Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This was 🔥🔥

Keep up the good work

I'll keep sharing and supporting in my own way

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You are spot on KHM 👌

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We have Rob Zombie movies as daycare providers now and also

Also because I'm ASD and if I don't it'll drive me crazy "Bizarro, I love you". -Sealab 2021.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is gold 🥇, TYVM 👌🤝

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

In A Course in Miracles is the posit that the ego (which extends to the fragmented perception-response of a world) is begotten of fallacies that reverse cause and effect in the mind of the thinker - who never thinks alone - but as the result of the belief in separation gives power to thought as judgement set over and against life -both God, Self and Brothers. That it masks in shifting substitution for virtue is the lie by which The Great Projection casts out from the Heart of God (as denial claiming power on grievance).

Most focus in A Course in Miracles for its path to the undoing of the Reversal through the Miracle (that you are and share in as your integral inherence. But in the context of that undoing is the revealing and releasing of the nature and devices of the Reversal by which we each and together explore the indirect but compelling experience of the physical focus of the body in time & place - the conditioning that we set as term and condition of human experience.

The ego or 'reality set in image' runs as a mask of substitution for 'God and God's Son' - a term for Integral Cause to its Extension as unique Event - that Is the timeless heart of Creation. For which our frame of thought has no capacity to grasp or define, but a natural right and capacity to extend; to think with or like God is to give and receive as one - as contrasted by a weaponised doublethink that thinks to give so as to get, or to get without giving a true receipt.

Anyway I attempted the sketch of A Course in Miracles to make the point that the mask of self-illusion breaks down to reveal its lack of true foundation, via and increasingly obvious desperate insanity of blind attempts to 'reset' control. Yet the Holy Spirit (the gift of a true Discernment) uses what is in our mind to our willingness to be healed its conflicted reversal of love in fear, or joy in pain. First by learning the difference, and then to choose one and let the other go.

Of our own thinking we cannot test reality reliably, but of a true discernment, our thought can be sorted and refined to the question that reveals answer, in place of forming questions to reinforce the appearances of seeking.

The more I attempt this post the less sense I expect to convey but I offer it anyway to the potential recognition of another way of seeing the reversal - by which a consciousness not of our making but through our willingness, grows by the sharing that strengthens love of truth and gratitude for love in hearts and minds as one. Renewal is not a reset. But in a sense does reset the true bond of integral sovereignty to give as we in truth receive.

I'm not 'selling' A Course in Miracles. It is a specific tool among many, but all the paths that have companioned my own sense of reintegration and reconciliation in self and life, are in 'the way I walk'. But teachings of its kind are addressed to an embrace of the process of human experience from a perspective outside our thinking - yet within a greater mind our thought masked out - to makes us safe from False Evidence Appearing Real, & locked down in gaslight of guilting manipulations that set irrevocable blocks and distance between who we think to be and the love that creates us - that convention would put in past tense. But the miracle would reveal now.

The idea of creating reality is backwards, yet we are creators, for as we think so shall we perceive or receive. Our gift to ourself and each other and God is the truth of our own living - not as a special means to deserve permission to love, but as simply who we are the unfolding of.

Fragmented minds are legion while shifting to every kind of self-evasive variant.

True foundation is not in conflict.

So I have to bring my conflict to truth I cannot make or control - one step at a time.

Release and be released - in truth, as we find and are found in our willingness.

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Very nice.

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Do I ever get the feeling I'm living in Bizarro World? Do I ever, and I had never heard of this comic -- it came out when I was 10 or so and I come from a family that discouraged reading such things -- but thank you for the introduction. What would its creator think to discover that such a place actually exists? But then perhaps he got the idea in the first place from looking at his own world at the time. Perhaps we have been living in Bizarro World all along, and we didn't happen to notice. The more I remember about those 1960's, the more this seems possible.

These two sentences captured my attention… "When it comes time to investigate the crime, the mayor appoints Bizarro #1, 'Because you are stupider than the entire Bizarro police force put together'. Being stupider than anyone else is perceived as the greatest compliment."

I don't know who Bizarro #1 was supposed to be, but the statement suggests an interesting turn. We go on and on about these corrupt, wicked rulers we have somehow acquired, but what if the stupidest people on earth were actually we ourselves? Wouldn't that be funny?

It is worth considering. It would explain a lot. But then of course we would never be able to see it, and we would go to our (possibly premature) deaths still thinking that the problem was those rotten, stinking leaders.

What is this world of ours? Where did we come from? Do we have a pre-ordained purpose? Are we in any way responsible ourselves, we good people, for turning this place into Bizarro World? These are questions that the stupidest people on earth would find utterly foolish and would not waste time on. We have those bad guys we must defeat, so that the world can be good again. With maybe just a few thousand more years of effort (having expended thousands already toward the cause) we can do it.

There is still time to reconsider. It is not thousands more years.

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The constant distractions keep people from thinking on any deeper level than vapid sound bites. Asking questions such as you do here are dangerous to the creators of Bizarro World because they expose the truth. Their world will fail but perhaps that, too, is the point. Total destruction of humanity.

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I've been calling for the County of Santa Cruz in CA, which is seriously ground zero for the Agenda 21 smart city dystopia, to call a Truth and Reconciliation Commission for the era of covid. I do not actually expect that it will happen, although it could be done without hiring any expensive consulting firms cause there are tons of smart people here and stories that need to be heard. But it is a way to continually speak some truth in a way that ideally is oriented toward creating MORE PUBLIC SPACE. I think of it as consistent with creating a local space that empowers local medical professionals and people with an interest in genuine justice and democracy. The young person in my life who is tech savy is preoccupied with legal matters right now. If anyone might help me with this it would be much appreciated. My two minute bit begins about minute 20:36 http://santacruzcountyca.iqm2.com/Citizens/SplitView.aspx?Mode=Video&MeetingID=1988&Format=Agenda

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"Hateful day when I received life!' I exclaimed in agony. 'Accursed creator! Why did you form a monster so hideous that even you turned from me in disgust? God, in pity, made man beautiful and alluring, after his own image; but my form is a filthy type of yours, more horrid even from the very resemblance. Satan had his companions

fellow-devils, to admire and encourage him; but I am solitary and abhorred."

The above is a quote from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, I wonder if the transhumanist cyborgs generated by demented billionaire technocrats will feel the same way, or will all traces of human emotion be eliminated. 🤔

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Good question. Bizarro World is unsustainable, however, a lot can happen before the whole thing blows up in all of our faces. Sometimes evil men live long and seemingly happy lives while other times they come to s terrible end. So who knows? I am quite obsessed with Shelley's Frankenstein and aspects of it feature often in my writing, either directly or indirectly.

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The life we made is thus, and there is that in us that loves what it has made as well as that which would destroy it.

What is the 'first born son' in the Biblical story of call to sacrifce?

I'm in the territory by the back door, so I recognised our thinking is our 'first begotten son'.

Willingness to yield up our own thought is immediately replaced by a true covenant.

At this level our thinking is an artifice of 'self-reinforcement' (WHO told you you were naked? (to mask in taking thought for self-defences set apart?), the technos of our thinking as adjustment to our experience, generates a life set over and apart - whose shadow is a life subjected to denial, exclusion, disgust.

Consider the Platonic idealist as a luciferian basis to perceive embodied life a pale and unworthy aberration. yet the more we seek to 'make life in image' the more such hatred generates reflection. Learning to 'love' what we made learns to see the lie by denying truth.

So yes - the capacity to feel is heavily denied. Munsch's 'The Scream' comes to mind.

Normalising the scream to background - as social masking demands, without recognising the social mask does the denial that cannot find the feeling of light as acceptance of being.

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I just thought it was fascinating that Mary Shelley's book was actually a commentary on transhumanism.

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Yes, My comment is into an archetypal theme that took on a new twist with science - such as Galvani making a corpse sit up with electric shock.

I see that what we make in our own image can make us in its image - hence we 'become robot' humans within deepening degrees of alienated subjection from our true nature.

Look up the Golem movie on youtube - amazingly shot for an old silent movie - many similar threads.


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Great article, so so pedagogical. I restack it, and will forward too.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great summary on what we’re experiencing. On a side note, I think the vaccines are starting to affect people’s brains in devastating fashion. A lot of my coworkers have become apathetic, unresponsive, and just down right strange. Our company seems to be falling apart at the seams. Accidents occurring in sectors we’ve never seen before. Emails ignored, questions asked left unanswered. Chasing people around to try to get them to do their job. Am I the only one noticing this? I’m beginning to wonder if I’m the crazy one-Or is it all of them?

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Terrifying. And no, you aren't the crazy one!

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

We are free to choose not to know what we know. Or to put it another way, what we choose to identify in can be defended against fear of threat of change - even by death as saviour from deeper pain.

It isn't that we think in such terms -or we'd be conscious - but that we have unconscious strategies for coping and survival that we may not be ready or willing to reevaluate when they no longer serves us because the psychic and social order has changed.

The deep dissonance that is subliminally or intuited evaded or avoided is nonetheless active - even if repackaged into securitised narratives of displacement and diversion - such as the bizzaro world exemplifies.

I don't assign anything ultimately to its packaging - even the vaccines- for the underlying acceptance of the 'countermeasures' is the intent to save and boost a self set in the lie and the father of it. How can truth be welcomed if it damns?

The healing shift I see is to the willingness to give true worth and thereby share in it. Not to give focus to fear, hate, guilt, shame and powerlessness where rage can self-destruct to unconscious and hollow parody of life or ungrounded and dissociated reversals of assertive 'identity' seeking vengeance.

Live your light as well as you can to the same in others.

I see this time of compression as the call to seed essence of all we have lived, not to contract in a death grip of 'control'.

It does ask a miracle of us to abide true in bedlam. But through willingness to extend presence of with-ness and worth-ship anyway or any way we can.

Another term of the unconsciousness revealing itself is 'will-lessness' - an inability or refusal to be truly moved or open true desire as our gift to live.

I think our terror symbols in the world we live are set to hide our true desire, for that is the source of pain in the heart over which all defences followed.

But I don't want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.

"Oh, you can't help that," said the Cat: "we're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.

"You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here.

~ Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

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Sep 21, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

you are not the only one seeing all this. but the tragedy is so very few (maybe 0.01%) can see it and understand it and then also possess the fortitude, character, courage and soul to call it out and say/do something about it. if humans surrender their humanity, humanity will devolve into horror

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I used to be terrified of linking the brain/body to computers.

But now, I see that they have failed many times.

Not because they don't have the technology, but because even medical science is lost in understanding biology, as we have seen not just with COVID but chemo and other ridiculousness.

Also there's a huge issue of how we store memories and think. If we look at the same exact thing, our brains see it differently (processing) and store it in memory differently (recording). They can't read thoughts or memories, period... our brains are encrypted in our own language.

This extends to the scary gene editing topic. They also are pretty lost where it comes to this. CRISPR was the big attempt that failed badly. So called edits would go away or the delivery mechanism would cause issues (like the mRNA shots). Is DNA really what they think it is?

They think they're on the right track with these technologies because their understanding of the mind and body is childish.

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Ultimately, they will fail. What's horrifying is the damage they are doing along the way. Again, common sense tells us they will fail because their ultimate goal is to find the secrets to life and live forever, thus becoming Gods. But much as they would like to think otherwise ( because they are crazy) they are finite and to be God means being infinite. As finite beings all we succeed in doing when we try to become gods is to destroy everything.

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Don't neglect its counterpart of robotising the human perception-responses to match with the augmented tech.

If we come into our lives with such themes of experience and exploration - shall we align in and of their acting out?

We are generally already a long way into worship of technos as a means to protect or support a private sense of control (that is actually a managed identity within a matrix of such a systemic collective).

The consciousness component of any endeavour is often unconscious.

In this sense we are already running on a machine intelligence - that is replicating itself as our cultural reflection. Its a self-reinforcing loop or spell.

So my main thrust is to identify the psyop of the beliefs and definitions that operate within the props and scripts of manipulated matter, energy and biology. EG: the belief in genetic determination usurps the mind of its true Matrix - upstream and 'epi-genetic' to the crude models used to leverage investers, emotions , funding and regulatory capture.

The bio-field of nano-scale signalling and synchrony is the target for hacking by the marketising and weaponising of bought & bent science.

So yes it fails, but look at the failures of the past that reset at more insidious expressions of failure; psychiatry was revealed fraud so it shifted to psycho-pharma. Virus theory failed so it shifted to genetics set within insilico modelling under elitist insider controls. genetic failed and so is marketed via operation covid as a cover for bio-field manipulations - that don't have to be exclusively IN the shots.

But in the capacity to generate plausible events is the capacity to set frameworks of 'research' by which to attract investors to run the next ponzi scheme.

The childish tantrum "I WANT IT THUS!" is not to be disregarded when expressing through a military industrial complex running global broad spectrum dominance.

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Yes, the psychological aspect is very much powerful.

I'm addressing the tech aspect which has failed over and over because they lack understanding of the brain and body.

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So, you think James Giordano with the neuroweapons is a fraud? And that DARPA’s nanogel with its self assembling graphene oxyde which is apparently into the Covid shots is fake news? I wish you were right but it seems everything we saw in the Black Mirror serie does exist. :-/

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They do have weapons that damage awareness and perception for decades.

They're called toxins. Aluminum, mercury, and now the LNPs in shots all aim to cause cognitive issues.

Moderna had issues with the LNPs before covid, when they were trying to do gene therapy. Obviously they didn't fix that issue, as they continued using the same lipids.

Nano gel, who knows. We're going by reports here and there.

Same with graphene. Who knows. I do know that it's used as a filtration medium and also a lubricant for the manufacturing process. That would explain its existence in various quantities in different batches.

But there's a lot more junk in the shots.

Why? Toxify people.

Black mirror was scary in that they had the technology working without physical symptoms. Implants, mind reading etc. They don't address the point I made before, that every mind speaks it's own code based on one's own past development. There's no single formula to crack the way the brain stores info, unless we all are clones who grew up in similar environments lol.

Also these implants have serious issues of rejection and infections at the implant site, because of basic biology. The body rejects foreign material, especially in sensitive areas like the brain.

The solution with transplants is pretty sick. Give the person immune suppressing drugs that reduce the body's response. How do they suppress the immune system? Toxic drugs. Even if they had non toxic immune suppression methods, that still doesn't bode well for taking these implant technologies and putting it in people.

I can't imagine widespread adoption of these technologies happening like it did in black mirror and other sci-fi dystopian shows. Don't get me wrong, those shows are some of my favorite! But really is less "easy" for the technocrats than they have been claiming.

Cmon, how did neuralink fail animal trials only to be able to test on humans? Do they expect a magic solution to the biological issues that the animals had? Wishful thinking!

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As indicated in my reply to Rob, the psyop element cannot always be separate from the claim of function - ie Theranos or 'Immunisation'.

Much of the graphene etc application information is in PR to investors - with some PR to groundbait public opinion.

However, I don't see it all as fraud, for it seeks to hack nano-biology which is where the real support and guidance operates in embodied expression of life, not genes.

The hack seeks gain of function for private interests that disregard the whole of which it is utterly dependent.

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Sep 20, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You can't understand 'crazy' if you're NOT. I believe our Creator lives in the TRUTH & the Light of Truth will come to pass. Prayer is a powerful antidote to the insanity that is being engineered. I keep close to Spiritual practices for Divine protection. I have my own mind/thoughts/beliefs/Soul that is not for sale. Thank you Karen for this powerful article - you are truly gifted ...

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Oh my I just LOVE the entire Bizarro World analogy AND the comic--new ta me but pairs with Clown World better n' beer n' pretzels!

This cracked me up puhlenty: "Well, now that I think about it, there are those who would say this is the safest distance any priest should maintain from a child. " -- Indeedy! But beyond the safe- distancin' fiasco from the "petrified" in all senses priests--the truly bizarro "optics" of one pointin' a gun (water 'er not)--an' pink no less!--at an infant is SKERRY. (Also reminds me of all them toxic temp takin' guns they had in NYC at entry points... the bullet wuz the infrared laser calicifyin' yer pineal gland!)

Talk about BIZARRO world taday, Mostly Mozart has just been permanently cancelled after 55 years at Lincoln Center in my former home, NYC, to be replaced with the "The Criminal Queerness Festival" featurin' Cardi B. an' booty-shakin' rap. Not a joke--it's fer real! Since we left NYShitty my dear daughters had been missin' the concerts n' classical music (students an' famblies got a price break so we went often! ta the classical stuff, ta the jazz, etc...)--guess there ain't much ta miss now--SO sad. An' what 'bout them tee-riffic musicians? The series wuz a regular gig fer 'em.... where 're they gonna play now?

LINK: takimag.com/article/goodbye-wolfie/

As fer them not groomin' the kids with some very dark clothin' -- I hadn't seen the faux campaign ya shared here, but this one is true--from Celine Dion no less--jaw droppin'ly inappropriate an' groom-worthy...nounou means "nanny" so celinununu means this is how she "cares?!"--the viddeyo is super creepy...


the MSM mocked it of course:


All more evidence of Bizarro Whirled (gits my head spinnin')....

An' folks made fun'a me fer lovin' musicals cuz folks just break out inta song "unrealistically"... sheesh!

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