Karen, notwithstanding all of the great perspective and analysis on radical Islamists and the terror they unleash, both the NOLA and Las Vegas "attacks" have all the markings of being false flag events, propagated by our own government via its various alphabet agencies. Things just don't add up and the narrative is too fast, too clean, t…
Karen, notwithstanding all of the great perspective and analysis on radical Islamists and the terror they unleash, both the NOLA and Las Vegas "attacks" have all the markings of being false flag events, propagated by our own government via its various alphabet agencies. Things just don't add up and the narrative is too fast, too clean, too synchronized. We all have to be careful not to immediately swallow it just because it is reported and allegedly supported by online videos. Everything can be faked. There is much speculation on twitter et. al about "facts" that don't add up. A good summary in the first section of Jeff Childers' Substack today, raises legitimate questions with witty humor: https://open.substack.com/pub/coffeeandcovid/p/its-complicated-friday-january-3?r=4mo4y&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
I really don't think the NOLA and Las Vegas attacks were false flags, especially not the New Orleans one. I will just stick to that one, or else this will be too long (it already will be ha-ha) I read Jeff Childers' piece and agree with the Law of Narrative Simplicity, in that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. In this case, it makes sense that Jabbar was simply radicalized. All Childers' reasons for it being a false flag like the barriers not being put up are speculation.
I agree with Childres when he says: "regardless of who’s behind the attack, it could not have happened without deep government corruption in New Orleans combined with unforgivable official incompetence at nearly every level."
That, right there, is enough explanation as to why Jabbar was able to do what he did. We know our government is incompetent. It's too big, and each department is disconnected from the other--purposely so, so that no one department can gain too much power. I've heard people in government say this. It's why it's so hard to get things done, because no one knows what anyone else is doing and it is very hard to work together between departments. When you add to that that people are generally lazy and become complacent in their jobs over time and will get away with as much as they can without doing what needs to be done, it all makes sense.
It's reasonable that a person like Jabbar would search for the best place to do this attack, a place without barriers stopping him. He didn't just get in a car and drive, he planned it. Information on just about anything is accessible on the internet. This is why he was successful in tragically killing so many people.
If he worked alone or not, the fact is, he was inspired by ISIS to do what he did. And I think we will see a lot more of that. Sadly, we will probably also see people just trying to gain attention because it could well become another sick fad, like school shootings.
As I mentioned in my piece, a dissatisfied veteran like Jabbar--and there are plenty of those--would be ripe for radicalization. I'm not at all surprised that we would see former special ops soldiers or just regular ones, doing stuff like this. We also see lonely, impressionable students targeted for radicalization as well, as I wrote about. The feeling of isolation and not fitting in, the mental health issues one could be dealing with, these are the people you would expect to make such a radical shift.
The danger with calling this a false flag is that within two seconds that narrative is everywhere across social media (like it always is), and any conversation about obvious reasonable explanations goes out the window. The algorithms get busy, the most popular narrative is pushed and before you know it, all the conservatives on X are seeing that one thing and if you even try to say something different, you are drowned out.
This is one more reason why I say "free speech" is deceptive. It isn't really free speech. We are constantly influenced and are at the point where we don't even see it anymore.
That's one of the reasons my writing remains "censored" because I do not go for these scenarios. It is definitely a type of "ghost" censorship. If you do not follow the crowd, your voice is not heard. I'm fine with that. I would rather not sensationalize what I write about. In the long run, time will tell.
The biggest danger is that, immediately, we see the false flag narrative picked up by antisemites like Candace Owens. Millions pay attention to her and Tucker Carlson et al.
Owens wrote in a post that was IMMEDIATELY seen over 700,000 times: "The New Orleans terrorist and the guy who blew up the Tesla truck both had served at the same army base. Given what we know about the history of sadistic government programs in our military, this brings forth more questions than answers."
Owens says this based on absolutely nothing except she decided to say it, knowing it would be read by millions of people, including bots and individuals who are paid to push a particular agenda, and get it transmitted through the ether and subsequently picked up by the algorithms.
Before long, this "false flag" will turn into a conspiracy between the US and Israeli governments to justify their war against--not Islam, but the American people, or rather Israel's war because more and more, it is now Israel that controls the entire world, including the United States.
As you could see in the comments beneath Childers' piece like these:
Weird. It's almost like Israel has disproportionate power over America and is trying to motivate the US population to fight a war against Islam.
thank you for such a thorough response. you make so many good points. you are probably right about NOLA attack. Las Vegas TESLA truck nothing makes sense. For sure I agree about the illusion of “free speech”. we are slaves to algorithms now. so disheartening. love your work.
I agree, I think the Vegas one is more complex. We will probably never know the truth. As a writer, I don't like to say I know something if I don't. Sometimes I think I know something and I’m wrong. It isnt easy these days! God bless and thanks for all your thoughtful comments and your support.
Before long? In a NY minute! Within' 24 hours yer prophecy came true!
RE "Before long, this "false flag" will turn into a conspiracy between the US and Israeli governments to justify their war against--not Islam, but the American people, or rather Israel's war because more and more, it is now Israel that controls the entire world, including the United States. "
Sadly this IS what's goin' round--that outlier crazy "Islamists" (not yer peaceful ones which are the majority here...) are bein' "set up" & paid for by Israel to wreck the USA so the USA will support Israel in the Middle East... Read it/Reddit... sigh.
imho it's BOTH! not mutually exclusive theories at all -- the intact "ID" thing is so yestiddy--so 9/11... IMHO the spooks are in the bizness of radicalizin' these vulnerable individuals an' makin' sure their mosques an' groomeries are well funded (the rhetoric & Islam nuttiness is real--it's a cheap date fer our gubbamint to allow it all)...This "encouragement" is not unlike "underware bomber" or the (g)Retch'in Whitmer "kidnappin' "--Spooks on "Team Biden" likely have a whole wish list of "trigger sites" an' which one detonates first (literally an' otherwise) is all within' their "goals" which ARE to wreck the nayshun (this one) good--an' git it all ready fer Russia or CCP or Globalists or the highest bidder....
There's a push ta up the ante 'fore DJT gits in but these movers & shakers have been pullin' the "sleeper cell" strings fer some time... Also, anyone kin be "turned" on a dime--even Trump-supportin' white guys with spotless military records...
Are these skeery radicalized gee-haw'dists just actin' / hired patsies? NOpe imho, they are really sucked inta the dogma... dunno why but they did this in NYC a bunch'a times... spooks run the groups but aimless menfolks join.... The Vegas dude's story seems way more sus.../complicated...but he could'a been turned quick too--there is remote mind control tech... so yes, I agree it's an OP (not a false flag tho'--), and an agenda... but also, this IS Islam (I-Slam!)
The DC spooks are purdy much indoctrinated too--not just the young ones up & comin' but the old timers too--this young lady was shocked to learn from her late mama's co-workers at the CIA that they all are taught to more 'r less "blame Israel" an' give the "Islamist Freedom Fighters" (even ON campus) a pass... This speaks volumes... an' these are not even folks tasked with these quiet missions... they just work "down the hall" from them that are...
Karen, notwithstanding all of the great perspective and analysis on radical Islamists and the terror they unleash, both the NOLA and Las Vegas "attacks" have all the markings of being false flag events, propagated by our own government via its various alphabet agencies. Things just don't add up and the narrative is too fast, too clean, too synchronized. We all have to be careful not to immediately swallow it just because it is reported and allegedly supported by online videos. Everything can be faked. There is much speculation on twitter et. al about "facts" that don't add up. A good summary in the first section of Jeff Childers' Substack today, raises legitimate questions with witty humor: https://open.substack.com/pub/coffeeandcovid/p/its-complicated-friday-january-3?r=4mo4y&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
I really don't think the NOLA and Las Vegas attacks were false flags, especially not the New Orleans one. I will just stick to that one, or else this will be too long (it already will be ha-ha) I read Jeff Childers' piece and agree with the Law of Narrative Simplicity, in that the simplest explanation is usually the right one. In this case, it makes sense that Jabbar was simply radicalized. All Childers' reasons for it being a false flag like the barriers not being put up are speculation.
I agree with Childres when he says: "regardless of who’s behind the attack, it could not have happened without deep government corruption in New Orleans combined with unforgivable official incompetence at nearly every level."
That, right there, is enough explanation as to why Jabbar was able to do what he did. We know our government is incompetent. It's too big, and each department is disconnected from the other--purposely so, so that no one department can gain too much power. I've heard people in government say this. It's why it's so hard to get things done, because no one knows what anyone else is doing and it is very hard to work together between departments. When you add to that that people are generally lazy and become complacent in their jobs over time and will get away with as much as they can without doing what needs to be done, it all makes sense.
It's reasonable that a person like Jabbar would search for the best place to do this attack, a place without barriers stopping him. He didn't just get in a car and drive, he planned it. Information on just about anything is accessible on the internet. This is why he was successful in tragically killing so many people.
If he worked alone or not, the fact is, he was inspired by ISIS to do what he did. And I think we will see a lot more of that. Sadly, we will probably also see people just trying to gain attention because it could well become another sick fad, like school shootings.
As I mentioned in my piece, a dissatisfied veteran like Jabbar--and there are plenty of those--would be ripe for radicalization. I'm not at all surprised that we would see former special ops soldiers or just regular ones, doing stuff like this. We also see lonely, impressionable students targeted for radicalization as well, as I wrote about. The feeling of isolation and not fitting in, the mental health issues one could be dealing with, these are the people you would expect to make such a radical shift.
The danger with calling this a false flag is that within two seconds that narrative is everywhere across social media (like it always is), and any conversation about obvious reasonable explanations goes out the window. The algorithms get busy, the most popular narrative is pushed and before you know it, all the conservatives on X are seeing that one thing and if you even try to say something different, you are drowned out.
This is one more reason why I say "free speech" is deceptive. It isn't really free speech. We are constantly influenced and are at the point where we don't even see it anymore.
That's one of the reasons my writing remains "censored" because I do not go for these scenarios. It is definitely a type of "ghost" censorship. If you do not follow the crowd, your voice is not heard. I'm fine with that. I would rather not sensationalize what I write about. In the long run, time will tell.
The biggest danger is that, immediately, we see the false flag narrative picked up by antisemites like Candace Owens. Millions pay attention to her and Tucker Carlson et al.
Owens wrote in a post that was IMMEDIATELY seen over 700,000 times: "The New Orleans terrorist and the guy who blew up the Tesla truck both had served at the same army base. Given what we know about the history of sadistic government programs in our military, this brings forth more questions than answers."
Owens says this based on absolutely nothing except she decided to say it, knowing it would be read by millions of people, including bots and individuals who are paid to push a particular agenda, and get it transmitted through the ether and subsequently picked up by the algorithms.
Before long, this "false flag" will turn into a conspiracy between the US and Israeli governments to justify their war against--not Islam, but the American people, or rather Israel's war because more and more, it is now Israel that controls the entire world, including the United States.
As you could see in the comments beneath Childers' piece like these:
Weird. It's almost like Israel has disproportionate power over America and is trying to motivate the US population to fight a war against Islam.
Anyway, those are some of my thoughts. Thank you.
Exceptionally well argued with logic and clarity!
thank you for such a thorough response. you make so many good points. you are probably right about NOLA attack. Las Vegas TESLA truck nothing makes sense. For sure I agree about the illusion of “free speech”. we are slaves to algorithms now. so disheartening. love your work.
I agree, I think the Vegas one is more complex. We will probably never know the truth. As a writer, I don't like to say I know something if I don't. Sometimes I think I know something and I’m wrong. It isnt easy these days! God bless and thanks for all your thoughtful comments and your support.
Before long? In a NY minute! Within' 24 hours yer prophecy came true!
RE "Before long, this "false flag" will turn into a conspiracy between the US and Israeli governments to justify their war against--not Islam, but the American people, or rather Israel's war because more and more, it is now Israel that controls the entire world, including the United States. "
Sadly this IS what's goin' round--that outlier crazy "Islamists" (not yer peaceful ones which are the majority here...) are bein' "set up" & paid for by Israel to wreck the USA so the USA will support Israel in the Middle East... Read it/Reddit... sigh.
imho it's BOTH! not mutually exclusive theories at all -- the intact "ID" thing is so yestiddy--so 9/11... IMHO the spooks are in the bizness of radicalizin' these vulnerable individuals an' makin' sure their mosques an' groomeries are well funded (the rhetoric & Islam nuttiness is real--it's a cheap date fer our gubbamint to allow it all)...This "encouragement" is not unlike "underware bomber" or the (g)Retch'in Whitmer "kidnappin' "--Spooks on "Team Biden" likely have a whole wish list of "trigger sites" an' which one detonates first (literally an' otherwise) is all within' their "goals" which ARE to wreck the nayshun (this one) good--an' git it all ready fer Russia or CCP or Globalists or the highest bidder....
There's a push ta up the ante 'fore DJT gits in but these movers & shakers have been pullin' the "sleeper cell" strings fer some time... Also, anyone kin be "turned" on a dime--even Trump-supportin' white guys with spotless military records...
Are these skeery radicalized gee-haw'dists just actin' / hired patsies? NOpe imho, they are really sucked inta the dogma... dunno why but they did this in NYC a bunch'a times... spooks run the groups but aimless menfolks join.... The Vegas dude's story seems way more sus.../complicated...but he could'a been turned quick too--there is remote mind control tech... so yes, I agree it's an OP (not a false flag tho'--), and an agenda... but also, this IS Islam (I-Slam!)
The DC spooks are purdy much indoctrinated too--not just the young ones up & comin' but the old timers too--this young lady was shocked to learn from her late mama's co-workers at the CIA that they all are taught to more 'r less "blame Israel" an' give the "Islamist Freedom Fighters" (even ON campus) a pass... This speaks volumes... an' these are not even folks tasked with these quiet missions... they just work "down the hall" from them that are...
I too was shocked by the above... an interestin' read...