Very balanced essay of the issue at hand while at the same time we are imprisoned by an overarching collectivist narrative.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

This post had deep resonance for me and was simultaneously current to our present day and completely contextual. Superb.

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Glad to hear it resonated with you. Thank you. 🙏

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Excellent post, thank you. Ursula von der Leyen should be 'Ursula fon Doff Lyin'!

As for Christian Nationalism, this is the left's bogey man term to provoke a severe response. I would agree with you saying myself 'I follow Jesus' rather than call myself a Christian.

'so jus lowlife' is an anagram of 'I follow Jesus' which sums up the humility we should have.

But then Christian anagrams to 'shit cairn' which is the same sort of thing. And it can also be 'Rich saint' which we are most certainly in Christ.

I did not know the CS Lewis quote. I found this also from 'That Hideous Strength' when looking it up.

“Why you fool, it's the educated reader who CAN be gulled. All our difficulty comes with the others. When did you meet a workman who believes the papers? He takes it for granted that they're all propaganda and skips the leading articles. He buys his paper for the football results and the little paragraphs about girls falling out of windows and corpses found in Mayfair flats. He is our problem. We have to recondition him. But the educated public, the people who read the high-brow weeklies, don't need reconditioning. They're all right already. They'll believe anything.”

Seems to sum those who typically fell for the COVID scam.

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That "Why you fool" quote is one of my favorites. It's fantastic. I've quoted it many times.

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, CS Lewis also takes a great swipe at education when the professor says to the four Pevensie children, something like: "Whatever do they teach children in school these days." I don't have the book in front of me but the entire conversation around that question is brilliant. I just love everything about his writings. That Hideous Strength made a huge impression on me as a young teenager, and I have reread it many times since, as well as the other two books in his Space Trilogy.

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CS Lewis has always been good. I think I can say I find the Narnia and Space Trilogy most helpful. It is sadly a while since I read the latter but your post encourages me to find and re-read.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you this complete analysis, Karen. We won't be able to rein in this monster of our making but we can make individual choices to return to our first Love.

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Jun 11Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek




Very good analysis, Karen!

We are under the Judgement of God for our out of control idolatry. We still love our idols: the tech idol, the consumption idol, the Trend idol, the big idol of SELF, etc.We need to repent individually and turn back to HIM for guidance, not to the machinations of some power hungry poseur. No man is going to save us and be able to restore our comfortable worship of our idols so we can continue with business of promoting self as usual

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Jun 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I appreciate the way you consistently write balanced articles. It is refreshing to read such pieces where I feel liks I learn something new and wasn't bashed over the head with it.

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Thank you 🙏

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good stuff this'un--lots to unpack!

First, I jus' loved the Clint Eastwood quote--I used ta think he wuz just a handsome ;-) "cowboy" (he was SO good in them westerns) but he proved ta be a fine director an' an even better judge of greater society--Funny he describes extremism on all sides as a circle--like the dragon eatin' its own tail! Clint navigated the Hollyweird swamp, nothin' to sneeze at either. Richard Wurmbrand is another wise one--so prescient--nobuddy heard his warnin's SO long ago (clearly at our peril)--happy to know about him! A bit like Yuri Bezmenov (the original one that laid out exactly how the USA would be destroyed...with us bein' complicit in our own destruction--eeek)

I had NO IDEAR what this Christian Nationalism wuz about--this is not good--reminds me of the "red light green light" children's game--all stop, all go, run without lookin' 'cross the line if ya can. Folks are bein' herded inta groups that will ultimately be their undoing. An' yup, meanings' too are bein' erased by these new re-brandings.

Populism was that seat-of-the-pants real folks kinda thing--I do believe Frank L. Baum of Wizard of Oz fame was one, back in the day. (Team Fuentes is jaw-droppin'ly popular--surely ya heard he calls all jews "cookies" b/c of those "baked in ovens" in what he calls the holohoax--what a winner -- NOT!--but sad ta say there are a lotta "deniers" an' their followers lurkin' all over now...) Yup, on both sides (L/R false dichotomy) we're seein' some skeery idiot-ologies.

Fascism / Communism seem ta be workin' together to bring in (ironically) a level of color war radicalism on both the right & left--an' we've seen the current "op" about certain radical (non-Western) ideologies given preferential treatment to our peril--I'll share with ya this sobering lecture from Major Stephen Coughlin (this first one is older an' regards the OIC which are carve-outs for Islamic Law here in the ol' USA :


An'nuther good one on Marxism's destructive influence (an' how it's fascist too in a way)--here--pairs well with what'cha wrote above:


(Elsa from Truth Summit got me interested in Coughlin's lectures--good stuff! https://truthsummit.substack.com/ )

I'm gonna listen to the lecture from yer dad now!

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Thanks for the links. I'm listening to Major Stephen Coughlin now, although I have to stop and return to it later.

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why sure! yup, it's a long'un but he's very perceptive--lot of what he sez makes sense ta me!

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There really is such a thing as Christian Nationalism. By which I mean: people who self-identify as such. Their agenda is a dangerous one, but there are too few of them to pose any threat to America.

You can find them on the social media site known as Gab, which I recommend you not visit: it's a safe bet that the place is crawling with Feds, and that everyone who even looks at that site is being recorded in a government database.

But that's where they hang out, and where you can learn the nature of their values, without left-wing media spin.

The Left, of course, tries valiantly to paint all Republicans & conservatives with the broad brush of "Christian Nationalism", which as about as real as the Pope being a Baptist: as a group, REAL Christian Nationalists despise the Republican Party. They hate Jews, consider the Negro an inferior race, adore Adolf Hitler, are fully invested in every conspiracy theory you have ever heard (and some that you haven't heard of) - especially the ones involving vaccines and 5G cellular tech - and fervently believe in turning the United States into a theocracy with themselves in charge (think Iran with a Christian version of Ayatollahs). If this sounds delusional, remember that they fervently believe that there is a God up there that will make all of this happen for them.

Again, though their agenda is dangerous, they themselves are not: there aren't even enough of them to take over a US county, let alone the entire country.

Good article. Thanks for posting.

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Ugh, yes, after I got banned from Twitter, I joined Gab and discovered it's just as you say. Horrible. People can spew their hatred and ignorance in their little group and get the impression that they rule the world because everyone agrees with them and validated what they are saying. It's truly vile.

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The degenerate uman animal Thought is unable to survive without Security. So in order to survive it invents moronic stuff!

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As always, you cut through all the chaotic weed growth and expose the roots.

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All these dumbass names/labels they keep coming up with are nonsense.

Christian Nationalists are like Substack Nazis -- they're both fake.

There are movies about the dangers of Christian Nationalists, but it's just fringe people who say things that scare leftists.

You're right though, they want everyone to believe that everyone else is out to get them.

It's kind of like how Disney, Netflix, and Hulu want their viewers to believe that every other house on your street is filled with trans, gays, or some variable mixture of the two. That's not the case. It never was.

It's all mind control, and propaganda.

One of my favorite quotes about paranoia is, "Just because you think they're out to get you, doesn't mean that they aren't" 😂🤣

Only in these cases, they aren't.

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Can we stop saying Judeo-Christian values?

How about just Christian values?

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I say Judeo-Christian values because that's what they are. God gave the 10 Commandments to his people, Israel (the Jews), we share that same foundation, and we share the Old Testament together.

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Jun 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Amen 🙏

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God gave the 10 commandments to the Israelites. There were no Jews in the days of Moses. The Jews were made up of 2 of the 12 tribes, Judah and Benjamin, and were of the House of Judah. The other 10 tribes were of the House of Israel and never were Jews. The split between the two houses occurred after King Solomon some 500 years after Moses.

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Do you believe the Jews are God's Chosen People? I would refer you to my father's (Dave Hunt) talk here. https://youtu.be/cNuEm_rO0aQ?si=gvKGiJiOsoddKCP2

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No I do not. I believe true believers in Jesus Christ are God's chosen people.

Mat 21:42  Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 

Mat 21:43  Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.

The Gospel is crystal clear to me.

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Yes, Christians have been grafted in. But God will never abandon his people. God made a covenant with the people of Israel. If he breaks that covenant he will be proved a liar. That is why Stan continually tries to destroy Jews. My father makes an irrefutable case for this. But I think we will not agree on this matter.

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Jun 12Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I read one of your dads books, I think it was A Woman Rides the Beast. It is a good book. I will try and watch the video you linked.

I believe the Bible.

Joh 3:17  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. 

Joh 3:18  He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. 

There are so many references in the New Testament of Jesus telling his disciples to go to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. This is referring to the 10 tribes that were taken into captivity by Assyria.

Here is one:

Mat 10:5  These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 

Mat 10:6  But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 

And Jesus himself said:

Mat 15:24  But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 

The covenant with the house of Judah I believe was broken when the refused to believe in Jesus and had him crucified. And vengeance was taken on them by the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. as written in Matthew 24.

But you may be right, we will probably not agree on this subject but hope you will study the Bible and not rely on only one persons point of view.

Have a blessed day.

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