Jan 13, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"Real" vaccines are poison also.

Vaccines create disease.

The belief, and that is what it is, that vaccines have been a "miracle" of modern medicine is accepted as an indisputable article of faith. When arguing against such dogma, which must be done, many will take it as a personal attack on their entire belief system.

Anyone who has studied the topic in depth knows that every aspect of the "vaccine story", starting back in the 1800's up to present, is complete fraud. Vaccines have done nothing but harm people and line the pockets of the medical establishment.

Vaccines are barbaric- all of them.

There has never been a product of any kind so filled with historical misinformation, purposeful deception and outright fraud. The belief that injecting synthetic chemicals made by habitually criminal companies who profit from perpetual disease somehow produces health is not only ridiculous and unproven— it is a foundational teaching of a dangerous religious cult that western medicine has become.

From their inception to today's mRNA monstrosities vaccines have done nothing but cause massive and systemic harm to the human biological system.

Furthermore the biggest fraud in history might be the medical industrial complex itself.

For the past 100 years and more they've been claiming credit for things that builders, sewerage workers, water treatment plants, gutter designers, roofers, fridge inventors, electricians etc have created.

Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more.

Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. Vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases.

Like virtually all of the history you are indoctrinated with the story of "modern medicine" is a complete fabrication pounded into the heads of people from cradle to grave in order to maintain that corrupt, and highly profitable, system.

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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is Bill Gates' wet dream. Vaccine hell for the entire planet. He and his group of sick sociopaths deserve both earthly and divine punishment for what they've done and what they're planning to do.

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Yes, but I have learned not to expect justice to be delivered on earth even though one must always seek it. Some of the perps will not be dealt with until after physical death.

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Jan 13, 2023·edited Jan 13, 2023


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Jan 12, 2023·edited Jan 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Let's not forget Japanese PM Shinzo Abe's bizarre assassination too. While he was originally all in for the jabs, he had supposedly had change of heart last year, and then he was whacked.

I'm honestly surprised Bolsonaro didn't get whacked too.

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Too many to list. I should do a piece on all the ones who died.

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I missed that on Shinzo Abe. "Abe or not Abe, that is the question."

Bolsonaro got 'replaced' instead. I suppose they can't make things look too obvious.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose Freewill"


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Great song.

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes, I've also wondered about Musk's Twitter purchase. Maybe his Twitter 2.0 is a fully self-driving machine that muffles us undesirables without being so obvious.

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That's my take. I've written a number of essays on him. Here's one: I Dream of Musk: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/i-dream-of-musk-6b4

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I'm still undecided. Unlike most Big Tech functionaries, he seems like a real builder, which counts for a lot in my book. It's easy to get carried away with negativity. Also, I could imagine that many in the "deep state" are unhappy with the current direction of the country and want to see changes.

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It is controlled opposition. The narrative must follow a certain path. We must nevertheless keep fighting as that is part of the story.



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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Stop using Google when searching for information. There are other alternatives like yandex or duckduckgo

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I think you will find there won't be much difference between any of them soon. Other than that people in one box will use one search engine and people in another box will use the other. Each will be sure they are getting the best information. I try to use as wide a range of sources as possible.

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duckduckgo is owned by google!

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I didn’t know that

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Jan 12, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Geert Vanden Bossche made the same prediction, that vaccinating during a pandemic will create variants that will escape vaccine immunity. He also has and is predicting a massive amount of deaths from the jab.

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Jan 13, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

They don't care ....... https://gettr.com/post/p24vsuh6d5e

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Luc Montagnier was a monster.

He was the bastard who invented the HIV virus without given proof it was isolated and purified nor was their a genoom. Nothing.

Montagnier is the same murderer as Fauci. They worked together on the scam they named AIDS.

They knew gays used a lot of drugs who undermined their health.

So they made up this virus, like all eugenics do when finding a so called virus that is in fact dead cell debris.

Then they made a test, and when that test had a few to much negatives they invented the first PCR, in order to have more positives.

Then stupid doctors who they had under control gave those positive man a poison called AZT. That made them sick, with all the invented symptoms of AIDS, which doesn’t exist.

So the gays died from AZT.

Fauci and Montagnier made AZT!

Do you think about covid vaccines now?

Well, it’s the same scam.

And if you want the truth go to Rumble, Brighteon, Telegram, Odysee, Bitchute and so on.

Lies are google, facebook and government.

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About LM, a month ago, I gave his own explanations about his discovery of the HIV virus to two doctors to read and explain to me what they understand of that. Not even in this day they clear answered besides telling me that AIDS is out there and can not be denied. When I asked if the syndrome could have other causes than hiv, no answer there too. I wouldn't care in other circumstances, but when these are the doctors we are expecting to take care of us, I am kind of worried.

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I understand you.

It’s a disaster when doctors are no longer to be trusted. So we are told, they are the ones who can heal our body and mind.

The only question i can ask myself: is this true, are they the ones who can heal?

Now we have to go back to the time John D Rockefeller started to invest in pharmaceutical products because he had an enormous amount of coal tar, a residue from so called fossil fuels. And testing it, it could be made into pharma medicine.

So he started to change the healing profession and he built a university, changed all the books about true medicine in allopathy using his coal tar rubbish.

The doctors who used homeopathy and natural medicine he just made a fool of them.

And he invented the lobby of doctors so that only his doctors could have a title to do the profession.

He himself used homeopathy till he died at 97.

So what we nowadays know as medicine isn’t really a healing product. It never cures the cause of the disease, only the effect. So most people have to take allopathy for a very long time. And then they get sick from that coal tar. In answer to your problem: go to a naturopath and you will be amazed.

This is the end time, all lies come true.

Like fossil fuel, a lie made up by the same Rockefeller because when something is rather scarce, he could demand more money. Fuel is made by the earth, under pressure from the movement of tectonic plates.

And CO2 is life.

You see it now, wake up and be healthy. Love, Harmony and joy is what we need.

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Very good, well said. I have understood in more recent years that if oil can be produced artificially then it is perfectly feasible for it to be produced in the earth quite quickly too.

As regards Rockefeller, a nasty con man, you could say he made a fuel (sic) of us!!

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Jihn D. Rockefeller was invited in Geneva to discuss weather oil was natural made or it was a fossil.

So he used his power (wealth) to convince everyone there on that summit to be sure the world would see it as a fossil fuel.

When oil is made into a fossil it can grow scares, and then prices can go high, it’s just an economic scam.

It’s not a fossil fuel.

The Sovjet where the first to proof it was natural made. Empty pits were full with oil after a few years.

Now we know how it’s done, tectonic plates are the source of oil. The high pressure from friction and the surrounding carbon and oxygen do the rest.

We in our Dutch language call it aardolie, translated it’s earth oil.

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Many thanks for this extra information. Petroleum is of course 'rock oil' from the Greek so aardolie makes good sense.

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Agree 100%. 🙏

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Yeah, baking soda has an enorm potential. I have studied a bit on Shijalit, it’s fermented plants that have gone true the himalyan mountains. It looks like tar, and it heals heavy metals out of your body.

Never ever take another vaccins.

All vaccines are poison. The c-vaccines is the most poisonous of them all.

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Thanks for the info. It is likely that the c-vaccines are merely just as Nazi (sic). As people's immune systems in many countries are so bad and people poisoned by poor food and drink etc., that effects of mass vaccination has the desired effect from big pharma's point of view of harming and killing more effectively.

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So you are British?

I myself live in Belgium, Flemish part.

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Hello to you and those faithful to the truth in Belgium. I am British, Sussex, not too far from coast. I have driven through Belgium but never explored I am sorry to say. I did study WW2 history so I know names of places and basic geography.

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You know, with a disaster as East Palestine their will be no healthy foods left. We humans are under attack for a very long time.

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I'm running behind on my emails, and just read this one. It's full of such delightful information, but nothing new for me. I'm beginning to think we can only get outside the echo chamber by a different approach. I keep asking when did vaccines come with lottery tickets, doughnuts, free cannabis, etc. Why do we (or our insurance company ) pay for everything else, but coercion is being used for a vaccine that isn't working very well. Interesting remarks and some quizzical looks. I'm trying to put a tiny chink in their thought processes.

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You could try asking at what point would they decide not to follow government advice. I tried the jumping off a cliff to cure Covid by Christmas. Most people should say don't be absurd.

But I did say this to a nurse who said 'You can't ask me that.' It was only later that I realised that she had been suicidal. I then wept.

I have corresponded with here since. I believe she is ok now.

You may possibly like this. I am not PC.


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Bees aren't suffering from "diseases"; they're suffering from wireless EMFs (and possibly from whatever crap is in the chemtrails).

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Don't forget all the chemicals sprays and pesticides on plants etc.

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I'm not forgetting. However, chemical sprays/pesticides have been around for at least, what? 150 years? But were honeybees dying off THEN like they are NOW? Maybe I need to re-read SILENT SPRING and look for what she said about bees, BUT, I doubt that tells the whole story, or accounts for having lots of bees in my village garden for several years, and then none the next year or the following ten years. Plus the sidewalks after rain going from being covered with eathworms to not an earthworm visible anywhere, instantly, just like someone flicked a switch.

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Are you in USA, I gather things are particularly bad there.

The increase in pesticides and sprays only really took off after WW2 in the UK where I am from.

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western NY state

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...which is not to say that honeybees left western NY entirely; they were alive and well only 40 minutes' drive away (& possibly even closer). I suspect proximity to cellphone or microwave towers...if I knew where those towers were, less guesswork would be needed.

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You are absolutely one of the very best journalists and writers on Substack and probably in the world. God has ordained your work, clearly. Your wisdom and insights come from a higher place. May God continue to bless you. I will pray for you. I hope to meet you, in this life or the next. Keep being a warrior for truth!

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Excellent piece.

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The echo chamber is killing me. I feel like a prisoner.

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Hello from the UK

Many thanks for your post. I have been trying to warn people since I worked things out in 2020. I would like to point out that when Luc Montagnier says they are not real vaccines this is misleading as it suggests vaccines were or some use. I used to think this was the case.

In reality they are utterly, utterly useless and create disease to benefit big pharma profits. The current vaccines may be more poisonous but then people's immune systems have been degrading over the years as they eat and drink badly, poison themselves with toxic sun creams and vitamin D levels plummet etc. etc.

I wrote these if you are interested.





Kind regards and many thanks for all you do.

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Thank you for this excellent overview.

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