It is both. Victor David Hanson laid it out superbly: https://open.substack.com/pub/bariweiss/p/can-trump-troll-peace-deal-ukraine?r=9lzst&utm_medium=ios

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As I said in the essay and as I commented above, this is how it is done, there is nothing new about it. I not sure, however, how this peace deal will mean that ordinary citizens are paid back. Rather, it will mean contracts for huge corporations, for the tech billionaires, etc., who use the rare earth minerals to make the products we, the taxpayers, then pay for. Just as weapons manufacturers grow rich off or war, we will see who grows rich off of this peace.

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I’m not as knowledgeable as you on this. It seems to me the US is waging a proxy war with Russia so it only makes sense that the US and Russia come to peace terms. Ukraine is the patsy: used, and discarded to take the fall.

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Fair enough. Chacun a son gout.

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That would make sense. But the patsies in the scheme have decided to perpetuate it now that the main protagonist has decided to end it. Quite why would likely fill volumes of psychology textbooks but it’s got something to do with a combination of rabid TDS, as well as the fact that the globalists have decided to make this the battle in which they hope to beat Trump and return the U.S. to is formerly servile role.

It’s their last battle. If you’ve been to X today you’ll see that they - the Globalists - are out in their legions, all singing from exactly the same Slava Ukraine hymnbook. It’s quite a cacophony, scripted and really rather desperate.

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I remain glad of the Twitter (X) account I never had.

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President Trump is doing what he was elected to do. So, Z doesn't want Ukrainians to pay back what they owe for generations, but US taxpayers are supposed to pay for their war. How quaint!

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As I said, this is how it is done, nothing new about it. I am not sure, however, how this deal will mean that ordinary citizens are paid back. Rather, it will mean contracts for huge corporations, for the tech billionaires, etc., who will use the rare earth minerals to make the products we, the taxpayers, then pay for. Just as weapons manufacturers grow rich off or war, we will see who grows rich off of this peace.

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That's business, and President Trump is one great businessman. MAGA means it in every way, and those wealthy will become wealthier, but at least, the middle class will be resurrected, especially after all government thieves (e.g., disgusting Pelosi, commie and disgusting Sanders, and all the rest) are arrested, judged and put away until their unnatural demise.

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the sovereign wealth fund idea makes sense in this regard. Create a fund, like Alaska has, like Norway has, for mineral rights in Ukraine and other natural resources in the US. this fund belongs to all the people of the US. Now, I know we have debt and the fund managers can decide when to pay down debt and when to distribute or invest the fund's holdings. Trump has mentioned such a fund

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That would be great. There should be a way where the people who paid all that money get paid back.

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This is similar to Gaza…. when Ariel Sharon demanded…the Jews move… out of Gaza…by force and leave their homes and businesses behind! They (Jews) were actually dragging Jewish people out of their homes! It was awful! I remember! When the Palestinians took over they demolished all the homes and businesses and made a hubble of devastation out of what was once a lovely place! Behind all of this was Condoleezza Rice and George Bush Jr. They made the plan and put it in force! Truly America is going to pay big time for messing with the Lord’s “Promise Land!” God help us! Looks like Trump might do the same if he doesn’t give this land back to Israel…to whom it truly belongs!

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I'm glad you see through to the truth. 🙏

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The citizens of the US that grew up post WWII into, say, 1975 had a very idealistic view of the country, of the world's democratic superpower spreading democracy all over the globe. Life was sweet here and there was no reason to ever doubt the government. If you did, you were branded as unpatriotic. At the end of that period, we got a taste of reality due to Viet Nam. A lot of people started thinking that maybe the US wasn't all that good. Then came 9/11 and the old patriotism had a revival-- everybody was waving American flags. We were united against the terrorists (Arabs). That story was going well, Afghanistan and Iraq, until good ol' "W" and Cheney blew it big time with trying to convince the world of US rightfulness with the non-existent Iraqi WMDs (weapons of mass destruction). At this point, the Leave It To Beaver and the Nelson family days were becoming a distant memory. It has been all downhill since then. But what really put the nail in the coffin of American greatness and democracy was our government's handling of the plandemic. All of a sudden, American citizens became the enemy of their government. Many have awakened and seen our government for what it really is-- a bully, superpower. So, we are not shocked to read that our intentions with Ukraine weren't nice. We will never trust our government again; or, at least, until we are in control of our government.

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Thank you for this article.

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You're welcome 🙏

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I think this is Trump's way of getting a deal done with Ukraine, but also letting them and the Untied Nations know that you have to step up. I think that we should also watch Russia closely. Awesome content, Karen.

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Definitely keep our eyes open and remain skeptical at all times.

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Feb 25Edited

The wealthy always have the young fight wars for their profit. Of course if a mineral deal is done it will benefit the wealthy, directly or through their corporate holdings. There will not be rebates to the people.

I didn't know the mineral deal is a rehash and that it originated with zelenskiy. No surprise that trump tells it like a genius breakthrough of his. And I wouldn't aggrandize him too much as a deal maker. Every one of his casinos failed horribly and he's had plenty of other hyped up ventures to end in nothing or worse. If an agreement is reached, it can't be evaluated until way after the dust settles and if zelenskiy is in on it, expect that he's getting a cut, especially if he's stepping down.

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Thank you. It does my heart good to hear what you say, as most people have believed the hype.

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As the Lefties would chant in unison, "Hey-hey, the Cocaine Cowboy of Kiev has to go!"

Or should it be "ho-ho"?

This is Biden's war and Trump needs to distance himself from it before it becomes his.

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