I agree with you. Your article was very enlightening and this just backs you up. Is there any way people can get their comments and tweets totally removed from Twitter? I doubt it. Being on Twitter is not a smart thing, I think. All it is doing is feeding the beast.

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When Twitter permanently bans you like they did to me, they wipe your page clean. Nothing left. But of course, Twitter has it all. You can request a copy of everything, which I did, and I have it. As a public person who writes and talks loudly on social media about controversial topics, I'd rather have a presence on Twitter than not have one. Wars are fought with words and it's important that we keep speaking out wherever and whenever we can for as long as we can. At least, that is my opinion. I know others feel differently.

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I'm glad you are vocal on there. We need people of courage to speak out and you have a large audience, thank goodness.

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Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I've read it and I have sent it to all my friends and acquaintances. Now that Dr. Malone is joining into the warning call, let's hope everyone understands the severity of the concern.

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Thanks again, Karen. Never trusted him. Something has not been right.....his vision should frighten every human being.

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I thought the same thing when I learned what NeuraLink and StarLink were. Then he got into crypto. Very creepy.

Even if he doesn't have any actual evil intent it won't matter. The technology will be available for any sinister psychopath to utilize. We need laws now. Although I'm losing faith in that.

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As I posted on Dr Malone's site, Elon is likely to improve twit, and unlikely to make it worse.we should give him a chance before attacking. He hasn't even started yet. The bigger question is how will he control all the saboteurs inside his new company. They're unlikely to give up easily.

"Elon says he wants to support free speech. He's never tried to inhibit it. Certainly not at PayPal when he was there. It turned evil after he left. He says he is concerned about controlling robots. He's installing them in his cars, and they haven't turned on us yet. He says he wants to improve twit, which is still stuck in the 1990s. They think adding a few characters to their peculiar limit is innovative. He deserves a chance to try. The only people who don't want him to try seems to be those who prefer censorship.

It's unlikely he'll make it any worse."

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Thank you! You called it.

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On point as usual Karen!! Maranatha!!

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There are viable alternatives to twitter:

1. Gab


3. Substack

4. Telegram

(Minds dot com is another "free speech" platform. However, it has small user-base.)

Remember that we make the platforms what they are - or can be; the platforms are just digital tools!

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That’s what I thought as soon as I saw his piece pop up in my feed. Even if you don’t get the credit, it’s good to know you’re making waves.

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True, your article is excellent. Musk wants a unique mechanism to 'authenticate' each user. He never hints at what that entails, but there is only one perfect way to authenticate an individual. Biometrics w/dna.

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I read everybody and take away something of value. I noticed that he came out with similar article to yours and wondered about that. I haven't read his yet about Twitter. I might not, or just scan it.

A while back I wrote him an Email about his hard sell of Mass Psychosis, Menticide when he first wrote about it. I had read your article about it long before that. He made it appear as if it was a new revelation, and I referred him to your article about Menticide and Joost Merloo. I like people who share and spread knowledge and their sources. I shared to him as well the video about it by "Academy of Ideas." I think I got that from your article as well. It has been so long ago. Your articles are so in-depth and thought provoking. I referenced your writing to him. After that he put out a newer article and referenced Merloo and others who have written about Menticide. I'm not saying he plagerized an idea, but he and Mattias Desmet are promoting it as a new idea together. At least that is how it appears to me.

He has produced a lot of informative and well researched articles. In his case, I wondered does he have a staff helping him, because he has a farm to take care of and he travels a lot. It doesn't matter because anyone willing to take on the crooked Medical Industrial Complex is okay. He is getting attention for standing up against the COVID shot pushers and establishment.

There is one other person I dare mention here, Fritz's Freud. He is a bit scary. He is a genius or crazy, or some combination. His articles are fascinating and somewhat brash. Check him out.

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Thanks for the info. I will check out the scary guy.

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I noticed this as well. It appears many of us are having the same thoughts and trepidations (which makes all the sense in the world, given the stakes).

I just published that Musk piece I mentioned on your previous post. I cite your work as a part of it, so I would love to hear your thoughts if you get the chance. Thanks again.


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If the cia lets Musk buy Twitter it’s only because they want to shut trumps site down. Lol.

They can control musk to a degree. Lol. Trump? Nope and that’s why they hate him. Lol.

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Good point.

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