Jun 2, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Fantastic insight into a corrupt industry. Bravo.

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Totally agree with one lil' tweak--Type 1 Diabetes is auto-immune an' not caused by obesity 'er poor diet. Beta cells are attacked by the immune system more like lupus 'er MS.

(re. A 65% increase in Type 1 diabetes in people younger than 20 by 2060 Why? Because of obesity. )

My older daughter has it--wuz skinny an' active an' we always "et" healthy (organic an' using a Weston Price whole foods diet and had been GF fer years 'fore she was dx'd at 12). STILL she got it. No obesity at'all. I suspect enviro triggers (911 plumes--we lived nr. ground zero...) an' our own genetics (auto-immune) played a role... some say it's "viral" but others say viruses don't exist so heck, I dunno but it wasn't obesity or poor diet...

Some websites falsely say there's a cure if ya just control yer diet--true fer Type-2 but not fer Type 1 so us type 1 mamas (of kids with it) don't take kindly ta bein' blamed (all over the innertubes... I'm assumin' you did it innocently of course!) cuz Type 1 n' Type 2 are very different animals. If there IS a cure fer "juvenile diabetes" they'll hide it cuz the in-dust-tree is too profitable (sadly). It's a bear ta deal with too... And yes, it's increasin' and...drumroll..."CovidVaxxines" are causin' it too (big uptick) so this shows that wreckin' an immune system increases the likelihood've bodies to attack themselves! (My dd was unjabbed 'cept for a forced VitK shot at birth an' we know another girl, now 14, also unjabbed, skinny, got it at age 5).

Cancer is tragically like an amusement park fer the rich (dok-turds)--they take ya on a long spendy ride--they they kill ya in the end when the rollercoaster derails--it always duz!

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Covid-19 vaccines are only a first means to implement the monstrous plans of the WEF, Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, Windsor's & Co.

Soon more means will be used until their 1 billion population is reached. Greatly mistaken they have been, the wretched satanists.

Such imbeciles are like retarded toddlers who play with feces and find it beautiful and funny.

They have no idea what they are talking about.

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the priests of their god teach them that they are helping their god to controll exployt manipulate cull all other races except theirs, and that it is their religous duty, and if they do that, they will go to paradise... their god is baal ..... dear God of goodness and truth please help them return to goodness and truth according to your Will

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"Nutrition affords powerful protection against carcinogenic effects" is the title of chapter 47 in the book titled, "Soil Grass and Cancer" by Andre Voisin, DVM. Voisin reports that in 1932 in Japan researchers discovered that feeding an azo dye to rats caused cancerous tumors in the liver. When the experiment was repeated in North America and Europe, the rats failed to get cancer.

After some time, someone realized that the rats were fed rice in Japan and whole wheat in North America and Europe. In 1940 the Japanese workers concluded:

"(1) Development of liver cancer due to azo dyes depends on the nature of the ration, particularly on the nature of the cereal and what treatment it has undergone.

(2) Whole wheat has a remarkable capacity for inhibiting the carcinogenic action of the azo dyes on the liver.

(3) Non-polished rice has only a moderate inhibiting power. This becomes almost non-existent in the case of polished rice."

Bauer, a German surgeon and cancer specialist wrote in a paper he published:

"No one can believe that this is a unique and exceptional case. On the contrary, this example justifies the conclusion that the diet, whatever its nature, can favour cancer if it is lacking in certain essential substances."

In the middle of the last century, William Albrecht, PhD, a soil scientist, documented the evidence in papers he wrote that the agricultural policy of increasing yields per acre had the unrecognized result of decreasing the nutritional value of the yield per acre.

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"Sustainability" ---the key word indeed!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Cause the problem [turbo cancer) sell the solution. This is the big pharma way.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

On point as usual Karen!!

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This is another heart warming essay, driving the truth deep into the heart.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you Karen - powerful & informative article. May GOD bless you & forever hold you in His/Her Care. I will never stop speaking TRUTH to Medical tyranny - I will go down swinging in TRUTH ...

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

pharma owns large portions of television and radio now. Why do we have to listen to drug commercials every night on tv ? (well we don't)

Which came first, the autoimmune diseases cancers and diabetes or the side effects from the covid vaccinations? that is a trick question hahahaha

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Edward Calabrese documents the hijack of the genetic 'priority claim' on biology by philanthropathy


When the gene dogma broke down for the risk-modelling- it switched to carcinogenic risk factors.

The cancer industry is an engine for a protected terror narrative. (Not unlike a tumour on the body politic). But Calabrese's account is key to understand the basis for bent science set into false risk-modelling via media hype to regulatory control by unwitting consent.

Despite an understated and slow start - the interviews are an object lesson by example of science in action. If people lock into 'issue-driven' reactive identity, they wont see the patterns of which different examples are but variant examples. The pattern is always also within our own thinking - and so more awareness allows greater perspective and choice.

The true nature of life as psycho-physical (as one Spirit) is masked by encapsulated shocks and traumas that run with their own intertial fulcrum in a house divided.

Hamer's GNM perspective resonates with recent Denis Rancourt remarks on the known relation of shocks and cancers (and indeed disease).

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

My daughter was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 and went through the prescribed protocol: mastectomy, chemotherapy and radiation. Last year she was diagnosed with breast cancer metastases to the colon. She is no longer interested in conventional treatment and is seeing a functional practitioner. The oncologist she still sees is dismayed, but there is no data or protocol as she is an anomaly. She refused Ibrance (no Pfizer Products for her). She eats real clean food, goes to yoga twice a week, takes supplements, avoids sugar and dairy, and holds down a full time job as a single mom.

The book Radical Remission is helping her through her journey, and she refuses to give into the fear mongering and pressure from the medical system. She feels her purpose is to live life on life's terms, and I try to support her by researching and never questioning her decisions. I have remained sane by turning it over to my Higher Power and accepting whatever happens next.

Someone reading this may have a similar experience in the future, and I hope they will make their own decisions based on hope, not fear. After all, we all die eventually, but too many fail to live when they can.

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May 7, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Really?? Because the rate has been 1 in 8. I just got back from an Oncology conference where it was 1 in 8 so if Bourla says 1 in 3..... that's a huge jump. Already we are seeing an explosion of the turbo cancer, a new phenomenon, and cancer rates are up 300% in 8 months. Of course all of these cases have one thing in common...... so probably Bourla is right. He would know, wouldn't he?

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May 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The really crazy thing is that as long as it's less toxic than chemo, they'll see increased cures... Shh don't tell them that it's the chemo that makes cancer so deadly.

Anyway, big funny irony. These morons ignore the real cause of cancer over and over. When will the people realize that? I guess soon, because people aren't getting much help these days especially after convid screwed up the medical system.

As for depression, there's a lot of natural plants that have been known to help for a way way longer time than pharma. These things were made illegal and stigmatized.

But somehow these morons got people hooked on opiates. Sooner or later, there's gonna be a payback for that. Perhaps psychiatry will have to fess up, they knew the past drugs really helped, but it wasn't profitable.

The scandals will be delicious to see revealed to people as the system tries to scratch back the trust it lost.

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May 6, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

“This is something like the mRNA for vaccines but this is for cancer,” Bourla gushes..."

Bourla, forgot to mention that the mRNA gene therapy injections triggered retroviruses and caused cancers in remission to resurface.

Maybe he knows this, so he confidently can say 1 out of 3 people will have cancer. Big pharma in conjuction with the food/chemical industry produces carcinogens and then they subsequently produce experimental computer generated mRNA models as gene therapy injections to jab into victims ultimately modifying their DNA and mututing their physiology so they become a chronically ill freak desperately addicted to a cornucopia of medications.

Is it too cynical to say, that the COVID jabs were just "one big experiment" on billions so the ghoul pharmaceutical industry could release only an assortment of other experimental mRNA gene therapy jabs rather than traditional inoculations.

If we're all in this together, then why don't we all demand that the pharmaceutical industry become nationalized and that Bourla, Steven Bancel, Joaquin Duato and all the other greedy CEO'S who manufactured the mRNA experimental gene therapy jabs be investigated for crimes against humanity.

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