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If you want to hear the full Truth of the Gospel unashamedly preached, try listening to Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel, Chino Hills, Ca.


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Mark, yes I think we agree that evil truly exists. The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of evil and the father of lies. It appears that where we differ in our opinions is in relation to a belief in a Holy, Almighty God who demands justice for the innumerable sins committed by mankind (humans) over the course of our history, beginning with Adam and Eve. God has given us free will or we would not have the capacity to love…anything else would be forced servitude…but the antithesis to love is hate, and as humans we all at sometime show hatred, though I agree the degrees of hate are extreme. We are not perfect. A Holy God, however, can have nothing to do with sin (evil). That’s where the Jewish Messiah, whom as a religious people they have yet to recognize (but according to the book of Revelation they will before this earth is destroyed and a New Earth is ushered in by Christ Jesus’ return to make all things right) comes into mankind’s history. A Holy Triune God—yes, unfathomable to our human minds—willingly sent His Son (who was fully God) to earth (as fully man…blows the mind here how he can be both) to offer us the gift of salvation (from ourselves and our sin) and the Holy Spirit to indwell us to inable us to follow Christ’s example as we go through the process of sanctification here on earth—a process that will not be totally complete til we meet Jesus, our Saviour, face to face. Sadly, His Church has often not followed His example and teaching—we all still have sinful natures here on earth, anyone who doesn’t admit this lies to him/herself.

The gap continues to widen between true followers of Christ and the “woke” churches which have assimilated the culture with all the immorality we see today—and which has existed through mankind’s history (one of the reasons God historically used His own people to weed out evil among nations around them, but then, just as America has, Israel chose to practice evil as bad or worse). Many fear God’s judgment has begun to fall on America because we have gone the same route as every civilization in recorded history. A downhill spiral into narcissistic immorality at the expense of the precious unborn and countless innocent children who are being abused in unfathomably evil ways…💔😢

Well, though I’ve been praying for the right words in my response to you, I realize I’ve gone on long enough. Although this may seem like total gobbledygook to you, and the “nonsense” of a “Jesus freak” it is my hope and prayer for you that you will search the scriptures—and read testimonies of previously avowed atheists such as C. S. Lewis (Mere Christianity) and Josh McDowell (Evidence That Demands a Verdict)—and find the hope, joy, and peace that only faith in Christ can bring.

Also, thank you for your polite, measured, and thoughtful response to my original post, Mark. May God bless and watch over you as you seek how to best live in this unimaginably crazy age. 🙏

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Wars and rumors of wars....spot on writing as usual Karen don't let the weirdos get you down guaranteed they are cowards hiding behind their keyboards....you are the brave one! Maranatha!!

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Feb 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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Feb 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm not sure Gen Z can be educated.....they don't seem to give a hoot.

To my recollection the last real peace marches ended in the '70's.

As for the snowflakes, it will take a fire under their arses to get them

to wake up to the fact that are going under the hammer if they don't.

Good to hear from you!

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Yup--that's whut pains me...most zionists are jus' regular "chews" that believe in a Jewish homeland, no more, no less--if that's THE crime, wull, ain't much ta say. Believin' in a homeland duz not mean we / most Jews want anybuddy dead (not even those that want us all dead!). It's a fraught situation fer sure...no easy answers. I know ya know this but many seem have no clue that most chews know zilch 'bout the "sabbatean frankist globalist masonic cabalists" who per some "authori-tease" (that tease ya with half truths) were at the bottom of zionism--in fact--those've us findin' out 'bout this stuff are VERY new to it. Baddies exist in most good efforts--even the beginnin's of the USA but we don't but define this nation (I hope!) by it's worst, but ruther it's best (at least until they burn down more statues...sigh)

Most of us grew up torah-honoring decent folks an' "sacrifice" meant no fambly vacation so we kin afford ta cover violin lessons fer David or Rachel. I wouldn't know Molech from a Malted (had I not read 'bout that stuff these past few years). - Somehow you seem ta know this but most've the world seems hell-bent (pardon the blasphemy!) on condemin' all chews ta the 9th circle in the name of zionism.

Ya make a good point.. victimhood has been politicized... Ruth Wisse (who is a WONDERFUL professor!) speaks eloquently about the crime of Holocaust education an' the idea of jews bein' painted as permanent victims not fighters an' how doin' so makes their fight (for Israel) an' many accomplishments pale in comparison to the ever-bangin' drum of death death an' more death that's so harmful in the long run... Here's a link:


Anywhoo, means a lot ta me ta hear your voice an' know ya git it--so many do not.

Thank you again Karen! I'll REMEMBER fer sure that you DID speak up (no need fer a string 'round my finger neither!)

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It’s a good article, but I have a correction to make. 404,800 American military personnel died in WWII.

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Thoughtful, bee-u-teeful essay an' it's really about nuance (subtlety: new once?) ain't it? Folks ain't likin' the complex-itties now'daze, ain't wantin' ta use their noggins--so it's easier ta "paint it black" an' point a finger an' call fer "wipe out" (of Israel).

Thus it's a "not a movement" crime (even on substack) ta NOT want Israel wiped offa the map (that's the popular club ta be in...) so those that say no--do not destroy--even in the face've bad leaders (NetAnYahoo is one've 'em, that's fer sure) are shouted down... or worse (as we both know, you got it far worse than me tho').

Wipe out Israel an' whar in God's name do the "chews" all go? Nobuddy''s gonna wanna take 'em in--got enuf "refugees" an' they want Muslims as their "dreamers"... bring in "chews" the Muslims'll fight'em (it's the law of their faith) an' lordy you'll get in-fightin' 'stead of Soros-funded "voters" an' mercenaries... nope. Even the NWO don't want that... So I guess them that want Israel erased should be taken at their word... it ain't a kind one. Sadly. Have they ever met us "chews"--Israeli or otherwise? I wunder...

SO sorry ya had ta endure such poison-pen emails an' HORRIBLE stuff written ta ya--what 're folks thinkin'? Don't they see a human thar--a feelin' thinkin' empathetic one tryin' ta find a way? Nope, they don't. Thank goodness ya got a resolve of steel! (I'm sure it still hurts) Today "zionism" is like the dirtiest word ya kin say--worse than a curse! Never thought I'd see the day (my granny did tho...)

Always blessin's yer way--nobuddy likes wars--I don't know diddlysquwat 'bout war but I do NOT believe Israel should be destroyed an' would pray the war ends with as few lives of innocents lost on both sides...

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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

When I think of the question “is Israel free?” it’s not the Palestinians that come to mind, it’s the Israelis themselves; no people (perhaps China excepted) faced more oppression during Covid than Israelis; and now, for any Israeli that voices dissent, that dares to suggest that the slaughter of tens of thousands of women and children, the destruction of every hospital in Gaza, the deprivation of basic necessities, for any Israeli who can recognize this as wrong (and there are a number of them) they are, as in many “democracies” in the west hounded from their jobs, alienated from family and community, or worse. If that’s the “freedom” that Israeli offers the Middle East, setting aside their mistreatment of the Palestinians entirely, then no thanks.

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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

If one looks at Trump's foreign policy and his use of the military one can see the proper use of of a super power.

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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Good questions Karen and because I lived in the 1950s/60s I understand your concerns and the questions they raise. In the end, it's not the macro-governments or the globalists that matter - it is the individual, self-actuated, by his moral compass and close familial ties. This is where the pain resides and where the relief comes in stuttering stages. I lived it and the 'Animals' told the story. When you are fearful - MOVE! [James Rudoski] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJVpihgwE18



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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen, as long as you divide humanity into 2 camps of Heart v. Mind, you are missing the point of both spirituality and evolution.

For real SOUL to exist, there must be balance between these 2 great human qualities. A fully functioning human must practice both empathy and objectivity.

Imbalance creates the conditions that invite war.

You are a good writer. Be very careful of promoting the emotional over the intellectual, or vice versa. Anyone doing this, is doing humanity a great disservice.

Seek the balance that allows negotiation and peaceful solutions to all distinctly human problems and prejudices.

Killing and aggression is not the answer. Surrender and weakness is not the answer.

A peaceful and balanced SOUL is the only path that rises above human devolution.

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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Those that cling to their Bibles and guns will save this country.

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Feb 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I have thought about this a lot. My country was liberated by the Allies in 1945 and we have a a day to commemorate this every year. To be thankful for those who gave their lives for us. However, knowing Americans whose children just recently joined the army, I now think: Should there be a war, would I be grateful if my son's buddy would come over from the other side of the pond to liberate me and my family? I would be mortified if his parents were to grieve the loss of their son, simply to liberate me. I would rather die myself.

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I'll answer a few of your questions, but first the associations made in your piece are false. 1. That we are weak on our border has not a jot to do with Gen X's rejection of what they see happening in Gaza. Two separate issues. 2. The US in WWII was to defend against Germany not to support it. 3. That we became a powerhouse did not mean the world wanted us to police it... kind of like a neighbor breaking up a fight and then putting a badge on and tyrannizing the neighborhood. Let's start with this issue.

"Because of our power, the United States finds itself in the position of being the world’s police force". This is the BS the US has flung for years. The reality is that we are policing our empire. Have a look at the 'Project for a new American century' for an example. Who asked us to do this? Who hired us? Who voted for it? Who oversees it? Yeah, this line describes the arrogant taking of a power without consent. And the abuse of that power has been ugly. Try asking the citizens of Argentina who lost Allende to Pinochet or Iran who lost Mossaddegh to the Shah. Why do have an eternal enemy in Iran, I wonder? Maybe it's because we replaced the democratically elected leader with a monster and created an opening for a religious fanatic to take over and 'rescue' his people from the abuse. We, no one else, made that situation happen with our 'policing' (For British oil, by the way.)

Now as for equating helping Jews and fighting Nazis in WWI versus supporting Israel. First look at scale 1700 dead in the 10/7 strike compared with 6,000,000 in Germany. One was a war. One was a guerrilla attack. One involved participation across the polity, the other involved a subgroup of criminals with the rest of the population uninvolved. It's a false equation. But more... You stand by Israel as the slaughter Palestinian civilians in revenge for the Hamas criminals among them. This is supporting slaughter, not 'defending' Israel. The Gen Z kids see this. Yes, they are näive and are skewing towards the extreme edges because of a variety of reasons, but their response originates from the outrage they feel on seeing what is happening in Israel. Add to that the scores of times the IDF has been caught in lies to cover their atrocities, the sheer cruelty of killing poets, journalists, doctors, children, mothers. How you can not see the utter violence of this is mind-boggling.

"Do we have actual enemies who seek our downfall who would then take advantage of our weakness? Is it foolish or kind to welcome the enemy into our midst?" The last thing I will address is the false equation of maintaining the US empire globally with protecting our borders. What of all the other countries around the world that don't have empires? They must have worse border issues for their weakness, right? The point is that the border is a major issue and that many people who reject supporting the Bibi killing machine want a very tight, orderly and legal border with a good solid barrier. We would be HUGELY stronger if we spent a trillion dollars on ourselves rather than funding real Nazis in Ukraine and War criminals in Israel. We are hyper-extended, we are fat and flabby and weak. But not because we want Bibi to stop killing innocents.

Final thought: Israel destroying Gaza is like a the police beating and arresting an entire city's population because a gang of kids killed a cop. People are swearing at you because you are trying to justify gross crimes of unbelievable cruelty and scale as 'support for Israel'. Real support for Israel would have been to cut Bibi's supplies from the start and pressure to have him removed. It would have been to stop Israel from committing these highly visible atrocities. Now, Israel will never ever be safe... ever. You gat that? They have made blood enemies by the millions. There are videos that can be used over and over to whip angry kids who lost loved ones into rage... over and over. Many countries that used to back Israel will no longer do so. Biden and the Dems will be at a severe disadvantage in November because of this support. Israel stinks now of crime. Instead of being the refuge of refugees from WWII and deserving of sympathy Israel is now a monster killing refugees and full of hatred towards others. It's going to SUCK in Israel going forward. No peace will ever settle on that country. THAT is what 'support for Israel' has created. But keep going Karen. The blood splashes on your hands as the place you have such hope for descends into hell. Nice job.

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