Psychology, and it's field, has been used against people since its inception. How many women were labeled hysterical and placed in asylums? How many people were lobotomized? Psychology is corrupted as much as any other medical field. Probably more so... I have seen so many young people turned into zombies with all the mind melting drugs …
Psychology, and it's field, has been used against people since its inception. How many women were labeled hysterical and placed in asylums? How many people were lobotomized? Psychology is corrupted as much as any other medical field. Probably more so... I have seen so many young people turned into zombies with all the mind melting drugs the doctors and psychiatrists push on them for something that is normal for their circumstances. Trauma causes a lot of kids to act out and then they push a pill on them! It is corruption and greed and stupidity.
Psychology, and it's field, has been used against people since its inception. How many women were labeled hysterical and placed in asylums? How many people were lobotomized? Psychology is corrupted as much as any other medical field. Probably more so... I have seen so many young people turned into zombies with all the mind melting drugs the doctors and psychiatrists push on them for something that is normal for their circumstances. Trauma causes a lot of kids to act out and then they push a pill on them! It is corruption and greed and stupidity.