How the Arab World Sees the Hostage Release 'Ceremonies'
I dream of the day someone stands on that stage and spits in the faces of their oppressors.
I still don’t have a voice to do a recording. I will do it when I feel better.
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Today we are thankful that 6 hostages were freed: Tal Shoham, Avera Mengistu, Eliya Cohen, Omer Shem Tov, Omer Wenkert, and Hisham al-Sayed.
I thought it would be interesting to show you what the Arab world sees as they watch these hostage release ceremonies put on by Hamas, from the perspective presented to them by Arab news stations.
The population of the Arab world in 2023 was about 473 million inhabitants. When I lived in the villages of Luxor and visited the homes of families in the villages, they all had a TV, and it was always on. Mostly, it’s soccer for the men and soap operas for the women. But they also watch a lot of news, and this is an example of what they would see.
I looked at a number of Western news media videos, but they cut out this part. Perhaps more will be said about it later. Here’s what the Arab world saw today:
Seeing Omer Shem Tov kissing the foreheads of his captors, giving the thumbs up to the crowds, it’s hard to understand. I am in no position to judge him for that. I cannot even begin to know the suffering, the terror he has endured, the psychological abuse. And then, the elation of being freed at last. Having been in an abusive marriage, I understand the perverse attachment one can get to one’s abuser. It isn’t easy to extricate oneself. And while all of these hostages are now physically free, they will need many years to recover from what has happened to them. A lifetime, perhaps.
Even so, I’m waiting for the day when one of the hostages stands up on that stage and spits in the faces of the terrorists. Raises a fist in defiance, yells the truth into those cameras for all the world to see and hear. I’m not expecting it, not really. And the chances of it happening lessen day by day. But then I think, why not? Why wouldn’t just one person do this?
What would happen if they did? How would Hamas react? Would they kill the defiant Israeli on the spot? Would they take all the hostages back? Would the war restart?
Would the world then condemn that one defiant person because they refused to play the game?
Or would Hamas have no choice but to accept its humiliation, the terrorists wipe their masks of the spit and keep on going with their macabre ceremony?
I don’t know. I just hate how the hostages are forced to grovel. I hate how Israel is forced to grovel. Even though Israel could obliterate every Gazan it has to hold back. Is this what civilized people do? Take the humiliation because we love life? Or be willing to die. Because that’s what our enemy is willing to do. And this is how they gain strength over us.
Or do we prove our greater courage and strength by swallowing our desire for revenge and accepting the humiliation in exchange for life. But for how long?
Thousands of murderers are being released. How many more will they kill? How many more will they take hostage? And then, do we play this game all over again?
I’m following this up with another shocking video of Islamic scholar Abu Waleed who lives in the UK. Please watch it. This is the teachings of Islam; this is what Muslims hear in the mosques. This is how they are taught to look at us from birth. Not just in Gaza but in mosques all over the world.
I don’t know, maybe not all Muslims agree with it. But then, once again, why doesn’t anyone stand up and say something? Why don’t they refuse this garbage? Why is everyone, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, catering to Islam? Well, that’s a problem for Muslims because if they don’t accept it, they will have to disavow their religion, and for that they face death. We do see the few courageous dissenters who stand up. And we see what happens. They are stabbed, shot, blown up.
Once Muslims reach a certain level within a Western town, city, country, I have heard it is 25%, they start imposing Sharia Law. This is the humiliation they dream of inflicting on every infidel. Just as Hamas humiliates Israel now.
Make no mistake, the imam in this video is not giving some fringe talk. I could post video after video of scholars and religious leaders saying similar things to mosques filled with believers.
I experienced this myself. The complete disdain beneath the surface of every smiling face in Luxor. I cannot tell you how many horror stories I hear of Western women who fell in love and married Egyptian men, reverted to Islam, took their husbands back to their home country, got their husbands citizenship, stayed married five, ten, years, maybe had a child or two, only to find that the men they married had been sending money back to their wives in Egypt that they had married at some point over the years, and with whom they now have two or three more children.
At that point, the Western wife has to make a decision. Sometimes, she accepts what has happened, because she doesn’t know what else to do. Sometimes, she even agrees with it because she is Muslim, and she has learned to submit to her husband.
If she does not agree, her husband often steals the children he had with her and takes them back to Egypt to be raised by his family, and she never sees them again. Or he brings his Egyptian family to his Western home and that is how they populate a new country. This happens thousands up on thousands of times, I can assure you.
Any child born to a Muslim man is a Muslim. The mother and her religion are irrelevant. I don’t know why Western women put up with this, but they do. They don’t seem to understand the consequences. Or they just don’t care. Like most people don’t care. If you explain to them about the Caliphate, they don’t believe you. It’s maddening.
Where is the strength in the West? We really need to renew our faith, morals, principles to stand up against a cult that is laser focused, determined, devout, and will do anything, even die, for what they believe. This is their goal:
When people in the West self-righteously argue that Israel should just allow all the “Palestinians” in and let Israel become a majority Muslim country because that would be “democratic”, this is what would happen, right here, in the video above. Israel is not as stupid as the UK.
As I listened to this idiot, I was wondering, why would “John” as he mentioned put up with such humiliation? Why would John’s wife despise her husband and not turn her anger on the Muslim who takes over their bed and makes her husband sleep on the floor. Why wouldn’t John and his wife both be overcome with rage and refuse to do the Muslim’s bidding?
I would rather die fighting than live under such humiliation. When I stood up for Gitte in Luxor, the woman who was going to be attacked inside her villa in the night, NOT A SINGLE FOREIGN WOMAN LIVING IN LUXOR CAME TO HER AID. I was the only one. It’s so frustrating! If they all got together and formed an alliance, if they all stood up against their oppressors, things would have to change. But they are too afraid, too distrustful of one another. Their husbands have made sure of this. The result of bowing to those who oppress you is that you lose all respect for yourself.
The woman who was supposed to help me set up My World Project in Luxor, the exchange of art and writing between youth in Luxor and youth at Granada Hills High School in Los Angeles, messaged me the day after I resolved the dangerous situation between Gitte and her neighbor (who wanted to take over her villa) and said she could no longer have any contact with me. Then, she blocked me.
She didn’t say why she could no longer associate with me, but she didn’t have to. I knew why. It had become too dangerous for her. Essentially, she was a hostage in Luxor. She had barely enough money to live a decent life there. Over the years, all her friends outside of Egypt had disappeared, she was isolated. I know what happens to the few lone women in Luxor who DO stand up. They are beaten into submission. And no one helps them. If you are a hostage in Luxor, you have no choice but to submit.
Again, this is what Islam teaches. Here is a video of Senior Saudi Islamic Scholar Sheikh Al-Fawzan justifying the capture of the wives of “infidels” in war:
The Muslim capture of women in the (630) Battle of Awtas. They took from the infidel’s money and women as booty…. It was customary for the owners of the women captured at war to take them as concubines. They have the right to take them as concubines and have sex with them by virtue of possessing them. The possession of a captured woman outweighs her marriage contract. It allows the master to have sex with the woman he owns. This is called concubinage…. When a woman is taken captive, her marriage contract with her infidel husband is annulled. If she is taken captive, she becomes the property of the Muslims.
Why in a million years would any Westerner put up with a “religion” that is so barbaric, just to prove how “tolerant” they are? Forget it.
I know that Israel is determined to get all the hostages back. But at what price?
Not having gone through what Omer Shem Tov went through, I can only say my heart breaks for him. But that doesn’t stop me from dreaming of one person, just one person, having the courage to spit in the faces of these demons from hell.
You can read about what happened with Gitte and her villa in The Lost Foreign Women of Luxor
Yes, it's so sad about Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayid were both kept for 10 years. Unbelievable. But thankful they are finally free.
This is so heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. 🙏