Yes, it's so sad about Avera Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayid were both kept for 10 years. Unbelievable. But thankful they are finally free.

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Apparently both are in terrible shape.

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This is so heartbreaking. Thank you for sharing. 🙏

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Hard to keep sharing this day after day but necessary. Thankyou.

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The world needs your voice. Thank you for your work.

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Hi Karen,

I read about your experience in Luxor which helped reinforce what I had always thought about Islam, thank you for opening my eyes.

We do have brave people in the UK, I myself am a member of Friends of Israel that doesn't make me brave however.

The industrial rape, torture and in some cases murder of 1000s of young vulnerable children in the UK by mainly Pakistani Muslims, which has been condoned by Labour councils and successive governments has been highlighted by brave people who have been subjected to cancelling by government and threats of murder by islamists.

They are spitting in the faces of Hamas, Hezbollah and ISIS.

I send you our love.

Stand for Israel 🇮🇱.


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What is happening the GB is beyond belief. The tragedy of those children. Thank you for taking a stand.

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Honestly, I think Hamas would kill anyone who stood up to them on the spot.

Incidentally, I don't think I've seen it widely mentioned that Avera Mengistu was not taken hostage on 7 October. He is a severely mentally ill man who crossed over the border to Gaza *ten years ago* either by accident or as a result of his mental illness. Hamas had held him prisoner ever since.

I recently read "Muslims Don't Matter" by the English politician Baroness Warsi. It's a profoundly mendacious book that made me very angry. I plan to post a review at some point. But she starts the book by saying that she's fed up with having to defend Islam, which is a surprise to me, as I haven't heard her, or any other Muslim, do it. They usually either assert that atrocity X was caused by terrible Israeli/Western action Y or get tame non-Muslim politicians and senior police officers to patronisingly tell the public that most Muslims are law-abiding people and we shouldn't take our frustrations out on them (incidentally, none of these politicians or police officers have asked Muslims not to take their frustrations about Gaza out on British Jews. They're totally happy for us to be verbally and sometimes physically abused for the sake of "good community relations").

Meanwhile, 75% of British Muslims support Hamas (not Gazans, but specifically Hamas) and about a third want Sharia Law in the UK. Other religious minorities (Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, etc.) are not like this. It is valid for us to ask why. But Baroness Warsi thinks that's "Islamophobic."

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I agree with you totally !

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Feb 22Edited

WOW -Karen - You picked my brain for the first half of this post for sure.

"I think, why not? Why wouldn’t just one person do this?

What would happen if they did? How would Hamas react? Would they kill the defiant Israeli on the spot? Would they take all the hostages back? Would the war restart?"

I've been thinking this for a while. What if a hostage at least dropped the sign they have to hold and dropped it again after being made to pick it up? That would at least be a signal on the record. I've always thought of the US pilot captured in Iraq that blinked SOS when I imagine the hostages making some kind of freedom overture.

Unfortunate for what Omer Shem Tov did, but yes, we don't know how Stockholm Syndromed he is. I think that (because I'm a real problem for people that want to mess with me) in such a scenario I would be defiant somehow, but I've never been restrained for even an hour, so I can talk like a big man while comfortably sitting at my desk. We can't imagine their mindset, especially when probably walking in daylight for the first time since being abducted.

Never heard of abu waleef, but I have learned of much of what he said in the video elsewhere. He reminds me of that big fat muslim idiot piers morgan always has on his show (that I don't watch) who definitely says the same.

BTW - I saw somewhere that 30% occupancy of an area is cause for sharia law. Either way, I will enjoy watching britain suffer for this. They have capitulated to the globalists and allowed the muslims to be brought in as a tool of globalist OWG warfare. I don't mind the UK, Germany and the EU falling if it opens more eyes in the US to the globalist plans.

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Yep, I picked my own brain with this. Like you, I've been thinking about it for a while. That's a good idea. Just drop the sign. A small but extremely meaningful gesture. I don't think I can handle much more of this debasement, though.

As for the UK, I hope to go back there at some point to visit Gitte who lives in Scotland. I agree that they deserve everything that's coming to them. How foolish can a nation get. So sad.

And I absolutely agree Muslims are a tool of the globalists. It is really interesting this juxtaposition between taking us back to the Dark Ages on the one hand and the hope of futuristic AI sci-fi on the other. I won't put my hope in either.

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Feb 22Edited

I was thinking about it more: I wonder if the hostages are drugged with something like the 10/7 terrorists used or speed like WWII German soldiers were given, that can cause such a behavior? At least I'm hoping so as a justification.

I don't see any contrast from Dark Age mentality and what globalists want to be omnipotent AI. They are both based on powerful overlords and serfs in a feudal system.

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Yes, I think it's quite possible they are drugged.

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I've not read about this years releases but for the ones last year they were for sure, so agree possible


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That's what I was thinking too, Dog. Stockholm syndrome + a euphoria enducing drug might look very much like that.

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Reporting in The Tablet has indicated that many who were at the festival on October 7 were under the influence of hallucinogens or other substances. To survive death yet become captive in such a condition need not necessarily condition the remaining time in captivity, but it would be good to know what impact, if any, being altered may have had.

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Well that would certainly bum your trip right out. The guy kissing his captors' heads reminded me of the behavior of some people I've seen while they were under the influence of euphorics, though.

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It is DISGUSTING what is happening. I understand the difficult situation Israel is in. The need to have their citizens released, whether alive or deceased because they VALUE the sanctity of life, but I am furious on their behalf with the demonic disregard and disrespect being shown. Any tiny modicum of sympathy I might have had has been completely eliminated by this barbaric behavior. Filming children celebrating the death and mutilation of other children… I’m fast entering the “burn it all to the ground” realm. Sorry, not sorry!

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We are only humans, after all, and we can only take so much. It's horrible that these monsters have such power.

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Feb 22Edited

I don’t think most people realize that Western civilization is on the verge of submission to this medieval barbaric ideology. At least, 100 million Americans, are heavily armed.

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deeply...deeply upsettin'... yer avg. ameriCONNED will not even consider let alone know 'bout Stockholm Syndrome... a nation now unaware of Patty Hearst... unaware of literal brainwarshin'... BUT sometimes this is a "plan"--one 'er two 'er FEW of 'em DO git treated nicely fer "show." Ok... so in Nazi Germany there wuz at least one "show camp" where literally they put on shows--classical mooisck, plays, concerts, etc. The (many) top jooish moosicians got more food, far less cruel "barracks," were allowed ta bathe... CUZ this camp (wuz it Tieresianstadt?) wuz a SHOW CAMP literally puttin' on shows fer visitin' DIP-LOW-MATS!.... to say, hey, we treat "OUR workers" nizely, see?! An' so Spielberg (great filmmaker overall butta dubious/compromised possibly evil member of the cabal in other ways....) thought it wuz "wize" ta leave out that footage from SHOAH... footage that didn't support his narrative of universally horrific treatment in da camps of da joos. Sumbuddy got hold of zat footage an' the "nazis 'n haters" have spread it 'round like so much buttah. Everyone sees it an sez, the camps didn't happen--they were like vacation settin's--see how nize all the joos were treated--the rest wuz lies, Spielberg an' all the other "survivors" were lyin' actEurs...

BIG MISTAKE. Spielberg SHOULD have had a section with these folks, should've revealed that the most EVIL entities always make a show "sample".... had he done this the chance've Nazis making that footage the "true story" would've been nil.

We've all heard stories--mental insty-2-shuns havin' the one sample patient fer the visitors--the clean, well-treated, unbruised, laydee or gent in a decent room speakin' 'bout how nice the dokturds are. Meanwhile the others are fed a poor excuse fer food, drugged, "treated" ta lobotomies & rubber hose beatin's an' worse (some were raped under sedation). The "model patients" is a PR move an' ugly as Hamas kin be... clearly all are not stoopid--just as Pallywood has totally convinced the whirled that these terrorists are the good guys, Israel "bad" these Stockholm SINdrum "hostages" were also set ups (imho). This will TOTALLY erase any horrors of the Bibas babies (a minor miscalculation on their part). World sentyMints are that these "hostages" were all treated well....

I don't have answers--the "right" in Israel is more 'n pissed at BB fer cavin' ta DJT an' tradin' for jooish lives... for cavin' ta the judgemental press. What's the answer? Dunnooo....

I LOVED yer idear of spittin' in the face of these monsters or as wuz suggested even repeatedly droppin' a sign.... Either these fellas were too skeered or not havin' the mindset to "think" outta the box or perhaps so brainwarshed they'd be incapable. If they do so later, it's too late...

I don't think these men are shameful cowards but it duz make me sad that notta one wuz brave enuf ta make a mockery of this ceremony.... Yer right....an' it's heartbreakin' to watch...

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Each time I see this charade played out I have these thoughts. I agree with your thoughts on Spielberg.

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Timely postin' 'bout certain Nazi camps "glammed up" fer visitors, in this case the Red Cross (oh mah yes, they were rotten!)

Search for this quote:

The camp/ghetto was “cleaned up.” For example, buildings were painted and a football field was staged. “Cultural activities” were promoted to create the illusion that the Jewish prisoners were thriving. The Red Cross officials were taken on a tour of a pre-planned route and interviewed prisoners who’d been trained on what to say. Unsurprisingly, the Red Cross left Theresienstadt with a glowing report.

at'it again... mockingboids all've 'em...

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It is so hard for someone who knows the love and peace of Christ in a culture so strongly influenced by the Bible to believe, much less imagine that evil can be so evil. Nasty. Even with all the imperfection, the sin we experience in "Christendom" life and freedom are so much better. Yet I hear of many thousands of muslims, even in muslim countries, who hear about and come to understand who Jesus really is; that they do not have to believe lies; that the freedom Christ offers for the asking is worth the wrath of hateful muslims. And Christ-followers will do our best to accept as genuine friends those who escape evil, just as Jesus Christ does.

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A really interesting piece Karen, and i like many others know that we do have a real problem in the UK, a massive change will be required in the the next few years. Hopefully the new administration in the USA will lead the way.

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Wow, this flu is everywhere! Hope you heal up and fight it off quickly, Karen!

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It's no fun 😕

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Islam/muslims are the existential threat worldwide. Lowbama said Islam is a religion of peace! What a crock

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The thing that puzzles me is why Israel continues to reinforce this practice of trading murderers for dead Israelis. I remember watching the horrific footage from October 7th when the demon possessed murderers drove away after killing some poor people in a car. And then they came back and loaded the corpses into an SUV and drove away again. At the time I was unaware that Israel had ever traded criminals for the remains of a dead Israeli. Then I learned that this is a practice, no doubt motivated by noble thoughts about the value of even a deceased Israeli. But all this does is reward and reinforce what I believe is an insane practice. We will kill your people and keep their bodies because we know you will end up trading dead Israelis for live murderers. So as much as I despise the wickedness of the Gazans, I can understand why they continue to do the things they have been doing for the past decades - they ultimately win back their criminals by trading them for dead people.

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Had to share this from Lionel T. from Substack! A message of HOPE…God’s goodness overwhelms!🙏🙌


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Karen, I would love to see the hostages spit into faces of these Hamas hyenas. But they are probably too drained, and those that are not, sorry about retribution on others - as you say.

As to the strength of the West, it's done. Media and "civil society" are already subverted. Most sane people who see the dangers are too busy surving their daily lives. And yet, over privileged 20-somethings march in campuses spewing crap they know nothing about. The "far right" is really an attempt of the centre-somethings to get back to the centre. But it does have a real danger really becoming real far right. And then, far left and far right are lot closer to each other, than they are to anything else.

There is no room left for conversation anymore. Education has become activism, and activism and progressives have lost all meaning. In fact, whatbthese words represent today is an insult to what they used to stand for 40-50 years ago.

I wonder what is the solution? What stock do people have to sustain to wake up from this stupor.

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Send the Twinkies to Gaza once all the Israeli and Americans are out.

Any foreigners in protests: deported, never to come back. Palestinian students on student visas: implant them with geotracking devices & implant them with a small powerful IED. Set to go off if they try to board a flight for USA.

Or just blow them up in a crowd in Palestine.

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My thought is that any one of the hostages who would dare spit on their captor would have been killed early on

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