A new one ta share--Officer Allen West knocks it outta the ball park here! (short read) -


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Jan 21Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for this well thought out article, Karen!!

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We can only agree to disagree but your vulgarity shows me you are unable to prove your point. The facts simply do not support your point of view

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Jan 20·edited Jan 20

Karen, I agree that we need to stand with the Jews, but I think we need to separate our support for Israeli citizens from their corrupt government. Just as the U.S. government is likely corrupted by satanists who create death and destruction across the world via the military-intelligence-industrial complex, so is the Israeli government. They are even more militaristic than the U.S. This is the government that handed over the entire nation of Israel as test subjects for Pfizer’s COVID vax. If you look at history, mossad practically created hamas. I’m fairly confident that the Israeli government let this attack by hamas happen as a pretext to go to war. Do we really believe one of the best intelligence agencies in the world missed this? With all of their informants and technology at the border? Why did Israel lower border security in the months prior? It just doesn’t add up. Yes, we should stand against the evil Islamic extremism, but we should also stand with the innocent Palestinians and Israeli citizens, while condemning evil governments like that of Israel.

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I was in Israel and Palestine in November 2022.

Here's the video I mentioned:


Please watch the video and give me your views. I definitely do not agree that all Jews would be killed. There were Jews living there for centuries before the state of Israel was founded. Even Iran has a very small Jewish population.

I say that Israel pretends to be a western country because it aligns itself with the West rather than its neighbors but construes policies that no one in the West would accept. As an example if a Jewish woman is raped by a Palestinian he can receive life in prison yet a Jewish guy doing the same thing would not get life. The West believes in freedom of religion whereas Israel may claim it exists but in practice it certainly does not.

Given that Islam shares much of its history with the Jews, you can often find shared religious sites like the Tomb of Abraham in Hebron.

The problem with the creation of Israel is that it was not done in a vacuum; the area was not unpopulated. If one uses the historical argument, then the native Americans should make similar claims and reestablish their homelands. Possibly the first step might be dialogue between average Israelis and average Palestinians; I believe that many of them have the wrong impression of their neighbors.

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I didn’t finish reading your comment as I stop reading/listening/watching immediately when I encounter words such as what you included, so I can’t comment on the last part.

“Free speech” is not a license/permit to force degradation on others. The original intention of “freedom of speech” was the freedom to criticize our government without being punished or imprisoned. It was primarily God-fearing, Bible-believing people who were standing up for the right to challenge unjust laws. Their intent had nothing to do with what so many today are claiming - the right to fling filthy words at innocent passers-by.

Even if a person takes “free speech” as you appear to and as many now claim it means, others of us can insist on being treated with courtesy. We are not obligated to listen to (or read) degrading/degraded talk/print.

So if you would like to say any more to me, you will have to keep it clean. I won’t continue reading any comment otherwise.

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Karen this is an absolutely excellent piece of writing. I kept it aside until I had time to really read it, time well spent just now. Thanks for putting all this together in a very readable essay.

One thing though, which I could be completely wrong about but I still question why the IDF weren’t on top of the security of Israel on 7th October, was it permitted to happen for another reason? I don’t watch main stream media at all, and even my alternative news consumption is sporadic - but I do tend to get news such as the slaughter of Christians in Nigeria as I follow Catholic news, and support a very good charity, Aid to the Church in Need - so get their updates which do tend to mention yet another evil attack in majority muslim countries. I think awareness of the times we live in is essential, but hope and prayer have much importance, we can’t keep worrying...we can do something about it by seeking, or finding, the presence of God and adoring Him....therein lies peace, for ourselves first, then we radiate it and help others often without even knowing it.

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K- I enjoy your substack, generally.

The title of article sez it all. “xians and jews” of US in support of israel. Rest of US citizens of other religions are irrelevant here?

I would like to hear someone talk like this, kinda “tough love”:

You, israel and Palestine, have been going at it for hundreds of years. It’s a religious war. Therefore the govt of XYZ will no longer intervene or support either side. We’re very sorry that ppl are dying but enough is enough.

Whenever one religion singles themselves out as The One True Way, the “chosen ppl” or endorses religious based entitlement to kill, it’s gonna create problems! The hubris is staggering.

I don’t want a “xian nation” I don’t want a nation based on “xian values.” All religions have values. We have separation of church and state for a reason and that includes deciding about values.

Even if the FFathers were xian and used “xian values” to write the constitution, it’s now centuries later and time to acknowledge that we have many values systems here based on (or maybe not) myriad religions.

In the US, no one should be persecuted based on their religious beliefs. If they break a law, they would be arrested accordingly, jew or xian or islam or satanist.

Xian, Jewish, Islamic religion all connected “abrahamic”

Look this up. Go deeper. It’s where the power and $ in israel comes from: “movement corresponded with the rise of the Sabbattean-Frankist influenced House of Rothschild, as well as the Jewish families Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Schuster, Spreyer and Stern in Frankfurt.”

OK I'm done for now.

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Let's see, Mexico is, in fact, staging murderous attacks on the US on a daily basis but in another form. Many of the drugs that are responsible for killing untold numbers of Americans yet the US, not only takes no action against Mexico, it is openly supporting the cartels and making the importation of their drugs even easier as a direct result of the current migrant policies.

Israel is not permitting those who live in the occupied lands to even leave their lands, much less enter Israel. For a Palestinian in the West Bank to travel to another country, they must travel to Jordan but to do so they just exit via Israeli immigration. They have absolutely no freedom to travel whatsoever.

Have you been to Palestine?

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Dear Karen,

great eye-opener. In these, our end-times voices like yours (never mind your allergies!) are needed more than ever!

One tiny remark: “allah” isn’t the God Jews and Christians worship.

allah most likely is (as muslims say) “the greatest” which is TRUE when you know that you’ve got to add “of all DEMONS”.

Just take a look at the true source of muslims’ love of death and butchering all men who dare to think and who love life: the demonic scriptures of islam.

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Good, then humans should stop acting in place of God and stop attacking each other. They should live in peace as children of the Almighty. The Good News is not that you will be saved by the sword but by ploughshares. One cannot imagine that a God of Love can tolerate the horrors being done by both sides against His children. Did Jesus describe His Father as one of mercy and forgiveness?

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Paragliders and bulldozers. Unreal. 10/07/23 was planned and allowed by the Israeli government. Jews have destroyed Europe and America with open borders while they promote and protect their little ethno state. Open borders for thee but not for we. The entire world is sick and tired of genocidal anti White jews. Even the Holocaust in now in question. You've taken your mask off and we can see you.

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Jan 15Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Thank you for your work. I support Israel. As an American Conservative Christian, this is how I was raised. We pray for the world as often as I think of them which is everyday.

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She’s seriously mad

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Writer is on drugs 🤪

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Jan 14Liked by Karen Hunt aka KH Mezek

Hang together or get hung separately.

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