
Thank you everyone for your comments. It gives me the resolve to keep on writing. This essay, in particular, took a lot out of me. I struggled for a long time with figuring out how to put it all together.

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Beautiful and terrible... thank you Karen

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Jan 6, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Just read this for the first time. Tears streaming down my face. I have a beautiful, loving, 11 year old daughter, and a deep thinking, philosophical, 15 year old son. I’ve protected them as best I can. Home/online schooling now, the irony that they’re very comfortable with it, which used to worry me, is now a blessing as it’s a temporary buffer from the Covid cult. But, we are surrounded by people who are brainwashed, including family. I can only pray that God continues to grant me the strength and wisdom I need to show them this is the right path. Thank you for your eloquence in these dark times. God bless.

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Bless yo.🙏🏼

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Nov 18, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

The future does look bleak, especially when one sees the evil unfurling more and more rapidly, and especially as it applies to our children.

A phrase popped fully fleshed into my head a few weeks back though, and I repeat it constantly to myself, as a guard and hedge over my thoughts: “What man has made, God can unmake”

Example after example in scripture and history pointing out the veracity of this fact. Doesn’t mean it won’t be a long and challenging slog for us as we carry on in this great battle between good and evil; BUT God will have the last word on this. It’s already done in His time.

Thank you for your thoughtful and beautiful essays. I take great comfort in them.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

"... A phrase popped fully fleshed into my head a few weeks back..."

Mine was/is: We were made for these times; otherwise we wouldn't have been born into them.

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Dec 26, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

So true! All of us have a role to fulfill than non other can do.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

There are enough of us not drinking the kool aid so it will not be as easy for the fascist to prevail as they hoped it would be. History will not be written by them and this will be viewed as a dark period in human history. I think it will however get worse before it gets better.

It amazes me how people who are basically ignorant and/or indoctrinated believe they are actually 'following the science'. The Dunning-Kruger effect.

"Dunning-Kruger effect, in psychology, a cognitive bias whereby people with limited knowledge or competence in a given intellectual or social domain greatly overestimate their own knowledge or competence in that domain relative to objective criteria"

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay, Karen and a chilling development in the sorry roll out of these untested experimental substances. The world has completely lost its moral / ethical compass and we can only look on in horror.

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May 30, 2022·edited May 30, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I hate to say it, but the yellow fever vaccine is one of the more high risk vaccines (prior to the Covid pseudo-vaccines coming out), with quite a lot of people reporting serious adverse reactions to it. They've been lying about vaccine safety for a long time.

Guess what can be taken as a mostly safe preventative/therapeutic intervention instead? IVM. Just as it seems to work against SARS-Cov-2, but they want to lie about that as well.



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Finally getting around to responding to your comment since I am about to record this essay. You could be right about the Yellow Fever vaccine. Writing these essays has been a learning experience for me. Mainly, what I was referring to was how they have insidiously changed the language along the way. I wrote an essay about ivermectin that you might find interesting, back when you weren't allowed to talk about it. The essay was shared all over Twitter and got me banned. The People's Medicine vs Merck's Billion $ Pill: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/mercks-molnupiravir-vs-the-peoples

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wonderful, yet chilling, essay. I’m yet unaware of efforts to vaccinate 5-11 year olds here in Utah County, but I’m sure they’re underway. A daughter and her husband got the shots, and now she’s pregnant. We’re praying for the destroying angel to pass them by.

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Nov 14, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Prescient, immensely frightening and - as always - very well written. I feel the human spirit will yet rise. We are on the precipice but haven't dropped off yet. Either way, you write like a modern Camus - brava!

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Really moving piece, thank you. I fully emphasise with your experience for I too saw the spirit leave my wife’s body after her long fight against cancer.

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Jan 5, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Wow. That was beautiful somehow in spite of the deadly serious content. I feel hope just because you see(but so eloquently) what is happening to the world.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I find these words so emotional as I sit here wondering how we got to where we are in such a short time.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

It feel short to us, but as you know, this has been in the works for decades....boiling frog syndrome.

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Dec 25, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

wonderfully written essay. In a world that is slowly losing its grip on reality, its comforting that there are still many like minded people out there that are scared to death of this "new normal" we are creating.

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I am an immigrant. I love the U.S. but it has nearly died for me two times:

-- December 13, 2000:

Al Gore's concession speech. He ran against "Hitler de jour" then, George W. Bush, but has coincided "for the sake of our unity." I wondered what "unity" he's offering if a Nazi is the one to "unite us?" At that moment I thought, damn!, can they all be the same? With W. being the "D" darling today, my nightmarish fears seem to have been a reality, even then;

-- November 24, 2010:

"TSA day of protest" after so many children have been molested by the TSA agents on airports. No one joined the protest, it died with the whimper. The parents were iPhone-ing their terrified kids screaming in dread while being inappropriately touched by strangers. That was already our "new normal," something no parent would've allowed only a few short decades ago.

The third mortal blow might have finally killed the dream, this fatal October 29, 2021 discussed in this article. One can't say they have not been prepping us masterfully, over a long time.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am recently struck with the old saying "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." ~L

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I like that.

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Nov 13, 2021Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

I am crying.

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