I know, if I'm "the smartest person" people around me know then holy shit we're in trouble. I put my shirts on inside out and backwards at least once a week.
Nowadays we need to pretend to be dumb! It's like in the book by Jos├й Saramago "Ensaio sobre a Cegueira"... In a "civilization" of blind animals those that can see will be targeted!
In the end we can always enjoy the collective shitshow!
I Am Used To Being Smarter
Than Everyone Else.
But I Never HAD To Be.
Now That We Have To Be:
I've Owned Pets Smarter Than Most Of These "People" .
Including Some Of The Smartest
Idiots We Could Have Ever Met.
I know, if I'm "the smartest person" people around me know then holy shit we're in trouble. I put my shirts on inside out and backwards at least once a week.
Love 'Ya
Nowadays we need to pretend to be dumb! It's like in the book by Jos├й Saramago "Ensaio sobre a Cegueira"... In a "civilization" of blind animals those that can see will be targeted!
In the end we can always enjoy the collective shitshow!