I am generally not a vengeful person, Jesus said love thy neighbor. And I try to understand and extend the mercy I would want.

However. Even Jesus and God understand there is EVIL. And it must be wiped from the face of the Earth.

I stand with Israel, God's *CHOSEN* People.

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Sad. Bibi should level that place.

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At this point, I don't see what else Israel can do.

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I hold the "river to the sea " and the ceasefire synagogue crowd responsible for the death of the bibas mother and babies. If they hadn't given such vocal support to those monsters Hamas would have crumbled

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Just thinking of the 2,000-pounders. My dear friend, I hope you appreciate Trump's efforts so far.

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I do. I said so twice in the article.

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My heart hurts about the Bibas children......the clock is ticking on when Israel wipes them out for good.....maranatha!!

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Oh dear, been outta the loop these few days (we have weather-related issues as i'ts -22 with the windchill here an' this ol' shack ain't well insulated... cars won't start, snow comin' in the winda casins'--so I've missed the "nooze")

What I "knew," tragically came true... I had little hope fer that dear dear mama an' her beautiful babies... people deny the worthiness of these lives...many deny the worth of any jooish lives (cuz they say we are all psychopathic terrorists)...or that they are worth savin.' Folks are real callous about this loss... they seem ta thing it's justified which shows me, sadly, how far humanity has fallen.

I had no idear 'bout these other groups ya listed Karen, many thanks... the challenge is huge an' I really feel that this is an existential crisis fer Israel... an' if all the energy in the world towards that tiny country is hate-infused...the task, the battle, is all the harder. Bein' a little woo, I'd wish the world would wish the nation WELL... energy, OUR energy, our feelin's do count...

Just yestiddy my jawr wuz dropped seein' this--not atypical either:


As ya said, ye cain't have it both ways but the conSENSELESS hers is "they can"--the "Palestinians" should have the right of return AN' refugee status permanently, as everlastin' victims. The viddeo above is from Brasscheck, KenM. worked with BobbyJr even, he produced eggcellent nooze-worthy content until... this stuff... fer 18 months he's been poundin' away on the anti-zio sidewalk (have ta say he works hard attit). He upholds the INSANE Neturei Karta--the pro-Hamas weirdo-freako set of orthodox that are virtually considered non-joos by all jews--EVEN the Satmars (one of the Ultra Orthodox sects that believes joos should've waited "for the messiah"...'fore returning en mass to Israel...fwiw they DO believe Israel is "our" homeland...) thoroughly denounces the Neturek Karta as self-hatin' beyond words. Only since 10/7 has this group of nuts become known an' a thing as idiots (however smart), like KenM of Brasscheck uplift them as "the good joos" an' the rest of us...lol chopped liver. This is tantamount ta pickin' out Ted Bundy as the finest example of an American ya might know... the NK is for Hamas killin' the joos an' takin' Israel "back." Oy.

The hate's rampin' up in America daily. My younger one sneaks in looks at X to check out the daily jew-hate-level IN SPITE'a MY INSISTIN' SHE NOT DO THAT (it's hard as she's otherwise velly responsible)....she duz this when there's a break in her college-now online classes so I cain't just say "no 'puter if you look at those sits"...

After much ado (discussion as she skipped a grade) we just applied ta a couple colleges... both my US alma maters are way too far GONE...(one is NYU an' it's sad as they would'a been great an' perfect had we stayed in NYShitty...) but both are sidin' with the HaMessians. HONESTLY half of our search/ cry-teria! involved NOT just pickin' schools that had the best programs but pickin' schools where she wouldn't be at risk takin' classes "while jooish"--she does not wanna have ta spout anti-zionist dogma ta enter a class or buildin'... NO US campus with programs in her preferred areas of study wuz protest-free so we went fer schools that didn't allow the "tent cities" ta be up too many dayz an' whose "Hillel" houses were not attacked... THAT's how a non-BDS jew's gotta hunt out "education" in 2025, not seekin' out only finances or the best fit academically but places where she won't have ta endure struggle sessions or safety issues is anyone finds out she's chewish. Here we don't tell folks... it feels like it could go either way. If it went the "wrong way" it might not be a good thing... we are bein' CAREFUL an' that sucks. In NYC we used ta be just US. Here, the ol' nice mix of folks of all faiths/origins that didn't back then give a hoot 'bout that stuff... duz not exist... Huge change fer us...

College-wise my older one'll be in the same boat if she goes too).

Anywhoo... It would be delusional on my part ta expect DJT to stop the hate... the intense hate... I knew the hatin' of Israel would morph an' turn on "us" even tho' we do not have any say in what Israel duz but we (at least) no more wanna see it crushed than any American of Italian descent 'd wanna see Italy erased, of Greek descent wanna see Greece erased... an' so on. Yesterday my younger'un asked me, "mama where WILL we go if it's like WWII Germany again?" Truthfully I said "I don't know"---an' I don't.

An' I'm not gonna assume it cain't happen here... the Empire pass could easily be turned inta a Yellow Star once more.

Again, much much appreciation fer all ya do Karen... every time I think I "know" the enemy (eg Hamas, Hezbollah) who they are seems to change, expand, an' become even more amorphous.... lotta them, too few of US (an' I include all who don't hate the jewish people as "us")... sad sad nooze, that poor father...

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Wow, that video almost makes me physically ill.

Just one lie among so many, Saint Porphyrius Greek Orthodox Church in Gaza was not destroyed, it wasn't even hit. Israel targeted nearby nearby buildings from where Hamas was launching rockets. Of course, the media never condemns Hamas for purposely launching rockets from churches, mosques, hospitals, schools, etc. I suppose Israel should choose to let its people be killed rather than stop Hamas.

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I know I know, made me ill too--I just replied below ta both comments but I had no idear 'bout St. Porphyrius... that it still stands. Yup up re the rockets...from churches, schools--I mentioned the one in the tunnels...

But you really said it... these folks DO feel Israel should let it's people be killed b/c they truly, honestly believe that Israelis occupied "their" land an' deserve all that comes their way. These are folks that believe, with "best intentions," that they are fightin' on the side of "trooth-&-just-ice"... They don't even call Israel "Israel"--it's the "zionist entity" or the zionist occupyin' entity. Makes me speechless.... as well as queasy watchin' it...

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Not buying that video at all. Were the mosques and churches used for firing rockets? Very likely. If so, they reap what the sow. Also, the video is framed heavily from a Christian perspective, but only one church was named and all the praying people were muslim. Clearly it's supposed to turn Christians against Israel.

Interesting how it doesn't quite show starving genocided people.

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Gee, thanks I didn't even know about that particular church but I KNOW churches were not a "target" they were, indeed, unintended hits an' at least one WAS hit on purpose b/c Hamas soldiers were hidin' in a church--Hamas hates infidels an' their insty-2-shuns but USES 'em conveniently when they need a safe haven. Yer right, Hamas cynically (sin-a-cully!) uses schools, churches, an' yup their own mosques fer weapons storage, shelter, indoctrination sessions... In the "tunnels" viddeyo you can see a children's classroom modified with tactical military lessons on the chalkboard in arabic. It was on the ground floor of a residential apt. bld....

YES, usin' the black spiritual ta promote the "good fight" of return to an imaginary "native land" was kinda twisted. That song--We Shall Overcome--wuz sung by whites & blacks TOGETHER in the fight here for civil rights--American joos helped lots--so many marched with MLK Jr., so many like Bob Dylan sang songs, went to rallies. How many "palestinians" deserve the right to sing that song? They have some awful name fer black people--they (ironically) are racist... I'm not recallin' but it's very cruel... so seein' that was ironic as wuz---as ya pointed out--the Christian nature of the film.... They all wanna kill Christians as infidels an' little duz KenM. (the filmmaker) know how insultin' that might be to at least some Christians... (sigh) Yes, it's supposed t turn 'em against Israel.

LOL that I did NOT notice! Yup, they are not starved. An with so MANY "genocided" how can they walk freely? I could not imagine the starved concentration camp prisoners that survived walkin' the long miles like that. Who hired plans ta get them "perfect shots?"

Staged in part too... Even if AI was not involved. Yup, made me sick ta my own stomick too... THIS is what people are bein' fed...they eat it up oblivious. thx an' whelp!

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Those of us who remember the Ethiopian famine in the 1980s know what starving people look like. Gaza ain't it.

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I thought last Saturday all hell was going to rain down on Hamas so they know it's coming and come it should. Who kills a mother and her babies and lives to tell about it. or brutally kills helpless innocent people and especially American citizens...no way.

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My heart hurts

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And this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPGgmyquMVU

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Thank you. I will have to share this video tomorrow. 🙏

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No, the Gazans and their leaders of Hamas should NOT be moved to other countries. They should be EXTINGUISHED by any means necessary.

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It a tough one. Not every Gazan is guilty. Those who can leave should do so. But again, how to separate the terrorists from the innocent. That's precisely why Egypt and Jordan don't want them. But they need to take them. Whichever way it goes, it's going to be horrible. But Israel must defend itself. This is the line that has been drawn.

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When 6 million of us were savagely murdered in the Holocaust, the entire world agreed "Never Again." Well, it's happening again. But now we can stop the barbarism with the strength of the IDF in tandem with the Trump administration. There are NO innocent Gazans. Not one. Either get them out of Rafah and into other countries or eradicate every last one of them. Then, and only then, will Jews be able to live with a sense of peace and justice. The kids? How many of them in Gaza grew up believing that ALL Jews everywhere should die? 5? 10? End the problem once and for all. No more sacrificing of Jewish lives. Did they give a damn when they murdered the Bibas family? Don't even think of allowing them to live among human beings simply because they're sub-human an don't deserve to breathe the same air as us.

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What an incredible story. I shared it. Thank you.

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There are still more living hostages. They all need to come home before the war can resume with full power. Beyond the six this week.

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If you listen to the Hamas spokesperson, he clearly states there are 6 remaining living hostages, to be released on Saturday.

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You were right. There are more living hostages. Thanks for the correction.

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There will still be many living hostages. These 6 are not the last.

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If you listen to the Hamas spokesperson, he clearly states there are 6 remaining living hostages, to be released on Saturday.

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It’s just un fathomable that only 6 are living. So what is the total number that have been killed or died at those savages hands? Bibi needs to blow them to hell upon the return of the 6 and the bodies of the deceased.

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Maybe I am misunderstanding your comment. Those are the 6 from the first stage. There are alive young men that are supposed to be released in the 2nd stage.

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You're right. Thanks for the correction.

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I have a little different concern.

In what I consider reasonable people, the return of the Bibas family remains will stoke such angst, anguish, and anger (as proof of their horrible fate) that there will be a unified call to end the cycle of fake negotiating and finally terminate hamas and its gaza allies. But, there are leftist Jews that keep apologizing for the anti-human muslim factions everywhere and probably will still spin reality and remove blame from the perpetrators of evil. They unfortunately are used as counter-propaganda to damn Israel and all her supporters, such as those idiot Jews that march in anti-Israel protests.

Additionally, I can't quite fathom what hamas would expect if they claim there are no more living hostages once those people return to Israeli soil. Are they expecting iran to nuke Israel? Are they believing Allah's warriors will unite and try another 1967 style attack? What???? It smacks of unheralded stupidity or (as they truly are) a suicide cult.

Lastly, I recently saw a reference that muslims are ready to retake southern Spain per sharia law and Moorish history. Not sure of the details and apologies to those there, but westerners keep putting up with the media-washing of what islam is. Something like a real assault on a western country needs to happen to at least have more westerners wake up and realize that this isn't a fight between Jews and the poor palestinians they "colonized," that it is all of what Karen reported here, a global caliphate in the making, with Israel merely as step 1.

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The whole thing is insane. Between the claims of AI gaining singularity, the whole transhumanist agenda and then the return to the Dark Ages with Islam, it's just madness. Hamas is now saying they are willing to give up all the hostages in exchange for all the prisoners next week, and they will stay in control. I think they know the gig is up, Israel can't keep on with Hamas's macabre show, not if there are no more living hostages and Hamas can't make up living hostages when there aren't any.

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Feb 19Edited

I think hamas is insane, but not that insane. They have something up their sleeve. Either they won't return the hostages they claim, they have some event planned, they plan to seize new hostages, maybe in another country, some new human shield initiative, or...?

Egypt is amassing at the border. Maybe they will roll tanks in to protect hamas and challenge Israel to break the peace agreement and attack them.

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Yeah, I have something I've been writing about Egypt.

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There are 35 more living hostages for Hamas to use to extort Israel in phase 2 of the Hamas extortion plan.

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Sadly, it was obvious early on that those two small children and their mother couldn't have survived. But they haven't died in vain. Islam is a degenerate warrior-cult, as everyone in Europe now realises, after all the hopeless compromises, all the massacres of innocents in our countries.

As an Atheist, (brought up in the godless Church of England), I stand with Jews and Christians wherever they are persecuted in the world.

I am very hopeful that the dark veil of Islam is on the verge of being lifted, thanks to the millions of Americans who voted for Trump.

We are returning to the correct leg of "The Trousers of Time", as Terry Pratchett put it. There will not be a worldwide Caliphate. No "3 Million" strong Muslim army exists to march against Israel.

Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi will return to lead Iran. Islam will be seen for the curse on humanity it is. Its victims will be honoured. Netenyahu will be always be remembered as a great leader, hregardless of his flaws - just like we still praise Churchill, regardless of his flaws.

The Sheikhs know that Peace in the Middle East means peace for the world.

How fantastic to see Saudi hosting the peace talks. They will come in to the Abraham Accords, and all the Kingdoms will follow.

Gaza will be rebuilt as "Dubai-by-the-Med" with Arab money.

Those Gazans who want to can return to live and work there, at proper employment, jobs which don't involve hiding guns under your children's beds in exchange for extra bread.

The humanising process in the Arab world will continue, with a free Iran as the example. Without the continuous pulse beat of hate, and the flow of weapons, muslim terrorists in other countries will lose their power source.

October 7th will one day be seen as the catastrophe which led to world peace. The Bibas family's tragedy will never be forgotten.

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Evidently children do not rate any higher on the Gazan food chain than do women. Kids are never too young to be abused, tortured, then killed. Those beasts proudly train their own children to kill (and be killed) Jews. I guess the release of the Israeli children's body I guess would have the usual release of hundreds of Gazan prisoners. To keep things on an even stance, I think all the prisoners scheduled to be released be given back dead. The world opinion of Israel would hardly change-- they will be damned no matter what they do. It is time for Israel to bury these savage beasts in their own tunnels, with nothing left to bury or to be worshipped as heroes. It is time for Israel to destroy the Satanic cult called Palestinians.

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