Thanks Karen. And still in the UK we have mass pro-Palestine (read Hamas) demonstrations even after the ceasefire, it makes my blood boil. At least this time our police actually arrested 70 people for breaking through a police cordon!

Sometimes I think we need to be more Churchillian in our response.

Stand for Israel 🇮🇱.

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I read about those arrested. That's something I guess. We do need to be more Churchillian.

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Hamas has won. This is a classic example of the apocryphal Einstein statement that insanity is defined as doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Aside from 1967, Israel has never decisively won a war. Their military leaders cannot even define what victory looks like.

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In 1967, they stood alone. Now, they have to bow to the United States. They should have shown no mercy from the beginning. Shame on the United States for not standing with Israel from the beginning. And now Trump wanted to look good, he didn't want to inherit this war.

Although on the other hand, what could Israel do. They are not a cult of death, as Hamas is. This is a terrible situation.

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I’m not throwing President Trump under the bus. There is a strategy, you can count on it.

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That is entirely possible and I certainly hope so.

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Don't you think it's very possible that he and Netanyahu KNOW that Hamas will never honor their peace deal (When have they EVER?) So, if the hostages are brought home and the terrorists return to Gaza, and Hamas breaks the deal, they are all penned up together just awaiting a totally unleashed (which IS the agreement, if Hamas breaks the deal) and unfettered response from Israel. THAT may be the only way to truly decimate Hamas.

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I hope they get all the hostages out and then Hamas breaks ceasefire and then Israel unleashes all hell on Gaza.

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I have a feeling that may very well be the expected outcome. And it is all predicated on Hamas' bad faith behavior in the past. It would be the best possible outcome for their demise.

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I don' git it. EVERY time they bent ta the will of the US they got the short straw---had the US not forced the 2005 exit outta Gaza BEFORE the borders were secured, before Hamas was at least neutralized--had that not have happened then 10/7 wouldn't'a happened no would the decimation of Gaza... ye cannot make deals with terrorists... even if the mighty USA tries ta force this...

word on the substack troother streets is the falsehood that Israel has rejected ALL peace deals b/c it's "too greedy" an' wants the WHOLE Middle East an' next to make the whole world it's own--both these "pernts" seem ta apply better ta the muslims who have way more land than little Israel an' if Israel wants ta conquer the world they have a funny way of doin' it--I don't see millions of dangerous single male Israelis "invadin'" other nations... Mebbe I'm missin' sumthin'?

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I think the military can define victory, but is not allowed by the political types.

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Similar to the USA’s record on military victories.

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Loathing of Jewish identity.

Virtue signaling.

University and media brainwashing.

Wanting to be a victim.

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I don't like the abused woman analogy, because abused women are actually victims, until they hopefully find the courage to leave their abuser. Gazans are not victims; they are active participants in this religious war against the Jews, albeit mostly non-combatant participants.

I say "mostly" because I have read that as much as half of all attackers on Oct 7 were "regular" Gazans, not Hamas members. "Regular" Gazans participated in kidnapping and holding the hostages. As you mentioned, they spat at dead Jewish bodies being paraded in their streets, they celebrated the rapes and murders and monstrous acts; they teach their young children to kill Jews - this type of "education" is institutionalized. Regular Gazans welcome the Jew-killing; they just don't like it when the actions of Hamas make them (the "regular" Gazans) suffer - and even then, they'll sacrifice and accept suffering in the name of their ideology. The article's title is apt: Hamas is Gaza and Gaza is Hamas.

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I understand. However, when children from birth are abused and indoctrinated, the victim becomes the victimizer. Mosab Hassan Yousef describes the abuse he suffered since childhood. It takes a very strong person to leave the abuser. And then, as you point out, they become active participants. It's a terrible cycle. I saw it working with youth in juvenile hall who were initiated into gangs. It's very similar.

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They understand that their suffering is part of Hamas' war strategy against Israel in terms of world condemnation. It's kind of odd that in the pictures of these celebrations today, i haven't really noticed any of the highly shown "destruction" of Gaza. Are they just in an area that apparently hasn't been hit?

Also, it is very sad that the abused becomes the abuser. It is very sad when a pet dog is bitten by a rabid one, but when the pet becomes rabid, the ONLY alternative is to put it down before it bites and causes the deaths of other animals. It is okay to feel sorrow over the person who was abused and is now the abuser as a result, but it is not okay to allow that person to continue the cycle of abuse.

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Yes. I'm fed up with people talking about "innocent" Gazans who just want to live in peace. Are some innocent? I suppose so. The very young (pre-brainwashing) children are, at any rate, although children as young as six years old are sent to camps to be taught that the best thing in life is to die killing Jews. But the vast majority of Gazans seem to choose to participate in the death cult and willingly allow their homes to be reduced to rubble and their children killed for the sake of killing a few thousand Jews. If they weren't willing, why would they be celebrating now?

The telling thing is the lack of Palestinians outside so-called "Palestine" condemning Hamas. There's a Palestinian diaspora across the Middle East and in the West and we hear almost nothing from them, only occasional brave figures like Mosab Hassan Yousef. Only in Israel were there significant numbers of Palestinian Israelis denouncing 7 October.

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Very true. Just as one could wonder where are the moderate Muslims speaking out against extremism in Europe and the UK.

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Some do

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Yes, some do. And they are very brave. I understand how people don't speak out. It takes courage to go against your community. I am disgusted that most churches are silent on Israel, they don't want to cause controversy or lose members. This is why oppression always so easily continues. Also, if you speak up against Islam you are in danger of being killed, so it can be extreme. I am not nor have I ever been Muslim, yet I have received death threats. Ex-Muslims or moderate Muslims, like Egyptian activist Dalia Ziada, for whom I have great respect, have to go into hiding due to fatwahs taken out against them.

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Deuteronomy 32:43 (NKJV)

“Rejoice, O Gentiles, with His people; For He will avenge the blood of His servants, And render vengeance to His adversaries; He will provide atonement for His land and His people.”

Come Jesus, come!

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My prayer 🙏

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In 1948 Israel was granted the least fertile land, the Arabs less land, but more fertile. In the years before and including 1948 about 700,000 Jews were expelled from towns across North Africa and the Middle East where they had lived for centuries, despite occasional pogroms. These facts are omitted by almost all commentators.

Especially in Gaza a policy has been pursued of outbreeding the "enemy", using money donated by the rest of the world. Making Gaza one of the most densely populated in the world, but without the dynamism of a Singapore.

This is a cultural struggle with Arabs devoted the principles of anti-semitism (read the Qu'ran, whose truth cannot be questioned) and of vengeance.

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Psychopath Nation.

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Psychopaths -yes

Nation - no

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You are right as far as you went. But how do you explain the love for Hamas in the west by misguided students and politicians? What is their excuse? Not to even mention my fellow Jews who are most disgusting of all

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I've written about that in a number of essays, such as

The Age of Hypocrisy: Let's talk about 'stolen land'...

Why are American students protesting about a country far away, saying its inhabitants should "give back the stolen land" when they should be saying it about themselves?


What Norman Finkelstein Gets Wrong About Gazan Misery

“Today [Oct. 7] they breached the camp’s walls. If we honor the Jews who revolted in the Warsaw Ghetto—then moral consistency commands that we honor the heroic resistance in Gaza.” Norman Finkelstein


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Loathing of Jewish identity.

Virtue signaling.

University and media brainwashing.

Wanting to be a victim.

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I think it's the Woke Mind Virus, preventing them being objective: they see people in terms of Victim or Oppressor. Palestinians are regarded as victims, whatever they do. Like with a lot of things in the West nowadays, reason and logic appear to have gone out of the window. Many really believe they are on 'the right side of history'.

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Excellent article!!

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Jan 20Edited

Hamas is a murderous barbaric cult. Their followers in Gaza and wherever else they reside must be neutralized. As our sworn enemies they will continue to repeat the October 7th murderous rampage again and again. They have told us so and have also just received confirmation, again, half the world is antisemitic. The number is probably higher. This should not come as any surprise to any of us. On October 8th, 2023, we should have told them to release all hostages, or we will incinerate Gaza. They are all enemy combatants. The United States should have supported this as well. Our enemies hate the United States as well. The same warning should be expressed in southern Lebanon and Syria. Our enemies have no interest in peace or honoring a cease fire. They will just use the time to regroup and restock their weapons of terror. Iran was bloviating about their advanced missile capabilities and are in Russia on a new cooperation submit. China is building advanced landing craft to invade Taiwan. What is it going to take for Western Civilization to understand this?

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Agree.Terrorists across the world now know it's okay to take hostages and they will get what they want. It's terrible.

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Isaiah 5:20:

“Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!"

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Well put!

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This is totally upside down.

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Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

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I agree with every thing you said.

I just hate the "abused woman analogy.

Men suffer as much abuse as women

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Why would you “hate” that analogy. As a woman who had her nose broken in an abusive marriage, I have the right to use that analogy because I know exactly how it feels. If you have had such an experience as a man, please write about it so more people will know from the man’s perspective.

I wrote about my experiences in Way of the Warrior https://khmezek.substack.com/p/way-of-the-warrior?utm_source=publication-search

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The issue is Islam & Muhammad, but no one wants to talk about that.

Wherever Muslims are, they want to subvert the other cultures.

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