Brilliant as always

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Thank you 🙏

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Arabs in Israel proper live better, earn better, have more rights than in any other Arab country. Even those in the West Bank would be terrified living under PA rule.

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That's the truth.

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Thank you for reading out loud. I’m still too heart broken to even look at my Substack feed right now. You sound strong and confident

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I understand. 😢

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"We do not understand this mentality. We value human life so we will do all we can to save one life. "

Unless that life is a baby, but that's a different essay, isn't it.

I understand their metality very well, and have no reservations that the "innocents" that refuse to condemn and fight against Hamas, that offer up their own children to Moloch Hamas, and that celebrate the murder, maiming, rape and torture of others are innocent at all.

I can certainly pray for them, but I can never look at them as innocents. They are complicit and implicit in the murder.

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Yes, it is certainly much more complex. I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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Thank you for honest report

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Views can be published and put in the public square. People can decide for themselves. The proper response to speech is more speech not censorship. Sharing.

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My heart hurts....maranatha!!

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Beautiful soul this man Farhan al-Qadi. poignant that he befriended AND thought to share the story of his jooish hoss-spit-all mate Zalmanovich--at a time when so many dehumanize all joos, the brave Arab man saw the humanity in his fellow prisoner who only thought of the fambly he missed, that he'd never see--both men friends, their faiths/backgrounds nothin' when it came ta two good people sharin' stories, empathy. Ya likely saw most of the MSM are sayin' that the only hostages dead were killed by Israel an' that "no women were raped"--it's so wrong-think. I'm happy ya shared Victor Hanson Davis's piece (which I read this mornin') because we SEE that other nations (even small ones like Japan) have a LOT more blood on their hands than Israel. But today, every child who dies in Gaza "proves" joos are a bloodthirsty murderous creed who should be killed--I see it daily--among the troothers--an' seems like Tucker has gone in that direction too--sigh, I used ta find him reasonable an' kinda personable. Now he agrees with this fella that Hitler had no final solution? It wuz all just "logistics errors" an' accidents? Really? The most precise nation on the planet -- SO highly organized an' with (I'm ashamed ta say it) IBM! the American co--makin' sure they kept track of every joo ta kill... No way. They didn't give away the homes of joos they expected ta come back "after camp"--c'mon . There is ample documentation--all bein' destroyed... My heart breaks at all of this as I see where this entire nation is goin'--right an' left.

Such distortions aside, I wuz glad the IDF gave Farhan al-Qadi a warm welcome. Equally, I was saddned that others (not all I'm sure) were "not so warm" but that makes sense... if, in general, a "people" want you dead--even one of those people who rejected such a death-wish typified by his people an' even suffered for it too--might sadly appear to those less informed of the specifics--to be a tarnished soul simply by association. This is why conversations must happen, info shared...

I HOPE his story will spread far 'n wide an' those who were unable to express grattytude will change. I think this man's story an' that of the emaciated young lady there also disprove that the Gazans an' Hamas itself are kind an' humane to their hostages (vs Israelis who are all "rapists" b/c a couple went truly -- shamefully--off the rails vindictive). War is part indoctrination too... I know what US men did to the Vietnamese... double standard... anywhoo, I won't wax long here but as always, grateful ta learn of all these new people ya share--their stories deserve to be told as right now it's a one-sided game... I'd be proud ta meet a man like Farhan al-Qadi--an' I daresay there are many joos, includin' Israeli ones, that'd say same. I hate BBGun (anyone that sacrifices its people ta big pharma alone is a criminal!) but Israel is now in an existential crisis an' I think it's right they are not backin' down--I HOPE history shows this ta be true as popular support is no with them.... Many broken hearts there now....

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For what Netanyahu did during COVID, there is no way to justify it. But now, whatever his motivation may be, I pray he has the tenacity to keep on this path. Perhaps he can redeem himself. I don't know.

And that was the first thing I thought of too, about the Germans. They are the most organized, meticulous people. It's just ludicrous what this Cooper guy is saying and that Tucker Carlson actually called him the most important historian in America. Unbelievably stupid. But I have to say, I never liked Tucker's laugh 😂

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agreed re Net'nYooHoo--there are two theories on this, both depend on him bein' too pompous by half--an' compromisin' all in the nation an' wreckin' any good will outsiders had towards Israel...

1. theory one is that he's simply an egomaniac an' saw Israel as a shinin' light beacon durin' "covid" however deluded (de-looted too!) that wuz--seein' "his nation" in the forefront of all things technical (not techno-cull!) an' felt (in his pompous ignorance) that even at the risk of health freedoms an' privacy (a crime--his--to dismiss!)--he'd PUSH the nation forward on some sort of "we're first" in medi-sin insane narrative of glory-- Some say that Trump did the same pushin' his Warp Speed nightmare an' others even add that BOTH were "kinda" tricked by those that played inta their egos--tho' I'll argue that Trump didn't mandate, BBGun did--both had horrific results...

2. theory two is that he knew the results an' complied thinkin' they could be "hid" -- totally sold over ta MisterGlobal (his handlers an' yup he has handlers--he is not runnin' the world as some say--omgosh now). Now IF this is true then it DOES go in line with the tale that 10/7 wuz some kinda "inside job"--a self-destructive act "condoned" or even perpertrated by BBGun who...some suggest--collaborated WITH Hamas vs just bein' a pompous jerk who dismissed all the "intel" not thinkin' Hamas could pull such a thing off...

Either way bad bad stuff happened on his watch an' yet I too believe he's right in not backin' down at this point--givin' up that border/corridor means givin' up Israel which would not only ruin his legacy--I think he'd likely be riskin' the lives of every citizen there cuz nobuddy would take 'em now--with all nations filled with joo-hatin' Muslims, who would welcome such strife EVEN if they didn't hate the joos? So I gotta be rootin' fer his success even tho' his behavior makes me sick--he's gotta lotta blood on his hands (as do many leaders) an' I'm just talkin' about his OWN citizens...

Honestly I'd prefer thinkin' it's #1 but he's been on a self-destructive mission fer so long I jus' dunno--I mean early on he could'a avoided ALL what's gone on if he did not compromise--if he rooted out Hamas 'fore all this--years 'fore 10/7--but he didn't. An' even recently--he took too durned long an' negotiated an' listened ta the US an' the global gossip an' paused an' hesitated--an' his rhetoric wuz ugly--dehumanizin'--so either way he's just done TURRIBLE harm ta the country--

Re Tucker--he has one'a those insane-giddy slightly unhinged kinda creepy laffs but he also has a very down-to-Earth "mister sensible"/ dad angle (even in spite'o the silver spoon in his mouth--thanks ta those Swanson dinners!) So I just don't know--he allowed Steve Kirsch ta speak up about the jab-harms -- a few other things, J6th... Has he been "bought" (recently?) or wuz he always CIA? His "kackle" isn't half as skeery as Karma-la's... but now it seems many "trusted" on the right (however gate-keepin') have gone off the rails against all us chews--so I feel kinda burned. (Many others too--voices small an' tall...)

I admit that I even thought Candace Owens was "ok" if not exactly a rocket scientist--now I feel kinda dumb fer trustin' her too as a "straight shooter"...

Of course the purpose might've been all along ta pull out the rug from us... of that I'm keenly aware!

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a new brave truth-teller...

Muslim-born Rawan Osman she can never return home havin' visited Israel...which is purdy heroic--

and she speaks out 'bout the false history she learned from childhood...


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She's amazing.

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Though I follow and appreciate Tucker’s search for truth in all the evil global mess that surrounds us, something didn’t seem right with the Darryl Cooper interview…I shut it off about halfway through…now I have an inkling as to why…looking forward to hearing more background on this, Karen.

Also, much admiration and kudos to Victor David Hansen, one of the most intelligent, brave, and balanced voices proclaiming truth to our times through history’s prism. Hansen is amazing…Cooper doesn’t even come close from what I heard.

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When Tucker interviewed Andrew Tate, that's when I'd had enough. Then, Candace Owens interviewed Andrew Tate. And that really was enough. This propaganda is very dangerous.

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Thank you for posting this message.

Grace and Peace to you sister,

Semper Fortis!

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Sep 5
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There are no hostages in Israeli prisons. But I'm sure you could do the research to find the number of prisoners. You can also read books such as Son of Hamas to find out more about the subject. If you are implying there are injustices on the Israeli side no doubt there is. As there is in every judicial system around the world. I can tell you a lot about the injustices in the US system, since I founded a creative writing program for incarcerated youth in Los Angeles. I built the program for 10 years, giving a voice to youth facing life sentences for serious crimes and it has helped thousands of youth to this day. I left the program when it got taken over by Hollywood elite. It's called InsideOUT Writers. I always suggest to people that before they complain about the systems in other countries that have nothing to do with them that they do something in their own country to make a difference. Of course that requires a dedication that posting complaints on social media does not. You can find out more about my work with incarcerated youth here: https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2002-jul-13-me-jvwrite13-story.html

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