So glad you are revealing more and more, Karen. Like you, I sit away from my homeland and watch in sadness. The UK is not a safe place either and does what the US instructs her to do. I have mentally and emotionally detached from this world. So, I watch and wait, horrified at what is to come. I still find so many back home are going about their daily lives in blindness. They don't think the US can fall. They aren't prepared for the hard times to come. Only now, at this late hour, are some beginning to store food. I'm glad you're in a better place, Karen. I hope your family are well. We continue to trust in God's mercy and compassion. It's the only thing we can fully trust!

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The satanic overlords above soros and gates who are just bagmen had to destroy America because of the hard men and their guns.

American males are a far reach from what they were in the first half of the 20th century. American males have become soft, sure some might gym bodies but none could work the fields sunup to sundown. I worked on drilling rigs when men were made of steel and rigs were made of wood. The sissy boys today think sitting behind a pc is a hard job.

Now the gay, woke tranny shows in our schools and fathers don’t have the balls to stop it. They might be called trannyphobe

We’ve become a weak nation that is on life support. God help us

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We are a drugged and entertainment addicted society. So many people lead such unhealthy lives. I have no problem with LGB, it's when they started adding on the other letters that it went crazy.

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Beautifully written - thank you Karen for an extremely informative & powerful article. I have to believe this is Spiritual warfare & our Creator lives in the TRUTH. The Light of Truth will eventually come to pass, in the meantime, I gather more Truth from articles such as yours & pray hard for humankind. GOD bless you ...

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Thank you and God bless you.

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If you want fertility in a garden, you have to dig in the nasty smelly stuff...So it is with minds...

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Had never heard the story of the bomb drop and the Gregg family. That's a sad tale.

That is a good illustration of the damage that is inflicted, and there's no accountability.

Thanks for writing the piece.

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But like so many mistakes most people are completely unaware. The populace remains in the dark.

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I’m sure he got “legal” advice to just pay her so she would go away and not tarnish his image. This is recommended by many lawyers even if you did nothing. It’s how powerful people do business because they are constantly susceptible to entrapment. It happened to my husband on a small scale and the advice was given by a lawyer to give more money so you don’t get smeared in the papers. That will always be out there, true or not. This person knew she had leverage and boy did she leverage. That was a sad moment because we are people who want to fight the wrongs. I’m not sure why some people don’t respect Trump more and keep saying he’s a flawed man. Like who is perfect? Have the guts to get behind what is good. That’s been me since 2016. Now here we are. Sad...

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People are particularly hard on him, he must be some kind of super threat.

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You always help shine the light in dark places and this article is superbly written.

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Brilliant! Thanks for this! I am so mad I can’t even write about it …you’ve nailed it!!!

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It's getting to be too surreal.

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yup, I think due to this plandemic catastrophe where we're all hurtin', some folks (regrettably) harken back ta old tire'd stereotypes to 'splain what we cannot (fully) comprehend OR explain... yes, SO many like this... I embrace friends've all faiths an' no faiths an' truly feel most human beans are GOOD eggs--it's only a few've the rotten ones that seem ta control the hen house! An' no "people" (by faith, race, whatever) should be blamed fer the faults or crimes of them few foxes at the top (more like at the bottom!)

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Such a purr-cept'ive take on Orange Man (who yup, did a lotta bad stuff but ALSO quite a passle've good--thank ye much fer listin' the "11 Organ-eye-say-shuns" he'd extracted / ex-trick-cated us from! Wow. The quote from Africa was also brilliant an' fierce--it's how MANY of us feel even tho' like you we DO share our love of America--what it once was! (I disagree with him that it was founded on racism but I agree that the ugly underbelly existed an' shouldn't be e-raced!)

Special thanks fer speakin' kindly of the Jewish people in the US an' of their "backbone" contributions... because of COURSE most are not Rothschilds 'er Epsteins (no more than non-Jews are, say, rotten-but-powerful Cheneys 'r "Bushes" 'r Aquinos... etc). Sure, some on the Left (I wuz once a so-called Lefty myself! but I left the Left when it went full-tilt cwazy!) have turned sour n' woke (no more so than many of all faiths, however...methinks) but in a world where ya cain't tread on any website without hearin' bout the JWO (Jew World Order) or them "Proto-Culls've Zion" or how we supposedly run the world (many've us 'r livin' quite close ta the bone money-wise, in fact! MOST of us are not SBF!).... an' how "all Zionists 'r rotten" (fact is many good people 'r Zionists an' I think many Jews were fooled inta thinkin' "Israel" was for THEM... a safe haven--an' instead the behind-the-scenes global elites with The Crown were just usin' the state an' those in it as a poll-it-i-cull PAWN...' nuther story fer a 'nuther time...), the truth is far more nuanced an' uncomfy fer them that want a scapegoat cuz most ordinary folks that happen to be Jewish in faith are decent law-abidin' people--and were taught to value ALL human beans (I sure wuz)... AND all faiths too! (I sure wuz). So a special thanks ta ya Karen... fer the guts and HEART to speak out with such a kindness in a "whirled" where I see little've it EVEN among those that have smart perspectives on the "rest of" the picture...

Keep on sharin' yer insights--with gratty-tude an' a heapin' helpin've appreciation!

ps every-whar's I tread--even on Substack, even on my own Stack (!), I see so much hate fer the Jews so yer kind words 'r ever-so-welcome!

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I block very few people because I prefer open dialogue but blatantly antisemitic people I block. It's been disconcerting to see how many there are.

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In my over-60 hockey dressing room this past Friday I was sad to watch/hear the unanimous assent of approval from every guy in that room when the Trump crushing was discussed. It indicates, among other things, that legacy versions of who Trump is and what Trump did and, most importantly, why what was done to him had to be done are just the habitual way that most people get their news and interpretations of truth. I kept my mouth shut because what would be the point? Until alternative narratives can break through the glaciation of messaging that most my age embrace with so much certainty, I feel very alone and helpless to affect any change in the attitudes and ideas of my age cohort. Curiosity, exploration, innovation, any kind of life-long pursuit of knowledge seem to be low priority. Thank you Karen for your work.

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This makes me sad, DC5. What's the point? I'll tell you what the point is, to SPEAK TRUTH to the CNN, lamestream insanity (and mass stupidity) that is being force-fed to the multitudes. I am over-60 and I gratefully acknowledge the many Truth Tellers who snapped me out of my own ignorant, lazy, mass-myth-thinking that I had believed, or just assumed out of my own arrogance.

Because of those Truth Tellers, I am saved from my own sin. Because of those Truth Tellers I am free of the propagandization of leftism. Because of those Truth Tellers I am better able to use essential critical thinking skills and DO RESEARCH to glean the TRUTH from so many complex current affairs - and share the Truth with others.

“All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.“ Edmund Burke

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I put your comment in my new essay :)

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I understand completely how you feel. It's not easy seeing so clearly what's going on when the people around you are so blind.

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I am so conflicted about Trump and find it difficult to even care about him at this point. He's such a flawed man, but aren't we all? I think one of his biggest shortcomings was an inability to communicate above a 3rd grade level. His speech was often cringe worthy. Consequently, he gave the media plenty of fodder. (Biden escapes their wrath even though he provides an abundance of fodder, but he's their man!)

I, too, love my country, but despise the government. And Trump willingly became a part of that evil entity. I certainly question anyone who is narcissistic enough to think they could clean up decades of corruption, especially if their own life is filled with dirty deals and immorality. Most definitely more than a little hubris involved. But again, he's still alive, which raises more questions in my mind. After all, he was selected.

Sometimes I yearn for the ignorance of the past and a return to believing the illusion that the US is a good and noble country. It makes me incredibly sad.

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