Hamas to release the bodies of Shiri Bibas and her two babies.
"On the day after the war in Gaza, there will be no Hamas and no Palestinian Authority." ~ PM Benjamin Netanyahu
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Hamas' leader in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya announced Shiri, Ariel and Kfir's remains would be handed over on Thursday, along with the body of another dead Israeli hostage.
Another six living hostages will be released on Saturday.
Al-Hayya said the development was a reflection of Hamas' "ongoing efforts to make the first phase of the ceasefire agreement with the enemy a success and to prepare for engaging in the second phase."
“Success???” “Engaging in the second phase???”
Does Hamas really expect Israel to allow them to continue this macabre production. And then allow them to continue on as if nothing ever happened?
11 months ago, with the release of a video showing Shiri clutching her children and being led to a car in Khan Younis by terrorists, Netanyahu vowed retribution for what Hamas has done.
Once the remaining living hostages are released on Saturday, the time for that retribution should come. It is up to Israel what form that retribution will take. I am glad President Trump has said the United States supports Israel with whatever decision it makes.
Along with the full force of the Israeli military raining hell down on Hamas, the inhabitants of Gaza should be removed to Egypt and Jordan, or wherever, and the rebuilding begin. If they are indeed “refugees” as they claim they have been since 1948, (the only group of people in the entire world that never stop being refugees), the people of Gaza cannot also claim to have some tie to Gaza. They cannot have it both ways.
The delusional idea that they are going to return to Israel and take over the entire country—when they keep attacking Israel and losing every time—is ridiculous. It is a false hope fed to Gazans, a false identity that does not exist in realty. The entire “Palestine” narrative is finally falling apart because it has no basis in fact.
But the inhabitants of Gaza are not the only problem. Popularity for Hamas has soared in Judea and Sumaria (West Bank) due to the fact that the Palestinian Authority is hated and seen as a corrupt conspirator with Israel.
How many different ways does the West need to have it proved to them that the Arab Muslims in this region are not interested in coexistence with Jews. Both in Gaza and Judea and Sumaria, they overwhelmingly support Hamas and are only interested in the complete destruction of Israel and the death of every Jew.
There is no answer except to completely clear the area. Hamas and its supporters are a poisonous weed that will keep on growing until it is pulled out by the roots and removed.
Hamas is still defiant, rejecting disarmament and vowing to fight ‘Israel’s agents’ in Gaza after the war.

A senior Hamas official has said the group will not disarm and may even grow after the war in Gaza, warning other countries against cooperating with Israel in the enclave.
“Whoever comes to fill Israel’s place (in Gaza) will be treated like Israel,” Osama Hamdan, a Hamas spokesperson and political bureau member, said on Saturday during a panel discussion at the Al Jazeera Forum in the Qatari capital Doha.
“Whoever wants to work as an agent for Israel will bear the consequences of being Israel’s agent,” he told the forum.
This is a war on us all, not just Israel. Thank God that President Trump understands this.
Hamdan went so far as to say Gazans should retain the ability to “slap Israel whenever it wants… as we proved on October 7.”
Yes, killing 1,200 Israelis and taking more than 250 hostages in an unprovoked attack is a “slap”. This reminds me of Muslims justifying Quran verses that advocate beating disobedient wives as “slightly” beating them—just a slap.
There is no doubt that a woman has been given equal rights to that of a man in Islām. A man cannot oppress, tyrannize or manipulate his wife as he wishes.
Rather, Islām advocates that a man should treat his wife with utmost love, respect and dignity.Our illustrious Fuqahā permit a husband to hit his wife slightly on a few occasions. The following four occasions (and occasions which are similar to them)
are mentioned in the books of fiqh:1) If she refuses to beautify herself for her husband,
2) If she refuses to share the bed with him,
3) If she leaves the house with no necessity without his consent,
4) If she omits her compulsory prayers or omits performing ghusl after attaining purity from ḥayḍh.
Islam is absurd. On the one hand, women are given “equal rights”, while on the other hand, if she doesn’t “beautify” herself for her husband, she can be beaten. The mere fact that there is even a discussion or argument over the degree to which a husband can beat his wife should cause every woman to refuse the religion.
Take it to heart because here is one of many glaring proofs that Islam is a twisted religion (cult) that justifies killing 1,200 innocent people and kidnapping 250 others as a “slap”. By that standard, beating your wife within an inch of her life could also be a “slap”.
Because the focus is always on Hamas most people forget that the weed has many offshoots.
There are numerous factions that do not always get along, in fact, if they didn’t have Israel to fight, they would probably fight each other. These factions participated on Oct 7th and some of them held hostages.
Here is a list of the different fighting factions. You can click on any one to find out more.
Here is a little information on the Mujahideen Brigades holding Shiri and her babies:

Mujahideen Brigades are the armed wing of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement. They operate in both Gaza and the West Bank (including Jenin). The secretary general of the Palestinian Mujahideen Movement is Dr As’ad Abu Shari’a.
On May 11, 2018, he said that the “Jews were behind all corruption upon the land” and called them “prophet slayers and violators of agreements.”
The Brigades have claimed responsibility for rocket fire against Israel and operate in cooperation with Islamic Jihad‘s al-Quds Brigades and several other Palestinian armed groups.
It is frustrating that people refuse to listen to what Hamas has said consistently over the years. It has made no secret of its goals. I am not sure how anyone has imagined that any type of peaceful solution could be negotiated with monsters so filled with hate.
Here is a compilation of threats from Hamas going back to 2008.
Yunis Al’ Astal, Hamas MP and cleric: Very soon, Allah willing, Rome will be conquered, just like Constantinople was. Today Rome is the capital of the Catholics, or the Crusader capital which has declared its hostility to Islam in order to prevent the reawakening of Islam. This capital of theirs will be an advance post for the Islamic conquests which will spread through Europe in its entirety and then will turn to the two Americas and even Eastern Europe.”
Sheik Ahmad Bahr, Palestinian Legislative Council: Allah willing, you will be victorious, while America and Israel will be annihilated, Allah willing, and kill them all down to the very last one.”
Ismail Haniyah, Hamas PM: “Oh Americans, Allah will punish you. The time has come for Allah to declare war on you, oh usurers. We have come here to say as we burn the American flag, with the grace of Allah…”
Fathi Hammad, Hamas MP: “Killing a single Jew is the same as killing 30 million Jews.”
Wael Al-Zarad, Hamas Cleric: “As Muslims, our blood vengeance against them will only subside with their annihilation, Allah willing.”
Khaled Mash’al, Hamas leader: “Yes, Allah is greater than America'. Allah is greater than the superpowers. We say this to the West. By Allah, you will be defeated. Today the Arab and Islamic nation is rising and awakening. It will regain the leadership of the world.”
The crowd chants: Death to Israel! Death to America!
These threats, the violence, the rockets, the suicide bombings continued year after year. During all this time, the perpetrators told us exactly what their goals were, but the West continued to pressure Israel to come up with a “peaceful, two state solution” as if it was on Israel’s shoulders to pacify the monsters who vowed to kill every last one of them. As if Jews were somehow to blame for this irrational hatred.
As if, if only Israel would change its attitude, peace would miraculously come.
In 2016, Hamas told us about the tunnels (and to this day people deny that they exist, or even if they do exist, it’s just for the purpose of bringing in aid):
On January 29, 2016, Haniyah explained, “East of the city of Gaza, there are heroes underground, digging through rocks and building tunnels. West of Gaza, there are heroes testing rockets every day. This is all in preparation – in tunnels underground, by means of missiles in the air, as well as in the sea, and everywhere. This constant preparation is for the sake of Palestine, Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa, and for the sake of the Jerusalem Intifada.”
On July 12, 2018, at a rally broadcast on Hamas’s Al-Aqsa TV, Hamad predicted “the cleansing of Palestine of the filth of the Jews, and their uprooting from it, Allah willing” and “the establishment of the Caliphate, after the nation has been healed of its cancer – the Jews – Allah willing.”
All of this is to bring about the Caliphate. This is the heart of Islam.
You cannot have Islam without the death of every infidel and the ushering in of the Caliphate. Any “moderate” Muslim who denies this is either lying or is delusional.
I could go on and on and on with all the clearly stated objectives of Hamas, and indeed, this is the undercurrent throughout the Middle East. We saw clearly Gazans and those on the “West Bank” celebrating Hamas on Oct 7th. We have seen them celebrating at every one of the hostage releases over these past weeks. Nothing has changed.
We see the escalating antisemitism throughout the world. The knife attacks and car ramming in Europe and now in the United States.
Just look at the proud smile on the face of this 23-year-old Syrian asylum-seeker who knifed a 14-year-old boy to death and seriously wounded 5 others in Austria this week. But whatever you do, don’t criticize Islam.
And still, we insist that Israel—shame on them— fix the problem by catering MORE to the terrorists.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, reacting to speculation about the plan for Gaza, on Monday reiterated his position that “on the day after the war in Gaza, there will be no Hamas and no Palestinian Authority,” adding that he was “committed to President (Donald) Trump’s plan to create a different Gaza.”
By the way, in case there is some confusion, this has been a war, and Israel won that war. Traditionally, the winner makes the rules, they do not capitulate to those who tried to destroy them, that would be insane. Israel has done enough of catering to their enemies. With Shiri Bibas and her children being returned to Israel, in body bags, enough is enough.
I am generally not a vengeful person, Jesus said love thy neighbor. And I try to understand and extend the mercy I would want.
However. Even Jesus and God understand there is EVIL. And it must be wiped from the face of the Earth.
I stand with Israel, God's *CHOSEN* People.
Sad. Bibi should level that place.