Why is it that hardly anyone seems to notice the obvious?

According to the latest fake news, people can expect "hemorrhaging fever" and or "Ebola" (both are invented illnesses, cover-ups for poisonings). Either way, people will start dropping in the street like flies, with blood spurting out of their orifices.

Remember the protest in Israel when Direct Energy Weapons (DEWs) were used against those who protested agains the "covid" policies? People dropped in the street with blood spurting from their orificies.

The same result can be produced by turning up the overpowered 5G towers above 30GHz (Is it an accident that the highest-measuring instrument to find out about microwave exposure measures only up to 10GHz, while the radiation starts to become lethal from 30 and up?).

DEWs are primarily for crowd control, but they can target a specific target as well, as it happened to be the case, when Dr. Noack was murdered within seven hours after posting the truth about graphene hydroxide in some of the lethal injections (but 5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, too).

When a "real" pandemic needs to be emulated, 5G towers are the way to go. They can kill all life in selected areas, "proving" the existence of a "lethal virus" and a "pandemic," which will further empower the mosters who have taken over just about everything in the "civilized" world.

Is this, as Bill Gates put it, the real "pandemic that will grab people's attention"? Is this what he and his wife were openly smirking about?

Next? Martial law and mandatory lethal injections.

You cannot say you haven't been warned.

The ONLY way to defeat the tidal wave is by pointing out that Germ Theory (as opposed to Terrain Theory) is a fraud and by replacing the monsters' money with something of intrinsic value.

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Bravo!! I am truly grateful for your essays- I learn sooo much from them. The control freaks always leave out the spiritual--If we kept our eyes on the "real" prize they would be utterly powerless to control us. Bless you for your truth and spiritual knowledge and sharing it with others---

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Great read. Thank you for this. ❤

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you & your reporting are appreciated.

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I'm so glad you exist and I have found you. Epic work you make. Great wording and narrative.

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So good. Always the right words. Thank you!

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Your words are always appreciated. Incisive, yet full of grace and beauty. Not an easy task when there is often horrors in the telling. I really appreciate the spiritual imagery as well. Part of the real disease in the world is that we swapped the eternal values for the love of money. Two stories, eternally battling it out in the hearts of men. The time of the false story is about to crumble, and the everlasting tale of the eternal truths spoken by people such as Jim Elliot will rise in our souls again. It may not be be an easy transition. Evil does not go quietly. But I know The Author and Perfecter of our faith is at our side through the process.

An interesting aside…This is the 2nd time in less than two weeks I’ve encountered writers on Substack who have mentioned Jim Elliot. I became acquainted with his work and ministry many years ago when we had the privilege of meeting his wife Elizabeth, who spoke at a church we attended. A large card with the quote you shared graced my refrigerator door for many years. Now no one I know has ever mentioned him or his famous quote in many a decade. But now I’ve heard it twice in a very brief timespan. I’ve observed this usually occurs in three’s for some reason. And I’ve learned to pay attention to things like this, as it typically means that God is using random people to get a message across to me. I will be thinking and praying and pondering a lot about those words now. May my gaze be fixed upward on Him. Thank you.

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I am working on a new essay that will be for paid subscribers (but for the time being I am making it available to everyone) and I am going to write more about Jim Elliot. My dad was a Christian author (don't know if you knew this from my writing) His name is Dave Hunt, and my family was very good friends with Jim Elliot. My parents went to a farewell dinner for him and the others. He wrote about it in his first ever published book, an autobiography called Confessions of a Heretic (no longer in print), but I was reading about it just yesterday. It really affected my dad and even made him doubt his faith for a bit that such a terrible thing could happen.

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What a small world it is! I saw your father on Television out in CA many years ago in the late 70’s or early mid 80’s. It might have been the TBN network. I recall how well-spoken he was and I seem to recall he spoke about another authors book that was popular at the time, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow. Although I might be muddling up my memories as to the books title.

The martyr stories are very strong meat. I remember how horrified I was by Jim Elliot’s story when his widow spoke at our church. Straight out of the book of Hebrews stuff. I need to keep an eye on your timeline as I would love to read your essay on him. Thank you so much for replying. It means a lot to me that you took the time to do so.

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Bravo! Excellent! To the point!

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I'm getting there.

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I'd like to speak from the heart about the importance of recognizing the humanity of trans people with respect. The language and narrow outlook used in this article to describe, or rather write off trans people as aberrations and deceptions saddened my heart. This technocratic agenda that lies behind covid governance seeks to divide us against each other and conquer us. let's not let them do it.

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Hi Raelle, Thank you for your comment. Reading back, and I did not write off trans people. I linked to trans images and pointed out they were all men parading as women. We rarely hear about women transitioning to men, it is usually the other way. This is because women are being disappeared. You can ask girls who train to be the best in sports only to have their dreams shattered, lesbians about their concerns, or gay men who are cancelled if they don't want to date trans men, etc. What adults do is their business and I respect that. However, a lifestyle is not biology, and I should not be forced to acknowledge something that simply is't true. Even Kaitlin Jenner has expressed her concerns--and I fully respect her right to be called she, or anyone else if they so desire. A personal preference of a tiny minority should not be pushed on everyone else and there are nefarious reasons why it is happening. If you are not aware of the push for children towards transgenderism and how it is a big part of this technocratic agenda, then I hope you will inform yourself. These are things we should not mince words about. I haven't written an essay about that topic; I have only touched on it in some of my essays. There are others who do an excellent job speaking to this push to make ALL of us in one or another completely dependent on drugs to sustain us--being trans is just one of them. I would suggest you read Jennifer Bilek's comprehensive writing on the topic. https://www.the11thhourblog.com/ I appreciate you speaking from the heart. I certainly don't expect everyone to agree with me. Thank you once again for expressing your concerns.

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From my 'old' Oxford dictionary: Aberration - deviation from a normal type.

In this context, normal type would be male and female. Trans people are a deviation from this normal type, therefore, an aberration.

Just a fact.

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