Yeah, first the stock market then the stake market. I've never even heard of this stuff before your last article. The scent in the air today smells like that kind of ego overflowing frothy energy that men get when they're going to war - radio active free radicals. Maybe I'm being too hard on them, I don't know.
Yeah, first the stock market then the stake market. I've never even heard of this stuff before your last article. The scent in the air today smells like that kind of ego overflowing frothy energy that men get when they're going to war - radio active free radicals. Maybe I'm being too hard on them, I don't know.
Yeah, first the stock market then the stake market. I've never even heard of this stuff before your last article. The scent in the air today smells like that kind of ego overflowing frothy energy that men get when they're going to war - radio active free radicals. Maybe I'm being too hard on them, I don't know.
Haha, I don't think you can be too hard on them. To whom much is given, much is required.