Good essay and links thanks. This has been a foreseeable issue since the days of Miss Ada Lovelace (daughter of Lord Byron) and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. The techno biological revolution is currently killing us all. Take heed.


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Hello Karen, I've gladly become a subscriber to your platform. As the discussion is pertaining to AI and robotics, you might likely know of NSA's Cray XL supercomputer code named Black Widow. Early during Obama's first term in office, he authorized NSA to establish a global surveillance network at Ft. Meade, Maryland, followed by the huge Dark Star facility outside Moab, Utah. It's been said to have been upgraded to utilize AI algorithms in their program. Big Brother is listening 24/7. 😨

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Puts me in mind of the Black Mirror episode: Metalhead

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"... I guess we are ruled by a bunch of idiots.", so herds of idiots ruled by gangs of idiots while the OWNERS of the current Civilization have FUN! Nothing new...

Moving to wombs, we don't need to escape the animal scene and go artificial. We already have GM Cows producing Uman Milk... we just need to make a GM Cow Uman Womb. In no time we might be able to see this


Beautiful Uman Civilization we've built!

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You certainly take us on a ride with your essays keeping us up to speed with the gods as you call them. I feel like I am on another planet 🪐 in a far away world, thank you Karen for all your hard work & research 🙏🏻

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"People under 14 will also be blocked from using Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. As Beijing rails against internet addiction, TikTok parent company ByteDance announced a new set of rules designed to limit the use of its Douyin platform by kids under 14 in China..."

"Garbage in garbage out," isn't that the expected outcome when emotionally fragile young prople are subjected to viewing the fantasies of sadistic pyschopaths 24/7. After all, what do you think will happen? But never let ethics, or morality get in the way of a Grubbies need to abscond with billions by psychologically and physically exploiting the powerless. Btw, MSM news is not much better as they psychologically manipulate viewers to accept policies which are causing their own demise.

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You had me at "slaughterbots". I've never been a fan if sci-fi and films with nonstop violence. This has now entered my real world.....a world I have had more than enough of!

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...it's startin' ta look like Fahrenheit 451 down to the killer robot dogs! BUT just as Guy went through the swamp and fooled the cyber-dogs (and the killer humans!), I'm confident we'll do that too even if we end up in the bushes memorizin' books to "tell them" to others (Bradbury really nailed the future good, dang it!)

Just like today, most humans --'specially the young'uns--don't read and their empty but predictive vidde-yo games are not unlike the interactive giant screens in 451. But even with the (literal) numbnuts surroundin' us, I still think we'll prevail. As for the baddies, EVEN if their dark utopian dreams are comin' true with AI "faux" reality--frankly, no robot dog can compare to a real one just as no robot can compare to an amazin' full-a-life human bean! Real dogs save lives and can sniff out a human with somethin' like 1000x greater accuracy than our own noses--so perhaps when we go into the forests we should take dogs to keep us safe by sniffin' out the robots an' barkin' out warningsLONG before they arrive? Crazy? Not sure but I'll betcha a real human-dog team beats an AI one any day.

The insanity in the self-destruct "programming" of us humans is SO extreme that I wonder if the robots don't end up destroying themselves--we've seen THAT in the movies too (predictive? wishful?). I sure hope so! (Still shakin' my head at what I see though...)

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Feb 17, 2023·edited Feb 17, 2023

I think those crazy Microsoft chatbot stories are either a marketing trick with possibly a person behind the curtain, or a psyop by lying journalists or both. Hysteria about AI would allow regulating the internet and controlling speech. We need to resist fear to prevent that. COVID is not even over yet, and here comes the next thing.

It's not like we can verify the logs, and why are there no timestamps? Perhaps there is enough time for humans to shape the AI's answers. Has Microsoft commented to what degree their AI is sentient?

One of AI's eminences, Yann LeCun (he is on Twitter), has said that the field is far from developing a machine with general intelligence.

I do wish those killer robots were restricted by arms control, but it's probably not possible because secret development is undetectable.

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I thought only 30-something-year-old manchildren played video games! Most of the youth I see these days are just on TikTok 24/7.

Aside from that, I highly recommend watching the Black Mirror episode titled Metalhead

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Good summary of a troubling subject.

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