1. I "love" the headline that "DEI means people DIE" -- it mentally re-writes the whole gawd-awful policy in folks minds... if this gits spread 'round LIKE the dang "wild" fires it could do a passle of good... because: true! DEI hires in aviation cause crashes which means DEATHS... DEI in medi-sin means more DEATHS in the hoss-spit-alls... Now... if yer DEI hire is pushin' pencils & papers that don't affect LIVES in the immediate, then it's just a big grift--but here LIVES are bein' lost due ta these hires. an' not ta state the obvious but I agree... (f)elon Musk Ox does not care 'bout the race or gender of the first responders--it's just that if they are hired BeCUZ of their race or gender or LGBTQrstuv++ status, THAT is the problem... let the SJWs fly "woke airlines" an' request their surgeries from the DEI dokturds that might mistake their scalpels fer nail clippers... but fer the rest of us tryin' ta...y'know...LIVE this is a "CRIMINAL" policy... so LONG live PITHY smart, memorable slogans, I'm all in fer "DEI means people DIE"
2. yup really horrible people rule LA. If this were some staged hollyweird teevee show where they were yeetin' each other under "stage" buses & slidin' 'em on oil slicks inta padded walls ta the raucous cheerin' of the ticket-holders I'd be not-surprised... sadly this shameful display of finger-pointin' & under-bus-throwin' is real... it's "mental midget tossin'!" to the peril of real people, real lives...
this is really sad. I thought this would be a time when "leaders" and highly paid employees would prepare amply for each seasons necessities. water is important. This is maybe suspicious land grabbing activity, but maybe not. It is criminal and quite horrible indeed. All of us pay a fortune in taxes and we are not always in agreement with how it is used, but these people living in these areas, need to be compensated by this neglectful government.
This kind of makes me anxious though., Where else would arsonists want to set fires. Is this going to be a thing now? I feel really sad that these people lost everything.
Yes, it will probably be the latest fad. Just like ramming cars into crowds of people. There is something seriously demented going on with people—and I can’t help but wonder how much is the influence of demonic AI. I know many people will say I’m the crazy one for even suggesting it, but I do believe it’s true.
As for Bill Gates — when I was young, there was an entire sub-genre of science fiction that dealt with the theme of The Mad Scientist. But Bill isn’t a Scientist, so that just leaves the Mad part. And astonishingly, as you wrote, no one stops him.
Well, you and I came to the same conclusion, I think. Man’s arrogance in thinking he can alternate God’s creation will be our ruin. I have no words for the mad scientist that is Bill Gates. Egads.
Thank you for speaking honestly about humanity's destruction of the Earth. There seems to be almost blanket denial these days that human activity has been & continues to be horrendously damaging. Quite as though we are not the ones who've wreaked these consequences.
I was astonished by the LAFD's chief's public comments. Accordingly, I was not astonished when Bass gave her the boot. Swiftly and apparently without hesitation.
This all could of happened in a more genteel fashion, but this is not the order of the day.
Plenty of blame to go around, and as such, there will be more reasons to sharpen up the guillotine, tune up the gallows, or survey the site for firing squads, although it is not known at this time whether Los Angeles and California's governing bodies and officials can manage such tasks. It may take some time.
Hint to all concerned: try blaming Prometheus, although you might run into some snags where the attribute of "foresight" is concerned.
DEI requires, for the sake of "equity", that minorities of every description (the more fringe, the better) be hired for jobs for which they have little to no qualification or aptitude. [Feminists take notice-- this practice is making women look incompetent and even stupid]. But, is the aim really diversification and equity? Or is the real aim to collapse/destroy the agencies/businesses involved? To destroy the fabric of society? It seems to be the latter. In fact, everything these days seems set up for (intended) failure. "There is no success like failure and failure is no success at all." -- B. Dylan
Aside from the arson connection (government hires?), do these fires seem to be wholly by nature or are there some man-made influences here? Does anybody see any similarities between these LA blazes and the one on Maui? Does somebody want this land to be used for other uses or for investment? (Upcoming Olympics?)
It's very much like the hypothesis that, if (certain groups of) people keep telling lies, keep pushing the lies, and keep holding that line, how do you eventually find or even define 'truth'? If everything you are being told is lies where does truth come from?
We all saw Joe Biden stumbling, roaming around, 'lost'. Yet there was MSM, telling us Joe was FINE just fine!! Sharp as a tack!! Literally 'Do Not Believe Your Own Eyes, Believe US!!
"Are DEI policies the major cause of these wildfires? Of course not." - Yes, but they apparently contribute to the inability of those who need to respond to these fires to adequately do so.
People EVERYWHERE need to get more involved in their local politics- local political initiatives. We have all become so accustomed to paying our taxes and assuming critical issues are being properly managed. This lack of prevention and preparedness is almost impossible to grasp. In my view it’s criminal negligence
The WHOLE "political" establishment is naught but globalist appointees...
Have people forgotten about Maui already?
It would appear so.
Maui? They forgot about NC already
1. I "love" the headline that "DEI means people DIE" -- it mentally re-writes the whole gawd-awful policy in folks minds... if this gits spread 'round LIKE the dang "wild" fires it could do a passle of good... because: true! DEI hires in aviation cause crashes which means DEATHS... DEI in medi-sin means more DEATHS in the hoss-spit-alls... Now... if yer DEI hire is pushin' pencils & papers that don't affect LIVES in the immediate, then it's just a big grift--but here LIVES are bein' lost due ta these hires. an' not ta state the obvious but I agree... (f)elon Musk Ox does not care 'bout the race or gender of the first responders--it's just that if they are hired BeCUZ of their race or gender or LGBTQrstuv++ status, THAT is the problem... let the SJWs fly "woke airlines" an' request their surgeries from the DEI dokturds that might mistake their scalpels fer nail clippers... but fer the rest of us tryin' ta...y'know...LIVE this is a "CRIMINAL" policy... so LONG live PITHY smart, memorable slogans, I'm all in fer "DEI means people DIE"
2. yup really horrible people rule LA. If this were some staged hollyweird teevee show where they were yeetin' each other under "stage" buses & slidin' 'em on oil slicks inta padded walls ta the raucous cheerin' of the ticket-holders I'd be not-surprised... sadly this shameful display of finger-pointin' & under-bus-throwin' is real... it's "mental midget tossin'!" to the peril of real people, real lives...
this is really sad. I thought this would be a time when "leaders" and highly paid employees would prepare amply for each seasons necessities. water is important. This is maybe suspicious land grabbing activity, but maybe not. It is criminal and quite horrible indeed. All of us pay a fortune in taxes and we are not always in agreement with how it is used, but these people living in these areas, need to be compensated by this neglectful government.
This kind of makes me anxious though., Where else would arsonists want to set fires. Is this going to be a thing now? I feel really sad that these people lost everything.
Yes, it will probably be the latest fad. Just like ramming cars into crowds of people. There is something seriously demented going on with people—and I can’t help but wonder how much is the influence of demonic AI. I know many people will say I’m the crazy one for even suggesting it, but I do believe it’s true.
Except they are not all the way demented; they are serving an ideology:
As for Bill Gates — when I was young, there was an entire sub-genre of science fiction that dealt with the theme of The Mad Scientist. But Bill isn’t a Scientist, so that just leaves the Mad part. And astonishingly, as you wrote, no one stops him.
He thinks he's a scientist LOL. But, yes, mad, on its own suits him just fine.
Well, you and I came to the same conclusion, I think. Man’s arrogance in thinking he can alternate God’s creation will be our ruin. I have no words for the mad scientist that is Bill Gates. Egads.
Thank you for speaking honestly about humanity's destruction of the Earth. There seems to be almost blanket denial these days that human activity has been & continues to be horrendously damaging. Quite as though we are not the ones who've wreaked these consequences.
Yep. It's very unpopular on both sides of the aisle to suggest it might be their fault. Both sides benefit too much from the excess.
There, you have it!
Great video. RFK Jr is right. Thanks.
Sorry, I don't watch videos. Can you spell it out, please?
I was astonished by the LAFD's chief's public comments. Accordingly, I was not astonished when Bass gave her the boot. Swiftly and apparently without hesitation.
This all could of happened in a more genteel fashion, but this is not the order of the day.
Plenty of blame to go around, and as such, there will be more reasons to sharpen up the guillotine, tune up the gallows, or survey the site for firing squads, although it is not known at this time whether Los Angeles and California's governing bodies and officials can manage such tasks. It may take some time.
Hint to all concerned: try blaming Prometheus, although you might run into some snags where the attribute of "foresight" is concerned.
Pretty difficult to find fault with any of this.
Thanks Karen
You’re welcome
Top notch piece of writing.
A very powerful article. So wish people had ears to hear. And act accordingly.
DEI requires, for the sake of "equity", that minorities of every description (the more fringe, the better) be hired for jobs for which they have little to no qualification or aptitude. [Feminists take notice-- this practice is making women look incompetent and even stupid]. But, is the aim really diversification and equity? Or is the real aim to collapse/destroy the agencies/businesses involved? To destroy the fabric of society? It seems to be the latter. In fact, everything these days seems set up for (intended) failure. "There is no success like failure and failure is no success at all." -- B. Dylan
Aside from the arson connection (government hires?), do these fires seem to be wholly by nature or are there some man-made influences here? Does anybody see any similarities between these LA blazes and the one on Maui? Does somebody want this land to be used for other uses or for investment? (Upcoming Olympics?)
Remember, events are no longer spontaneous.
It's very much like the hypothesis that, if (certain groups of) people keep telling lies, keep pushing the lies, and keep holding that line, how do you eventually find or even define 'truth'? If everything you are being told is lies where does truth come from?
We all saw Joe Biden stumbling, roaming around, 'lost'. Yet there was MSM, telling us Joe was FINE just fine!! Sharp as a tack!! Literally 'Do Not Believe Your Own Eyes, Believe US!!
The leader of the reservoirs makes $750,000 per year. I think I will quit flying and get into the water racket.
"Are DEI policies the major cause of these wildfires? Of course not." - Yes, but they apparently contribute to the inability of those who need to respond to these fires to adequately do so.
She wasn’t fired - they gave a joint press conference this AM.
Yes, I saw that. I guess Bass changed her mind. I've reflected that change in my article.
Or was it another diversion?
Who knows.
It doesn't matter. It may have been a useful idiot, but the outcome speaks for itself.
And now she’s gone 🤡
People EVERYWHERE need to get more involved in their local politics- local political initiatives. We have all become so accustomed to paying our taxes and assuming critical issues are being properly managed. This lack of prevention and preparedness is almost impossible to grasp. In my view it’s criminal negligence