Kamala Harris jokes about killing Donald Trump
Instead of facing the real threat, everyone "shuddered at spy stories, discussed irrelevant problems, argued endlessly about scapegoats and minorities.” ~ The Rape of the Mind
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I had to share this video of Kamala Harris joking with Ellen DeGeneres about killing Donald Trump back in 2018.
And then there’s that demonic laugh that we’ve all come to know so well, with DeGeneres and the audience laughing along with her. This is where we are as a nation—the vice president and presidential candidate laughing about killing her rival.
It sure isn’t 1963 anymore. No, it’s a continuation because we still don’t know what happened back then, do we. Will we ever know the truth of the first assassination attempt on Trump, not to mention the second? What can we expect tomorrow or the next day?
And because things get crazier by the hour, I am adding on here that Elon Musk, who has millions of followers hanging on his every word, has now deleted what he says was a “joke” about how “no one is trying to assassinate” President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris. Funny, since his companies hold millions of dollars in government contracts. “Musk needs to be stripped of his government contracts and have his companies nationalized,” one user wrote.
Not to be left out, the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire wrote a social media post that anyone who assassinates Vice President Kamala Harris would be an “American hero.” They quickly deleted the post after facing backlash.
As we hurtle ever closer to the presidential elections keep in mind that we are being conditioned to turn “the other” into the enemy and we are laughing about it. I think many people have a sense of unease about the laughter which shows all is not lost, we still have some remnant of morality.
The laughter hides our feelings of fear and foreboding:
“Hitler's psychological artillery was composed primarily of the weapon of fear. He had, for example, a network of fifth columnists whose main job was to sow rumors and suspicions among the citizens of the countries against which he eventually planned to fight... [an example of such a rumor/slogan was:] "Why should France die for England?" Fear began to direct people's actions. Instead of facing the real threat of German invasion, instead of preparing for it, all of Europe shuddered at spy stories, discussed irrelevant problems, argued endlessly about scapegoats and minorities.” ~ Joost A.M. Meerloo, The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing
I continually go back to my essay, Utopian Madness, written in Sept 2021 (before anyone else was writing or doing podcasts about mass psychosis), where I wrote about how the “rape of the mind” is achieved through menticide:
“Menticide is… an organized system of psychological intervention and judicial perversion through which a [ruling class] can imprint [their] own opportunistic thoughts upon the minds of those [they] plan to use and destroy.”
“Each wave of terrorizing . . . creates its effects more easily – after a breathing spell – than the one that preceded it because people are still disturbed by their previous experience. Morality becomes lower and lower, and the psychological effects of each new propaganda campaign become stronger; it reaches a public already softened up.”
I encourage people to actively counter this assault. I train most days in the gym; I have a friend that I box with. I run. I hike. I pray. I read fiction. Yes, I read nonfiction for my research. But for the benefit of my mind and my soul, I read fiction.
I’m reading J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings saga, for the second time. I read it as a teenager. These stories take me away from this world and into a world of my own making (completely different from what television or virtual reality does, where the mind remains passive). As I read, I create the characters, I live their adventures through the active use of my imagination.
But more than that, these stories remind me that there is good and evil and that it isn’t as difficult as they would have us believe to tell the difference.
In The Two Towers, for example, Aragorn is trying to convince Eomer of Rohan that he should aid Aragorn in finding his lost companions.
Eomer says:
“It is hard to be sure of anything among so many marvels. The world is all grown strange…. How shall a man judge what to do in such times"?”
To which Aragorn replies:
“As he ever has judged. Good and ill have not changed since yesteryear; nor are they one thing among Elves and Dwarves and another among Men. It is a man’s part to discern them….”
Good and evil are real. They are the same as they have ever been, for every single person on the planet. We are all spiritual beings as well as physical. And, yes, we do have enemies that we need to fight. There are battles that are coming. We will have to decide.
Don’t laugh along with the fools on the schoolyard. Clear your mind of the garbage. Fill it with thoughts of courage, determination, joy, love. Give yourself personal goals to achieve that help you to rise above the filth. Build a community of friends and family who are not afraid to face truth, no matter how hard it may be. But sometimes, friends forsake us, and we can begin to feel isolated as we refuse to engage in the increasing frenzy of hate.
That’s why it’s necessary to become strong in mind, body and spirit. Return to common sense and all that you instinctively know is right and true.
What I find disturbing is how little airtime the regime media have given on these real attempts on Trump's life. It's like they shrug and give no thought to the role they have played in these things. Megyn Kelly in reporting on this second attempt pointed a finger at both the Democratic Party and their media allies with their constant refrains of calling Trump Hitler and warning all that are listening that he is a threat to democracy and America will be over if he wins the presidency. Is it any wonder that there are unhinged people out there that are taking them seriously and might envision themselves the saviour of the country by taking out Trump. The real irony is that it is the Democratic Party with a woke, Marxist President like Kamala Harris who like her running mate the odious Tim Walz thinks that children who cannot yet drive or do most anything else without parental permission can consent to hormone therapy and irreversible sex change surgeries all in the name of freedom for transgenders. That should tell everyone what they need to know about them and that they are the real threat if not to democracy, they are to the very fabric of American society.
Amen thanks Karen for this ..indeed don't laugh along with the fools!! I think it was Stalin that said he needed useful idiots to accomplish his goals and when he had achieved them all of the useful idiots that helped him get to where he is had to go stand in the same bread lines as the rest of us...."God hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7....maranatha!!