Apr 24Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Serious question: is Lauren Sanchez a woman?

Usually when someone has to work that hard to look feminine … that means they are not …

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What makes you think only women get manipulated by sex? You don’t think seducing men is powerful? It isn’t just about pleasing men. It’s about controlling men as well. I know from whence I speak. It cuts both ways. Also there’s nothing immoral in wanting to look better. The same people who scream about endless abortion and a a woman’s right to choose get very upset if she has cosmetic surgery. We are all human and we have certain innate motivations. Being attractive transcends all cultures and all times, all societies as well. It’s not just the patriarchy. Being attractive is power.

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Apr 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Your article was cathartic for me. My oldest daughter resorted to breast implants to get on the San Diego Chargers cheerleader squad. It worked for her, but not her first husband. Now, she's living like the California princess her mother always wanted for her with her second husband. Embracing the shallowness of that superficial culture has its apparent rewards. Sad to see IMHO.

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Apr 20Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Remembering The Stepford Wives. These celebrity women are part of a system which leads to destruction. They don't even realise it. Sad.

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Interesting and very thought-provoking essay, for one thing I think the onus is on society to celebrate natural femininity and motherhood again both in fiction and in regular discourses. For ex; we should celebrate women like say Octavia from Ancient Rome who cared for the children of her brother's political enemies, and whom was the ideal mother. Just as we should celebrate heroic female icons like Jehanne D'Arc to use another example of a heroic lady from history.

With regards to literature, I would say female characters like Brynhildr, Eowyn, Zenobia and Valeria all come to mind, but we writers of fantasy fiction (amongst other genres) have to start writing better female characters, ones more akin to those of traditional literature, from days past. Write characters who can inspire, so that people will ask themselves not; 'what Sanchez' would do but 'what would Eowyn do' or 'Rose Gamgee do'.

I think you've hit on something important here; girls are starved for role-models just as much as men are, and this is why we're facing a HUGE female crisis in the West; women have no one to look up to, no one of any sincere and genuine character to admire. They need new icons, new symbols to rally around just as men do, so for us fiction-writers we must write classic mythical figures, ones to inspire. At the same time that men and women need to work harder to serve as better role-models for our children.

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Thank you for that beautiful Sophia Loren piece. I grew up in Italy and she was my idol. Her soulfulness was always obvious.

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Women who choose to have implants of any size, Botox injections, face lifts, bird tail eyelashes. etc. appear to be very insecure in their bodies. Tip of the top hat to those who are comfortable with what they have, or don't have.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I think Jeff Bezos' ex wife is much prettier than Sanchez. She is a naturally beautiful woman. I'm a Latina and I think Sanchez plastic surgery is just too much. I am not a believer in plastic surgery, especially on the face. I plan on growing old gracefully, and if anyone doesn't want to look at me, then look away. But my husband loves me the way I am, and I love me, so I'm happy with me. But that's just my opinion about Sanchez, carry on!!

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm sure I'll probably provoke some controversy,but that's not the purpose of my comments,so people must write what they write.I'm seventy two years of age,was married to the same woman for over thirty years when she left me,and was left very confused and bereft.i learned the real meaning of a broken heart,and what physical damage such trauma can do.i won't play the injured party to milk sympathy,but I think it gave me a perspective which might be relevant. I never thought I had all the answers,never thought I knew aperson inside out and certainly never thought i was the perfect spouse,but I didn't think I was such a bad person either.

I always respected women,I don't honestly think I ever deliberately abused anyone,and I miss female companionship as much now as I did after my 'loss'.What I'm trying,probably clumsily,to say,is that men even the decent ones have a hard time in today's society knowing how to behave even when trying to do the right thing.it seems we can't win,and the more we try,the worse the outcomes.in the end some of us stip trying and resign ourselves to the fact that it just isn't worth the effort.I abhor violence and oppression of women,but I think women have to take responsibility for their behaviour too.there are alot of decent men out there who have lost trust and faith in a happy outcome,and willnot make the first move for fevar of being humiliated and hurt. I'm one of them.

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I think this Miz Sanchez is more like the ideal western omelet! (they threw in jus'bout everythin' in the kitchen but the sink itself an' present her as a "dish" ta be consumed by the public)--I'd say the "ideal" "Western Woman" might be Annie Oakley--gal could shoot, entertain, survived adversity (an' libel too!) many times over, worked hard all her life (settin' sharpshootin' records over the age of 60!), kept a happy marriage (childless but not sure if it wuz by choice), spent all her money on charities an' her fambly (cuz "ya can't take it with you!") --an' tho' she wuz from Ohio, she indeed carried on what I think is the "real spirit" of the American West! plucky, scrappy, capable an' not willin' ta stay down when yer kicked (by horse or human). (Also she had glamorous days where she dressed up fer the "show"--all 5 feet of her!--an' most days in buckskin!--gotta love that!)

I think it's SO interestin' yer teachin' BOTH writin' an' boxin' skills ta these girls (not the same group but still!)--a sound mind and a sound body as they say--that's whut feeds the spirit an' fosters strength, confidence, resilience. Sophia Loren had all've them qualities that count! (an' natch'ral beauty too--an' talent!) -- I admire her greatly as I do many of our past "icons" that were worth lookin' up to--not this laffin' stock of a lady omelet (looks like she's sellin' balloons--I sure hope fer her sake they don't pop!)

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Those breasts look painful.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

You packed a punch in this essay. The Rihanna image is beyond gross. She should try doing that in a burka and see how it goes. Nuns did have to wear habits, and I understand why they wanted to be free of them. While that may seem oppressive, these women created their own societies away from men and were self-sufficient. An academic piece wrote about how important the Church was in helping recent immigrants assimilate into the US during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His generalization was in error. It was the women - nuns -who were instrumental in setting up education and hospitals for the poor. My grandmothers pulled together families where the men were weakened by drink and hard, dangerous work. These are examples of real women. The Kardashians of the world are caricatures of women in much the same way men who pretend they are women are. I also have little use for women like Katherine Maher who mock and wish to destroy Western culture. Like an awful teenager, they don't get that the Judeo-Christian concept uplifted women. The norm became one man and one woman in marriage even for kings. Henry VIII had to think up lies to get rid of his wives. The whole concept of God going through a woman, having them as followers, and appearing to them after rising from the dead elevated the true nature of women. What we have now is a degradation.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Powerful stuff, thank you 🙏🏽

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Whenever I see pictures of Lauren Sanchez, I think of Anne Boleyn. How it is probably amazing for awhile to live at that level, but also exhausting. The things she must do and say and be to keep his attention, a man that can have anything or anyone in the world he wants. Her life appears glamorous, but I wonder if it is also terrifying.

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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow! that was an amazing article. I really enjoyed reading it. Such vanity at all costs with these high powered women.



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Apr 19Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Boycott Amazon, or her boobs will explode. No really, imagine being married to a guy who treats his employees like crap while he builds rockets, literally. Ickky man.

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