?huh? Ray's talkin' bout the dangers of Islam (aka I-Slam!) an' the (omg what r they, the cannibals) Santaria VoodooItes?! --he's also got sum' jooish ancestry himself... Just sayin' I think ya might be mistakin' whom yer talkin' to (dis chew at least ain't seein' it, Ray's a straight shooter I'll vouch...)
?huh? Ray's talkin' bout the dangers of Islam (aka I-Slam!) an' the (omg what r they, the cannibals) Santaria VoodooItes?! --he's also got sum' jooish ancestry himself... Just sayin' I think ya might be mistakin' whom yer talkin' to (dis chew at least ain't seein' it, Ray's a straight shooter I'll vouch...)
Look deeper. Ray is a committed Holocaust denier/revisionist. What's driving such abominable behavior? He is denying 6 million died and calling the sadistic murderous events of the Holocaust 'embellished". He's a piece of work.
Ahhhh, I see, on this "pernt" we've indeed respectfully disagreed he & I... he's not a "hater" tho', I'd say a "questioner" but a respectful one, not quite the pick'chur ya paint but I git yer angle, respect it too....
Lemme say this---there's good reason folks are led ta question the narrative "machine"--on both sides of any fight. Just as back in WWI Germans did NOT impale Belgian babies on pikes, durin' WWII afaik there were zero joos made into soap (that canard had ta be walked back, I'm sure it had quite the impact at first tho), AND only TWO joos I know of per written evidence of their existence (an' one gruesome photo) literally were made inta lampshades (so, horrific as this was, it was NOT the all the rage in gestapo-lund). As folks have stretched the trooth--on all sides in any war--any cavalier paintin' of a massive historic event an' the facts relevant to it have ta stand up ta inquiry. Even if the greater truths or events stand on their own... which imho is the case.
I know Oct 7th happened an' was the worst pogrom/murder of joos SINCE WWII but there were NOT (afaik) 40 beheaded babies or that same number baked in ovens nor did "Biden" see 'em. THAT is why I couldn't possibly write off anyone who (respectfully) "qvestions." Even historians on the same side disagree (an' as we know even among us choos, 2 joos three...or four...or five.. opinions)
"Proper-gander" machines operate EVEN on the side of the "more righteous" or the "wronged" so questionin' history is OK by me an' I just open my trap when I do disagree... nicely tho ha ha.
Anywhoo, not the place fer it here but given other common ground an' a lotta good Ray's done informin' readers on a lotta stuff...I kin agree ta disagree on some points major or minor yet certainly not dismiss a person I know ta be a good egg... 'specially since we ALL gotta watch out fer foxes in our henhouse!
Plus, a few of us out there are pieces of work! (I'll proudly count mahself one've 'em!)
Finally, ..fwiw... I'm willin' myself ta question the exact number of 6 mil (is it more? a little less? have heard both....) I know there is kabbalistic / gematriac meanin' to that exact number of 6mil ('nuther story not fer here...). As the commercial used ta go "only yer hairdresser knows fer sure" my angle on that is only IBM & the Nazis know fer sure--it was all computerized... The true an' fairly exact number IS out there--we all need ta ask...why was it withheld? There is stuff we don't know-- EVERY writer of history embellishes... That said, given the real losses in my own fam (Vilna was decimated...), I know the final solution was real (not unintended consequences)... I looked at the letters (not just Hitlers, also those of some of the generals)...but all that said... I do go ta bat fer people of integrity even when I disagree with 'em! (heck got sum'a that in my own fambly lol)
And again- while the Jewish virtual library states that mo soap has been found to have been made from Jewish bodies, that rumor actually came from terrified jews in the extermination camps who believed it. The jews themselves debunked that rumor through thorough research.
This has now been used by Holocaust dimishers as a way to attribute ill intent to those rumors so as to suggest the Jews themselves exaggerated the atrocities of the Holocaust on purpose. They dont need to. The real atrocities including Mengeke's experiments were bad enough for example. As was the gassing of millions.
You are making very bad choices to diminish what happened both on Oct 7th and during the Holocaust by accusing Jews of making up stories for sympathy and by stating that it wasn't as bad as we say. Thats just pure BS. It was as bad and Jews did not conspire in any way to exaggerate. We don't need to. The facts are bad enough.
what yer sayin' is true that scared chews heard the soap rumors & later (much later...) debunked 'em over time but stuff like this happens (some in all innocence...some not...people are people). Damage was done by the promotion of those ideas. Also the lampshade thing--2 is not a trend, some alarmists took it up like a trend, it diminished the credibility of many others. This is reality. I grew up 'round folks with numbers on their arms, our fam, lost people, and I kin also tell ya folks often mis-remember AND some folks DO make up stuff (not just for sympathy...I dunno--there were people in the Nuremburg trials that were coached--that whole thing was a farce, only 7 Nazis hanged, all the rest invited red-carpet style to the USA, UK, Canada, rest hidden in other countries).
I kin respect your wantin' to trust anything that comes outta the testimony of any survivor or any/all officials in Israel, but bein' unable to question that joos (as humans--all humans do this) sometimes DO exaggerate or are LED to embellish is (imho) as blind as it would be ta just say it was all a "hoax." It was real, I know someone who made a film 'bout people whom the evil Dokturd Mengele experimented on (the last livin' twins) so YES most of what is stated IS real. But if yer gonna say I'm makin' a bad cherce to question 40 beheaded babies EVEN though I do not question the brutality of 10/7 an' that ANY question somehow undermines the truth of the event or "the jooish cause/whatever"... I'll politely disagree. Were there mebbe a couple few beheaded babies? A couple few burned ones (at least)? Sure, I'm willin' ta believe that... but info. gets twisted and magnified and loses truth when that happens. In times of war, ruther than say anyone lied, I'll own that there are those in the media, not not not just jews by ANY means--that are full've it. And others just...embellish /exaggerate. Don't believe me? Joos never do that? Baloney. Kosher baloney. The "all or nothin'" believe what they say becomes a mess. I exempt nobuddy, even "mah people" from honest "fact checkin' "--if you disagree, it's fine... don't hold it against ya.
An'nuther example or such "exaggeration" that stuck in my own craw-- there was a girl at Yale that said she was "stabbed in the eye" just for bein' jooish an' crossin' the quad at one of the on campus protests. Footage showed that as angry nasty as the protesters were (that would'a been frightenin' enuf), what REALLY happened was that one of them had a placard on a stick that accidentally grazed this girl's eye, no intentional stabbing or pokin', no intentional harm done. I'm sorry ta say it but her teary-faced crybaby pity-me testimony did more harm than good--it diminished a LOT of really legit stuff goin' on that was scary. I wartched Glenn Greenwald do an impression of this gal. Was this her deluded perception? Maybe. But was it the truth? NO. (An' she never walked it back seein' the actual footage from someone's cell phone either--THAT would have been better than just stickin' to her story.) Like I said, did more harm than good whatever her perspective. It's (pahrdon my french) idiots like this girl who might have even "meant to do good" by "amplifyin' her trauma" that do a passle of harm when tryin' to help--I'm not sayin' it was calculated fer 5 min. of fame--I've met my share of "drama queens" in the bizness I'm in--but it's this kinda mentality (NOT-no-not exclusive ta joos) that people cannot question ANY "righteous" testimony that ultimately diminishes credibility . IMHO, NOT callin' out this story (that had legs) is worse--as it says that joos protect our own so fiercely that "we" never question anything that comes outta the mouth of a joo. Frankly, I question everythin' I hear... from every mouth, faith, etc.
I'll respectfully say, havin' a fambly member in journalism that refused to embellish or change facts while others did so "liberally," that some stories put out ARE fer sympathy with certain info massaged an' press is manipulated on ALL sides, yes even by "good joos" meanin' well.
So, respectfully disagree that I'm makin' "bad choices" as I spend hours HOURS each week defendin' joos in various ways. You kin judge me as ya wish--I just am not averse to lookin' inta stuff...and listening an' nobuddy should be protected from scrutiny. (I agree that the facts are bad enough--regrettably, history OFTEN tends to not let facts "be" enough...)
?huh? Ray's talkin' bout the dangers of Islam (aka I-Slam!) an' the (omg what r they, the cannibals) Santaria VoodooItes?! --he's also got sum' jooish ancestry himself... Just sayin' I think ya might be mistakin' whom yer talkin' to (dis chew at least ain't seein' it, Ray's a straight shooter I'll vouch...)
Look deeper. Ray is a committed Holocaust denier/revisionist. What's driving such abominable behavior? He is denying 6 million died and calling the sadistic murderous events of the Holocaust 'embellished". He's a piece of work.
Ahhhh, I see, on this "pernt" we've indeed respectfully disagreed he & I... he's not a "hater" tho', I'd say a "questioner" but a respectful one, not quite the pick'chur ya paint but I git yer angle, respect it too....
Lemme say this---there's good reason folks are led ta question the narrative "machine"--on both sides of any fight. Just as back in WWI Germans did NOT impale Belgian babies on pikes, durin' WWII afaik there were zero joos made into soap (that canard had ta be walked back, I'm sure it had quite the impact at first tho), AND only TWO joos I know of per written evidence of their existence (an' one gruesome photo) literally were made inta lampshades (so, horrific as this was, it was NOT the all the rage in gestapo-lund). As folks have stretched the trooth--on all sides in any war--any cavalier paintin' of a massive historic event an' the facts relevant to it have ta stand up ta inquiry. Even if the greater truths or events stand on their own... which imho is the case.
I know Oct 7th happened an' was the worst pogrom/murder of joos SINCE WWII but there were NOT (afaik) 40 beheaded babies or that same number baked in ovens nor did "Biden" see 'em. THAT is why I couldn't possibly write off anyone who (respectfully) "qvestions." Even historians on the same side disagree (an' as we know even among us choos, 2 joos three...or four...or five.. opinions)
"Proper-gander" machines operate EVEN on the side of the "more righteous" or the "wronged" so questionin' history is OK by me an' I just open my trap when I do disagree... nicely tho ha ha.
Anywhoo, not the place fer it here but given other common ground an' a lotta good Ray's done informin' readers on a lotta stuff...I kin agree ta disagree on some points major or minor yet certainly not dismiss a person I know ta be a good egg... 'specially since we ALL gotta watch out fer foxes in our henhouse!
Plus, a few of us out there are pieces of work! (I'll proudly count mahself one've 'em!)
Finally, ..fwiw... I'm willin' myself ta question the exact number of 6 mil (is it more? a little less? have heard both....) I know there is kabbalistic / gematriac meanin' to that exact number of 6mil ('nuther story not fer here...). As the commercial used ta go "only yer hairdresser knows fer sure" my angle on that is only IBM & the Nazis know fer sure--it was all computerized... The true an' fairly exact number IS out there--we all need ta ask...why was it withheld? There is stuff we don't know-- EVERY writer of history embellishes... That said, given the real losses in my own fam (Vilna was decimated...), I know the final solution was real (not unintended consequences)... I looked at the letters (not just Hitlers, also those of some of the generals)...but all that said... I do go ta bat fer people of integrity even when I disagree with 'em! (heck got sum'a that in my own fambly lol)
And again- while the Jewish virtual library states that mo soap has been found to have been made from Jewish bodies, that rumor actually came from terrified jews in the extermination camps who believed it. The jews themselves debunked that rumor through thorough research.
This has now been used by Holocaust dimishers as a way to attribute ill intent to those rumors so as to suggest the Jews themselves exaggerated the atrocities of the Holocaust on purpose. They dont need to. The real atrocities including Mengeke's experiments were bad enough for example. As was the gassing of millions.
You are making very bad choices to diminish what happened both on Oct 7th and during the Holocaust by accusing Jews of making up stories for sympathy and by stating that it wasn't as bad as we say. Thats just pure BS. It was as bad and Jews did not conspire in any way to exaggerate. We don't need to. The facts are bad enough.
what yer sayin' is true that scared chews heard the soap rumors & later (much later...) debunked 'em over time but stuff like this happens (some in all innocence...some not...people are people). Damage was done by the promotion of those ideas. Also the lampshade thing--2 is not a trend, some alarmists took it up like a trend, it diminished the credibility of many others. This is reality. I grew up 'round folks with numbers on their arms, our fam, lost people, and I kin also tell ya folks often mis-remember AND some folks DO make up stuff (not just for sympathy...I dunno--there were people in the Nuremburg trials that were coached--that whole thing was a farce, only 7 Nazis hanged, all the rest invited red-carpet style to the USA, UK, Canada, rest hidden in other countries).
I kin respect your wantin' to trust anything that comes outta the testimony of any survivor or any/all officials in Israel, but bein' unable to question that joos (as humans--all humans do this) sometimes DO exaggerate or are LED to embellish is (imho) as blind as it would be ta just say it was all a "hoax." It was real, I know someone who made a film 'bout people whom the evil Dokturd Mengele experimented on (the last livin' twins) so YES most of what is stated IS real. But if yer gonna say I'm makin' a bad cherce to question 40 beheaded babies EVEN though I do not question the brutality of 10/7 an' that ANY question somehow undermines the truth of the event or "the jooish cause/whatever"... I'll politely disagree. Were there mebbe a couple few beheaded babies? A couple few burned ones (at least)? Sure, I'm willin' ta believe that... but info. gets twisted and magnified and loses truth when that happens. In times of war, ruther than say anyone lied, I'll own that there are those in the media, not not not just jews by ANY means--that are full've it. And others just...embellish /exaggerate. Don't believe me? Joos never do that? Baloney. Kosher baloney. The "all or nothin'" believe what they say becomes a mess. I exempt nobuddy, even "mah people" from honest "fact checkin' "--if you disagree, it's fine... don't hold it against ya.
An'nuther example or such "exaggeration" that stuck in my own craw-- there was a girl at Yale that said she was "stabbed in the eye" just for bein' jooish an' crossin' the quad at one of the on campus protests. Footage showed that as angry nasty as the protesters were (that would'a been frightenin' enuf), what REALLY happened was that one of them had a placard on a stick that accidentally grazed this girl's eye, no intentional stabbing or pokin', no intentional harm done. I'm sorry ta say it but her teary-faced crybaby pity-me testimony did more harm than good--it diminished a LOT of really legit stuff goin' on that was scary. I wartched Glenn Greenwald do an impression of this gal. Was this her deluded perception? Maybe. But was it the truth? NO. (An' she never walked it back seein' the actual footage from someone's cell phone either--THAT would have been better than just stickin' to her story.) Like I said, did more harm than good whatever her perspective. It's (pahrdon my french) idiots like this girl who might have even "meant to do good" by "amplifyin' her trauma" that do a passle of harm when tryin' to help--I'm not sayin' it was calculated fer 5 min. of fame--I've met my share of "drama queens" in the bizness I'm in--but it's this kinda mentality (NOT-no-not exclusive ta joos) that people cannot question ANY "righteous" testimony that ultimately diminishes credibility . IMHO, NOT callin' out this story (that had legs) is worse--as it says that joos protect our own so fiercely that "we" never question anything that comes outta the mouth of a joo. Frankly, I question everythin' I hear... from every mouth, faith, etc.
I'll respectfully say, havin' a fambly member in journalism that refused to embellish or change facts while others did so "liberally," that some stories put out ARE fer sympathy with certain info massaged an' press is manipulated on ALL sides, yes even by "good joos" meanin' well.
So, respectfully disagree that I'm makin' "bad choices" as I spend hours HOURS each week defendin' joos in various ways. You kin judge me as ya wish--I just am not averse to lookin' inta stuff...and listening an' nobuddy should be protected from scrutiny. (I agree that the facts are bad enough--regrettably, history OFTEN tends to not let facts "be" enough...)