never sawr the film but heard it was all quite gory & negative--it wuz not 'bout the teachin's of Jesus or love or mercy at all but (I recall) more on the evil ones that dun'im in ruthlessly i.e. the joos so that's why some joos don't love Mel (it's way more complicated in reality--mebbe more nuanced in the film too but I heard not). So …
never sawr the film but heard it was all quite gory & negative--it wuz not 'bout the teachin's of Jesus or love or mercy at all but (I recall) more on the evil ones that dun'im in ruthlessly i.e. the joos so that's why some joos don't love Mel (it's way more complicated in reality--mebbe more nuanced in the film too but I heard not). So I guess havin' a plot that sez "look at the evil folks that killed our lord" angle an' how we were all made ta suffer fer it-- vs "look at glory of God" an' the goodness of Jesus is a matter of choice fer any director-- Again, I did not see it so I'm only reflectin' on it--Karen would be a better one ta opine... but as ye know--one same story kin be told 100 or more different ways... from different perspectives, etc.
Other than the Sword & Sandal films of old Hollywood (many quite good!) I cain't say I know many of the films about Jesus but I know well the musical Godspell an' it's lovely. It tells the tale of Jesus & his sad end with parables & stories of his "good" teachin's -- all from the Gospel of Matthew as a perspective.
It's beautiful, the music, the performances an' fer me it's also a love song ta NYC (where the performance of the tale--the story within a story takes place). It's created by jews so I cain't opine on accuracy in terms of "gospel"--but in it we find much that touches the heart an' none of hate. So mebbe it's that... even tho' the moosical & film of it (same) ends with Jesus dyin' on the cross... the focus is not on sufferin' but ruther on the teachin's... hope that makes sense (?)
never sawr the film but heard it was all quite gory & negative--it wuz not 'bout the teachin's of Jesus or love or mercy at all but (I recall) more on the evil ones that dun'im in ruthlessly i.e. the joos so that's why some joos don't love Mel (it's way more complicated in reality--mebbe more nuanced in the film too but I heard not). So I guess havin' a plot that sez "look at the evil folks that killed our lord" angle an' how we were all made ta suffer fer it-- vs "look at glory of God" an' the goodness of Jesus is a matter of choice fer any director-- Again, I did not see it so I'm only reflectin' on it--Karen would be a better one ta opine... but as ye know--one same story kin be told 100 or more different ways... from different perspectives, etc.
Other than the Sword & Sandal films of old Hollywood (many quite good!) I cain't say I know many of the films about Jesus but I know well the musical Godspell an' it's lovely. It tells the tale of Jesus & his sad end with parables & stories of his "good" teachin's -- all from the Gospel of Matthew as a perspective.
It's beautiful, the music, the performances an' fer me it's also a love song ta NYC (where the performance of the tale--the story within a story takes place). It's created by jews so I cain't opine on accuracy in terms of "gospel"--but in it we find much that touches the heart an' none of hate. So mebbe it's that... even tho' the moosical & film of it (same) ends with Jesus dyin' on the cross... the focus is not on sufferin' but ruther on the teachin's... hope that makes sense (?)
It makes sense. :) And the one you describe sounds lovely. I didn't see either. I'm just trying to understand the feelings.