Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Well Karen, thank you again for a most enlightening article. You have such a gift for condensing so much information into a very readable,understandable short space. Reading this , I had a physical reaction of total nausea. I am so very sickened by what these truly demon controlled monsters are doing to our incredibly beautiful God given planet. I am 73 and know that my time here is growing short. Thankfully if all that you write of is going to come to pass which seems likely it will. How can they possibly be stopped? My concern is for my granddaughter and really all the children now and in the future for what their lives I’ll be like in such a truly dystopian world. Well, that’s it from me. One more thing, my first impression upon seeing the ranting Greta was that she is a demon.

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

One more thing about GE:

PayPal credit is produced by, get this, the Bank of General Electric.

Of course, since both companies are basically owned by blackrock and vanguard, that makes sense

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That deserves another essay all on its own. So many topics, I can't keep up!

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Interesting, extremely well researched, insightful.... Fabulous post.

Thank you for your efforts, always enjoyed and appreciated.

Love how you connect and intertwine the physical world with the spiritual, Karen, as indeed that’s how life truly is.

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Yes great post thank you!

I've often wondered if lightning strikes were a potential gift from God, where harnessing the power of electricity could be gained from these sporadic strikes.

It would have been a powerful yet very occasional way to provide us with the means of providing improvements to quality of life, without the rampant destruction caused by the industrialized path that has led us to where we are today. I suppose the pre-requisite to this (aside from developing a safe way to harness this power) is to transcend from greed and God-envy, and we clearly missed that boat.

Why rely on occasional gifts of massive power when we have the means to do it ourselves, unrestricted and uncapped? The unspoken repercussions of this are felt in moderate physical destruction and severe spiritual destruction. An easier challenge going forward for us (short term) in the physical world now, but a massively more difficult challenge to incorporate the spiritual in these modern times.

Fantastic post Karen, this tickled my brain in a positive way. It's a tough reality to digest, but this is indeed well researched and mighty important to shine a light on <3

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Excellent article, Karen, but I still don't understand how electricity works. But I now have more extensive knowledge about how corruption works, and how the powers that be neither care about the earth, its people, or anything but profit. They are so secure in their quest that they fail to recognize the harm they are doing to themselves and their own families. Eventually, regardless the size of the ivory tower, this will affect everyone and everything.

This world is completely bonkers.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Mind blown ! Love this thanks

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worse than I thought! thank you for such excellent research and insight... Sharing a little about about Mademoiselle Thunberg's exceedingly creepy family (some inbreeding, eugenics, and the INVENTION of Climate Agenda all under one scary "greenhouse gas" roof).


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Even the Big Bang Theory has fallen to the mighty foundations of the Electric Universe. The level of authoritarian corruption being rained down in Cosmology to keep their institutional narrative of the Big Bang alive is outstanding. Truth can never be hidden for long once the Seekers journey forward in earnest.

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Sep 30, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Karen I posted your article 3 times on my GETTR account @DumbAssCowboy”. As I read the outstanding article I cut and pasted it along with a link to Substack.

You nailed it so perfect. The so called “Green movement is poisoning our planet” to how many are slaves hypnotized by the “electric” gadgets from iPhone to tablet.

Only a conscious contact with a higher Power which I call God keeps me sane. Prayer is powerful. I suggest everyone read the Golden Key by Emmet Fox. It’s a demonstration of this Power.

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Thank you so much for sharing my work. You never know where it might end up! Increasingly, I see this as a battle to erase God and elevate man to godhood, which is insanity.

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Sep 27, 2022·edited Sep 27, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

What Benjamin Franklin actually did between 1748 and 1752 was invent the Lightning Rod. There are a number of books about this facet of his life and he is praised as being "the inventor of America" and "the modern day Prometheus" by leading science magazines as well as Hermetic occult sources.

The grounding of lightning / electricity via the Lightning Rod is fundamental to America's secret destiny. In order to actualize the technocratic world that Revelation 13 reveals electricity was first required. This is what Revelation 13:13 is about. It tells us that the 2nd beast brought fire down from heaven onto the ground in the sight of men. Pretty straightforward if you have a keen eye.

This same 2nd beast then goes on to build the Image of the Beast and brings it to life. Indeed, the Internet has gained real-time speed going from 1G to 5G. Add some AI to that and you have the system described on the last line of Revelation 13:15. It will be the AI that will cause those without the ID Mark to be outcast. If your not in the Internet of Bodies then your DOA in the electronic NWO the dark elites are casting like a snare on the world at large.

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Sep 25, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Very good. A lot of interesting info.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Great essay! The planet would be better off if men would just go back to doing what they do best, labor, and let women do the big thinking. It's sad but true. They pollute the planet then leave it in the dust and head to Mars on an adventure excursion. I'm thinking the Amish may be ahead of their time.

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Modern society has been built through specialization. There's a mentality that seems to have formed as a byproduct of humans working together like this, where potentially downstream problems can be dismissed by "someone else will clean that up". The big issue with this is it doesn't require a psychopathic mentality to remain consciously negligent to the damage caused by their work; it rather becomes a socially acceptable phenomenon, established as the norm.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek


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I think this expresses it best. What else is there to say?!!!

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