Why do not people stop complying? If masses of people would refuse to comply then the monsters would not be able to control. Why do people carry cell phones and comply with those "requirements? I refuse. I do not carry a cell phone. If one is required then I do not take part. Thus I cannot get the "cheaper" prices at the grocery store. So I don't. Yes, I am discriminated against. Since rec centers require my picture to join and use the rec. center I don't take part. STOP complying!

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It's very difficult to convince people, especially the younger generation, of the implications of giving up their data, down to their DNA. They just don't get it because they've been conditioned since birth to accept it. It's too bad because there's nothing inherently wrong with technology or with making people's lives more convenient. It's the price the we pay that is so wrong.

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Even in RUSSIA recently PUTIN was begging the children to NOT post photos of their genitals on line to sites;

There is an insanity taking place all over the earth, its like parents would have never given $1k USD iPhones to the 2 year olds +20 years ago;

I seen it in my own extended familys the two year olds with their own 'smart-phone' surfing for 'cartoons', but always staying the longest on the 'homo-grooming' sites where the hide-the-genital cames are/were played, its not hard to guess that all over the earth where children are given 100% 24/7 accesss to smart phones that we're seeing this 50-50 where boys wear a dress & makeup and girls want to look like boyz;

Sure the people who drive the world want massive depopulation, so sure they push same-same sex relation, but you all don't have to incentivize, or do you??

I know in my own family as a child, I once asked my mother about TV, why she didn't care what we watched or when, and her comment was "TV is the greatest baby-sitter ever invented"

Same same with the smart-phone now nobody gives a fuck what the kids view, so long as the kids are sitting well behaved transfixed to their mobile tracking device;


The DNA doesn't have much to do about anything; If anything DNA is just fingerprinting; Which is another from of tracking;


Most money on 'high-tech' biology by the elite is spent on "IMMORTALITY"

LIke the infamous HEN-LA cell line or Henrietta Lacks "IMMORTALITY CELL LINE" discovered in 1950's to date today Johns Hopkins has spent over $1 Trillion USD on immortality research on her cell line;

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So in summary, ...

Good parents never give their children 'smart phones'

No point of starting the addiction, today look around anywhere in public and people are glued to the fucking smart-phone; So why start them at 2 years of age or earlier??

It don't make you smart', most adults are playing fucking videos game, and most kids are watching shit that a child doesn't even need to see unless you want them to 'skip childhood'

I can't say how many 4 year old girls I have met in family friends who announced "I'm ready to have a relationship the only thing stopping me from finding a lover is I'm trapped in a 4 year old body", talking about 4 going on 40, where in the fuck do kids even get this shit? Kardashian? Fuck I don't know I quit watching TV in the early 1980's

Something is really fucked up with this hyper-acceleration of children to adult from 2-20 over night, like letting 3 year old decide to cut-off their junk and change sex, fucking crazy insane world;

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It's way beyond a 'mobile tracking device' anymore

It used to be just "Kill your TV" enough said, maybe a few years ago "Kill your Internet", or simply 'live off the grid'

The problem I see from the perspective of a person that spent 20 years on the ocean sailing alone into ports all over the earth, is that lots of places today are just fine, but then lots of places like the USA are human cesspools of SHIT;

U cant kill your phone or TV today to fix the problem, all you can do now is run-away from the sick rotten 'sodom&gomorah' western societys that are going down hard&quick;

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Ask the grocery stores to use their "courtesy card" when you check out, and they'll give you the same discounts the people who have their own "loyalty" cards get. Most stores will do that.

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I'll try it.

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Extremely impressive and well researched essay. Sad but the world is in chaos and ethics has been transferred to capitalist puppet masters. AI will have the same problems and failure as we currently have but it is intended to serve the puppet masters . AI will go MAD unable to figure people out as in goes from being smarter to stupider in cycles. Look at Harvard right now. Once a highly esteemed learning academy that has sunk to all time lows . It’s president guilty of plagiarizing. It’s board OK with it . DEI and race politics trumps qualifications and meritocracy. The school recently being voted as having the least freedom . If students who are being taught more woke and gender politics than real learning and a president that lies were to feed DNA to AI it would go mad . Contrast this if AI was given DNA from Harvard students and teachers 20 years ago. Multiply this by hundreds of thousands similar events going in the world the aberrations condoned by globalist puppet masters will drive AI crazy. The crazies feeding AI and AI wondering what’s the normal.

The new God of Data married with Biology will have its puppet masters too .

All of this reminds me of the 60’s Zagar and Evans tune “ In the year 2525..” I think we’re already there and it is heading towards the same civilizational destruction.

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Absolutely! Well said.

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'2525' was rational, men's bodys became useless unused mass

Today's wok-ism is irrational dumbing down of the USA; Doctors with sub 80 IQ's

I would argue that "Harvard" and lots of the liberal colleges became worthless years ago; Also on this issue of plagerism, the entire black-studys was bullshit in the first place you are all blaming 'gay' for plagerizing an earlier expert on black-study's, how much can really be written on this subject? Of course it has to be plagerized, its not real science, its an artificial construct of moronic times;

Gay's crime is telling the truth about Israels crimes, all else is bullshit being dumped on her

Harvard liberal education and all ivy-league for that matter lost purpose decades ago, even the business school is/was just a place for MBA's to hook-up, link-up and make deals;

Sure when all the top-schools quit demanding Tests for entry and allowed sub-100 IQ's, they had to dumb down the course work,


The only question that needs to be asked is "Who wants USA destroyed??"


Then you all will blame 'capitalism' which was the only way poor and of color ever had to climb out of the feces of their birth; To which now even a smart poor kid can't get a good education because none are to be had, cuz everybody now has to teach homo-studys and pedophile passion, and blah

It wasn't that long ago that education was the 3 R's, readin, riting, and rithmetic; Now its the 3 condoms homo, tranny, non-binary


There is no song from the 1960's that predicted how screwed up USA would become by the 2020's

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The farther you retreat from death, the farther you retreat from life. The safer you are the flatter the experience of life. The easier life is the more meaningless the experience. Many have gone mad for the sheer emptiness of life... you see it glaringly on social media. The missing consideration in this madness is purpose. Can anyone divine a meaningful purpose in modern life? Is it to consume at the highest level? Is that the only function of the cyborg? Consume? One is tempted by the question: Why are we here?

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So true. How did we get here, what is the purpose of life, these questions can only be answered on a spiritual level.

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It wasn't normal for generic people to become 1 Million times richer than the commoner, sure a king, but today we have 1,000's of MUSK level rich all seeking 'immortality' we have 1,000's of companys selling immortality, the raw feed for all these companys is children's blood & Organs, and of course aborted live fetus;

The +100 year rich man wants immortality, and its clearly been show now after decades of research that human-vampirism indeed does work; That vampire level immortality is attainable;

So now even millionaires can buy immortality, which creates a demand for insane levels of fresh raw children's meat, blood, & organs;

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This may be the best Stack I've ever read.

You provide a great overview of what's taking place. I feel like some things make more sense now after reading this. What we face is daunting. But we must first know what we are up against before we can do anything to change it.

I appreciate your work here.

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I wouldn't worry too hard;

Look all the elite always self-breed and recreate themselves

I remember years ago my little sister had chihauhau's the dogs, and let the mother fuck the son and have baby's by the 2nd or 3rd generation there were 5 legged 4 eyed mutt's

Same will go with the 'elite DNA' crusade

Nature will find a way to mix, but the elite always do incest and create ugly, just go walk the streets of HK where you have to be rich to live there, almost all the children look like harelips and downs symdrome, why is that?? Inter-Breeding

MUSK is no different, just like Rockefellers, or Clintons, all these elite familys every generation gets uglier & uglier

The 'human-machine' as ran by buffet, or munger, or musk is all dialed in for immortality for the rich elite, most of it involves freezing their brains and implanting them in cloned bodys, where the clone is a clone of themselves, same-same as inter-breeding; Every generation will become sicker and more psychotic

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It seems that the lie in the garden repeats. Man's pride becomes the place where temptation can take hold. Who wouldn't want to be forever young and wrinkle free? That's the hook. I don't think we can reverse this monster. Our only hope is that God stops it soon.

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"Our" precious n' "perfect" DNA ta them is not only useful info to enslave us (social crud-it scores, etc) but ruther to them--the psychopaths nabbin' it--it's banal, ordinary "data storage!"


Eadweard Muybridge--Ed-Weird!--brilliant inventor who STOPPED TIME! (think 'bout that, putting the stoppage of time in sum'buddy's DNA... twisted thought that!)--an' a murderer... an' it's hiz footage they stored in the DNA of a human "bean."

I jus' read we are not only data storage, we are powering bitcoins (them that have the things) https://cointelegraph.com/explained/what-is-humanode-human-powered-blockchain

So thanks ta our DNA an' the nano-bots they "gifted" us with--we're convenient data storage, data power, an'...device power too! (https://www.colorado.edu/today/2021/02/10/thermoelectric )

Whut wuz sacred is now sumthin' convenient at "check out" (also Check Out as in end-of-life....)

It's a dark dark death cult this theft of what makes us human an' unique-- I think legally fightin' it is important (so appreciate the info on that I had no idar that In NY they kin store it 27 years--an' do!)....

BUT I'm wond'rin' if there is another way ta fight it--to protect it...

Even sans smartphones I fear they got it--but I wonder if tensors 'er tones 'er music 'er something can mess up their tech... I feel this is like the Magic School Bus that drives deep inta the human body 'cept this time (talk about predictive / groomin' text books! gettin' kids used ta devices in their blood traveling thru the human body--tho' the series is also charmin'...) Is it time ta fire Miss Frizzle? As "The Machine Stops" so should them "Machine Masters" be stopped...an' pdq!

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Adam and Eve were robots: source Genesis 1, which (Phoenician) book was/is encoded with a Formula for alteration of mitochondrial DNA. THEY LIVE (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096256/), if you have never seen (it), then you should see (it), has far more resonance to reality than e.g. The Matrix. "ALIEN" is possibly the hugest misnomer of all time.

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Where did this baseless fear that robots would attack humans come from? Why were there so many stories about robots and humans fighting?


Fairly obvious that humans fear things that are smarter & stronger than themselves;

Well the good news is that chat-GPT type AI will hold general-AI back +100 years, so no fear of real INTELLIGENCE, all we have today with chat-GPT is a trained parrot that can parrot back 'woke thinking', but real intelligence fuck no.

With regards to robots, yeps its all good on power cord, but on a battery you got about 20 minutes and then you have a boat anchor;


The robots of terminators, where they're super smart, and super strong, and have infinite portable energy ( totally fucking impossible ); Humans may never have such robots, but they'll still fear; Most humans feared the dark and most still do;


Yes in theory AI can re-design DNA throw tons of shit on the wall; See what sticks, LLM (large language model AI ) is now +10 years old, then only new thing is that it can be done on $10K USD class HW, or in some cases $1k USD hw, but certainly no more intelligent that stuff that was done 20 years ago using statistics ( LM->lstm); It's real good for stuff like human language translation;

It's not general AI, it doesn't think, it just patterns matches 100's of billions of patterns and finds the most likely; Which is still why you don't want AI to be your judge, where at best its only going to get stuff right 98% of the time; Or an executioner, or an AI soldier that makes life/death decisions, but they don't care because 98% is better than most judges or doctors do;

With chat-GPT the Bullshit is pervasive but they don't call it lying, they call it 'hallucinations', no its lying, because to a statistical AI its still just a machine counting numbers, and their is no emotion, or judgement just numbers;

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It seems to me that all of this was more or less predicted by Lewis Mumford in his book The Pentagon of Power in which he predicted that the last and final goal of the Invisible power-and-controlling Megamachine would be cracking and thus attempting to control the genetic codes/structures of human and non-human life.

It could also be said that such an outcome/goal is the inevitable manifestation of the all-encompassing techno-culture created by the Emissary as depicted/described in the book The Master & His Emissary.

In some sense it could also be said Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Monster was an early prophetic warning re this situation. As was William Blakes extensive critique of the then burgeoning "tree of death" culture described in his Golgonooza writings.

Theodore Roszak was an early prophetic critique of this too especially in one of his early little known books titled Where the Wasteland Ends.

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Yes, while Frankenstien was 'scary' because the dead were butchered to create life, most of the stuff now it as bio-technology level or 'nano' atomic, so people cannot see corpses getting glued together

Now that harvest fresh abortions for tissue culture and grow their little monsters from scratch out of sight; One has to wonder why there is not a MODERN frankenstein book what they actually do today, which is far worse; The value to live-infant blood is now over $1,000 USD a pint, and fresh infant live organs worth more than gold by the gram;

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Dec 18, 2023
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It cannot be "reclaimed" but as I mentioned some people in Texas and other States have sued the government over DNA of their babies taken and sold without their consent. But as a mentioned, DNA can even be collected from the air now.

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Dec 18, 2023
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Yes, siphoning souls is a good way to describe it.

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To burn down their factorys, which is why the new ISRAEL BLood/Organ bank is 600 feet underground and the only organ/blood bank on earth that can withstand a nuclear bomb dead hit; So even destroying is no longer possible unless destroyed from the inside;

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