Well, the countless deaths of young healthy individuals certainly flows seamlessly into the latest BS construct of “climate crisis.” How utterly convenient that this trendy new fabrication can provide cover for the mass murder of so many through the bioweapon jab. And sadly, many will fall for it yet again.

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Yes great point and well said, thank you.

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Thanks for your research on this Karen. It scary and disturbing stuff. I find the simultaneous erosion of humanity in human beings (making them more robotic) and the humanisation of the machine very creepy.

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Yes, it is. The zombie apocalypse. Who would have thought it could actually happen.

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I live in Las Vegas and the gov't has spent the last 20+ years taking away grass in this city which I think is going to make the whole Vegas area HOTTER. Grass ABSORBS the heat. The entire valley is now all high density suburban areas filled with rock, concrete and asphalt- can't be good for the this supposed climate crisis. Clark County is not building any new parks, and they are outlawing all new construction from having any grass. They are creating the problem and then will ultimately blame US. It is well reported that Nevada uses only 30% of the water that is allocated to us. CA and AZ take much more that they are "allowed" because of their agriculture needs. It's all part of their plan to punish regular citizens, reduce food supply and reduce population.

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Creating the problem so they can "fix" it. Yep.

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NEWS ALERT: There is no climate emergency. Stop living in the Matrix.

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There is no climate emergency, but humans definitely seem intent on destroying the planet.

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Of course, maybe “somebody” can set these monitoring devices to register false high temperatures. Nah. Our Health Bureaucrats would never do that......would they?

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Proven: through vaccines and swabs, they injected nano-routers, which emit Bluetooth, picked up by your phone and sent to Human ID multinational website (probably, a DoD corporation).

The purpose of making a grid of chemtrails which takes longer to fall due to 5G square pulses is a huge internet of bodies to control travel, your bio-data and induce brain states.

Green communism sucked 200 trillion from taxpayers:






At least in the developed world where they've got more resources, they'll hunt us down one by one.

They've written it:

• We'd be labelled a threat to climate change by using net-plus heat (not net-zero, check the war on natural gas). Even have satellite surveillance of small heat sources. Kids having a fire-camp are climate-terrorists.

• For them this is even a larger threat: we'd be in contact with nature and that means a vector for zoonotic diseases. They've even made a map of homes with more wild surfaces near them...

• Also, those living free, unaxxed, healthier, happier, having un-authorized carbon-children, living beyond euthanazing conditions, would be a constant reminder to revolt for those in the digital prison.

• Also, they've written that they'll hunt down books. It won't take long for Bible search&destroy teams. According to them, it's hate speech: homosex, man being the head of woman, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia, anti-drugs, anti-drunk, anti everything they want to include in the global (planetary) rights, which will be compulsory if you want to use the CBDC wallet.

That's why, there's no way out (except migration to central Africa or the Andes): it’s fight to die or die.

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


If we fail with that, then prep for this until 2040 or 2050:

The full PLAN exposed:


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I don’t like the idea of “unlocking more climate actions” at all .

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Another plan/scam & a way for our corrupt gov't to control humankind. Thank you Karen for being a TRUTH Warrior. I will never stop speaking Truth to tyranny. GOD help us to help ourselves ...

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"If it is a choice between giving up our technological devices or becoming one with them, most people will choose the later—in fact, none of us will have no choice, really, if we want to survive in this Brave New World." I don´t know about this, I think it is important to sustain a vision where it is still possible to stop this crazyness. We are not so less people aware of the reality, and stand up against all this science-fiction nightmare these psycopaths are dreaming for us.

I think there are a lot of real prophets in these times, who manifest their concerns, who embody an ethical grounded conception and action, with a strong voice against the noise produced by the miriad of minions (some of them were and are punished for speaking against the noise), and the twisted oracles as Kill Hates or HOW Tenebrius or Klaus Schwanz or Yu Val Harakiri, are more like dead stinky puppets less and less convincents for the masses.... and they are more and more crazy, perhaps because tey feel their lack of acceptance.... Or well, perhaps is my own desire that things are in this way. But you are one one these voices against the noise. Thanks.

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Thank you. I think this train is moving so fast it can only stop by being derailed and it will cause a lot of havoc. I have hope in the youth of the future who could well find a way to escape the Vast Machine, as I write about in my essay, The Luddite Kids saying NO to Smartphones, https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-luddite-kids-saying-no-to-smartphones

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I would just love to skip to the part when common people sick in the good way— sick of being subjugated by the "elite" few evil persons— and reclaim society, knowing they are free beings.

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When they wargamed all this (fergit which wargame--so many on the Illuminati social calendar!) there was some kinda statement that "a small number of people" would live "out of society"--like in the 19th Century without "benefit" of technology. So the question is... will they still allow that? Is it worth trackin' Guy Montag thru the weeds n' swamps an' stop him from learnin' books by heart in the forest--or will they spend their unlimited digital dollars on just TELLING the rest of the pop-u-last that they "got" Guy. They kin stage it with AI. We who wanna resist--even at great sacrifice--are just regular... "Guys" -- mebbe not worth their time/effort... They could target us with some directed energy weapon, find the very leaf in the forest under which we're "hidin' ".... or not. They could just burn that forest (they're doin' a crackin' good job now burnin' 'em all...) an' "smoke us out"... It's all soundin' dire but I'm holdin' out fer the "why bother" scenario they wargamed. Why bother when there are bigger targets--those with more land, greater resources? I dunno... The hard part is bein' a loudmouth an' YET wantin' ta disappear when the time comes... when the Soft Rains Fall... so ta speak... (I also think if we kin get clean / safe water we tough humans may fare better when the turn up the temp on our frog baths... tho' even that may be at a premium...)

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It's worth a try. Get out of the cities, find a plot of land, some water, and learn to survive.

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yup! got outta the city (NYC as it were...), workin' on the plot of land but got well water which (we hope) isn't too affected by them chemtrails.... got books, hope I don't have ta hide 'em!

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Books! Most important!

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No Karen, they've written it (I'll soon post about that): at least in the developed world where they've got more resources, they'll hunt us down one by one. We'd be labelled a threat to climate change by using net-plus heat (not net-zero, check the war on natural gas). Even have satellite surveillance of small heat sources. Kids having a fire-camp are climate-terrorists.

For them this is even a larger threat: we'd be in contact with nature and that means a vector for zoonotic diseases. They've even made a map of homes with more wild surfaces near them...

Also, those living free, unaxxed, healthier, happier, haing unauthroized carbon-children, would be a constant reminder to revolt for those in the digital prison.

Also, they've written that they'll hunt down books. It won't take long for Bible search&destroy teams. According to them, it's hate speech: homosex, man being the head of woman, anti-abortion, anti-euthanasia, anti-drugs, anti-drunk, anti everything they want to include in the global (planetary) rights, which will be compulsory if you want to use the CBDC wallet.

That's why, there's no way out (except migration to central Africa or the Andes): either we fight to die or die:

16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet


If we fail with that, then prep for this until 2040 or 2050:

The full PLAN exposed:


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"Would a 'climate emergency' open the same door to authoritarian governance as the 'covid emergency'"?


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Aug 10, 2023
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The Great Reset is well on its way.

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