Ah, yup, the "sin-bolism" of X--innocuously, X is the always-anytime variable in math--used over 'n over agin' fer any plugin--THAT is whut they mean by Disease X--today X stands fer Marburg, tomorrow Ebola, next month a new "Shreddin' Disease," after that Mad Cow III--the Saga Continues! X marks the spot whar treasure is concerned--DIG HERE... an' Disease X is treasure (self-replicatin' !) fer Big Pharma an' all the side cons related (PCP etc). X is where you SIGN YER NAME--like permission (they need that "informed consent" kinda like the blank inserts on the jabs-bad packages...)... X is in lieu of your signature (the illiterate Willy Shaks'pur whoever "he" wuz, sometimes signed with an X)--but that X is legal--your substi-tootin' X for a signature is still "consent" or taken as agreement. Then X is how ya depict the eyes of dead folks in Comics---one in each eye--an' finally X is the mark to X-out--to cross out, negate, on paper it means "delete." So Disease X is the disease that'll DELETE US. The scarlet letter A may signify shame but the giant X means our deletion by "any means" an' with any dis-ease (plugin yer vary-a-bull). In-sannity is right.

I'm fer no AI, no Crispr, no IOT (simple fios but no "things"), an' "jeans" are ta wear, not ta edit! All this stuff is ta LIFE (precious human life) as porn is to traffickin' & snuff films--we never knew how dangerous the former wuz until we learned it wuz just a hair's breadth away from the latter an' that the one OFTEN not rarely led to t'other. They use the excuse ta do good--for that 0.0025%--ta do evil. Dystopian killer brain implants in all've humanity ta restore "limb control" for 3 paraplegics? These folks need their heads examined--if they have any left!

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Their heads are up their you-know-whats! And I like that--jeans are for wearing not for editing! 😂

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It's all more of Eve biting into the apple, as you say. Man is incapable of managing knowledge and information without someone like Fauci coming along to twist it to his own advantage. This is scientism, where people pretty much worship the guy in the white coat. It's idolatry, as described in the bible. Fortunately, God is in control and all these slimeballs will be held accountable for their actions in the end. That said, I would much prefer to see them held accountable here and now. The effort for freedom and truth is gaining momentum. I've been doing what I can, where I can, but at this point I am jumping into the fray with my new Substack explaining the word coincidist, which is when criminals blame problems they are causing on coincidence. Coincidism is a filthy thing that goes right along with fascism and communism. We counter coincidism not only with solid science, but also with creativity, humor and love.


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Welcome to Substack, Mark. Excellent article. Coincidism is indeed what's going on.

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Re '"The very secrets of life — our DNA — is something that we can not only read these days, but we can write. We can rewrite it if we want to," Isaacson says'. I beg to differ, we are not able to rewrite it without introducing mind numbing mistakes and damage. Arrogance personified.

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The arrogance is indeed terrifying.

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💯🤍🙏🏻 thank you so much… This is very insightful (and disturbing).

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The only “virus” that’s killing people is *greed*.

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Yep, that's a bad one.

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How to Fake Pandemics in 4 Easy Steps

A masterclass by the DOD showman, James Giordano.


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"When they write the history of vaccines, this will probably be a turning point.”

There won't be anyone around to write any history

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That's a good point.

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WEF Roundup: Digital IDs Can Track the Unvaccinated, AI Can Speed Up Development of New Vaccines

The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum wrapped up this week with calls for digital IDs, rapid development of new vaccines, more partnerships with corporate media outlets like The New York Times, and widespread acceptance and proliferation of artificial intelligence in all areas of society, including healthcare and education.


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Those With Natural Immunity

Are Made Of So Much More

Than The Lost Souls

Who Remain With Us

In Their Self-Inflicted Suffering.


Knowing How This Ends For Them

Is Now A Secret Worth Keeping.


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Thanks, Karen. The whole thing is highly disturbing. I keep praying God intervenes soon.

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Jan 21, 2024
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Yep, I've written so much about how our immune systems are being compromised. And Dr. Fauci. Don't know if you read this one The Victimization of Dr. Fauci & the Resurrection of HIV https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-victimization-of-dr-fauci-and

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