Mar 16Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Ah, a true story written by a real writer. Very real and informative. Of course, its compressed and we readers cannot begin to imagine the days and night of uncertainty and the getting up and going forward when there was a bit of dread. Good for you and your kids and the compassion you carried for your less than special husband. It would have been easy to have added the weight of rancor to your daily life.

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Jan 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What a powerful essay, what can I say. My dad was drafted to the Soviet Army at the age of 17 during the last two years of WWII. His generation has been through so much, they have seen and experienced unimaginable--yet came out solid, shaken but never damaged. I find it incredible. My children listen about his life story, but they have no idea, they can't shift their perspective and understand that they live in a bubble... Your life experience--yours and your children--is something I will be re-reading for a while now. Thank you!

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Jan 4Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow. Just wow!

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Jan 2Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen. I’m speechless. Good Lord. You have been through a lot. And keep on barreling through it all.

With Trish Wood on your side. All I can say is.... you are in Good Hands.

Thank you for sharing this incredible story.

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the message an' life lessons ya shared with yer boys IS a story of courage--cuz nobuddy wants ta all mamas courageous! (even them like you that box!) nope--most books've courage are about the fellers but bein' a single mama--heck even not a single mama--is a mountain ta climb--bravely. color has zip-all ta do with challenges--an' lordy knows I've had many myself! my older girl's on the spectrum an' got stopped by the nypd regularly cuz her mannerisms, etc. make her look like she wuz on drugs or out of it an' nobuddy understands dysregulation! I always (still) lived in fear she'd be shot cuz when confronted she doesn't react like normal folks--she may jump up and scream, shove her hands INTO her pockets vs puttin'em up (despite my talkin' ta her many times 'bout this--she's verbal/bright but has no copin' skills with fear 'specially). She got filmed regularly growin' up--the mean folks on the subway trains would film her on phones an' post it--sometimes laffin' at her tantrums or blamin' me--"bad mom, shut yer kid up"--hardened humans kinda like yer son's story of disassociative / hardened violence-immune kids filmin' his horrible beatin'. Postin' this stuff in pride? I could go on but yup, white kids aren't exempt. We also got targeted by a.c.s. (like see-pee-ess but in nyseize the letters are simply diff'rent) as homeschoolers--a neighbor wanted us out cuz the kids made noise an' she wanted peace to conduct bizness at home... autistic kids scream sometimes... so two bouts of months-long investy-gay-shuns (of course resultin' ultimately in no abuse) but for YEARS my kids would dive-bomb their beds an' hide whenever there wuz a knock at the door--goin' thru unwarranted investygation is also traumatic--jus' in a diff'rent way. So many've us mamas have had battles ta fight--you've won yours via strength, courage, character, luck, an' mebbe God's blessin' too! (tho' fer sure other battles await! for our freedom as human beans, etc!). We know many famblies (white included but not only) who got kids taken away (unfairly) b/c of the machine of the law--the system knows no color, it knows only money. Ya put on yer real boxin' gloves an' the "invisible ones" every day--ya fought hard ta keep yer fambly safe an' taught yer kiddos invisible boxin' while ya was at it. What a gift ya gave 'em! Blessin's an' thanks fer sharin' this heartfelt an' "heart-full" story!

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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I so Love your artwork! Amazing and makes me smile and gives me a warm feeling. Thank you for your great essays but also for sharing your wonderful art work ❤️

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the JK Rowling quote… have gone down that rabbit 🐇 hole… disturbing…


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Dec 29, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Love your watercolors! Thanks for sharing them. The mouse staring out the window and pondering the majesty of the night sky is understated and eloquent.

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Dec 29, 2023·edited Dec 29, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I'm not sure it doesn't take MORE courage to stand up to misinformation with our friends. It feels like we risk far more. And thank you for another absolutely wonderful article! Your writing is so insightful and makes me think about things in my own life. I appreciate you so much.

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Can you differentiate between two styles of kick boxing?

Or is it advantageous to use two and mix and match depending upon the opponent.

have seen and been tru some things

they have shown me that Jesus kick boxes in ways that none can

He is limited though when we mix and match the rules He and His fater prescribe and those of other sources.

He will not violate, overstep,thrust or kick in to places where others have made choices to omit his word and soverignty.

suggest review of the basics of His kickboxing lessons

they begin here and are called the milk by paul the apostle

once the milk is tasted the maturity training begins.

see here: focus on foundational/elementary doctrines aka milk

and here: for the mechanics and breakdowns to understanding them so as to be able to tase them.... then on to mature doctrines.....if you have received all or desired the baptisms.


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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for sharing your story Karen. You are courageous and tenacious and an excellent example. I found this very inspiring. Happy Christmas to you and your family 🙏

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

That was exactly the timeframe as my daughter was 5. I’m more convinced than ever we saw and read them. My daughter LOVED mice. Obviously these books have become family heirlooms! I have no clue what republishing them would entail, but it certainly might be something to explore!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am so glad you shared all this, I would have never guessed what you have been through around raising your children and also what you do in your spare time (train and teach), which is inspiring all the way around. Thank you.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Your life is such an inspiration, Karen. It's a rough world, whether behind those golden gates or on the other side of the tracks. Sometimes trying to navigate it is incredibly difficult. Thank you for adding another glimpse into your experiences. You are a courageous woman!

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank for sharing, Karen!

> https://twitter.com/thaliafung/status/1740337038790955105

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Such a powerful post! I feel so fortunate as a single parent to have raised my children both in a time and in a place where many of the trials you faced did not impact me. I was “poor”, no doubt, and worked 2 jobs, and had no family to fall back on. It was the support and kindness of my daughter’s friends mothers who helped me through. The bond between mothers can be a very strong thing; we care deeply for our precious cargo… and still it’s a small miracle when our children survive, and thrive, intact into adulthood! (This is particularly true of fatherless households. While I applaud mothers, the loss of a strong male presence in the lives of children is nothing less than tragic. We see the results everywhere around us. The erosion of the family unit has been one of the most detrimental impacts on our society in decades!)

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