2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

well, you know what they say, "the truth does not require your participation in order to exist. Bullshit does."

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And that's the truth!

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3 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I like the name change, Karen. Good stuff. No dis, mis, or mal.

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Good to know, thanks.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Or you can go with BREAK FREE MEDEA 😆 - although most readers probably aren't well versed in the works of Euripides haha

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2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What a great new name. I also like the ‘no dis, mis, or mal. Keep it up!

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19 mins agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Gooooood choice! Maranatha!!

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1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Truth and Love are very important !! Karen you did Great !!! 💥💥

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Thank you!

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1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I like it.

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1 hr agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Yes to the new name, Karen! I always enjoy your writing. I didn't know the different meanings of 'mis', 'dis' and 'mal', so I learnt something tonight, but yes I am sure it is intended to confuse. Fortunately here in the UK we have the wonderful BBC Verify to tell us what is true and what isn't - we are so lucky...

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Ah yes, where would we be without the BBC! I lived in London in the 1980s when it was respected.

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Break Free is good. Unshackle our thinking from the bailiwick of narrative, Karen!

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Journalists need to be held to a high standard with regard to objective truth. Those who do not uphold, must receive the scold. On the other hand, opinion, which is the raison d’être of 1A, is not bound to truth. False speech is just as well-protected as true speech, excepting defamation.

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Well said.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent and probably the way most of us feel! There is very little trust in the media anymore -- thankfully!! I think it accelerated after COVID and all the "experts" telling us things that we cannot possibly know ourselves -- insert eye roll here. I love the Truth, and it is like the light. Hopefully more and more people's eyes are opened and less and less are deceived.

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I admire your honest approach to what is simply common sense use of established language. Our politicians and bureaucrats have sought to squash our natural instincts with dishonest obfuscation.

"...do we stand with Israel in action as in word or do we fall into a chasm of distraction and division?..." May I suggest a re-write? "...do we stand with Israel and its' murderous attempts to annihilate the Palestinians or do we make a firm stand and proclaim our revulsion for the paranoid psychotic militant Zionists? Heavy words maybe, but either we defend our dignity or acquiesce to the indefensible.

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Definitely not rewriting the words of Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Perhaps listen to more voices from the Middle East to understand why so many stand with Israel.

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Just my opinion but there are no good sides in this war. One should have the option of saying that choosing the lesser of 2 evils is still choosing evil.

I don't stand with Israel or the Palestinians. An honest look at the reality on the ground is that one can cover up the crimes of one but trumpet the other parties' crimes.

We have people in NC that are using pack mules to get food and supplies to stranded communities with no help from the government. They say they are broke yet have billions for Israel, Ukraine, and illegal immigrants.

Haitians say they have "magic cards". When the money is spent, money appears on it like "magic". I saw an interview with a cashier who personally witnessed on Haitian with an EBT balance of 35k.

Let Israel and the Ukraine fight their own wars. Our founders warned us about getting involved in the business of others.

This is from the National Interest article dated Feb. 4, 2021 which repeats George Washingtons admonition to the nation.

Here's What You Need to Remember: Among George Washington’s chief warnings in his Farewell Address was that the United States should take great care to stay out of unnecessary wars, and aloof from foreign entanglements.

The American people had to be forced to enter into WW1 and WW2. If Israel is God's chosen people, then let God fight for them. They should not need my money or my moral support.

What man can fight against Gods people? They should have some faith if they are truly "chosen".

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Consider going low-tech with Zoom or even Whatsapp.

Nobody except the creator cares about production.. The audience cares about content.

As for monetizing, that comes later. Smart people build mindshare for free, then try to monetise.

As I see it happening in front of us all, a lot of bloggers and substackers are all racing down the same box canyon.

They each had some hot topic that they feasted on and built a following, but now their Big Thing is yesterday's news, their fiftenn minutes is over. and they are desperate, having built their hopes on a passing wave.

Some will catch the next wave, but many won't even see it coming.

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2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Allow me to dissent. I most definitely care about production! High quality microphone, "dead" room (no natural reverb) and clarity of sound. Every serious podcaster is very particular about equipment and sound quality. Not suggesting Karen buy a $5K Neumann mic but I would not go lo-tech

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Yes, I'm looking for some middle ground, at least for starters.

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I'm not interested in catching the next wave. I write about what I want to write about. I love writing Break Free, and I have truly wonderful subscribers. I have a certain vision for the podcast, and I am working towards that goal.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thats why I say go low cost, low tech, but start. Once you test the response, you can go from there, but entry is easy and cheap -- even free -- until you build up numbers.

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Anyone can Zoom right now for free and there are many other options.

There are time and participant limits, but moving up won't break the bank.

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Yes, it's more the time and effort involved. I have to really be prepared. It already takes me eight hours of writing a day to write my essays.

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2 hrs ago·edited 2 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

As a fellow writer, I understand. We tend to be introverted and perfectionist. That works for us and against us. You have an unique voice, so don't hold back and wait for the perfect. Share the good.

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Oh, another thing, anyone who subscribes to Break Free will be able to watch the podcast. Perhaps I will do a thing where only paid subscribers can participate in questions at the end.

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