Thanks for your comment. Political Correct revisionists are overshadowing our history. May they rot in the swamp.

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I cannot understand how anyone can back the very-functionally-genocidal Israeli government who've killed way over 10000 concentration camp enclosed civilians since October, any more than I understand how anyone can back the wanna-be-genocidal-but-lacks-proper-weaponry-to-pull-it-off Hamas government who killed a portion of the 1400ish Israeli casualties since October 7 (hamas killed the part of that group that was not Hannibal Doctrined into extinction by the IDF themselves.)

I totally understand how anyone can back the noncombatant civilians on either side of the concentration camp fences around Gaza and the West Bank though. both governments suck, both say publicly they want as many of the other side dead as they can manage, but Israel is the one with billions on billions of dollars worth of US weaponry, US satellite surveillance access, and straight up US military backing.

in a situation like this one, the group with higher tech firepower, total control over ingress/egress to the conflict area, and 10x the civilian casualty count absolutely deserves to be called out at least as much as the side fighting inside the concentration camp fences. whether that calling out is by "liberals," "conservatives," or "independents," speaking out against genocide is critically important.

as far as the Jewish people worldwide being in danger because of the situation, they have the Zionist Israeli government's violent and genocidal actions to thank for angering other ethnic groups to the point of (potentially misdirected in many cases) retaliation.

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I have to agree with the reader who noted this essay is way beyond the length of an average 3000 word writing. This essay could be made into 2 short stories.

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Has any of the readers of this essay ever gone beyond the norm to come up with the reasons why elitist Jews have been hated in many lands across the planet over the passed couple of centuries???

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an' many blessin's back at'cha--I'm a mite bee-hind in my readin' so I missed yer quote--but I got that essay bookmarked! (it's a long'un but I'll git to it soon!)

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Dec 11, 2023·edited Dec 11, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wowee--this was powerful an' so thoughtfully researched, a mighty LightHouse against the tides, a bright light in the killer fog (literally!) offerin' a safe harbor for Jewish ships to land--an' I don't mean warships--I know you too want peace! I mean ordinary people, well-meanin' people..."my" people-- tho I feel I almost need to say most are good people--it's only the skunks that seem ta make it inta the funny papers and they become the symbols for all Jews. If Biden is rotten, nobuddy sez it's cuz all Catholics are rotten too... Anywho... bless ya fer clearly statin' that there IS a double standard! That Jews are threatened--an' from what ya shared've the Koran Christians too. Nobuddy sees it... The irony is that fer so long ADL made a mess'a things an' were so pitt-bull like (Soros-backed!) that they said Jews were cryin' wolf--that nobody hated 'em at all, they were just paranoid an' nutz. Glenn Greenwald can't see it perhaps, that puttin' the scandalous ADL aside, that Jews are AmeriKa's favorite scapegoat. Break a nail, blame a Jew (I wish I wuz jokin'...) He's in Brazil where there ain't no Jews ta observe bein' harmed. Trust me, when yer chased (I wuz as a kid 'fore we made it ta New Yawk), it's not just free speech. Anywho, we left NYShitty fer safety (all kinds...since I got daughters an' the subways became Rikers Island 2.0) but I know it's not made up, the hate, the threats--what they're doin' ta students--an' not just in college--my friend with a daughter in a Jewish high school reports the parents had ta pay fer private security--there've been threats, graffiti--not all famblies are deep pocketed (it's a myth that all "chews" are rich--in the US AND in Israel of course). I think I mentioned once that my friend's son no longer wears his yamulke ta Yeshiva U. Too risky. Thank you THANK YOU fer seein' this--fer callin' it right.

I frankly learned a LOT myself here--my scenty-mints bein' similar but my learnin' curve 'bout the Middle East is purdy steep--much I don't know even when I thought I knew a bunch. 'Specially appreciate the hist'ry lesson on how "ErrorRat" defaulted on Oslo (they make it sound like only Rabin's death--possibly at the hands of puppet NetAnYahoo--was the ONLY factor in that 2state peace deal not workin' out...hmmm--an' they blame Israel for no peace bein' reached--hmmm again)--I honestly didn't know just how many peace treaties got rejected--an' not by Israel either.

Yer SO right 'bout Glenn...it's sad-- I think he THINKS his stance'll save 'im. It's "Intercept-proof!" If Nazism returns full force, they won't care that he tried to defend Hamas (even if he wasn't gay...). He'd be gone right fast. That's whut he doesn't git--but I'm grateful that even some other liberals (heck, I wuz one too not that long ago!) finally woke up upon hearin' not just UPenn but Harvard an' the others spout that if it's Jews then genocide is A-ok (really?) Again' I'm all fer free speech but this is crossin' a line--if ya couldn't shout genocide fer all women or blacks or native americans--why jews?

Anywho, bless ya Karen--I know you'll have ta stand tall against an onslaught of ugly--if ya don't mind my sayin' it, yer a mensch! THANK YOU. It's been weird cuz I've seen so many folks on the jabs-bad 'er "save america" side--I thought it wuz a side I understood--howl 'bout all the bad "chews"--one I thought was so GOOD on all things biotech (like how bad AI, etc an' our WBAN are) just shared a jaw-dropper from some skeery preacher named Father Nathaniel--omg, it's witherin', the level of hate against all k___s vs the universally unequivocally "good gentle" Palestinian people includin' those in Hamas. Don't look 'im up if ya got food in yer stomick. Even Max Igan (SO good about the jabs bad), same deal against the Jews... Many regular comments are now showin' their "stripes...."

Another voice ya may like--one of wisdom too, a gentle soul, is that've Gad Saad...a Jewish Iranian Professor in Canada--

The Genesis and Rise of Jew-Hatred (THE SAAD TRUTH_1627)

Interview with his Muslim friend Brother Rasheed:


Gad Saad On Israel-Hamas War And Growing Anti-Semitism On US Campuses

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXzIiomV4rw India Today

Hamas vs. Israel - On Proportionality, Colonialism, Lies, & Vigorous Debates (THE SAAD TRUTH_1611)


I mebbe a crackpot but I kin spot a gem in a bucket've crawdads any day--keep on shinin' with yer truths--with much gratty-tude from a "wild" Daisy pushin' up thru the cracks in the sidewalk--

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Poor students whinging about nasty emails while children in their thousands are torn limb from limb - what happened to you Karen? You got lost in the darkness, my friend. It makes me nauseous.

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What you write all makes sense if you leave out the major issue driving the antisemitism we see rising pretty much anywhere. Do you ask "Why now?" what is changing? Why would people be so upset with Israel when it was the victim of an horrific assault by Hamas invaders on October 7th? Why is Greenwald taking his position? Is he self-hating? Irrational? Racist? What the world has seen is gross brutality and a flagrant violence against humanity in the Israeli response to Hamas. We see helpless civilians driven under rocket fire from homes. We see all... ALL hospitals (including WHO facilities) destroyed; people starved, massive slaughter. It's called war, but it is not. One side has dropped TONS of bombs flattening the entire North of a people's homeland and is well on the way to flattening the rest. I am sorry Karen, this is shocking and ugly in the extreme and is not supportable. If LA, for example, has a gang problem with people being kidnapped and murdered, the response is not to flatten the city and kill thousands of residents to root them out. No one would accept that. Another thing to think about is the incredible damage the atrocities the world is witnessing is having on Israel and its future. As this continues all will have to abandon Israel - even the US. More and more people will have a repulsion to Israel like they have had to Pol Pot's Cambodia, Idi Amin's Uganda, and other cruel and genocidal tyrants. Israel becomes extremely vulnerable without international support... which it is driving away. If you are a true supporter of the long-term survival of that country you will reject what is happening as suicidal. If you are a moral being you will repel in disgust at what is happening. If you are a humanitarian you will, likewise, be repulsed. So, maybe the energy behind the backlash against Jews is fueled by the outrage people feel at the horror Israel has been visiting on Palestinians for decades that has now exploded into full view. All people... jewish included... should condemn the slaughter of innocents, the collective destruction of the whole for a small group of criminals in their midst. I believe that if the world saw the rejection of this by Jews around the world that the hostility towards innocent Jews would abate. But they do not and it gives the impression that this group is OK with crimes against humanity. Not good. This does NOT make Israel safe. Does Israel have a right to protect itself from being attacked? Absolutely. Should it take attackers and mete out justice? Absolutely. Should it visit atrocities on a whole group of non-combatant civilian residents? Absolutely not. Yes, Hamas and other terror groups are dangerous and call for genocide. They warrant a vigorous response - within the law and targeted at the perpetrators, not the entire population. It is NOT OK to pursue a threat of genocide with actual genocide. Do support Israel. Do decry attacks on innocent Jews. Do raise alarm at call for ANY group of people to be 'wiped out'. But not with a blind eye to the the attrocities that are the driving force behind these trends. Oh, there is so much more to say...

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Greenwald and a number of other anti-Great Reset, anti-totalitarian writers like CJ Hopkins and Michael Rectenwald have taken up this antisemitic position - it's heartbreaking and utterly infuriating.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Painfully obvious the battle is spiritual and many hearts are blinded, dead and dark, like their owner, who deceives and projects his vileness. Wake up, people🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the worldly forces of this darkness, and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

- Ephesians 6:12 TLV

You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks lies he is just being himself—for he is a liar and the father of lies.

- John 8:44 TLV

And just as they did not see fit to recognize God, God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what is not fitting. They became filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice. They are gossips, slanderers, God-haters, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents. They are foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. Though they know God’s righteous decree—that those who practice such things deserve death—they not only do them but also approve of others who practice the same.

- Romans 1:28-32 TLV

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Glen shocked me too. Aaron Mate, less, because he's a bit of a nepo-baby.

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Stick it up your stupid Zionist ass. It is NOT anti-Semitic to protest the deaths of tens of thousands.

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Bored by this fake war in Israel/Gaza. Import all these pukes to The Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St.Paul where they'll have the 2nd Amendment.

Will make for great news vidz. Once a few get elected to Congress, they can have shootouts on the House Floor.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well written & must needed timelines. I’m afraid that the division and manipulation of free thought may have reached the point of no return.

With the media signed on 100% any dissenting voice is immediately silenced and typically either the author slandered or worse, there may be little hope.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Division has occurred in my close circle that was tightly holding firmly against the horrors of Covid. Now it's Israel. I am broken hearted. I continue to see that one day I may stand alone with my husband. There are no guarantees in this world and God has no grand children.

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Dec 10, 2023·edited Dec 10, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Greenwald unfortunately despises Israel and is a self hater or more accurately a hater of his Jewish identity. He picks his free speech rants very selectively. Disappointing because he is intelligent and a good investigative reporter. But his anti-Israel and anti-Jewish invective disqualifies him on both subjects. As for the elite globalist college cesspools, you are seeing the result of decades of Qatar based funding and brainwashing. One college President down. 2 more to go.

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