settled... she spoke English, Yiddish, Russian, German an' a little bit of much else! Fate is funny, no?

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There is an interesting Substack, “Stupidified”, authored by Jon Hampton, formerly a non-believer who has written a series of articles “Scientific Proof that God Exists”. I have never been concerned with inconsistencies between “Science” and the Bible because of Faith, but as you mention in your article, many have abandoned the Bible in favor of science, mistakenly believing that both can’t be true. This abandonment seems to be where everything began to go off the rails because the very foundation of western civilization is based on the tenets of the Bible. Mr. Hampton has built a bridge between the two, demonstrating that you don’t have to abandon one or the other. Instead, he maintains that current science actually proves the truth of the Bible, at least as it relates to the creation story in Genesis.

Another resource I stumbled across, even though I hadn’t really been looking, is this YouTube video from a Christian astrophysicist, demonstrating the existence of God through the use of math. Even if you’re not a math nerd, it is a very interesting video and demonstrates the wonder inherent in this world we live in using something as potentially boring and incomprehensible as theoretical mathematics. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=taKaFUNJ6Ec

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I will definitely watch that this evening. Thanks for making me aware of Jon Hampton. I've written a few.pieces along this line, most recently In Defense of Faith https://khmezek.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-faith-a-response-to

Ii's difficult for people to grasp what Faith means anymoe even though we all live by Faith every single day.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I appreciate the many videos you include in our essays, Karen. The debate in this text was spot on. We all can benefit from more love and kindness in this world. I admire Ayan's courageous journey which she has humbly shared with the world.

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Sep 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Beautifully said

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Amen and Amen, Karen. TU again!❤️🙏

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RemovedSep 15·edited Sep 15
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Actually she answers him quite eloquently with the different levels of perception.

Religion is not Christianity. Religious institutions are generally corrupt although you will find many wonderful people within them. You might be surprised to find how many scientists, for example, have concluded that there must be a God. I address this in my essay In Defense of Faith if you haven't read it. https://khmezek.substack.com/p/in-defense-of-faith-a-response-to

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Klaus your analysis, to a significant extent, describes the effect, e.g. hypocrisy, deceit. corruption, greed, hatred, murder, narcissism, irrationality, immorality, evil, et, al.; but appears to have missed the root cause. I suggest that, as Karen's essay poignantly explains. we as a human race have ALL fallen prey to two master influencers. One is our fallen nature; we all come into this world physically alive but separated from God because of this fallen nature that was passed down through procreation. It's as a result of Adam's original sin. This fallen nature influences us from within to make decisions that are diametrically opposed to God who is , by His nature, holy and righteous - Therein lies the cause of the separation. Therefore, we as members of the human race, descendants of Adam( who was created by God) ALL have the same problem, SIN!! By extension because of our relationship to Adam, we receive his fallen nature from the male of the species, namely our fathers. So Klaus, what you described has at it's core the fallen human nature as a root cause of the evil that has existed throughout human history. History has proven that degeneracy is not a human condition that self corrects over time; As your descriptions aptly prove this point,

Secondly, Satan influences from without. He like Adam is a created being, endowed by God with intellect and volition. He chose, as did Adam, to disobey God. Disobedience to God is sin; and sin results in consequences. We are free moral agents; God gives us the freedom to choose . With freedom goes responsibility. Responsibility is reflected in thoughts and resultant actions consistent with character and integrity, built upon absolute standards.

Satan, in his insane arrogance has rejected the will of His Creator; thus has declared himself an enemy with Almighty God. We, as potential image bearers of God are also declared enemies by Satan. Satan influences the human race by means of his cosmic world system; a system that exploits our nature towards sin and tempts our volition to reject God and His absolute standards. We battle spiritually on three fronts: the world (Satan's cosmos); the flesh (our fallen nature); and with the devil (Satan, his supernatural fallen angelic beings, and with his controlled human accomplices). Herein lies the ROOT Cause. i.e. the problem of sin; alienation from God.

As Karen's essay points out, the Word of God provides the solution to our problem; and by the way Klaus, you are spot on to point out that religion exacerbates the evil. Religion is Satan's creation and is a nefariously inspired counterfeit to the Plan of God and to the Grace of God; centered in the perfect work of Jesus Christ, God's, co-equal and co-eternal, Son, who died and was raised from the dead; having sacrificed Himself freely in order to pay the penalty for our sins, past, present, and future. Therefore sin is no longer the problem. The issue now is receiving the free gift( GRACE) of eternal life(SALVATION) and the forgiveness of ours sins. How? By using our volition to place non-meritorious faith in Jesus, trusting in nothing else but Jesus Christ; as God's solution to the problem of our separation from Him because of sin. Any belief system that incorporates human works (merit), pseudo spirituality (false doctrine), and/or seeking to appease God through approbation and human good accomplishments apart from God's will and GOD'S WORD is further defined as RELIGION, period! God hates religion! Jesus called out the religious hypocrites whenever they reared their pomposity before God and His absolute standards of righteousness and holiness during Christ's earthly ministry to bring salvation to the human race at His first coming. I present this, His Word, about His soon second coming: ' Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse. And He who sat on him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war. His eyes were like a flame of fire, and in His head were many crowns. He had a name written that no one knew except Himself. He was clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called THE WORD OF GOD " ( Revelation 19: 11-13). Jesus took our sin upon Himself. He took responsibility for His creation. He didn't abandon us. He saved us! By paying a debt He did not owe. Why? Because we had a debt we could not pay!!! Christianity is an eternal relationship with God through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. Christianity is the antithesis of religion.

" So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God " ( Romans 10:17 ). " But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is the rewarder of those who diligently seek Him " ( Hebrews 11:6). " Now faith [what it does] is the substance [essence/reality] of things hoped for [as reality], the evidence [proof/conviction] of things not seen " ( Hebrews 11:1); i.e. Faith itself proves that what is unseen is real; eternal life/rewards. Klaus and readers, Karen through this Spirit inspired essay points us to the solution and to the answer to all of life's questions that have eternal ramifications, e.g. Why am I here? Who is responsible? Where am I going? How does it end? What is the meaning of life? The WORD OF GOD, Jesus Christ- Trust Him, He Saves. No religion of human works and good deeds performance is recognized by God - His Son's work alone on the cross is mankind's ONLY access to God, heaven, beauty, light, purpose, and truth. God sends NO ONE to hell ( permanent, eternal separation from Him )!! We choose our eternal destiny, Volition Is The Issue!! " For God so loved the world(mankind) that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting (eternal) life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him (sacrifice on the cross for sinners) might (volition) BE SAVED" ( John 3:16,17 ). Choose you today who you will trust for your eternal life. It's a free gift. We cannot work for it and we do not deserve it. But God's grace, mercy, and love offers the human race His life which is eternal (never ending). It is obtained in one, and only one, way - Faith Alone, In Christ Alone. " Jesus said, ' I am the way, the truth, and the life, No one comes to the Father except through me '" ( John 14:6 ).

Secondly, Satan is the the master influenc

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