Another wonderful article. I must admit that it did make me question my self worth. The truth is we never know how we will respond to adversity until we face it. You are fortunate to have known people with such immense character.

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Yes, I have truly been fortunate. It has impressed on me the necessity to share what I have learned from the experiences.

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Wonderful! Thank you!

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I'm certain you realize that you went thru the wardrobe years ago, when you were a young girl. I can't tell from your writing when you came back out of it, but that you did, and that you've also visited some other ones that are not so wonderful.

Now, it's also clear that you can go back thru it often, that you can take us with you and show us the way, that it's a world filled with stories, and heroes, and watercolors, and truth, and honesty, and a Champion that urges you (and us all) onward.

Yet, it's the heroes you introduce us to that impact me the most. I wish I was them, like them, instead of what I am. I know I could not walk thru the fire they walked thru, could not have gone thru their wardrobe into their terrible other world, and I admire them and aspire to them.

What an inspiring essay, thanks, as always,

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Ah, this is a beautiful comment. Thank you so much! Yes, you are right. I've been through the wardrobe and not only once, just in a different way. These heroes are there to inspire us. We are all who we are and we all have a purpose. Thank you for encouraging me in my writing. God bless!

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