Jul 24, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I know how you feel today (btw I know Echendens very well). I know how most of your other readers feel today. But today I went to a huge demo in Marseille (France). A really huge one. And it made me feel a lot better. Most people were ordinary people. Working class people. All kind of races, religions and political ideas (and I mean it!) walking, chanting, laughing and chatting together (a WOKE nightmare!). What struck me was there were very few "educated people". But everybody understood what was going with the the 4th Industrial Revolution on cristal clear. Much better than middle class liberals who weren't around anyway. Common decency at its best. Ok It's not gonna stop the Powers That Be. But their plan is so demented that their own hubris will smash it. Meanwhile we are not alone. We can reach out. We can help each other out.

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That's amazing that you know Echendens. I visited it again a few years ago with my daughter and my niece, and everything looked almost the same. I even went to the village school and the caretaker had been a student with me!

I've looked at the videos of the protests, France has been amazing.

You're right about the working class people. I love this quote by C. S. Lewis from That Hideous Strength, a book for today:

“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

(As for Echendens I just happen to live nearby)

Thank you so much for this quote from C.S. Lewis. I had completely forgotten about that particular dystopia. I must put my hand on a copy! Indeed a book for today.

That's something about the so called "reactionary" writers – Chesterton, Waugh, Bernanos, etc... they may have been monarchists, devout christians, whatever, but they all understood too well that the modern world was a complete scam… So did a few left wing people like Orwell I guess...

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So true! I love to read and quote those writers from our past. I feel it is important to keep their voices alive.

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Not everyone who has gotten the vaccine thinks that others should be forced or coerced into getting it. Part of the media narrative is that all vaccinated people are opposed to others being unvaccinated. While some are, maybe even the majority, not all are. The media narrative serves the purpose of keeping people divided.

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Very good point, thank you.

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This is an important statement regarding the vaccinated towards the unvaccinated.

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The author wrote: "I know people tend to look to the past with nostalgia, but truly, there has never been a time in history when even the recent past has left us so far behind."

I may be mistaken, but to me, so much has changed in our world (virtually none of it for the good) in the past 16-18 months, that it is unprecedented; at least in terms of modern Western Civilization.

In addition to the tangible results and outcomes of all of this change, the pace and sheer volume of it has also had a very negative impact. It has almost literally left us with our heads spinning. Which is almost certainly not an unforeseen outcome. (When your opponents have been "thrown for a loop" and are unable to steady themselves, and regain their wits, it is far easier to keep striking at them and keep them at a disadvantage.)

With each passing day, as the massive and intense propaganda and psyops campaign rolls on, are we just helping our enemies gain advantage on us by willingly following along with the stories, videos, and reports? It is very addictive. We struggle to look away, even though we recognize just how demoralizing and painful it all it.

However, those of us that do wish to heed the advice that you offer in the conclusion of your excellent essay ("...the necessity, to stand up and fight.") do need to keep aware of the numerous affronts that are mounting each day. For if we know not what they are doing, how can we seriously fight against it?

It is a dense quandary that I certainly have not been able to resolve for myself. How does one find the proper lens and filter with which to observe this battle (i.e., a profound battle of Good versus Evil)? So often I want to just turn it all off and look away. To escape into our very peaceful and pastoral rural American environment, and hope that we aren't impacted "too badly" while we remain on this side of the grass. Yet, the events of the past 16-18 months have essentially rendered that approach into folly. Now that the level and extent of this evil has been unleashed, none of us will escape unscathed for very long. (Not being a pessimist here, but rather accepting of a cold, cruel reality.)

And even if we were able to find our escape into a personal Galt's Gulch, what of the lives and futures of our children and grandchildren? Not many of us will ever rest easy with their futures so much in danger and jeopardy.

Perhaps in a future essay you could help us come to terms with this dilemma? How do we stay informed and engaged within this spiritual battle, and not unwittingly inflict more harm than necessary to ourselves while doing so?

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Thanks for this wonderful response. I am struggling with the very question that you ask and will do my best to address it.

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I look forward to reading your thoughts on it! Thanks again.

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Jul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Beautiful. May God's blessings be on you and your efforts to reach others with love and truth.

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Thank you so much.

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Jul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

what a beautiful article. It has left me with both hope and despair.

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Yes, it's hard sometimes to remember there is always hope.

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Jul 31, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


Thank you 🙏 Lost in Space is from my younger years! I’ve just finished reading this and I will be rereading it more! The depth of this upon my first reading is felt but a reread is a must! I can so many be blind to this world 🌎? Houses of all worship have even become blind! I’m am so grateful that I’m grounded in spiritually and when propaganda/fear set in I always seek my spiritual ground!

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Jul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I remember being forced to watch “The Lottery” during my 7th grade Social Studies class in the early 1970’s. I was horrified, confused, and had no idea why we had to watch it. There was no explanation of the story, and no discussion. I can still feel the horror and sadness that I felt. I feel that same horror and sadness these days...

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The story left a powerful impression on me, too. I've not been able to forget about it lately.

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Jul 26, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, Karen. Very well written. You have quite a gift. And, we must use our gifts for good, as you are.

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Jul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Fantastic piece of writing. 👏🏻 your warning is heeded, from me anyway.

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Thank you. I hope the numbers will grow.

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Jul 31, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Hey Karen!

Thank you for taking the time to think all of this through

and lay it out so well👍

you hint enough of a full understanding of the operation and machinations in motion

so I offer this easy-to-follow thread for your consideration to use as a lens for helping others to inspect and understand it


"Lost In Space"😀-I SO eagerly awaited its debut and watched raptly every week (in English) cuz "Star Trek" showed too late at 9pm, my bedtime, until the 2nd season. Had a crush on June Lockhart from her "Lassie" days♥️. Guy Williams (John Robinson) was born and raised in Argentina😮

NOT a quibble, SOLELY as proof-of-reading closely😀

you in fact DO and DID speak English, while your new schoolmates spoke French👍

Hope that you and loved ones are well and HAPPY😀👍

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Haha, thanks for the edit. I was reminded by another reader as well that I do, indeed, speak English and made the correction. I value your proof-reading! Thanks for the link as well. I'm not an economist but I have a fair bit of common sense to see what's going on. This was very informative. I think there are these battles going on between powers. I also think there is a power above all of that. Money in all forms is an illusion. I do see we are going the way of China with digital IDs and kind of crazy how the Bible talked about this. Rulers have always pried into the lives of their subjects. We think we ae under a microscope now, we have always been. Just try living in a village, for example. You can't do anything without everyone knowing about it and judging you for it. Seems human nature has some basic flaws/instincts and we can't yet escape them. Glad you enjoyed the essay. Working on the next!

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Aug 3, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yeah well

the Plan has been operational since Adam & Eve

and He who sees the End from before the Beginning has given us what we need to understand the pivotal passages that the Plan will transit through👍 It's gonna get unimaginably ugly

and that's a necessary feature

for those who oppose the Plan to manifest their full opposition to and rejection of, in manners most heinous

but there IS a Glorious Resolution that we'll ALL here assembled company reading this

hopefully be around to enjoy😀👍❗

I was born n raised here, so I have lifetime-deep roots with people here, but I'm pretty solitary, so few really know my bidness, so I can't really imagine the claustrophobic cloak that one would shoulder in a rustic village

but it seems to have coated you with a layer of introspection and observation that serves you and your readers well❗

til next👍

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... And I just saw this headline!


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Jul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The total lies make me sick.

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Yes, you will see more and more of these types of articles.

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deletedJul 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek
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Thank you, I have a lot on my heart.

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