I have my criticisms of Trump, that's for sure, but I have to say, when I was living in Luxor, Egypt and he was president, I didn't fear for my life, even though I was in a very dangerous situation. Now, under Biden, I would not go back to Luxor. I would not be safe. I'm a full contact fighter and a lifelong martial artist, but I learned more in three years in Luxor than I ever did in my life before that. I learned you cannot show any weakness. Yes, there are times for negotiation, and I did that. However, at the first sign of aggression, when you are surrounded by enemies--at least where I was (not all situations are the same) you have to come back ten times harder. It's not in my nature to do this, but I did it for my survival and the survival of others. It's easy for people to moralize or philosophize from armchairs but in the real world, when you face actual danger, it's a whole different ballgame. I am afraid we will face tough times, so I just want people to start thinking about it. And getting in shape, doing a few push-ups wouldn't hurt, haha!.
As far as I know the number of drone murders during the Trump-ist years was much higher than during Obama's Presidency. Mostly of course in Islamic countries. And we wonder why they quite rightly hate us.
As far as I know the sale of weapons or "beautiful bombs" of all kinds to whomever wanted to buy them did not diminish during the Trump-ist years, and probably increased.
At another more fundamental level American's (in particular) have more or less defined themselves as to" who are our enemies" or who are the enemies we NEED to fight against - who are the Monsters that we need to Destroy.
Three books come to mind.
In Search of Monsters to Destroy by Christopher Coyne
Karen, as long as you divide humanity into 2 camps of Heart v. Mind, you are missing the point of both spirituality and evolution.
For real SOUL to exist, there must be balance between these 2 great human qualities. A fully functioning human must practice both empathy and objectivity.
Imbalance creates the conditions that invite war.
You are a good writer. Be very careful of promoting the emotional over the intellectual, or vice versa. Anyone doing this, is doing humanity a great disservice.
Seek the balance that allows negotiation and peaceful solutions to all distinctly human problems and prejudices.
Killing and aggression is not the answer. Surrender and weakness is not the answer.
A peaceful and balanced SOUL is the only path that rises above human devolution.
Ahh...then you understand the human centers of energy that the ancient Eastern disciplines call chakras, and the importance of balancing these energies.
We are individually predisposed into types that favor one energy center over another. I can only guess that healthy individuals are drawn into practices that seek balance rather than egocentric conflict between types, or styles of energetic expression.
LOL! Perhaps all politicians and members of the "ruling power class" could be required to excel is some form of martial arts.
Can you imagine members of governments being respectful, courteous, thoughtful and contained.
Isn't it interesting that the very name MARTIAL (aggressive mental control) ARTS (skillful emotional persuasion) is what it is?
I think it should be required in school from a young age. But that would be too dangerous to those in power. The purpose of school isn't to impart knowledge.
Your comments are always well thought out and reasonable, I am suprised by your hate mail. but I should not be.
17This is My command to you: Love one another. 18If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.…
When I think of the question “is Israel free?” it’s not the Palestinians that come to mind, it’s the Israelis themselves; no people (perhaps China excepted) faced more oppression during Covid than Israelis; and now, for any Israeli that voices dissent, that dares to suggest that the slaughter of tens of thousands of women and children, the destruction of every hospital in Gaza, the deprivation of basic necessities, for any Israeli who can recognize this as wrong (and there are a number of them) they are, as in many “democracies” in the west hounded from their jobs, alienated from family and community, or worse. If that’s the “freedom” that Israeli offers the Middle East, setting aside their mistreatment of the Palestinians entirely, then no thanks.
Yep, what Netanyahu did during Covid was criminal and I've written about that. He sold his people to Pfizer, as did every other Western country. I am proud of the few African countries that stood up, that took some courage. Still, having lived in the Middle East (Egypt for three years) and traveling there extensively, especially as a woman, I know for a fact I have more freedom in Israel than in any of the surrounding Islamic states. On a broader note, I don't like that the US is the police force of the world, but if I had a choice between Iran and the US, I will take the US any day. It's an evil world.
Your three years in Egypt as a woman was probably difficult. But for me as a dominant male living in Egypt was easy and without fear. By east I mean once I learned the country ran on “bakshish” bribes it became easy. To get a driving license one only has to pay a bribe and license given. To try and do it as we would in the states by taking test was completely pointless. Speeding tickets were paid with a Cleopatra (bribe) at the site. Moving to the front of a huge line in a government building was only a Cleopatra to a guard. I was working in the oilfield and my colleagues were all hardened men so we never had the problems. But the Egyptians and most of the Arab world treatment of women was brutal. It was a running joke whether a donkey was treated better than a woman. Another joke was a Saudi woman only walks in front of a man when walking through a minefield. I lived and worked in the Middle East, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman and Egypt for over ten years. All without incident but I can only imagine the difficulties of a western woman in that world. First off the men all see western women as whores (the way they dress and act) and they believe a woman should submit to a man. Karen I can only imagine the difficulties you faced living three years in Luxor.
Yes, I know what you mean. Especially when I read the essays so many people have told me how much to means to them. I remember when I first started reading my essays, someone told me I needed to get a professional to do it, that I was terrible haha. But I kept on doing it because it was exactly the natural emotional connection that people liked about it, forget sterile perfection.
We hear enough “professionals”…we need to hear REAL people speak! I give as an example one of the podcasts I listen to “In the Litterbox” with Catturd and Jewels. (See Tuckers interview with Catturd). Catturd has millions of followers and he’s just this gruff, tell it like it is, funny older dude who speaks his mind and doesn’t care what people think of him. He resonates with millions because he’s REAL. “Listening” to you gives the same resonance… and appeals to me for all the same reasons…it’s the human connection many are sadly lacking these days!
Good questions Karen and because I lived in the 1950s/60s I understand your concerns and the questions they raise. In the end, it's not the macro-governments or the globalists that matter - it is the individual, self-actuated, by his moral compass and close familial ties. This is where the pain resides and where the relief comes in stuttering stages. I lived it and the 'Animals' told the story. When you are fearful - MOVE! [James Rudoski] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVpihgwE18
I hope you have shared your stories with young people around you. We can't lose this history told by those who experienced it. Such good music. Thanks for reminding me. Hard-hitting lyrics and visuals, but somehow, knowing it's there for people to see and hear makes me hopeful.
I am not long for this world Karen (80 this year) but I do share every week in my Letters. Our generation knows that war is hell, but the subsequent generations know nothing of it and are doomed to repeat it - it has ever been so - the 'Fourth Turning' comes to mind., a cycle of 80 years. https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Turning-American-Prophecy-Rendezvous/dp/0767900464
I was 18 when the Cuba crisis erupted - I returned home one evening in 1962 to see my father watching JFK on TV give an ultimatum to Khrushchev to turn his ships around or the USA would launch. I said, "Dad, what can we do?" He said, "Pray son, and paint the windows white - we have 4 minutes!" This is where 'Protect & Survive' came from: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1500124311
But it was a traumatic moment for my generation because we suddenly realised that we had no future. And so we went GaGa - "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die"! And I think that 911 had a similar effect on that generation. Life is a series of trauma and this is how we learn.... or not!
Good show Karen, I am sure you will enjoy the book. When I order books and read them - I pass them on but keep notes. I have a list of several I can recommend for your bucket-list read! LOL.
Thanks Fletcher we are of the same mind and experience. But how do we educate Gen Z? Where are the peace protests these days? The snowflakes will have to grow balls soon.
I have thought about this a lot. My country was liberated by the Allies in 1945 and we have a a day to commemorate this every year. To be thankful for those who gave their lives for us. However, knowing Americans whose children just recently joined the army, I now think: Should there be a war, would I be grateful if my son's buddy would come over from the other side of the pond to liberate me and my family? I would be mortified if his parents were to grieve the loss of their son, simply to liberate me. I would rather die myself.
These are difficult questions to answer, and we really don't know until we are in the situation what we would do. How about if it was in your neighborhood. Would you want your neighbors banding together to fight a common foe, or would it be everyone for themselves? Perhaps people from the next street would join you--the next town. I don't know anybody who doesn't agree that humans should stop being so violent. But here we are, tragically. I don't have all the answers. I wish I did.
Well, I don't have the answers either. I haven't settled on this topic. But for me the question isn't only if there is anything worth fighting for, but also Is there anything left worth saving anymore? I don't know at this point what answer to give to this question.
A while ago I was reading something in the context of pacifism, of which I didn't know much, and one of the observations was, that if one man kills another man it's wrong, but if we collect men in an army and send them out killing other men also gathered in an army, it is right, or at least justified. There was this one quote, and I can't remember who said it, that is still keeping me occupied:
How many men does it take to turn a crime in a virtue?
Yes, I've thought about this too. I have had the experience of visiting the second woman to be put on death row in California, it's a story I've written about--the question of her guilt. I never found the answer. But the ways we justify things to ourselves don't often make a lot of sense. I know what I have to fight for and that's my children and my grandchildren. It often comes down to the personal. The Three Faces of Evil, Part II https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-three-faces-of-evil-part-ii
Yup--that's whut pains me...most zionists are jus' regular "chews" that believe in a Jewish homeland, no more, no less--if that's THE crime, wull, ain't much ta say. Believin' in a homeland duz not mean we / most Jews want anybuddy dead (not even those that want us all dead!). It's a fraught situation fer sure...no easy answers. I know ya know this but many seem have no clue that most chews know zilch 'bout the "sabbatean frankist globalist masonic cabalists" who per some "authori-tease" (that tease ya with half truths) were at the bottom of zionism--in fact--those've us findin' out 'bout this stuff are VERY new to it. Baddies exist in most good efforts--even the beginnin's of the USA but we don't but define this nation (I hope!) by it's worst, but ruther it's best (at least until they burn down more statues...sigh)
Most of us grew up torah-honoring decent folks an' "sacrifice" meant no fambly vacation so we kin afford ta cover violin lessons fer David or Rachel. I wouldn't know Molech from a Malted (had I not read 'bout that stuff these past few years). - Somehow you seem ta know this but most've the world seems hell-bent (pardon the blasphemy!) on condemin' all chews ta the 9th circle in the name of zionism.
Ya make a good point.. victimhood has been politicized... Ruth Wisse (who is a WONDERFUL professor!) speaks eloquently about the crime of Holocaust education an' the idea of jews bein' painted as permanent victims not fighters an' how doin' so makes their fight (for Israel) an' many accomplishments pale in comparison to the ever-bangin' drum of death death an' more death that's so harmful in the long run... Here's a link:
Thoughtful, bee-u-teeful essay an' it's really about nuance (subtlety: new once?) ain't it? Folks ain't likin' the complex-itties now'daze, ain't wantin' ta use their noggins--so it's easier ta "paint it black" an' point a finger an' call fer "wipe out" (of Israel).
Thus it's a "not a movement" crime (even on substack) ta NOT want Israel wiped offa the map (that's the popular club ta be in...) so those that say no--do not destroy--even in the face've bad leaders (NetAnYahoo is one've 'em, that's fer sure) are shouted down... or worse (as we both know, you got it far worse than me tho').
Wipe out Israel an' whar in God's name do the "chews" all go? Nobuddy''s gonna wanna take 'em in--got enuf "refugees" an' they want Muslims as their "dreamers"... bring in "chews" the Muslims'll fight'em (it's the law of their faith) an' lordy you'll get in-fightin' 'stead of Soros-funded "voters" an' mercenaries... nope. Even the NWO don't want that... So I guess them that want Israel erased should be taken at their word... it ain't a kind one. Sadly. Have they ever met us "chews"--Israeli or otherwise? I wunder...
SO sorry ya had ta endure such poison-pen emails an' HORRIBLE stuff written ta ya--what 're folks thinkin'? Don't they see a human thar--a feelin' thinkin' empathetic one tryin' ta find a way? Nope, they don't. Thank goodness ya got a resolve of steel! (I'm sure it still hurts) Today "zionism" is like the dirtiest word ya kin say--worse than a curse! Never thought I'd see the day (my granny did tho...)
Always blessin's yer way--nobuddy likes wars--I don't know diddlysquwat 'bout war but I do NOT believe Israel should be destroyed an' would pray the war ends with as few lives of innocents lost on both sides...
Thank you. I keep writing it so people will see it, so it will be there for years to come, how cleverly they made the distinction between Jew and Zionist. Jews are those who willingly walk into the gas chambers and Zionists are those who fight (how dare they!). They are justified in exterminating Zionists and then, of course, it will be easy to get rid of all the rest. Those who scream about the "Nazi" Zionists will never see that they just simply hate Jews. They've found a way to get around that terrible truth.
Curious why you have expressed no interest in what is happening to me and targeted individuals. No one is what they appear to be. I too always thought totalitarian would fall but after 10 years of horrific abuses and zero help from influencers or reporters seems likely we should all settle in and prepare for our compulsory brain chips. Because they’re coming.
I would suggest you find a journalist or a nurse or someone to go with you to a doctor of their choice and have them examine you and document it. Get a scan of your head that can be traced and verified. That's my suggestion. You don't have to alert the doctor ahead of time to your reasons for going other than to say you have a horrible migraine, or whatever. This seems to me to be the best way to obtain absolute proof and credibility. I am sorry for the tragedy you are living.
I have scans and a radiologic report from an elite hospital in Mexico City that documents foreign objects in my skull. You would know this if you interviewed me. One cannot report without talking to someone. It took years to get this official proof and required leaving the country. For nine years virtually every US doctor I saw lied about me and falsified scans. They WERE FORCED TO BY US GOVT. So while it sounds easy — ‘make a doctor’s appointment’ — it is not in my case. Five people I sought help from — four doctors and a body piercer — confirmed they received phone calls from US threatening their families if they removed any tech from me or helped me. I know at least two others received this same call based on panicked reactions after I sought the follow-up help they offered. In addition, I have a device IN ME that enables me to be heard via satellite. SO THERE IS NO MAKING ANY APPOINTMENT WITHOUT THE US govt. knowing. I am FOLLOWED BY DRONES. I have NEURALINK WHICH ENABLES REAL-TIME MIND-Reading. People have no idea what’s actually occurring. Your piece on Neuralink surely well-intentioned but does not capture the reality or use of the tech. It is far more sinister than you imagined. No reporter has agreed to even hear my story and I have found out — shockingly after years as a journalist myself — that most journalists and influencers are actually fake and controlled. This is a massive scandal of abuse and extreme Nazism. Not a single person wants to touch it and I am being pushed to suicide because I cannot find a safe place to live because the govt. is gassing me in rentals and stole my own property. (Manipulated mls to force sale $60,000 below mkt. price.) Everyone here ought to know Congress is fake too. THEY PASSED A LAW ALLOWING NONCONSENSUAL BRAIN CHIPPING.
Skepticism is a normal response. I have provided links with images of radiologic scans with my name visible. I provide details, names, dates. I have barely scratched the surface of what has been done and is being done. Frankly, unless you are a reporter, lawyer, legislator, I have no need for you to believe. I recommend you take me seriously and do your research on the tech. Because the plan is to enslave us all with it. Here is link to NASA director saying publicly in 2018 that 200k had brain chips. More now without a doubt. These are the targeted individuals you ignore. https://x.com/freethinkerfit/status/1640457363034632198?s=46
Yes part of the time. They have forced me to homelessness because they were poisoning me in my home. But they dump massive nano in the sky and it activates the implant and tortures. They are constantly blasting my left temple. At the moment I am getting heavily assaulted. But the tech is implanted and the radiowavea are invisible so people cannot even discern it. It is so evil and diabolical.
I was hoping Karen, who says she is against slavery and nonconsensual abuses, would do a story on my horrific situation. Isn’t that was reporters do????? Your question baffles because she wrote an ill-informed column on Neuralink, only because SHE HAS NOT HAD ONE FOR A DECADE, and this is a column about tyranny. You see the irony of your question here?
Those that cling to their Bibles and guns will save this country.
If one looks at Trump's foreign policy and his use of the military one can see the proper use of of a super power.
I have my criticisms of Trump, that's for sure, but I have to say, when I was living in Luxor, Egypt and he was president, I didn't fear for my life, even though I was in a very dangerous situation. Now, under Biden, I would not go back to Luxor. I would not be safe. I'm a full contact fighter and a lifelong martial artist, but I learned more in three years in Luxor than I ever did in my life before that. I learned you cannot show any weakness. Yes, there are times for negotiation, and I did that. However, at the first sign of aggression, when you are surrounded by enemies--at least where I was (not all situations are the same) you have to come back ten times harder. It's not in my nature to do this, but I did it for my survival and the survival of others. It's easy for people to moralize or philosophize from armchairs but in the real world, when you face actual danger, it's a whole different ballgame. I am afraid we will face tough times, so I just want people to start thinking about it. And getting in shape, doing a few push-ups wouldn't hurt, haha!.
First of all Joe Biden is worse than awful!
As far as I know the number of drone murders during the Trump-ist years was much higher than during Obama's Presidency. Mostly of course in Islamic countries. And we wonder why they quite rightly hate us.
As far as I know the sale of weapons or "beautiful bombs" of all kinds to whomever wanted to buy them did not diminish during the Trump-ist years, and probably increased.
At another more fundamental level American's (in particular) have more or less defined themselves as to" who are our enemies" or who are the enemies we NEED to fight against - who are the Monsters that we need to Destroy.
Three books come to mind.
In Search of Monsters to Destroy by Christopher Coyne
Monsters to Destroy by Navin Bapat
Monsters To Destroy by Ira Chenus.
Karen, as long as you divide humanity into 2 camps of Heart v. Mind, you are missing the point of both spirituality and evolution.
For real SOUL to exist, there must be balance between these 2 great human qualities. A fully functioning human must practice both empathy and objectivity.
Imbalance creates the conditions that invite war.
You are a good writer. Be very careful of promoting the emotional over the intellectual, or vice versa. Anyone doing this, is doing humanity a great disservice.
Seek the balance that allows negotiation and peaceful solutions to all distinctly human problems and prejudices.
Killing and aggression is not the answer. Surrender and weakness is not the answer.
A peaceful and balanced SOUL is the only path that rises above human devolution.
Good points. As a lifelong martial artist I appreciate the importance of balance.
Ahh...then you understand the human centers of energy that the ancient Eastern disciplines call chakras, and the importance of balancing these energies.
We are individually predisposed into types that favor one energy center over another. I can only guess that healthy individuals are drawn into practices that seek balance rather than egocentric conflict between types, or styles of energetic expression.
LOL! Perhaps all politicians and members of the "ruling power class" could be required to excel is some form of martial arts.
Can you imagine members of governments being respectful, courteous, thoughtful and contained.
Isn't it interesting that the very name MARTIAL (aggressive mental control) ARTS (skillful emotional persuasion) is what it is?
I think it should be required in school from a young age. But that would be too dangerous to those in power. The purpose of school isn't to impart knowledge.
Sounds like you are describing Trumps foreign policy.
Your comments are always well thought out and reasonable, I am suprised by your hate mail. but I should not be.
17This is My command to you: Love one another. 18If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world.…
Keep up the good work.
Mike Fleming
Amen. Thank you.
When I think of the question “is Israel free?” it’s not the Palestinians that come to mind, it’s the Israelis themselves; no people (perhaps China excepted) faced more oppression during Covid than Israelis; and now, for any Israeli that voices dissent, that dares to suggest that the slaughter of tens of thousands of women and children, the destruction of every hospital in Gaza, the deprivation of basic necessities, for any Israeli who can recognize this as wrong (and there are a number of them) they are, as in many “democracies” in the west hounded from their jobs, alienated from family and community, or worse. If that’s the “freedom” that Israeli offers the Middle East, setting aside their mistreatment of the Palestinians entirely, then no thanks.
Yep, what Netanyahu did during Covid was criminal and I've written about that. He sold his people to Pfizer, as did every other Western country. I am proud of the few African countries that stood up, that took some courage. Still, having lived in the Middle East (Egypt for three years) and traveling there extensively, especially as a woman, I know for a fact I have more freedom in Israel than in any of the surrounding Islamic states. On a broader note, I don't like that the US is the police force of the world, but if I had a choice between Iran and the US, I will take the US any day. It's an evil world.
None of it would have happened if Trump hadn't gone full force with his Warp Speed. But again, it's an evil world.
Your three years in Egypt as a woman was probably difficult. But for me as a dominant male living in Egypt was easy and without fear. By east I mean once I learned the country ran on “bakshish” bribes it became easy. To get a driving license one only has to pay a bribe and license given. To try and do it as we would in the states by taking test was completely pointless. Speeding tickets were paid with a Cleopatra (bribe) at the site. Moving to the front of a huge line in a government building was only a Cleopatra to a guard. I was working in the oilfield and my colleagues were all hardened men so we never had the problems. But the Egyptians and most of the Arab world treatment of women was brutal. It was a running joke whether a donkey was treated better than a woman. Another joke was a Saudi woman only walks in front of a man when walking through a minefield. I lived and worked in the Middle East, Saudi, Kuwait, Oman and Egypt for over ten years. All without incident but I can only imagine the difficulties of a western woman in that world. First off the men all see western women as whores (the way they dress and act) and they believe a woman should submit to a man. Karen I can only imagine the difficulties you faced living three years in Luxor.
Karen, you are shining God’s light into the deep darkness of our world. Thank you, dear friend whom I have never met. And, God wins!!🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Yep. The real battle is spiritual, not physical. 🙏
It’s so wonderful to hear a human voice….
The human mind may think and think and think, yet the Heart & Soul feels, and feels and senses all...
Yes, I know what you mean. Especially when I read the essays so many people have told me how much to means to them. I remember when I first started reading my essays, someone told me I needed to get a professional to do it, that I was terrible haha. But I kept on doing it because it was exactly the natural emotional connection that people liked about it, forget sterile perfection.
Yes, dear Karen. The resonance of your voice is beautiful and real…. no AI. artificial intelligence.
We hear enough “professionals”…we need to hear REAL people speak! I give as an example one of the podcasts I listen to “In the Litterbox” with Catturd and Jewels. (See Tuckers interview with Catturd). Catturd has millions of followers and he’s just this gruff, tell it like it is, funny older dude who speaks his mind and doesn’t care what people think of him. He resonates with millions because he’s REAL. “Listening” to you gives the same resonance… and appeals to me for all the same reasons…it’s the human connection many are sadly lacking these days!
Very thoughtful essay, as always.
Thank you
Good questions Karen and because I lived in the 1950s/60s I understand your concerns and the questions they raise. In the end, it's not the macro-governments or the globalists that matter - it is the individual, self-actuated, by his moral compass and close familial ties. This is where the pain resides and where the relief comes in stuttering stages. I lived it and the 'Animals' told the story. When you are fearful - MOVE! [James Rudoski] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVpihgwE18
I hope you have shared your stories with young people around you. We can't lose this history told by those who experienced it. Such good music. Thanks for reminding me. Hard-hitting lyrics and visuals, but somehow, knowing it's there for people to see and hear makes me hopeful.
I am not long for this world Karen (80 this year) but I do share every week in my Letters. Our generation knows that war is hell, but the subsequent generations know nothing of it and are doomed to repeat it - it has ever been so - the 'Fourth Turning' comes to mind., a cycle of 80 years. https://www.amazon.com/Fourth-Turning-American-Prophecy-Rendezvous/dp/0767900464
I was 18 when the Cuba crisis erupted - I returned home one evening in 1962 to see my father watching JFK on TV give an ultimatum to Khrushchev to turn his ships around or the USA would launch. I said, "Dad, what can we do?" He said, "Pray son, and paint the windows white - we have 4 minutes!" This is where 'Protect & Survive' came from: https://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/1500124311
But it was a traumatic moment for my generation because we suddenly realised that we had no future. And so we went GaGa - "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die"! And I think that 911 had a similar effect on that generation. Life is a series of trauma and this is how we learn.... or not!
So well said. It seems humans are destined to keep repeating the same mistakes. I ordered the book Fourth Turning. Thanks!
Good show Karen, I am sure you will enjoy the book. When I order books and read them - I pass them on but keep notes. I have a list of several I can recommend for your bucket-list read! LOL.
Thanks Fletcher we are of the same mind and experience. But how do we educate Gen Z? Where are the peace protests these days? The snowflakes will have to grow balls soon.
I have thought about this a lot. My country was liberated by the Allies in 1945 and we have a a day to commemorate this every year. To be thankful for those who gave their lives for us. However, knowing Americans whose children just recently joined the army, I now think: Should there be a war, would I be grateful if my son's buddy would come over from the other side of the pond to liberate me and my family? I would be mortified if his parents were to grieve the loss of their son, simply to liberate me. I would rather die myself.
These are difficult questions to answer, and we really don't know until we are in the situation what we would do. How about if it was in your neighborhood. Would you want your neighbors banding together to fight a common foe, or would it be everyone for themselves? Perhaps people from the next street would join you--the next town. I don't know anybody who doesn't agree that humans should stop being so violent. But here we are, tragically. I don't have all the answers. I wish I did.
Well, I don't have the answers either. I haven't settled on this topic. But for me the question isn't only if there is anything worth fighting for, but also Is there anything left worth saving anymore? I don't know at this point what answer to give to this question.
A while ago I was reading something in the context of pacifism, of which I didn't know much, and one of the observations was, that if one man kills another man it's wrong, but if we collect men in an army and send them out killing other men also gathered in an army, it is right, or at least justified. There was this one quote, and I can't remember who said it, that is still keeping me occupied:
How many men does it take to turn a crime in a virtue?
Yes, I've thought about this too. I have had the experience of visiting the second woman to be put on death row in California, it's a story I've written about--the question of her guilt. I never found the answer. But the ways we justify things to ourselves don't often make a lot of sense. I know what I have to fight for and that's my children and my grandchildren. It often comes down to the personal. The Three Faces of Evil, Part II https://open.substack.com/pub/khmezek/p/the-three-faces-of-evil-part-ii
Thank you for engaging with me.
horrified I mean.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your Eyes and Ears. It was their final, most essential command.” Eric Arthur Blair, aka G. Orwell...
Yup--that's whut pains me...most zionists are jus' regular "chews" that believe in a Jewish homeland, no more, no less--if that's THE crime, wull, ain't much ta say. Believin' in a homeland duz not mean we / most Jews want anybuddy dead (not even those that want us all dead!). It's a fraught situation fer sure...no easy answers. I know ya know this but many seem have no clue that most chews know zilch 'bout the "sabbatean frankist globalist masonic cabalists" who per some "authori-tease" (that tease ya with half truths) were at the bottom of zionism--in fact--those've us findin' out 'bout this stuff are VERY new to it. Baddies exist in most good efforts--even the beginnin's of the USA but we don't but define this nation (I hope!) by it's worst, but ruther it's best (at least until they burn down more statues...sigh)
Most of us grew up torah-honoring decent folks an' "sacrifice" meant no fambly vacation so we kin afford ta cover violin lessons fer David or Rachel. I wouldn't know Molech from a Malted (had I not read 'bout that stuff these past few years). - Somehow you seem ta know this but most've the world seems hell-bent (pardon the blasphemy!) on condemin' all chews ta the 9th circle in the name of zionism.
Ya make a good point.. victimhood has been politicized... Ruth Wisse (who is a WONDERFUL professor!) speaks eloquently about the crime of Holocaust education an' the idea of jews bein' painted as permanent victims not fighters an' how doin' so makes their fight (for Israel) an' many accomplishments pale in comparison to the ever-bangin' drum of death death an' more death that's so harmful in the long run... Here's a link:
Anywhoo, means a lot ta me ta hear your voice an' know ya git it--so many do not.
Thank you again Karen! I'll REMEMBER fer sure that you DID speak up (no need fer a string 'round my finger neither!)
Thoughtful, bee-u-teeful essay an' it's really about nuance (subtlety: new once?) ain't it? Folks ain't likin' the complex-itties now'daze, ain't wantin' ta use their noggins--so it's easier ta "paint it black" an' point a finger an' call fer "wipe out" (of Israel).
Thus it's a "not a movement" crime (even on substack) ta NOT want Israel wiped offa the map (that's the popular club ta be in...) so those that say no--do not destroy--even in the face've bad leaders (NetAnYahoo is one've 'em, that's fer sure) are shouted down... or worse (as we both know, you got it far worse than me tho').
Wipe out Israel an' whar in God's name do the "chews" all go? Nobuddy''s gonna wanna take 'em in--got enuf "refugees" an' they want Muslims as their "dreamers"... bring in "chews" the Muslims'll fight'em (it's the law of their faith) an' lordy you'll get in-fightin' 'stead of Soros-funded "voters" an' mercenaries... nope. Even the NWO don't want that... So I guess them that want Israel erased should be taken at their word... it ain't a kind one. Sadly. Have they ever met us "chews"--Israeli or otherwise? I wunder...
SO sorry ya had ta endure such poison-pen emails an' HORRIBLE stuff written ta ya--what 're folks thinkin'? Don't they see a human thar--a feelin' thinkin' empathetic one tryin' ta find a way? Nope, they don't. Thank goodness ya got a resolve of steel! (I'm sure it still hurts) Today "zionism" is like the dirtiest word ya kin say--worse than a curse! Never thought I'd see the day (my granny did tho...)
Always blessin's yer way--nobuddy likes wars--I don't know diddlysquwat 'bout war but I do NOT believe Israel should be destroyed an' would pray the war ends with as few lives of innocents lost on both sides...
Thank you. I keep writing it so people will see it, so it will be there for years to come, how cleverly they made the distinction between Jew and Zionist. Jews are those who willingly walk into the gas chambers and Zionists are those who fight (how dare they!). They are justified in exterminating Zionists and then, of course, it will be easy to get rid of all the rest. Those who scream about the "Nazi" Zionists will never see that they just simply hate Jews. They've found a way to get around that terrible truth.
Curious why you have expressed no interest in what is happening to me and targeted individuals. No one is what they appear to be. I too always thought totalitarian would fall but after 10 years of horrific abuses and zero help from influencers or reporters seems likely we should all settle in and prepare for our compulsory brain chips. Because they’re coming.
I would suggest you find a journalist or a nurse or someone to go with you to a doctor of their choice and have them examine you and document it. Get a scan of your head that can be traced and verified. That's my suggestion. You don't have to alert the doctor ahead of time to your reasons for going other than to say you have a horrible migraine, or whatever. This seems to me to be the best way to obtain absolute proof and credibility. I am sorry for the tragedy you are living.
I have scans and a radiologic report from an elite hospital in Mexico City that documents foreign objects in my skull. You would know this if you interviewed me. One cannot report without talking to someone. It took years to get this official proof and required leaving the country. For nine years virtually every US doctor I saw lied about me and falsified scans. They WERE FORCED TO BY US GOVT. So while it sounds easy — ‘make a doctor’s appointment’ — it is not in my case. Five people I sought help from — four doctors and a body piercer — confirmed they received phone calls from US threatening their families if they removed any tech from me or helped me. I know at least two others received this same call based on panicked reactions after I sought the follow-up help they offered. In addition, I have a device IN ME that enables me to be heard via satellite. SO THERE IS NO MAKING ANY APPOINTMENT WITHOUT THE US govt. knowing. I am FOLLOWED BY DRONES. I have NEURALINK WHICH ENABLES REAL-TIME MIND-Reading. People have no idea what’s actually occurring. Your piece on Neuralink surely well-intentioned but does not capture the reality or use of the tech. It is far more sinister than you imagined. No reporter has agreed to even hear my story and I have found out — shockingly after years as a journalist myself — that most journalists and influencers are actually fake and controlled. This is a massive scandal of abuse and extreme Nazism. Not a single person wants to touch it and I am being pushed to suicide because I cannot find a safe place to live because the govt. is gassing me in rentals and stole my own property. (Manipulated mls to force sale $60,000 below mkt. price.) Everyone here ought to know Congress is fake too. THEY PASSED A LAW ALLOWING NONCONSENSUAL BRAIN CHIPPING.
Contact Alex Jones.
If you have please provide his response.
Thank you for responding. I’ve contacted Alex Jones for years. Same with Tucker Carlson. I have their numbers in my phone. They are both actors.
Well, I must say, I'm very skeptical of your claims.
Skepticism is a normal response. I have provided links with images of radiologic scans with my name visible. I provide details, names, dates. I have barely scratched the surface of what has been done and is being done. Frankly, unless you are a reporter, lawyer, legislator, I have no need for you to believe. I recommend you take me seriously and do your research on the tech. Because the plan is to enslave us all with it. Here is link to NASA director saying publicly in 2018 that 200k had brain chips. More now without a doubt. These are the targeted individuals you ignore. https://x.com/freethinkerfit/status/1640457363034632198?s=46
Would a faraday cage work?
Good suggestion, JudyC
I just do not know what to tell you E. Coady, . . .
You can not force people to report on this horrible situation you have.
I hope one day soon you will find someone that has the expertise to share your situation and to find you some help
Yes part of the time. They have forced me to homelessness because they were poisoning me in my home. But they dump massive nano in the sky and it activates the implant and tortures. They are constantly blasting my left temple. At the moment I am getting heavily assaulted. But the tech is implanted and the radiowavea are invisible so people cannot even discern it. It is so evil and diabolical.
seek out an attorney, bring the brain scans.
What are you expecting Karen to say about that situation?
I am sorry you are suffering and hope you get the attention you need and treatment necessary to get the chip out of your brain.
You don’t think I’ve sought out attorneys? HUNDREDS OF THEM? The government is THREATENING THEM. For some perspective, read this letter written in 2009? https://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread438127/pg1
I was hoping Karen, who says she is against slavery and nonconsensual abuses, would do a story on my horrific situation. Isn’t that was reporters do????? Your question baffles because she wrote an ill-informed column on Neuralink, only because SHE HAS NOT HAD ONE FOR A DECADE, and this is a column about tyranny. You see the irony of your question here?
In case you’d rather not get the app…