How kin ya teach them kids that those that raised 'em (parents, aunts, uncles cousins) are just plain wrong? ALL whom they trust, they natch'urly believe--without question--an' that's all thru whom they're taught to hate...
That these sweet faced boys openly admit ta bein' willin' to murder that…
How kin ya teach them kids that those that raised 'em (parents, aunts, uncles cousins) are just plain wrong? ALL whom they trust, they natch'urly believe--without question--an' that's all thru whom they're taught to hate...
That these sweet faced boys openly admit ta bein' willin' to murder that lovely (modestly dressed no less) journalist is proof.
When duz that door close? Six? Eight? Ten? When will they be beyond help... embracin' their "destiny" to kill all us infidels, joos first an' never "question" the story they're given...?
I had no clue 'bout these "camps" or the threat--but gorsh they seem ta be true breedin' grounds fer this murderous radicalism.
Just havin' these folks live in a "holding pen" makes 'em more angry, yet they pose too great a danger to be "let out." Whosoever treats 'em with kindness "might" have some effect... Or, might "western" teachers "also" be allowed in? Not to convert or force.... but simply to SHOW what Western life is like... SHOW what "other" folks think, do, how they live?
If the way outta Islam (for some) is SEEIN' "The West" an' how freer lives stand in contrast to theirs... showin' up the lies they are told.... without words, just with images if need be... then they might larn ta THINK fer themselfs or rethink the lessons they're gettin'...
Without education and a real look-see inta the world outside their camp... they'll never change an' THAT is to our peril! They are bein' left ta fester & boil like a plague in a pot! I FEAR bad fer 'em....
methinks in some cases this is just as ya say... but others I've heard (literally they've said this on camera...) that they ultimately abandoned Islam after havin' a "crisis" of thought seein' (on snuck in phone clips) happy people who were not Muslims an' yet who did not seem ta be miserable or "infidel monsters" -- Not sure if it's individual (the few that rethought their faith... it's FEW fer sure...) but I don't know Islam enuf ta see if that's a way forward... Karen here might know better...
MANY humans changed their path once they saw "new horizons"--I mebbe too hopeful that's a an "approach"... but it did indeed work fer at least "a few..."...
People who are capable of that are a small minority in any population so, obviously, Muslims included.
Gad Saad, a Lebanese Canadian Jew and YouTuber who had to flee Lebanon with his family as a child, explains that once a Muslim population reaches a certain percentage of a country's population, the dynamics change. The behaviour of the Muslim group changes. This is a matter of numbers. It's one thing to look at the group as many individuals and another to look at the between group effects, between Muslims and the other groups of people living in that country. This is something like looking at qualitative versus quantitative data.
I'm failing to express this very well.
I've been living with Muslim friends, students, neighbours, colleagues for nigh on 40 years. This is not abstract or academic for me. I could tell you many stories.
1. I ❤️❤️❤️ Gad Saad! been follerin' him fer a few years now! He's such a DEAR soul, brilliant, funny... all that. I know he's spoken 'bout some'a his Muslim soccer friends (some that call him "one of the good jews" lol)--yup, not all git it...
2. no no, yer tellin' it clearly... that's sad then (vs Saad!)... bein' from NYC I used ta SEE Muslims daily jus' on the train, walkin' the streets--but in my profess'shin' (thee-ate-er & film) there are NONE that I knew! (some secular Arab performers of course but no Muslims I ever met an' I'm no spring chicken lol) In our whirled of homeschoolin' my girls, there were very few Muslim famblies--a few shy laydees joined science club but even within our GIANT community of all sorts of people & backgrounds... there were near-none (not sure why 'cept that perhaps what we did an' how the kids were allowed ta play 'n such didn't jibe with their faith)....
So ironically as a city gal always--my exposure was near nil--tho' I saw women in hi-jab all the time... I don't git 'em at ALL... an' it's only with Karen's help here I larned how much "us joos" are hated by them even tho' I did nuttin' at all 'cept "exist"--really learnin' 'bout Islam NOW! I had no clue most've my life.
I hear ya... used ta live/study in Frawnce m'self...(Paris III/Censier) I wuz just commentin' elsewhar on Karen's stack that back in those, my roam/main salad dayz, gee-haw'dists bombed my stew-dent bookstore (FNAC) just one day after I'd been thar & the dept. store Galleries Lafayette... an' other sites an' I ONLY (foolishly) heard it wuz some kinda "Middle Eastern" complexity an' I had NO CLUE 'bout Islam or the threat at the time.... (as a joo but even had I not been! liberal / lefty joos never taught any've us ta discriminate against anyone so if they knew MORE they hid it in the name of "fairness"... possibly to our peril...?)
as a young'un I felt invincible... an' never delved deeper inta the why's 'n wherefores
France gottit bad well 'fore the USA but there's a lotta sleeper cells here now... this ain't the protestin' trust fund kids--I mean the real deal like ya got in France... (are ya in Paris? I CANNOT bee-lieve mah eyes what's become of the lovely streets.... )
afaik, back then (mid80s) there were some "issues" but they mostly took place en banlieu... MY how thangs changed! (no longer kin be marginalized)...
I went to Censier too, starting in '84. We have probably crossed paths, crossed each other in the hallways if not in the classroom. You have got me reminiscing and trying to piece together the past. I use my real name and photo on here as a matter of principle but don't like to reveal too much about my personal life on line.
nice! funny how life goes an' who ya meet in the strange world online!' who knows we didn't cross paths ?! (advisor wuz michel marie fer mah défense de thèse / soutenance ;-)
sure! instructions pls. tho--I don't know 'bout DMs or "follerin'"-- apologies fer bein' sumthin' of a luddite! (I DO know how ta reply when folks direct message me--I've done that much ;-)
Painful ta see this..."death wish children."
How kin ya teach them kids that those that raised 'em (parents, aunts, uncles cousins) are just plain wrong? ALL whom they trust, they natch'urly believe--without question--an' that's all thru whom they're taught to hate...
That these sweet faced boys openly admit ta bein' willin' to murder that lovely (modestly dressed no less) journalist is proof.
When duz that door close? Six? Eight? Ten? When will they be beyond help... embracin' their "destiny" to kill all us infidels, joos first an' never "question" the story they're given...?
I had no clue 'bout these "camps" or the threat--but gorsh they seem ta be true breedin' grounds fer this murderous radicalism.
Just havin' these folks live in a "holding pen" makes 'em more angry, yet they pose too great a danger to be "let out." Whosoever treats 'em with kindness "might" have some effect... Or, might "western" teachers "also" be allowed in? Not to convert or force.... but simply to SHOW what Western life is like... SHOW what "other" folks think, do, how they live?
If the way outta Islam (for some) is SEEIN' "The West" an' how freer lives stand in contrast to theirs... showin' up the lies they are told.... without words, just with images if need be... then they might larn ta THINK fer themselfs or rethink the lessons they're gettin'...
Without education and a real look-see inta the world outside their camp... they'll never change an' THAT is to our peril! They are bein' left ta fester & boil like a plague in a pot! I FEAR bad fer 'em....
No, Muslim immigrants in Western Europe see how we live and it doesn't make them question, it makes them feel inferior and resentful.
methinks in some cases this is just as ya say... but others I've heard (literally they've said this on camera...) that they ultimately abandoned Islam after havin' a "crisis" of thought seein' (on snuck in phone clips) happy people who were not Muslims an' yet who did not seem ta be miserable or "infidel monsters" -- Not sure if it's individual (the few that rethought their faith... it's FEW fer sure...) but I don't know Islam enuf ta see if that's a way forward... Karen here might know better...
MANY humans changed their path once they saw "new horizons"--I mebbe too hopeful that's a an "approach"... but it did indeed work fer at least "a few..."...
People who are capable of that are a small minority in any population so, obviously, Muslims included.
Gad Saad, a Lebanese Canadian Jew and YouTuber who had to flee Lebanon with his family as a child, explains that once a Muslim population reaches a certain percentage of a country's population, the dynamics change. The behaviour of the Muslim group changes. This is a matter of numbers. It's one thing to look at the group as many individuals and another to look at the between group effects, between Muslims and the other groups of people living in that country. This is something like looking at qualitative versus quantitative data.
I'm failing to express this very well.
I've been living with Muslim friends, students, neighbours, colleagues for nigh on 40 years. This is not abstract or academic for me. I could tell you many stories.
1. I ❤️❤️❤️ Gad Saad! been follerin' him fer a few years now! He's such a DEAR soul, brilliant, funny... all that. I know he's spoken 'bout some'a his Muslim soccer friends (some that call him "one of the good jews" lol)--yup, not all git it...
2. no no, yer tellin' it clearly... that's sad then (vs Saad!)... bein' from NYC I used ta SEE Muslims daily jus' on the train, walkin' the streets--but in my profess'shin' (thee-ate-er & film) there are NONE that I knew! (some secular Arab performers of course but no Muslims I ever met an' I'm no spring chicken lol) In our whirled of homeschoolin' my girls, there were very few Muslim famblies--a few shy laydees joined science club but even within our GIANT community of all sorts of people & backgrounds... there were near-none (not sure why 'cept that perhaps what we did an' how the kids were allowed ta play 'n such didn't jibe with their faith)....
So ironically as a city gal always--my exposure was near nil--tho' I saw women in hi-jab all the time... I don't git 'em at ALL... an' it's only with Karen's help here I larned how much "us joos" are hated by them even tho' I did nuttin' at all 'cept "exist"--really learnin' 'bout Islam NOW! I had no clue most've my life.
Yeah well I live in France. This isn't NYC.
I hear ya... used ta live/study in Frawnce m'self...(Paris III/Censier) I wuz just commentin' elsewhar on Karen's stack that back in those, my roam/main salad dayz, gee-haw'dists bombed my stew-dent bookstore (FNAC) just one day after I'd been thar & the dept. store Galleries Lafayette... an' other sites an' I ONLY (foolishly) heard it wuz some kinda "Middle Eastern" complexity an' I had NO CLUE 'bout Islam or the threat at the time.... (as a joo but even had I not been! liberal / lefty joos never taught any've us ta discriminate against anyone so if they knew MORE they hid it in the name of "fairness"... possibly to our peril...?)
as a young'un I felt invincible... an' never delved deeper inta the why's 'n wherefores
France gottit bad well 'fore the USA but there's a lotta sleeper cells here now... this ain't the protestin' trust fund kids--I mean the real deal like ya got in France... (are ya in Paris? I CANNOT bee-lieve mah eyes what's become of the lovely streets.... )
afaik, back then (mid80s) there were some "issues" but they mostly took place en banlieu... MY how thangs changed! (no longer kin be marginalized)...
I went to Censier too, starting in '84. We have probably crossed paths, crossed each other in the hallways if not in the classroom. You have got me reminiscing and trying to piece together the past. I use my real name and photo on here as a matter of principle but don't like to reveal too much about my personal life on line.
nice! funny how life goes an' who ya meet in the strange world online!' who knows we didn't cross paths ?! (advisor wuz michel marie fer mah défense de thèse / soutenance ;-)
Please follow me so we can take this to DMs. I've got things I'd like to say, tell you about.
sure! instructions pls. tho--I don't know 'bout DMs or "follerin'"-- apologies fer bein' sumthin' of a luddite! (I DO know how ta reply when folks direct message me--I've done that much ;-)