Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What I find disturbing is how little airtime the regime media have given on these real attempts on Trump's life. It's like they shrug and give no thought to the role they have played in these things. Megyn Kelly in reporting on this second attempt pointed a finger at both the Democratic Party and their media allies with their constant refrains of calling Trump Hitler and warning all that are listening that he is a threat to democracy and America will be over if he wins the presidency. Is it any wonder that there are unhinged people out there that are taking them seriously and might envision themselves the saviour of the country by taking out Trump. The real irony is that it is the Democratic Party with a woke, Marxist President like Kamala Harris who like her running mate the odious Tim Walz thinks that children who cannot yet drive or do most anything else without parental permission can consent to hormone therapy and irreversible sex change surgeries all in the name of freedom for transgenders. That should tell everyone what they need to know about them and that they are the real threat if not to democracy, they are to the very fabric of American society.

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The Lefts actions are directed towards the fragmentation of the family along with society in general. It's the "divided we fall" scenario" with the side benefit of Government dependency. Additionally the "Will of the people" becomes neutered since the people are deafened and muted --The Republic then represents only the powerful.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Amen thanks Karen for this ..indeed don't laugh along with the fools!! I think it was Stalin that said he needed useful idiots to accomplish his goals and when he had achieved them all of the useful idiots that helped him get to where he is had to go stand in the same bread lines as the rest of us...."God hasn't given us a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind" 2 Timothy 1:7....maranatha!!

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Amen! It's the useful idiots that are put in front of the firing squad first. That is how the are rewarded.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It has been a couple of years since I have been hearing my liberal friends say every now and then “ If only someone could shoot Trump”! And they were not kidding ! They truly believed and still do that he is a monster. They hate him with more than a passion!

I used to think their way. Like everybody else, I was shocked by the hidden camera catching the “I like to grab them by the pussy” during his first presidency.

And also by the “so-called then” lies he said every time he spoke or tweeted.

But Covid propaganda opened my eyes especially when I started to listen to Tucker Carlson who, for my friends, like Trump, is a threat to democracy. (They must’ve read and bought the 10 consecutive vitriolic articles that the New York Times wrote about him few years back! A newspaper, I cannot read anymore without getting very irritated after a few paragraphs. Pathetically biased all the time!

The pretended greatest newspaper in the world which, by the way, refused the right to reply to RFK Jr when his niece wrote a piece in the opinion section defaming him regarding his opposition to vaccination mandates!

Coming back to Tucker, I thought to myself “not only is this man very sensitive, very intelligent, with an immense culture (and a weird laugh ;-)) but most of all, he was very courageous to go against the government official Covid narrative. If you dare listen to him and do not fear being foolishly called a fascist, you can tell that he truly cares for the people, for his nation, for public health and for truth. He is full of common sense.

People ought to listen to his interviews to get astute analysis of what’s happening in America and in the world!

Regarding my canadian and american liberal friends, I never understood how they could have fallen for the mainstream media propaganda to the point of wishing someone’s death!!

I wonder how they feel now that their wish has almost come true… I just hope that they don’t feel sorry he has survived those two attempts!

I wasn’t sure about supporting Trump, but now that Robert Kennedy Jr, Tulsi Gabbard and Vivek Ranaswamy have joined in, I would unhesitantly vote for them if I was American, hoping that those three new acolytes will inspire wiser policies.

The Democratic Party have betrayed the American people to such an incredible extent that I do not understand how anyone can still be inspired by those very corrupt and hypocritical individuals.

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I try to look at it all without too emotion. I have my criticisms of Trump and Tucker Carlson, which i don't need to go into because I've written about it.

The whole "grabbed her by the pussy" hoopla i just don't get except the media pushed it over and over.

We have to be very naive or live in a cave to not know men in general talk like this. Men in power certainly do. And much worse. If i were to list.the things that have been said to me...

And it's doubtly hypocritcal since women talk like this too. Just listen to a group of women in a bar talking about the men they want to F**K. It gets pretty raunchy. But yeah, the hypocrisy knows no bounds.

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Right on…

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Amazon has a new series, I think it is a prequel, about 'Lord of the Rings'. We started watching last eve; it's off to a good start. Good and evil; it's sure a thing. Discernment seems a lost practice and fear is no friend. Thank you Karen.

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Books, though, books 📚

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Sep 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I agree; reading is medicine for the mind.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Perfectly extrapolated, Karen,. Unfortunately it's easier to "kill off" someone's argument than to rationalize with those of a different perspective and actually come to some type of agreement. Because they know that their perspectives are completely insane...

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Sep 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

She wasn't joking

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I think that focusing on the Broken Media, especially if a fix is available, must be paramount. I would like to help to achieve this focus with the following challenge:

I challenge all of the people in this conversation (and any other):

Doesn't every problem in this discussion owe its continuing existence to failed media and failed free speech?

99% of online media conversations overlook the infrastructure required to support a functional, healthy and safe society-- Unbiased open media, AND functional free speech.

Doesn't this bother you folks??

Please post a significant conversation in social media that doesn't need this infrastructure for resolution!

BTW don't assume that the media can't be fixed...This is "thinking past the sale"

I'll sprinkle this challenge about...I want to see this issue light up!

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

With mainstream media being owned by the same people who "own" the politicians and those people collaborating with their buddies who own pharma, the banks, etc, it seems to me that the new independent media is the fix.

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Sep 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There are new and independent media's, such as the one that we are currently conversing on. They can remain independent until they begin to challenge the Legacy media and the Gov. monopolies...Eventually they will get, "an offer that they can't refuse". This has been conclusively proven by "Twitter files", Google, FaceTime etc.


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Sep 17Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Google and Facebook started out as DOD/CIA funded projects (I'm not sure about Twitter). So they weren't coopted, they were handed over to private enterprise but have likely always been under their oversight.

When one platform is taken over, people who want truth move to another, such as Telegram and Bitchute. New ones will keep cropping up until we lose access to the internet entirely, or require digital ID to access it.

I was speaking though about specific people in independent media, not so much the platforms. They are the people we now rely on for news. Supporting them is the answer, IMO, not trying to overhaul a completely corrupted mainstream media industry. The medical, educational and political systems are in the same boat: corrupted beyond hope.

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Thank you for these powerful reminders Karen. Nature, books, cooking, healthy organic food, away from screens, gym/swim whatever exercise time… all very nurturing. Keep it up!

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There’s an inordinate amount of power behind these affairs, crippling the mind of the American public. The power structure is not recognized: it belongs to an antichrist, under whom a great subterfuge colludes. Tim Cohen and Monte Judah have been writing about it for decades now, this is not sensationalism or the rife antisemitism manifesting everywhere at this moment, but a theory consistent with the Biblical indications about the Antichrist’s identity (as put forth in Revelation 13). I am a TI and have first hand knowledge about this agenda. You adeptly quoted Meerloo as I see in your 2021 post. Through the use of nanotechnology, these powers succeeded in that very thing, “a rape of the mind.” I focus an eschatological lens on this power, in “Broadening the Target,” a series of essays documenting this world-wide travail, and the manner in which it will be raised against the public, under the Antichrist.


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