I am thankful to have been raised by God-fearing parents—being the rebel I have always been, I didn't always like it. I’ve written quite a lot about my upbringing in my essays, and I will write more, I am sure. I can say my dad is the reason I grew up to be a fighter, to stand for truth and not back down. I thought I should share on of his sermons, so here is one of his last ones. Imagine, I grew up listening to this wonderful communicator. My dad, Dave Hunt, was a Christian author. Here is one of his last sermons, about the "Cosmos." If you have some time, have a listen, you will enjoy it.
Ahhh…this makes sense now. I’ve always enjoyed and appreciated your in depth writing. What a special Dad, he was one of the first that God used to open my eyes and get out!!! Many blessings til Jesus comes💜
I am blessed to have found you... and to have in common two authors that made a tremendous impact in my early years as a young adult believer...your dad and Basilia Schlink!! Your journey is TRULY mesmerizing and 100% inspirational.. a steroid boost in perseverance and staying strong in this journey. I ran a bookstore in my younger years; and was always drawn to the writings of deep thinkers and apologists.. particularly the prophetic apologists. Notable in this genre was your dad... gifted with insight cutting to the chase of the complexities and layers of evil, laying them bare for all that had eyes to see. Your dad's books were a blessing to all my truth-seeking contemplative customers. Truly a blessing to have found you on substack. Keep up the amazing work you do; so much insight, courage and stamina given to all following your journey.
Super glad I posted this link about my dad. It's fantastic finding this connection to my readers! Thank you for your encouragement on my writing journey.
The first post I read of yours was a description of your family's visit to the home of Basilea Schlink and your interaction with this insightful and discerning woman of God. It also included description of your parent's ministry, books, travels. DIvine providence connection for me.... I had not had their names cross my path for about 20 years...as impactful as they were to me during my bookstore years. God was connecting some notable junctures in my life and I knew to pay attention. Again... thank you for your journey in life and sharing with us your insight, courage, perspective... everything!! Words are limited to describe my appreciation.
Thank you SO much for sharing this!! I was privileged to work with your dad since 1999. I first heard him speak on the John Ankerberg show about a million years ago! I was blown away. I had never heard anyone speak as he did. I began to look for anything he had ever written (and there’s a lot of it!). He had a way of getting his messages across so that even as deep as they were, anyone could understand. He had passion and kindness (a great combination). I’m so blessed to read your writings here. You are truly gifted and I appreciate very much your sharing with all of us. I last saw you at Jon and Missy’s house while your mom was staying with them. I was so happy to meet you in person (don’t worry, I know you don’t remember me :) ) Please continue to write! We need to hear what you are sharing with us. Hugs! Barbara Lay
Wow how awesome is that! Your father is a Great teacher & writer always helped us along the way. Video is out there on You Tube including "Woman Rides The Beast" among many others. Blessings and thank you for you writings.
LOVE IT - I read Cosmos when I was 18. It explained a lot to me as I was brought up in a strongly atheistic household. I was enamoured with astrophysics for a while. But then I read a novel, The French Lieutenant's Woman, and although this was not a central thesis of the book, it made me realise that evolution was a complete fraud, designed purely to weaken the Church. So I went back and looked at Cosmos again, and by this time Stephen Hawkins was making idiotic dictums, and realised that I was so easily fooled by the beguiling theses Sagan put forward in that book. I look at Cosmos, with it's gorgeous artwork, for what I now believe it is; fantasy. I had always stomped on my own intuition that God was real, but now that I can see so clearly the plot/s to undermine Christianity, and the dread the nwo globalists have of God, that conversely God must wield the ultimate power of life. And so I have read the Bible, and I am trying to pursue a deeper knowledge of the Lord, and it is deep, so deep. But I have always sought the truth, in all I see, and I know I'm getting closer all the time. So thank you for sharing this lecture, I understood absolutely all of it and it resonated strongly in my mind and soul.
I've been following you for several months; never knew Dave Hunt was your Dad. I cannot describe the profound impact your Dad's work has had on my Christian walk. His book "The Seduction of Christianity" delivered me from the pseudo-Christian lies to which I had fallen prey as a new believer. He was such a faithful man. I look forward to seeing him again in the presence of our Lord.
Ahhh…this makes sense now. I’ve always enjoyed and appreciated your in depth writing. What a special Dad, he was one of the first that God used to open my eyes and get out!!! Many blessings til Jesus comes💜
Ah, that's wonderful to hear! He had an impact on so many lives around the world. I'm so glad to find you here!
I am blessed to have found you... and to have in common two authors that made a tremendous impact in my early years as a young adult believer...your dad and Basilia Schlink!! Your journey is TRULY mesmerizing and 100% inspirational.. a steroid boost in perseverance and staying strong in this journey. I ran a bookstore in my younger years; and was always drawn to the writings of deep thinkers and apologists.. particularly the prophetic apologists. Notable in this genre was your dad... gifted with insight cutting to the chase of the complexities and layers of evil, laying them bare for all that had eyes to see. Your dad's books were a blessing to all my truth-seeking contemplative customers. Truly a blessing to have found you on substack. Keep up the amazing work you do; so much insight, courage and stamina given to all following your journey.
Super glad I posted this link about my dad. It's fantastic finding this connection to my readers! Thank you for your encouragement on my writing journey.
The first post I read of yours was a description of your family's visit to the home of Basilea Schlink and your interaction with this insightful and discerning woman of God. It also included description of your parent's ministry, books, travels. DIvine providence connection for me.... I had not had their names cross my path for about 20 years...as impactful as they were to me during my bookstore years. God was connecting some notable junctures in my life and I knew to pay attention. Again... thank you for your journey in life and sharing with us your insight, courage, perspective... everything!! Words are limited to describe my appreciation.
Thank you SO much for sharing this!! I was privileged to work with your dad since 1999. I first heard him speak on the John Ankerberg show about a million years ago! I was blown away. I had never heard anyone speak as he did. I began to look for anything he had ever written (and there’s a lot of it!). He had a way of getting his messages across so that even as deep as they were, anyone could understand. He had passion and kindness (a great combination). I’m so blessed to read your writings here. You are truly gifted and I appreciate very much your sharing with all of us. I last saw you at Jon and Missy’s house while your mom was staying with them. I was so happy to meet you in person (don’t worry, I know you don’t remember me :) ) Please continue to write! We need to hear what you are sharing with us. Hugs! Barbara Lay
Oh wow, yes, I remember you. I had no idea you were following my Substack! Thank you so much! Are you the Barbara who worked at the Berean Call?
Yes!! 😊. I still do!
Oh, haha, I am behind the times! That's good to know! ❤️
Wow how awesome is that! Your father is a Great teacher & writer always helped us along the way. Video is out there on You Tube including "Woman Rides The Beast" among many others. Blessings and thank you for you writings.
Thank you!
LOVE IT - I read Cosmos when I was 18. It explained a lot to me as I was brought up in a strongly atheistic household. I was enamoured with astrophysics for a while. But then I read a novel, The French Lieutenant's Woman, and although this was not a central thesis of the book, it made me realise that evolution was a complete fraud, designed purely to weaken the Church. So I went back and looked at Cosmos again, and by this time Stephen Hawkins was making idiotic dictums, and realised that I was so easily fooled by the beguiling theses Sagan put forward in that book. I look at Cosmos, with it's gorgeous artwork, for what I now believe it is; fantasy. I had always stomped on my own intuition that God was real, but now that I can see so clearly the plot/s to undermine Christianity, and the dread the nwo globalists have of God, that conversely God must wield the ultimate power of life. And so I have read the Bible, and I am trying to pursue a deeper knowledge of the Lord, and it is deep, so deep. But I have always sought the truth, in all I see, and I know I'm getting closer all the time. So thank you for sharing this lecture, I understood absolutely all of it and it resonated strongly in my mind and soul.
I've been following you for several months; never knew Dave Hunt was your Dad. I cannot describe the profound impact your Dad's work has had on my Christian walk. His book "The Seduction of Christianity" delivered me from the pseudo-Christian lies to which I had fallen prey as a new believer. He was such a faithful man. I look forward to seeing him again in the presence of our Lord.
Video no longer available, it says.
Does that work? The link works for me.
Hm, I just checked and it's available.
The video link says the same for me
Not sure what's going on. It works when I try it. Try this? https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Dave+Hunt+Sermonds&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dDave%2bHunt%2bSermonds%26FORM%3dVARSQP&view=detail&mid=D1D8733881A2154391CFD1D8733881A2154391CF&&FORM=VDRVRV
Yes, I get the same response--Video No Longer Available. Even when I try to click thru from a different one of his videos. Something wrong.
Can you try this link? It's strange because when I click on the link in my post it takes me to the video and it is working. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Dave+Hunt+Sermonds&ru=%2fvideos%2fsearch%3fq%3dDave%2bHunt%2bSermonds%26FORM%3dVARSQP&view=detail&mid=D1D8733881A2154391CFD1D8733881A2154391CF&&FORM=VDRVRV
That one works! Thank you, I'll listen now.
That's great!
What a wonderful legacy your father has given you and your family!
You are your father's daughter.
I really enjoyed listening to your Father. Thank you for the link to his sermons.
That was a great watch. His theme reminds me of the quote by Orwell, “There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.”
This really highlighted for me the dearth of calm, rational reasoning in our culture.