5 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for your essay, I did so enjoy it. It gives food for thought.

It reminded me that everything in this world can be traced back to the Bible.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil could been seen as the technology tree.

And when we eat of it we surely die. But the death we cannot see straight away because it is internal.

In the Bible, Adam and Eve didn’t die at the first bite. they realised that they were naked and hid from God.

It was the death of their innocence and the death of their relationship with God, the banishment from the garden. No longer being able to eat from the tree of life.

What does this mean for us today?

what are we eating from?

What is happening to us?

The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, 3 but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’”

4 “You will not certainly die,” the serpent said to the woman. 5 “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

6 When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

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Exactly! I've written about this connection to the garden of eden before. It really all comes together if one is willing to see it!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Pandora’s Box has been opened wide. How did that story end? Some People never learn it seems. 😢

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2 hrs ago·edited 49 mins agoAuthor

True! Elon Musk even said that with unleashing AI we have let the demon out.

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43 mins agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

p.s. thanks for a great article to read. 😂 Should have started with that. 😊

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46 mins agoLiked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I LOVE Lex Fridman. He’s one of my favorite to listen to.

Your article makes the key point: “The point of being here was to learn lessons or what’s the point of it all? Going into death with honor was very important.”

Most people today have no honor. Not a speck. And they know it deep down. That’s why they are terrified to die.

And my Christian upbringing taught me to look forward to something better beyond this life, by placing me in a relationship with the God who created us. I can’t imagine not having that faith. I’d be terrified to die too if I didn’t.

But I’m more terrified of AI. Powerful people can quickly and easily control what information is used by it, as we saw this year with the lies about the election, or about Covid. Corporate media are already individual robots, and look what it’s done to our country.

And the medical industry literally has had doctors be nothing but little robots for many, many years now. They are experts at treating symptoms and using standard fed to them by big pharma. They almost cost me my life following “standard protocols” and “universally accepted diagnostic criteria”. Well those protocols and criteria were completely wrong and I was dying slowly for 6 years with a horrible quality of life. I finally started teaching myself about my symptoms and discovered I had hyperparathyroidism. The specialists near me disagreed and followed inaccurate, outdated diagnostic markers. They left me to suffer for another year. Luckily I found the best surgeons in the world out of state for the disease who knew the truth. They found three large tumors in my neck and removed them, curing me 100%, giving me my life back. The top surgeons where I live in Chicago would have left them in me and let me struggle and die early. They have known of this other clinic for 30 long years, but stubborn arrogance and pride makes ships this large difficult to turn around. They worship their “standards” and that’s what would be fed into AI medical care. Anyone relying on the AI would never know they had this disease if their markets were like mine. I would have died easily 10 years sooner under their care. I would have been unable to find this other clinic and forced into an AI care plan that would give me a miserable, symptom-ridden life. That experience opened my eyes to the robotic nature of medicine today. If it’s so dangerous now, it’s going to be worse when it’s AI.

It’s frightening that so many are giddy about AI. I’m not. I’m giddy about grass between my toes and shapes in the clouds, listening to the birds, watching the squirrels. feeling the wind on my face. All the things God created that make me feel human. I’m not at all looking forward to any world that man creates. It really will be exactly like we see in the movies.

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Beautiful comment! Thank you! Your testimony is amazing!

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